Understanding Awareness – The Staggering Depth Of Your Unawareness Revealed

Hey This is Leo For Actualized org and in this episode I’m gon na be talking about understanding awareness. This is a very important, very foundational topic.

If you care about self actualizing, Just as a quick side note, I’m changing up the video settings again trying to improve the video quality, the lighting quality, the microphone quality.

So you might notice some of that stuff changing in the next couple of weeks, but lets get to our main topic, which is awareness speaking of noticing things Man.

This is such an important topic.

I’ve actually thought about shooting This episode right here and talking about this topic for over a year, and the reason I’ve held back is because, If I don’t communicate this information right now in just the right way, it will not get Through to you, It will just go in one ear and come out the other and you’re gon na fall right back asleep.

So I’ve been very careful about the words I choose and how I present all this stuff, because your brain will just shut me down.

The first thing I want to tell you is right: now you have no idea how important awareness is, No matter how important you think it is it’s woefully underestimated in your mind, even after watching this episode right here, you will only appreciate and understand, perhaps 1 of the importance of awareness that it plays in your life in your fulfillment levels, in your understanding of reality and um in your ability to be successful and in your ability to self actualize, it’s that important It’s incredibly important and my goal Here pretty much the soul.

Role of this episode is to just show you and convince you of how little awareness you have, how much more you could have and how you deceive yourself about your lack of awareness.

The reason it’s so important awareness is because all lasting growth of any kind, whether you’re growing in business or relationships uh or you,’re growing with your emotions.

It all involves increasing awareness in one form or another. So I hope you can start to appreciate how absolutely essential this is, and we have a big challenge here.

We have several big challenges when we discuss awareness.

The first one is that this word awareness, you know awareness.

This sounds like such a vague new age.

Word Sounds like something: hippies would talk about rasing consciousness, raising awareness, but what does it really mean and see? Because of this your mind has a tendency to easily dismiss these kinds of topics or, to just say something like Oh yeah Leo.

I already know that I already know that you know I read some Eckart Tolle and I read some stuff about awareness and you know I meditated a few times I went on a retreat.

I know what awareness is Be very careful about that, because actually you don’t know what awareness is It’s a very tricky thing And knowing what it is, is one thing Actually having.

It is a totally different thing, Erm What I wan na start to show you and I will with additional episode.

Future episode is not just that awareness is very important, but awareness is actually very tangible, very concrete thing, its not some new age, wishy, washy language, It’s very important, but it takes some time for you to start to To to like really see it and Get it because it’s not an easy topic to discuss it.’s, a very self deceptive and tricky topic to discuss.

In fact, this leads us to challenge number 2. The second challenge we have for awareness is the catch twenty two problem.

Why do I call it the catch twenty two and it’s this When you’re unaware, when you’re lack awareness By definition, you’re not aware that you’re not aware You get that Er.

This is huge.

This is a huge point, Because this allows for a giant self deception trap to happen.

In your mind, It’s like a huge blind spot in your entire world view right here right now.

Your level of awareness is probably at a 1, maybe a 2.

Maybe a 3! If you’ve done a lot of consciousness, work It’s at Maybe a 3 on a scale of 10 million On a scale of 10 million.

You’re out of 1, maybe a 2, maybe a 3.

If, like you meditate once in a while, and you watch a bunch of my videos, you are probably at a 3 out of 10 million and here’s – the problem not only this but to you, it doesnt feel, like you,’re at a 3 because Of this catch twenty two problem, when you’re unaware, you’re, not aware that you’re unaware.

So what this means is that when you’re at a 1, you feel, like you,’re at 10 million when you’re at a 2. You feel, like you,’re at 10 million and when you’re at a 3, oh man, you feel, like you,’re at a 100 million.

You’re like oh, but look.

I already progress so high up to up to a chain here.

Look how high I am I’m, not a 1 or 2.

I’m a 3.

There’s nothing higher, and this is the catch twenty two problem and it leads to the mother of all bad assumptions, which is the assumption that you are aware when in fact, you’re not aware at all mind tricks you into thinking that you’Re aware and the the last problem I would say that we have is that awareness cannot be taught and it cannot be bought.

