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Cursive. Writing a to z, Cursive small letters, abcd Cursive, abcd, Cursive, handwriting practice.


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Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and effective APR | Finance & Capital Markets | Khan Academy

Voiceover Easily the most quoted number people give you when they’re publicizing information about their credit cards is the APR. I think you might guess, or you might already know, that it stands for annual percentage rate.

What I want to do in this video is to understand a little bit more detail in what they actually mean by the annual percentage rate and do a little bit math to get the real or the mathematically or the effective annual percentage rate.

I was actually just browsing the web and I saw some credit card that had an annual percentage rate of 22 9 annual percentage rate, but then right next to it, they say that we have 0 06274 daily periodic rate which to me this right here tells me That they compound the interest on your credit card balance on a daily basis, and this is the amount that they compound.

Where do they get these numbers from? If you just take 06274 and multiply by 365 days in a year, you should get this 22.


Let’s see if we get that, Of course, this is percentage, so this is a percentage here, and this is a percent here.

Let me get out my trusty calculator and see if that is what they get.

If I take 06274 Remember, this is a percent, but I’ll just ignore the percent sign.

So as a decimal.

I would actually add two more zeros here, but 06274 x 365 is equal to right on the money. 22.


You say: Hey Sal.

What’s wrong? With that? They’re charging me 06274 per day.

They’re going to do that for 365 days a year, so that gives me 22 9.

My reply to you is that they’re compounding on a daily basis.

They’re compounding this number on a daily basis.

So if you were to give them 100 and if you didn’t have to pay some type of a minimum balance and you just let that 100 ride for a year, you wouldn’t just owe them 122.


They’re compounding this much every day. So if I were to write this as a decimal, Let me just write that as a decimal 0 06274 As a decimal.

This is the same thing as 0 0006274.

These are the same thing.


1 is 01, so 06 is 0006 as a decimal.

This is how much they’re charging every day.

If you watch the compounding interest video, you know that if you wanted to figure out how much total interest you would be paying over a total year, you would take this number add it to 1.

So we have 1.

This thing over here 0006274.

Instead of just taking this and multiplying it by 365, you take this number and you take it to the 365th power. You multiply it by itself 365 times That’s, because if I have 1 in my balance on day 2, I’m going to have to pay this much x.



0006274 x, 1.

On day 2.

I’m going to have to pay this much x, this number again x.


Let me write that down On day 1.

Maybe I have 1 that I owe them On day 2.

It’ll be 1 x. This thing, 1, 0006274.

On day 3.

I’m going to have to pay 1 00.

Actually I forgot a 0 06274 x.

This whole thing On day 3.

It’ll be 1, which is the initial amount.

I borrowed x, 1 000.

This number 6274 that’s just that there and then I’m going to have to pay that much interest on this whole thing again.

I’m compounding 1 0006274.

As you can see, we’ve kept the balance for two days. I’m raising this to the second power by multiplying it by itself.

I’m squaring it.

If I keep that balance for 365 days, I have to raise it to the 365th power and this is counting any kind of extra penalties or fees.

So let’s figure out This right here, this number whatever it is.

This is Once I get this and I subtract 1 from it.

That is the mathematically true, that is the effective annual percentage rate.

Let’s figure out what that is.

If I take 1 0006274 and I raise it to the 365 power, I get 1 257.

If I were to compound this much interest 06 for 365 days at the end of a year or 365 days, I would owe 1 257 x.

My original principle amount. This right here is equal to 1 257.

I would owe 1 257 x, my original principle amount or the effective interest rate.

Do it in purple.

The effective APR annual percentage rate or the mathematically correct annual percentage rate here is 25 7.

You might say: Hey Sal, that’s still not too far off from the reported APR where they just take this number and multiply by 365.

Instead of taking this number and taking it to the 365 power, You’re saying Hey, this is roughly 23.

This is roughly 26.

It’s only a 3 difference.

If you look at that compounding interest video, even the most basic one that I put out there, you’ll, see that every percentage point really really really matters, especially if you’re going to carry these balances for a long period of time.

