Hello, everyone and welcome to a new series on my YouTube channel. This series is going to be documenting the process of me redesigning rebuilding my website from the very start to the very end when it launches. I did originally think about doing this. All in one video. Just as like an overview of how I built it at the end, when, eventually that happens, but I feel, like I’m going to be able to show you more of my process along the way. If I’m doing this video in chunks for like each part of the process, You’re gon na be able to see more in depth how I work and yeah just get more of that behind the scenes, and hopefully more learning as well. So I hope that sounds good to you In today,’s, video, the first in the series we’re gon na dive in with the planning phase Planning the site map planning. What pages I need to design? This is a really important part of the process. It’s, maybe not the funnest part of the process, cause it’s. Not when you’re like arranging pixels on the page and doing cool designs, It’s a lot of the thinking and the planning that goes into it beforehand Before you get to those stages. But I think it’s just as important and it’s just as important for you to see. So I’m excited to plan along with you today I’ve got my iPad got my Apple Pencil and let’s get going First off. Let’s take a look at my current website as it stands. I guess So. This was designed back in. I can’t remember now if it was 2014 or 2015, but I just know that it was a while ago And so the design needs some updating. I’ve changed my branding since then slightly and also this website, just doesn’t really fit to my needs anymore. It doesn’t really fit what I need from a website. I used to write pretty regularly on a blog as well on my old website, Not in the past year or so. But before then I was I’ve decided that I’m not going to be porting this blog over to my new website, Which, by the way I’m gon na, be building in Webflow. I guess it’s more of a visual way to build a website, so you don’t actually need to know how to code it from scratch to be able to make it in Webflow, And they have a really great CMS as well. It seems really powerful, so I’m excited to try that out. My current website is built in WordPress and they do have a way that you can like bring all your WordPress posts over to Webflow, but I’ve just decided. I’m not gon na bother. I’m gon na like leave those in the past. There is a couple of posts that I might transport over to my new blog that I’m gon na do which I’ll get into in a second but yeah. For the most part, this site is going to be completely revamped. I want my new site to be a little bit more flexible. I want it to do a few more things as well. The first thing is, I want it to be my content hub. This was kind of my idea for the previous one, but it didn’t really turn out that way. It was mostly just the blog posts and links to my latest on the home page, but I want to be able to have my videos on there podcasts on there blog posts on there and all be searchable together, so that if you want to learn about a Certain topic, I will be able to have a page for that with like this video, this blog post, oh and this podcast, that you should listen to on the topic So yeah. The first thing is bringing all my content together cause right now. It is just all separated out. The second thing is obviously because I’m a designer. I need to have my portfolio on my website and it’s not only my design work that I want to have a new portfolio. I also want to have like a speaker,’s page, Like a portfolio of my public speaking and workshop efforts to try and attract more of that. I am also planning on starting to blog again, as I alluded to before, but this time on a slightly different topic. I really want to write about the behind the scenes of my business So posts about like what it’s like to start up an LLC and working with an accountant income reports, perhaps something I’m thinking of doing These things, I feel don’t, Particularly fit with my YouTube channel, which is more design focused, but they’re still things I want to put out there, So I feel like writing about them, will be a good fit, So that will go on my new website And then. Lastly, eventually I want to bring a store into this website Right now. My online store is on a separate platform. It’s a completely different brand as well, but in the future I want to bring that in and have it all in one space. I’m not going to worry about that for now. However, So we’re just gon na focus on yeah the content and portfolio side of things. So with that in mind, let’s start planning, And the first thing I’m gon na do is write down on this page. Actually, I’m gon na write, content or hire me Cause. This is the two frames of mind of like what people are looking to do when they come to my website. As I see it, They’re either looking for content to learn about something from me or they’re like interested in hiring me for a certain thing. With those in mind, let’s start planning what pages I’m gon na need as part of the site. The first one is obviously a home page. I feel, like I,’m gon na want a page that’s like a content hub. So I’m just gon na write content That’ll be perhaps that’ll be some categories listed and, like suggested to you Almost like the playlist that I have on my YouTube channel. But instead of just being videos, there’ll be blogs and podcasts as well And then as part of content. I’m also going to need three different templates. Basically, I’m going to need audio video and written. I’m sure you’re wondering right now how I became a designer when I can’t even draw a box neatly, but hey That’s how it works. I’m also going to need my portfolio And in that I’m, going to have like an individual project. Obviously I’m going to need a template for that as well. Gon na add my speaking page in here as well. That I mentioned, Then there’ll be the basics that’s like an about page and a contact page too, probably Actually as part of contact. It would be a good idea for me to have a form on my website for my portfolio review series. I think Right now my instructions are for you to email me with a specific subject line and include the information you know in order for me to review your portfolio in that series that I do on YouTube. But not everyone uses the right subject line so it doesn’t go into like the right folder in my inbox and not