You cannot get awareness from reading books or from Buying it from somebody or even from listening to me, or even by sitting there and doing philosophy or doing religion that’s not gon na get you awareness.

So how do you actually get? Awareness was a little tricky we’ll get to that perhaps, and I definitely will cover that in future episodes.

But for now I just wan na focus on this idea of urm, showing you how asleep you actually are.

Have you heard about people talking about how you’re in a dream state, You’re asleep, You’re, not awake! Oh, that is your situation right now and I wan na show you exactly tangibly what that really means. I want to make you feel it in your bones: It’s, one thing to know it, intellectually, it’s a totally other thing when you actually have a true sense of like Oh, My God, I am ASLEEP, and to do that.

I’m gon na be talking mostly about one guy here today.

His name is Peter Respenski and he wrote a brilliant little book.

Call the psychology, the psychology of man’s possible evolution.

He wrote this book nearly a 100 years ago.

It’s a really tiny book.

Look at it.

It’s just a couple hundred pages: it’s really small.

Actually less than a hundred pages erm.

There was like 130 pages erm man, you don’t even need to read the whole thing. Just the first 50 pages are sufficient to really get you a sense and open your mind to just how asleep you really are erm By the way, a little background on Respenski him and his buddy Gurdjieff.

They were really interested in enlightment, but this was 100 years ago before the internet before access to erm many of the resources we have today and they were living in Europe and Russia.

So it was really difficult for them to get access to this kind of information.

So they basically went around the urm kind of like the Afghanistan regions of like southern Russia and like the northern middle east, looking for clues for how to get enlightment, urm and urm.

So they have some interesting urm adventures there.

But what I wan na do is I wan na talk about some of the really important points that Respenski made in his book.

I read this book about 3 or 4 years ago, when I sort of getting really seriously involved with personal development work, and I was immediately struck by the importance of this book.


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What Are EMFs, and Why Should You Care?

Make 1 Very Simple Miracle Skirt, Wear in 7 Different Ways!❤️As skirt, dress, tunic

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What Are EMFs, and Why Should You Care?

Understanding Ohm’s Law: Exploring Voltage, Current, and Resistance

The amount of current flowing through a circuit is measured in Ampere or amps, Whereas the potential difference between two points is measured in volts. There’s also the electrical circuits resistance to the flow of current, which is measured in ohms.

To put this all in perspective, think of it like the flow of water through a pipe.

The water pressure is the voltage which is expressed in volts, And the volume of water is the amperage which is measured in amperes or amps.

Resistance which is measured in ohms, is a bit like friction that the insides of the pipe offer to the flow of water.

There’s a basic law on electricity, called OhmS law.

The law defines the relationship between voltage and current flowing through a circuit Mathematically.

It states that voltage is equal to the product of current and resistance.

In other words, it means that the amount of current flowing through an electrical circuit is proportional to its voltage.

To put this more simply, It says that the higher the number of amps, the greater the number of volts .

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Learn the Bandeja – 2 DIFFERENT Techniques!!

Hi guys in this video today, we’re going to talk about the two different types of technique for the bandeja. Now, if you watch a high level of the World, Padel Tour, you’ll notice that a lot of the players they use slightly different techniques when it comes to hitting that defensive smash and that’s also the same for the right side of the court.

Compared to the left side, so the bandeja is a defensive ball.

You can hit from slightly further back in the court and in this video we’re going to show you two techniques that you can use To begin with.

We’ll look at the purpose of the bandeja.

Now, if you hit your bandeja a defensive smash from further back in the court.

Your aim is to get quickly up to that net position and the best way to do that is to hit a slow or medium speed ball into the corner, putting your opponents under pressure, but also buying yourself time to get back up to that net.

Here you can see quite a deep lob and I could let this bounce and play after the back glass, but I decided to keep that net position and hit a bandeja both times sprinting forward.

Afterwards, there’s a lot of similarities between the bandejas to begin with, from both of them.

You turn your shoulders.

You turn your hips your feet. You move back into that position.

The racket starts going up straight away and you contact the side Now.

The difference is that for one of them you use your chest almost like a high forehand volley and the other one.

You use more your arm as if it’s kind of like a throwing action where you come around the side of the ball.