Be very careful In general, you shouldn’t carry any balances on your credit cards, because these are very high interest rates and you,’ll end up just paying interest on purchases you made many many years ago and you’ve long ago lost all of The joy of that purchase, I encourage you to not even keep balances, but if you do keep any balances, pay very close attention to this. That 22 9 APR is still probably not the full effective interest rate which might be closer to 26.

In this example That’s before they even count the penalties and the other types of fees that they might throw on top of everything, .

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Spelling List CKLA Unit 4 focus list 2 Days of the Week #spellingpractice | @lululibrary

spelling correctly is essential to learning 
to write learn these words through watching   saying writing and flashcards linked 
below for 5 days 20 minutes per day   commit them to long-term memory Sunday s 
u n d a y Sunday Monday m o n d a y Monday   Tuesday t u s d a y Tuesday Wednesday w e d n s 
d a y Wednesday Thursday t h uur s d a y Thursday   Friday f r i d a y Friday Saturday s a t u r d 
a y Saturday today t o d a y today yesterday y   e s t e r d a y yesterday tomorrow t o l m o r r 
o w tomorrow test your knowledge by turning off   the video and writing the words with sound only 
the following dictations will help you learn the   words and sentence structure in English learn it 
to Perfection and watch your language abilities   grow if today is Friday what day was it yesterday 
yesterday was Thursday if today is Friday what   day was it yesterday yesterday was Thursday if 
yesterday was Tuesday what day is it today today   is Wednesday if yesterday was Tuesday what 
day is it today today is Wednesday if today   is Monday what day will it be tomorrow tomorrow 
will be Tuesday if today is Monday what day will   it be tomorrow tomorrow will be Tuesday now turn 
off the video and see if you can write the words   and dictation without looking keep practicing 
until you can Pro tip use the settings to change   the speed of the video to your preference 
never forget the learning is in the work

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Effective Treatments for Gout: The Ultimate Guide

Are you tired of the crippling pain of gout that seems to strike out of nowhere? Are you looking for reliable and effective treatments for gout Stay tuned to find out how, In today,’s video, I will focus on the treatment of gout and how to manage this painful condition. I will discuss everything from common medications like Allopurinol Febuxostat, Colchicine, Pegloticase Methotrexate.

I will also explore the crucial role of lifestyle changes and help you understand when treatment should be initiated based on the latest Gout Guidelines.

So let’s dive right in Hi I am Dr Diana Girnita, The founder of Rheumatologist OnCall, Now To truly comprehend the treatment options.

It’s essential to understand WHAT IS GOUT and how it affects your body.

Gout is a type of arthritis affecting about 9 2 million people only in the US Gout is characterized by sudden severe attacks of pain, swelling redness and tenderness in the joints, often at the base of the big toe, but many other joints can be affected.

It is caused by a build up of uric acid crystals in the joints leading to inflammation and intense pain.

If you want to learn more about gout, you can watch this video on my channel, where I discuss the most common five signs of gout.

Although the treatment for gout has been available for many years and is not expensive at all, many people are still not sure When they should start treatment.

What is the most appropriate treatment? How long should they be on treatment? What are the long term consequences, However? Leaving gout untreated for many years can cause many complications from joints being affected even destroyed by multiple gout attacks to deposits in the skin, like tophi to kidney stones or even kidney disease.

Today We will discuss all of these aspects. Should you treat only the gout flare up or long term to decrease the uric acid level? If you have only 1 2 flare of gout year, then your doctor may decide to treat only that flare and just monitor you Here is the time that you should look over your diet and make some important changes.

If you want to learn what are the best and the worst foods that may trigger a gout attack, watch this video in my channel and learn how food can help you prevent a gout attack.

If you have 2 flares year, then it is the time to start long term therapy that we call URATE LOWERING THERAPY This type of therapy aimed to decrease the amount of uric acid produced in your body.

There are also a few other indications for starting urate lowering therapy, and these are 1 or more subcutaneous.

Tophi Xrays changes due to gout.

If you have the first flare and if you have chronic kidney disease stage 3, if you have kidney stones or if you have a level of uric acid 9 mg dl, you should discuss with your doctor.

