Monthly Archives: September 2024

When Gluten Free Is Harmful: How Eating Grains and Gluten Improved Energy, Sleep and Pain

Hey, everyone. And he illustrates a very important concept; some people actually do better when they bring in more carbs, more grains, and even, God forbid, gluten into their diet. And this is a pretty cathartic maneuver we just made … Continue reading

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Rhymes of Number Six | Simple Rhymes Non-stop | Hippy Hoppy Show

The number after five is the number six, like six blue birds sitting on a tree. Half a dozen egg is the number six, One two three four five and six. The number after five is the number six, I … Continue reading

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On A Silver Platter

Reed! Oh, Gunderson. What d’ya got for me this time? I owe you….eternal gratitude for your last job. Service’ll just never quite be the same. I’m retired now. I know that. Now Reed, I’m not exactly in the position to … Continue reading

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