The purpose is still to hit with spin and nice control in the corner, but they’re different techniques for that now to begin with the first one way you use your chest.

This is a good one to learn when you’re starting out, because it’s a simpler technique.

You go straight into this position.

The racket goes up and from here you control that ball, like a high forehand volley contacting to the side, with the racket face slightly open, and the aim of that is just to control that ball to push it back into the corner.

Now, the other one where you use your arm, is you come back and brush around the outside of the ball? This is a slightly more advanced technique, because the timing has to be just right for this.

In order for you to contact that ball well, spin it and put it into the corner When it comes to choosing which shot to play on which side normally, on the right hand, side. If you’re a right handed player, you’ll often play the shot with a chest, because you, don’t have as much space to the right hand.

Side of you and often the lob doesn’t go in that area.

If it does go in that area, then yes, you can be a little bit more aggressive, go around the outside of the ball, but more often than not.

It comes on from the cross court or centre the lob or even down the line, and it’s going to come into this area.

So if you contact slightly higher it’s much easier to do that.

If you’re using your chest on that bandeja the other technique, you will see more often from the left side.

It’s a similar technique to the vibora, but with a slower, racquet head speed.

So all of these balls that go in the middle that the left player takes if it’s a defensive bandeja.

They’re gon na, come across hit that slice and then get back up to in that position, but they’re gon na hit.

In a lot more controlled fashion On this bandeja, you can see that he hits more with the arm. He has a bent elbow.

He comes back brushes around the outside of the ball, nice controlled speed and then sprints back up to net.

Therefore, retaining the net position, Whether you’re just learning this technique or you’re wanting to practice the feel on the ball.

It’s always good to grab a basket of balls and just to have a go at practicing yourself.

So here we’re going to just hit a few with the chest and then we’re gon na hit a few with the arm, and I’m gon na start the racket up high for the shot with the chest and just down that back Of the ball and deep into the court trying to hit both glasses, if I can and again racket up high and you can see a nice controlled speed, my contact is slightly under the ball going through that ball, and now I’m going to take three Where I’m, just gon na, come around the outside of the ball.

So I start slightly with the racket behind the head, which you’ll notice from some of the vibora videos, and I’m just gon na hit a similar speed, but just brushing around the outside of that ball.

And you can see that the speed on the ball is similar in both, but they’re both in that corner this one with the arm has slightly more kind of side spin and the other one comes down the ball a little bit more, but the best Way for you to find out which you prefer is just to practice and to practice here with the basket, but also to practice when you get into a match situation, When you’re learning the bandeja from the beginning, I would always learn it with the chest: Technique because it’s a lot simpler, you’ve got a lot more kind of contact range where you can contact that ball and you’re less likely to make a mistake when you’re using your arm, you have to get that timing.

Just right so the chest bandeja like the high forehand volley, is a lot easier at the beginning and then, when you’re introduced to the vibora and you get used to hitting some viboras, you can then learn to slow the racket head, speed down and experiment With which one you prefer in which different situations you’ll, see a lot of players that use both.

Now we’ve done a full course on the overheads on thepadelschool com, and I’ll put the link in the comments down below that’s.

A great place to go to, if you want to learn more about the overheads It’s really important, that you get comfortable with your bandeja technique because it’s more than likely. You’re going to use it almost every single point here.

You can see a nice control bandeja into the corner and it’s their way of keeping that net position.

Eventually, we managed to take the net and then we’re controlling the game from the front of the court, and the bandeja is the thing that keeps us at the net here.

You can see that point.

Nothing is hit with really aggressive power, but the point is one: with a nice control.

Bandeja .

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Understanding zero order and first order kinetics

For drug A Graph of concentration, vs time is straight line For drug B Graph of concentration. Vs time is curvilinear For drug A Fixed amount of drug undergo decomposition per unit time In zero order process.

Fixed amount of drug is undergoing degradation per unit time.

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Rate of reaction is independent.

Of the concentration of drug Rate of reaction cannot increased by increasing drug concentration.

Rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of drug In first order process.

Rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of drug.

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The graph of concentration vs time is curvilinear, but log C vs time is linear.

First order process follows linear, kinetics, .

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