everyone gives all the information that I need as well. So I think, having some sort of form on my website, where you can just fill in your details and submit that will make the whole process a lot easier for everyone involved, A page that’s quite highly visited on my website at the moment, thanks to A video that’s quite popular is where you can download my screen printing guide. Basically, it just has the video and a form, and that’s where you get the guide sent to you. So a lot of people come over from that video. I thought about having that page as part of this new website, but what I think I’m actually going to do is have screen printing as a category in my content here, so it’ll be like part of this, And that way the form will Be on that page for you to download and also see any like videos or blog posts or whatever that I’ve written about screen printing too. So, actually, as part of this kind of in between here, I should also put I’m just gon na. Add it next to it anyway, Like a category page Content page is like the home of all the content, and then a category page is that playlist. I think where it’s the audio video written Thinking more about this contact. Page too, I think I’m also going to have like a freelance form submission. So if there’s a project that you’re interested in me working on with you, you can fill this out with like information about the project. I’m also going to want, like a plain page template that I can pull out whenever I need to for giveaways. This is something that I like to do in the middle of logs every now, and then it’s just throw up a giveaway And to do that, I get people to fill in a form so that I can like pick the winner randomly from there. So yeah Plain page that I can just duplicate whenever and make a new giveaway will be really helpful. Thinking about what else is on my current website that I might want to bring over The only page that I really am not considering here and not adding in is my newsletter page, So I just have a page about signing up for my newsletter. I don’t think I’m gon na. Do that, because, to be honest, I haven’t been super regular with sending out a newsletter lately, and I think, instead of having newsletters like the reason for people to sign up, I instead would rather have a form on each content, category page that they can Fill in there to get a certain I don’t know PDF opt in something or other that I’ll create, And then they’ll. They can get emails about that particular topic in general and they’ll also be added to my list. If I do send a newsletter, I think that’ll be a better way of going about it than having a dedicated newsletter page. I think I should really move this. I don’t know how to move things in this app. So I’m just gon na erase it and write it again, But I think home should be seen as above all of these other things, Because my home page will be the hub of everything. Perhaps some things won’t be connected to home. Like I,’m gon na actually remove giveaways from that, But everything else, I think, will be coming from the home page and the home page will be designed to lead you into the right thing. With these two things in mind, in particular, content or hiring me as the main thing that you’re looking for, So that’ll be the first decision that I make someone make laughs, Make someone make when they come onto this page. It’s kind of like this is the content stuff. This is the hiring me stuff, and these two pages are kind of fitting with both Now this seems like a lot of work right Like that’s, a lot of pages that I need to design. So, to start with, to stop me from getting overwhelmed first, I’m actually going to just do an MVP of my homepage, So it won.’t have all of these sub pages. It will just be a homepage that links off to various things, So it needs to link off to my YouTube social media. I think I won’t have a contact form even on it. To start with, I’ll just have my email address, bio and maybe in place of building out a full portfolio. I’m going to have a link to my Dribbble on there and I will make sure I update that a little bit cause that’s also something I don’t do very often. So this way people will get access to my content. They will know how to contact me. They will learn a bit about me and see a bit of my work, But without me having to put in all the work of doing all these extra pages just yet So that means I can get my new site like up and running In designing this page. I guess I’ll be able to develop a design system for it and kind of like a brand for my website as well that’ll make it easier to design these other pages And just in general, I think it’ll be a good start To the project laughs, So that is my very messy plan for my website. It’s pretty simple, but it’s really good to do this. Thinking about what you might need, rather than getting halfway through like starting and then you know, the project keeps expanding from there, Especially this piece of figuring out what people are going to be coming to your site, for, I think, is really important to get down. So if you have a website project that you’re working on, I really encourage you to do this step. First, just to figure out exactly what pages are needed If you’re working with a client, you’re gon na need to do this anyway. To scope out the project and how much design work is gon na be involved for you, But it also just really helps me to see it and to know what work is coming and I’ll be able to like tackle these section by section. I think Hope you found this interesting to see anyway, and that was useful in some way to you And that you’re excited too about this new series of mine redesigning my website. I’m very excited about it and I’ve been talking about it for a long time and I think that making videos about it is going to actually finally help me get it done, because I’m gon na. Have you to keep me accountable. All right giggles That’s it for now Give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it Thanks for watching – and I’ll see you in the next one And I guess the next video will be the wireframing and possibly design of this MVP homepage. So, looking forward to seeing you then Bye
Day: January 17, 2025
Ce Jeu M’a Donner Une Crise Cardiaque ! Food Truck Experience (1)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, what is this? I was so scared AAAAAAAAH. It was certain that there was a screamer huh.
