Monthly Archives: August 2024

I overcame my struggle of speaking in English, you can too

Hi everyone, my name is Alina rice and this video is going to definitely strike a chord with you I’ll. Tell you why I’m going to talk about I’m going to address an issue that I’m sure you’re facing right … Continue reading

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Contacts: Daily Vs Monthly (Which Is Better?)

If you’re looking into wearing contact lenses there’s a big decision that you and your doctor will make, whether you’re going to be into daily contact lenses, a fresh contact, every day or a two-week or monthly contact lens and … Continue reading

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Ultra Rare US Coins Sold at Million Dollar Spring Auction

Here now are some of the highlights from the Spring 2023 Stack’sBowers auctions. Let’s get the ball rolling with one of the great mysteries of Early American Numismatics. The Albany church token. Or Albany church penny. The truth is that … Continue reading

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