How to Import WordPress Users

Foreign, this is Joe from Sofi and in this video we are going to import users into WordPress from a CSV. So the first step is to go down here to wpl, import and then select new import, and then we have three options. We can select an existing file that we’ve already uploaded. We can choose to download a file where we would input the URL from something like Google drive or Dropbox or FTP, or something like that or in this case we’re going to upload a file from my computer, and you can see here I have the CSV.

It has a bunch of user data in it we have their first name last name, email address, some billing and shipping information, etc, etc. So I’m going to select that upload that into wpl import, and then we have two options. We can import data from this file into existing items if we were going to try and match this to WordPress users that were already on our site or in this case new items because we’re going to be importing new users. So we’ll click here and then scroll down to users and that’s going to create a new user for every record.

In my data file, every Row in my CSV all right so wp l import has processed the file and it’s detected 5754 rows and each row, as you can see down here, is one of my users. These are the columns along the top of the CSV, and this would be one user record that gets imported and then down here we have our filtering options here. What we can do is we can choose to filter data by some data element in my file. So, in this case, I want to import people who are from California, so I’m going to go ahead and type Inca down there and then also from people that are in New York billing state equal to New York.

We’re going to add that rule now, the way this filter is set up right now is going to show me it’s going to import people that have a billing State of California and New York, but I want it to be, or so we’ll select or over there And that’s going to give me people from California or New York and we’re going to apply filters to XPath and that’s our XPath statement up here.

That’s going to determine what gets imported from our file.

If you know what XPath is that’s great, you can put anything you want in here and write a custom, XPath expression, and if you don’t know what XPath is doesn’t matter, you don’t need to know what XPath is or how to use it, because wp l import is Going to take care of it for you, so you can see here we have 959 users that are going to get imported and they all have a billing state of California or New York, looks good to me and now we’ll continue to step three all right.

So over here on the right, we have our available data to import from our import file. You can see that’s all of our customer data for the first record for the second third Etc. Then, over here on the left, we have our user info first name. Last name, username, etc, etc. A user info a little more detailed information about the user account and then our custom fields. So some plugins are going to add data as a custom field. You can click to see detected fields and that’s going to pull up every single.

Weird piece of custom data that is on your site, depending on what plugins you have there’s going to be more of us here and if you want to import to these, all you have to do is find the right one figure out what data that is needed For that custom field and drag it over in this case, we’re not going to really do that. What we’re going to use is Advanced custom fields and it’s pretty nice. So, what we did is we added some member data, and we want to get in the address and the phone number.

So, let’s start up here at the top. So first I’m going to drag in my first name and my last name and the username and the email address and the password. And what we’re going to do is leave the password blank and let WordPress assign a random password to these users. And then we can just email all the users and tell them to log in and create a new password for their account if we had our password data in our import file and it was hashed the way, WordPress stores those right here.

What we would do is we’d drag it over put it in there and select.

This is a hashed password from another WordPress site, and then their passwords are just going to work automatically in this case we’re importing from somewhere else not from WordPress. So, we don’t have the password data now, if you’re interested in migrating your WordPress users from another WordPress site, it’s a little bit easier of a process check the video description below. We have a link to a video for that.

So, I’m going to uncheck this and again we’re just going to leave that blade and now we’re going to other user info. So this is the user role and these people are going to be have a role of member right, because these are going to be members. I’M imported to my site, members from California and New York, so we’ll give them a user World member.

This can be subscriber customer or something like that if you are importing WooCommerce customers, we have a separate video for that. If you check the video description below you can check out our video on importing WooCommerce customers or migrating them, but in this case, we’re doing members for nickname, I’m going to leave nickname display, name and all this stuff. Blank we’ll drag in registered date. Just because I have it, but the rest of this will just be set automatically by WordPress during the import process, so close this tab over here and now we’ll go down to our address data into the advanced custom Field section.

So you can see here all of this data is spread out into a bunch of different fields. Right we have Street city, state and zip, but now we have one address fee, so I’m going to do is drag all of them in together, so I’ll drag in building Street. Give that a space, then City – and I want to have a comma in between these – like that and State comma and a space and then we’ll do a common space, and we’ll drag in our ZIP code. So, we have Street city state, ZIP, perfect, and then we have our phone number now the phone number it doesn’t have the country code.

