How to Connect Domain with Hosting (Easy Method)

So today we are going to see how we can connect our point domain name to hosting When and why you need to do this so situation, one. If you bought a domain name hosting from different companies, then you need to point a domain name to your hosting situation too.

If you want to change your current hosting because of bad supports, slow website or renewal rate is so high.

The renewal rate is very interesting.

One because when you buy hosting and the first time they give you a lot of discounts, but when you really knew the hosting, they give you a regular price. So it’s a very nice thing to do when you sign up for host sign up for longer term. For three years so choose best source and sign up for longer term. If you want to book a reliable, hosting check description of the video for best hosting and discounts. So before we move forward, please like and subscribe the channel. You will learn all the tips and tricks to create awesome website and turn that in successful one.

Ok, let’s go into the video okay, so first you need to login into your account from very about your domain name for this video. I am going to show you two example from where I put my domain name. One is named cheap and second is good ID, but if you booked your domain name from any other company, the steps and procedures are same. So just look for the options and things. What I’m doing here and I’m sure you’ll find the same things so in Namecheap you’ll scroll down, and then this is the domain.

I want to point to the new hosting, so I’ll click on manage, go down and you’ll find the option name server.

You need to find this. This option name servers in every domain, booking of nee.

You have this option so right now it is named Chi basic DNS, but I am going to change it and I’ll put custom DNS now here, name server, 1, 1 and name server. I need to put the name server of the hosting companies: ok, no matter which domain booking company you booked your domain. Every company has this option where you can enter the name service of the hosting. If, if you are in GoDaddy, just go to your GoDaddy account go to your domain list and which domain you want to point to Hosting.

Just next to that day’s option is called DNS click on DNS scroll down, and here you will find the same thing name service. So no matter from wherever you book your domain name. This is always option where you can change the name service, so click Change enter.

My own name service and same thing here, name 7 and name server to remember name cheap. We have so same option, name 7 name server too. So now we need to add the name service provided by your hosting provider. So now we know we need to find name sermon and name, sir, let’s go to a hosting account and find the names of 1 and name so so.

For this video I am going to use Bluehost and side down.

There are two popular companies where you can book your hosting their customer support is very nice. Speed of sites is very nice if you want to find a good discount on these two hosting check the description of the video. So once you login into your Bluehost, account click on domains and then there is option assign so now what we are doing. We are assigning this domain. What we, what we book from Namecheap, GoDaddy or any other company, so we are copy this domain name and go back to sign, don’t choose this option because this option is applicable if you book your domain name from Bluehost.

So, we are choosing this option because it’s not booked this Bluehost is this and Luis will verify domain okay. So now, here we get our name, seven and name several. You just need to copy name. Several one paste in name server in your domain account copy name server from Bluehost and paste the name server, and once it’s done, click Save go back to your hosting account scroll down, just leave it parked domain and assign this domain.

That’s it is done. This is how you can connect your domain name to hosting this case.

It was blowing hosting and let’s see how we can do this inside, ground hosting so login into your side. Ground account go to home, set up a side because we already have a domain. So click on existing domain copy, your domain name from here and paste, continue continue for now I will skip and create empty site. If you want, you can start in your site, you can install WordPress or any other application available on the site down or you can migrate.

Also, for this video we are going to just create an empty side in coming videos I’ll be covering how you can migrate site to new hosting, also so skip and create empty side. You don’t need to add this as the side scanner. If you want, you can add it finish. Ok, once it’s done here, we get our name, sir one and name several to the scope is option. If you want to connect side dog with your domain name, go here instead of Bluehost just enter the side down name service safe.

So, this is how you can connect your domain name with your hosting in every hosting.

You need to find the name service.

You will always option to add a domain name or add a website just find this option, follow that and in the end, you will get named service. Ok, thank you so much for watching this video. Please, like the video subscribe.

The channel shares this video with your friends if they want to connect their domain name with the hosting. I will be posting lot of useful content which will help you to create your website and run website after and how to improve the website speed. How to make less secure lot of good content is coming, have a nice day.


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