What is that AAAAAAAAAAH rhhh? He scared me with the footprints.
Definitely the monster 100 sure .
Klaz Experience: 2 Things Series Regulars Do in Self Tapes
Hey guys Kaz here Welcome to Klaz Experience Episode number dos. You know I learn from you guys as much as you guys learn from me.
I am always keeping a mental note of the stuff that actors do in a self tape that actually turn into a booking keeping notes of that.
I also see what series regulars are bringing into their self tapes.
I have noticed two things that series regulars do, that I would love to share with you guys, One of the biggest things and differences that I’ve seen with series regulars is that there is a relaxation, a relaxation about their audition process.
That is unlike most actors right And maybe it’s that they already have a job or they’ve been doing this for a while, but that relaxation reads as confidence, So the viewer, which, once it’s, turned in ends up being the casting director.
The director the producer When they can see somebody that’s confident in what they’re doing, it gives them confidence to hire them because they feel confident that that person can do the job Right.
The other thing that I notice is that most series regulars are more concerned with the work than actually booking the job, And you know they’re just two very different energies there that I think make a huge difference in your self tapes.
Right So again make sure that you focus more on the work than actually booking the job, because that never that type of energy never really helps.
So these are two very specific things that I see series regulars do on a constant basis that helps them book more work And again it seems pretty simple and it actually is simple right.
They’re, simple, two simple, simple mindset, things that maybe you can act’as if 39, so you can do it before you get those big parts, so you can actually get the big parts. This was Klaz Experience episode.
Thank you guys for watching and keep breaking legs.
HTML Tutorial #1 – Starting a static website
Hello and welcome to a html tutorial, so first of all, you’re going to have to start with a html file, of course, in some kind of text editor in this. In my case, i use visual studio code which, and there will be like a link in the description, so you’re gon na have to have a doctype html in the file so that the web browser like truly knows that it is html.
And then you’re gon na have to have a html element.
Uh a element with just uh less than and greater than signs is the start of an elemental node and one with a forward.
Slash as well signifies the ending of it.
So for a website.
You’re also going to need a head and body now the head stores, more of the you know like workings of these sites and and the body more defines stuff that gets displayed now in the head.
You can include a title which i’m, going to name it my website and in the body yeah, you can add a header one element thing.
This is my website and a paragraph element website description here, and this is basically just like a really short and simple html tutorial.
Now you can load this file in any browser.
I just use firefox it’s, pretty simple, just drag it in and then boom um. I will have a css tutorial later to make this look a bit better, but as now that’s the end of the soil, .
BEST Way to Experience Formula 1!
– [Dan] I have never been in the paddocks where the cars are, where the racers are. – That's crazy. It's under two seconds. – You can't pay for this. Good morning from downtown Austin! It's Friday of F1 race weekend, and I have some special passes. I'm gonna show you my
experience at an F1 race. What is it like? Let's go see some fast
cars in Austin, Texas and have some fun today. First things first, to our car. – Hello!
– Here we go. And look who I've got with
me, my buddy Anuarbek. He is the mayor of Austin. – Unofficial. Unofficial.
– Unofficial, yeah. And he is partners with
the best realtor in Austin, Matt Holm.