They want to get the country code in there. So, I’m just going to put a plus one and a space like that and that’ll get this billing phone formatted nice and pretty for me now again. If you know XPath, you might recognize these as little XPath statements in here. So again you can go in and you can customize this and have it say whatever you need to say. If you don’t know XPath again, don’t worry about it. Wpl import is going to take care of all that. For you, then, finally down here, we have our custom function, editor, where you can write, custom, PHP functions and pass your data through it.

For example, let’s say I wanted to have the billing street address up here and then I want another Google Maps link or something like that. So what I could do is I could write some PHP code down here, pass this information into my custom function and have it return the Google Maps URL after calling the Google Maps API um. You can also just do simple stuff, like uh process, some text and have it be uppercase or lowercase, you can do math, you can do all sorts of crazy stuff. If you check our site, we have a bunch of code Snippets with some pre-written code.

Examples for you to kind of get you started and if you don’t know PHP don’t worry about it. You don’t need to know anything about that, so that is our import all configured now we’re just going to continue to step four now up here we have our unique identifier and what this does is it lets wp l import figure out, okay, which of these users are Unique from each other right like what field in here says these are.

These are two unique records: um, for example, billing State, probably pretty bad email address, probably a pretty good field right, because if two people have the same email address, they’re the same user um, you can also a wp l Import, Auto, detect it, and in this case it’s Picked username, which is probably pretty smart, two people with the same username, probably the same user, so we’ll just leave that there um down here we’re telling wp l import what to do when it’s detected new or changed data when we run the import again. For a second time, so if, for example, it ran this import again with a new import file – and I changed some of this information in here – what do I want to do?

Do I want to create new users from people that I’ve added to this file um?

For example, if this was hosted on Dropbox and this file is changing all the time, do I want to delete users that have been removed from the file um and then you know I can choose here. I can say: Okay um. I only want to update their login, their login name or the URL, and I want to leave everything else the same. So, what we’re going to do is we’re just going to leave it with the default settings.

We’re going to leave this checked um the email notifications for imported users, then that way, these folks are not going to be getting welcome, notices from WordPress as they get imported. Now you need to be a little bit careful with this setting, especially if you want to make sure that people aren’t going to be emailed. There are some email plugins for WordPress, that kind of make the email process a little bit easier and they prevent us from actually blocking these notifications for getting sent out.

So, it might be a good idea to run a test first and just make sure the email notifications are actually going to be blocked before you run an import, for example, with 959 users and then you’re accidentally sending them welcome notices.

You know, as every time you run the import um so something to keep in mind um down. Here we have some scheduling options where we can choose to run this import on the schedule, for example every Monday or once a month, or something like that again. If this was file was hosted on Dropbox, it might be changing all the time. We can keep our WordPress users up to date and then these settings we might want to take a little bit of a closer look at them. In this case, again we’re just running this import once and then we have some advanced settings.

If you want to dig a little deeper into how the import process is going to run um, we’re just going to leave all this with the defaults and then continue and that’s it so we’re just going to double check all this here, make sure everything looks good and then confirm and run the import now this is going to take a few minutes uh. We will let it run and come back when it’s finished. All right import is complete.

That didn’t take too long. So, let’s go over here to our users and check them out looks good. We have 960 users, that’s 950m that were imported and then my one administrator account.

So, let’s open one up and see how it looks so, there’s their username first name, last name nickname which we didn’t actually import but which was set automatically by WordPress. Their email address scrolling down – and here is our member data from ACF the advanced custom Fields. Plugin see their address looks nice and we have our country code in front of their phone number and down here you have capabilities member. So, what we did is we added that user role for them and that’s right there, so that is how you import users from CSV into WordPress using wp l import thanks for watching and we’ll see you soon.