If the therapy is beneficial or not to you.

If your uric acid level, 6 8 mg dl, you never experienced gout flares you don’t have tophi.

There is no need to be on long term therapy, Gout flare treatment.

A gout attack can cause debilitating pain To treat a gout flare up. I use a few medications Colchicine.

This is a medication that can reduce inflammation and alleviates the pain.

However, colchicine should be started in the first 24 hours of a gout attack to be effective.

So if you dont, have it handy, usually by the time that patients get to their doctor, they pass this 24 hour window and is not effective anymore.

If colchicine is innefective, then I use NSAIDs like Indometacin Ibuprofen Naproxen Celebrex.

But If you suffer from kidney disease, then you should definitely avoid NSAIDs and start on.

Prednisone Prednisone is a steroid medication and is a very powerful anti inflammatory medication that usually makes wonders as it can decrease the swelling and pain in hours or a few days In some of my patients, I can give them an injection with steroids that can help the Patient faster COMMON MEDICATIONS FOR GOUT, Let’s move on to the medications that are commonly used in the long term.

Treatment of gout Allopurinol Febuxostat are medications that help lower the level of uric acid in your body, preventing the formation of crystals in your joints.

Both of these medications decrease the production of uric acid in your body by inhibiting a specific enzyme called xantine.

Oxidase Allopurinol is usually the first line. Medication preferred even in patients with Chronic kidney disease.

Many patients tolerate this medication.

Well, although some can develop side effects, If you are of Asian background, you should pay attention, as there is a higher risk of developing side effects.

Febuxostat can be used to replace Allopurinol, but it should be avoided.

If you had a history of heart attacks, There were some reports of increased risk of Cardiovascular events with this medication, so disclose to your doctor.

If you, have any heart problems The goal of this therapy is to decrease and maintain the uric acid level to less than 6 mg dl NEWER, TREATMENTS FOR GOUT When patients failed, therapy.

With allopurinol or febuxostat, when they continue to have multiple flare ups and multiple tophi.

At that point, I recommend the newest treatment called PEGLOTICASE.

Pegloticase is a recombinant uricase, created by a genetically altered variant of Escherichia coli that exerts its mechanism of action by catalyzing uric acid.

To the water soluble purine metabolite allantoin, Once the uric acid is oxidized to allantoin, it is readily excreted by the kidneys for elimination, making it a helpful agent in treating chronic gout. This is not a pill.

It is an infusion given to patient through IV therapy.

Every 2 weeks This is a powerful medication, but you should also know that can cause also allergic reactions and many patients develop antibodies against this drug that can decrease the efficacy of the medication.

That is why a relatively new study published in 2022 showed that associating a low dose of methotrexate to pegloticase about 15 mg week.

It might improve the success of this drug and can decrease the number of people that develop antibodies to this drug.

However, this was a small study in only 14 people and we need further study to see if this effect will be sustained in larger studies.

Lifestyle CHANGES.

What I tell patients in my practice, RheumatologistOncall, is that medication is not the only way to manage gout Lifestyle changes play a crucial role in preventing gout attacks.

This includes maintaining a Healthy weight Exercise regularly Avoid foods high in purines Avoid alcohol such as red meat and seafood, and alcohol, especially beer Drinking plenty of water and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can also help manage your uric acid levels and decrease the Frequency of gout attacks – If you want to leran more about foods that you need to eat, check this video in my channel.

So there you have it In this video. I covered the common and newer medications for gout the importance of lifestyle changes and the current guidelines for when to start treatment.

Remember the key to managing gout is a combination of effective medication, lifestyle modifications and regular consultation.

With your physician.

It is very important to have access to a physician when you need it the most, and that is the role of my practice, Rheumatologist OnCall, to be there for patients breaking geographical barriers and offering care in the most difficult moments.

Thank you for watching.

If you found this information helpful, please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, And if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below Stay healthy and I’ll see you in the next video .

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“Mom” Beautiful word in cursive writing | Handwriting | Calligraphy | Lettering #Shorts

Mom Beautiful word in cursive writing Handwriting Calligraphy Lettering, Shorts .

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