– Matt Holm. – That's right! Have you, wait, last year
you took a helicopter to F1! – We did, we helicoptered. You guys know I'm an engineering nerd, so F1 is like the sport for nerds. – Okay, what does it do
to the city of Austin? – It changes our city completely. (upbeat electronic music) – Check out this parking! We just rolled up.
That is the paddock. You can hear cars going around. There's the racetrack. They're not F1 cars, I don't think. We are here as guest of Ferrari and Bitdefender who sponsors Ferrari. So, I dunno where I'm going. (calm electronic music) – Oh, this way! Thank you! We signed in. It's really loud. This is the Paddock Club. Orange Juice? – Yes sir. – Okay. Well, we got Netflix out here. They are out filming this guy. One of the drivers, working hard. Good job, Netflix. Today we are team Ferrari. This is the Ferrari Club.
They just checked us in. They put a Ferrari sticker on here, and then we get to go and sit down. Like, this is exclusive. You can't pay for this. You have to be a sponsor
to be able to get in here, and luckily we've worked with
a company called Bitdefender for a few times and they
said, "Hey do you want to come and be our guest today with Team Ferrari?" 'Cause they do sponsor Ferrari.
They have like a logo on
their hat and on their shirt. So, I think we get food in here. We just connected to the wifi, and we're gonna look over and
see the races going on today. This is what it's like
in the Paddock Club. You walk out this door. (engines roaring) – All these little carts! Everybody is leaving the pit right now. Like, maybe the Porsche race is over. Look at this, dude. We're so close. We are so close. The Ferraris actually pit stop
right here during the race.
Unfortunately, I'm sad to tell you, I do not have Paddock Club
tickets on Sunday for the race. I just have it for today. But I think today they
have some sort of testing with the F1 cars. They did say that they
have the Ferrari champagne that the Ferrari racers will
drink if they actually win. They have it inside the Paddock Club. I don't drink alcohol, but that's still a cool thing
that they have it there. All right, so all the
drivers are coming in. This is like the red carpet
area where they come in, and we're waiting for the Ferrari guy. Like, we're here with
Ferrari. Let's see him! And there he is. Oh, all right. – [Anuarbek] Team Ferrari!
– [Dan] Let's go team Ferrari! – [Anuarbek] Carlos! Charles! Woo-hoo! – [Dan] Of course, my
buddy Anuarbek gets him to look up and wave, 'cause he is the chief
fun officer of everything. – He was at the party last night, dude! – [Dan] There's my guy
Daniel Ricciardo.
Wow! Today we're Team Ferrari, but I'll always be team Daniel Ricciardo, because he's so nice. Look at him. See, he's spending time with the kids. You got Netflix filming him coming in. So, check it out. These giant semi-trucks are coming, and they're gonna have
us get on the semi-truck to go take a little tour. I'm on the track. I'm
on the actual track now. – 13 stories up into
turn one and at the apex- – [Dan] Look at all the people out there.
Hi people! Enjoy the grass! We're getting passed! – [Tour Guide] We're
approaching the second corner of this beautiful track. It really is a very, very fast section. Very fast turn three. You can see how open and
flowy these corners are. You'd be flat-out seventh
gear through here. When you watch it in person, if you get the chance to come over here, it looks like you're
watching a YouTube video in like times three speed. (spatial electronic music) – They were saying that
there's a few bumps that they noticed over
the last couple of days, and they're actually going
to sand down or grind it down to make it a little
flatter for the F1 cars.
Those guys are full of information. It's like a four mile track. We just took a lap around it. I took a lap! That's so cool! Now we're gonna go to the pits. We're gonna see the cars,
and see what it's like. Like, we're just walking down the pit, and there should be, yeah,
there's tons of people, but we should have a
good view of everything. Oh look the lights. There's the lights. Yeah, I get distracted easily. (upbeat electronic music) – [Anuarbek] That's so cool.
– [Dan] Look at those tires! Going off-roading! – [Anuarbek] Off-roading, yeah! F1 style! – [Dan] So check it out, all
these guys are ready right now to practice doing a pit change. They're gonna push it in. (machines whirring) – [Anuarbek] Ridiculous, dude! – [Dan] That's crazy. (laughs) – It's under two seconds!