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Productivity PLC Motion – How To Use The Built-in High Speed Test Tool from AutomationDirect

Suppose you have a Productivity Series Controller with a High Speed Output Module driving a stepper drive which is controlling a stepper motor and the motor isn’t reacting to the commands you are sending it from the ladder code in the controller. With so many active components in the chain, where do you start when the motor doesn’t react to commands sent from the ladder code? Is it your code? Or is it one of the electronic components? Debugging problems like this can be time consuming and expensive.

The good news is the Productivity Suite software has a tool that makes debugging this stuff so easy. Let’s setup a new project. Choose a CPU – we’re using the one connected to the USB port. This CPU is brand new it has NO project in it. With the CPU in STOP mode, go to system configuration and auto detect all the hardware.

Double click on that and we see we have a Productivity 2000 controller with two high speed output cards in it’s base, one in slot 1 and one in slot 2. Great, we selected a CPU and auto-detected the hardware. We have NO code in the CPU and we haven’t configured the HSO modules. We’ve just detected the hardware. That’s it.

Given that, check this out – Under the tools menu there is a high-speed module testing tool.

It’s also over here under Monitor and Debug. This tool gives me complete control over the HSO module, and it is completely independent of the ladder code in the controller and the Module’s configuration – neither of which we have done yet! Here are my two modules, the one in slot 1 and the one in slot 2. Let’s test the slot 1 module. To do that click on Start Monitoring. The module has two high speed output channels. I have a motor connected to channel 1 so we’ll play with that one. My drive is set to 2000 pulses per revolution so if we send 20,000 pulses per second the slides screw should turn 10 times per second.

And since the screws pitch is. 5 inches per revolution, we’ll expect to see 5 inches of travel per second. Let’s accelerate and decelerate at twice that rate. This system is wired for pulse and direction, and I have the carriage in the center of the slide, so I don’t care which direction we start with. Now if I hit START, I instantly see the carriage ramp up to speed and move at 5 inches per second. Perfect.

And remember – we did all of this completely independent of any PLC code or High Speed Output Module configuration. So if the motor does move as expected, we know our issue is back here. If the motor doesn’t move – the issue is over here. This tool just cut the scope of our debug problem in half and tells us exactly where we need to be focusing our attention – hardware or software.

And since we have absolute control over the pulses generated, we can also use it to verify we have the stepper drive configured correctly.

And by playing with this I can instantly see that “Positive” direction means the slide moves to the right and “Negative” Direction is to the left. Another time saver – I don’t have to figure it out – I just try it and see the answer.

What happens if I put zero acceleration in here? Nothing! Why?

Because we told it NOT to ramp up to speed! Makes sense- right? What happens if we put a low value in for acceleration – well it takes forever to ramp up to speed. The stop button will ramp down at the deceleration rate and Abort stops everything dead in its tracks – immediately. The beauty of this tool is you can play with the motion system and get a feel for how it is going to react to commands all BEFORE you write your first line of ladder code or even configure the module.

So now when you DO write your Ladder Code you know exactly what to expect and you know you have functioning hardware. And that makes your life so much easier. Also note that since the HSO modules always maintain real time position and real time velocity information independent of the processor, you can see those actual values while you are testing. You can also monitor all the HSO Modules discrete inputs and even manipulate all the outputs. Again, Independent of the code in the processor.

So the bottom line is this tool gives you complete control over the entire HSO module independent of the rest of the project so you can setup and test your hardware before writing your first line of code which makes you more productive. Which is why we call it the “Productivity” family of controllers. If you need any help, please contact Automation Direct’s free award winning support team during regular business hours. They will be happy to help. And don’t forget the forums.

There are lots of folks there that love to share their years of experience. Just don’t post any questions directed at Automation Direct’s support team there – they don’t monitor the forums on a regular basis.

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How to Add HTML Compression /GZIP

Hey everybody, if you fail, the HTML compression test have no fear. It’s not Rocket Science to setup. In fact, it’s as simple as it can be, and it will very well help improved the page load time of your website, thereby improving user experience and from there help you to climb up search engine rankings. If you got a gigantic site that requires a lot of bandwidth to serve.

This is one easy way to reduce server cost, but even for smaller Websites, it does make a significant difference in page size, it’s one of the easiest ways to Optimize Your Site.