– So fast! Hey, you got to practice! Everybody else can go out here. Somehow, because of Bitdefender, they let us get up here close. We've got Mercedes on this side, Ferrari right here, and
Red Bull over there. I mean, the three best, for sure. We are now taking a
tour, an official tour. This is the garage. This
is legit the garage. My goodness. We got some stretching going on. This is the pit crew and
they gotta get their arms and their body ready to go.
You cannot mess up if you're the pit crew. This is really the end. They have a rope, and they walk with it,
and they push us all. This isn't their first rodeo. They've gotta push everybody
out of the area, the pit, all the time, but how cool! We got to go inside of the garage. I'm not sure if our badges
let us come down here, but they let us come in here,
so we're here right now. Look at the Mercedes one. They have like a full-on metal thing. It looks almost like a car. That's legit! Oh, the Mercedes logo
in there! That's cool! And then here we go, Ferrari.
We got the Ferrari set up right here, and then there you go, that's where the drivers
go in, right there. And then, here is team Red Bull. The cool logos going in there. And that's what it looks
like walking into Red Bull. That's where the drivers go, or the ladder guy goes that way. So we just took a picture with this guy that is I think a famous F1 driver, but we don't know who he is. Apologize to all of you,
but I don't know who he is.
That's who we took a picture with. We just walked up and
took a selfie with him. So that's what happens
when we're in the area we're not supposed to be in here. I gotta be honest, I'm
a little bit surprised at the quality of the track here. It is like all cracked
up. It's old asphalt. These cars should have some
better asphalt, I would think. I'm not sure what these cars were doing driving on the track,
but they just got done. I mean, cool cars. Somehow we have to go
this way and follow them.
We'll wait, we'll wait for the cars. Yeah! That green one is so awesome. It's like, what am I doing here? Just definitely don't
belong, but, here we are. All right, now we can go out. We are two minutes away from them actually starting
their practice run, so, I'm excited to see what, to hear what an F1 race
car actually sounds like. And it's really cool that
we're just right above the pit, like, this is where they're
gonna come right out and drive.
I don't think I can film much of the race, or anything at all about the race, just because there's certain regulations and ownership of the
content and all that stuff, but I can film them coming
out of the pit and show 'em. Oh baby! (engine revs) Oh man! There goes Mercedes, first one out. It is a 13 story climb to
go up that hill right there. 13 stories! All right. Team Ferrari. Oh no! (engine revs) Oh baby! Oh baby! Ferrari. (engine revs) Watch how fast they come out of the pit, out of their garage. (engine revs) They're just like, boom,
not messing around. They're all doing a lap. I think they said it's 4.2 miles. It's one of the longer tracks. (race cars roaring) Okay, that sounds good! Wow! (machines whirring) Okay, 10/10 on the food. Unbelievable how good it is.
You can just sit in here and eat and then you can just go walk right there and see the races, see them pit. (machines whirring) The Paddock Club experience. I did talk to somebody
that, they came down here from Seattle, somebody that
recognized me from my videos, and he said that he spent
$8,000 for one ticket and he gets to be in this
Paddock Club every day, even the race day. And so, I could see if
you're gonna come to this, that could be the value. I've also heard, though, that even being in the grandstand
is a phenomenal experience during the race, and
there's tons of food options that you have to buy, but still, one of those moments where I
don't feel like I belong here, but I'm gonna take it in and enjoy it.
Well, that's it for the practice session. Pretty good. They actually had a ranking
for how well they did, and I think it was Max
Verstappen took number one, and then Charles with Ferrari took second, and then Lewis Hamilton took third. So good job! Good job by Team Ferrari! I think we're gonna take off now. Amazing experience. So cool. We've got a guy that works for us. His name's Korey Smith. I feel like he looks just
like Daniel Ricciardo, so what I'd like to do sometime, maybe I'll do it in Vegas,
there's a little sneak peek, I think I'm gonna bring him to Vegas and just have him wear Red Bull stuff or whatever it is that
Daniel Ricciardo's wearing.
Grow the beard out the
same as what he is doing, and just walk around and see
if people think that it's him. That sounds fun. Look at those hats! Wow,
that's the way right there. Coming soon to Netflix. Boom!.