So really, there are no good excuses not to do it. So, what is it exactly? Html Compression is a technique that we all know from archiving files and directories with archive compression programs like WinZip, WinRAR, 7zip and others. What HTML Compression does basically is it takes your HTML code, looks for similar strings within it and replaces them with shorter strings, Resulting in less code and therefore smaller file size. No, but this is not the same thing as Minification, Though that’s a fine method as well.

If that’s, what you’re into Minification is the process of eliminating all the spaces, the line, breaks, Empty lines, indentation and so on within your code, that makes it easier for humans to read and work with. Non-Humans don’t need all this buffers to visualize the contents of the code So with Minification we can trim all that fat Which results in a slightly smaller file size, That’s well and good. And yes, this will translate into less bandwidth requirements to deliver your code from a Server and deliver to someone’s Browser.

But compression goes that one step further. It searches for the similar strings, like I just mentioned, and replaces them with shorter references resulting in much less code. For example, let’s say I’ve got all these Closing div tags. After a certain section on my web page, There is 12 of these with greater than and less than signs The slashes, the d’s, the i’s the v’s.

But don’t worry this not something that you have to do manually, so don’t get rattled here, I’m just showing you how the process works. Minification will do this, or compression will look at that and say Actually, instead of seeing this as 72 characters let’s look at this as 6 characters repeated 12 times. We got these first 6 characters, the greater than sign The slash D I V And a less than sign.

We’Ll keep this as our reference And make a second reference to the first symbol, starting 6 characters back And will say: let’s use the next 6 characters from there. So now we’ve got our first closing div and our second closing div, Since the next 10 closing div.’s are the exact same. We can make this refer to the next 60 characters And, while all What started as a 72 character, uncompressed in their original form Can now be represented by just 14 Characters in total compressed format.

So that’s the basic idea If we apply this to our entire page, with all the div tags and all the tags like body, paragraph images lines and so on, As well as herb’s, all our Style classes and so on… Our uncompressed web page. That clocks in at a 167mb, comes down to a lean and mean 78mb once compressed A whopping 46 % reduction in file size, Rock and Roll. Then, when a user requests our content, our server sends that smaller compressed code

The User receives it, their browser, decompresses it and boom they’ve got our content So yeah. This last action does take time in CPU, but in almost all cases it takes much less time than transferring your HTML content in the larger uncompressed format. So that’s how it works again, don’t need to sleep over these details. You don’t need to mess with your code or know how to write Algorithms to make this work. All that is taken care of the most common HTML compression methods are DEFLATE and GZIP And honestly, there is not a gigantic difference between them.

They both use the same compression method, The same Algorithms, But GZIP also contains a checksum and a header footer. So, DEFLATE is technically faster, but you also technically risk both the payloads, since there is no checksum Anyway go ahead and research. This more. If you like it’s worth your time, but in my opinion, to make your tomorrow in my case, I use GZIP because its good enough and it’s on the side of safety in terms of delivering content Now to implement either of them is pretty simple. It just depends on what kind of server you are running, or you have an .htaccess file. If you get an htaccess file, simply edit it and add this Deflate codes to it or for GZIP. Add this GZIP codes.

Save and Done Get back crack those methods and waste. Those hearing behind your head, Your HTML, is now compressed And user is requesting. Your content will automatically receive that compressed content Which will decompress in your browsers. If you’re running on NGINX yo want to add it to your NGINX config file, Add the following: Save Close and restart the Server and on Windows server.

It’s even easier. You can just open up your IIS manager, click on the siting, question Click compression And enable STATIC COMPRESSION And for WordPress users, it’s still best to add it to your .htaccess file directly, like I showed it to you a minute ago, But WordPress also has a Built-in Gzip compression In your option, which leverages PHP Again it’s better to do it through your .htaccess file but Hey if it’s too daunting. For some reason, then this method also works and when you’re done, assuming you have a GZIP, you can Google GZIP compression Tool And test your webpages to make sure it’s working feel free to check out our other videos. So you can keep fine-tuning and getting the most out of your SEO and click subscribe to stay, updated with new tips and tricks to get you to the top of the search engine results pages.

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