There is a place. Don’t let it fade. When your mind goes there, make up your mind it’s going to stay there because it is a place. I don’t care what the thought is. Doesn’t matter what the image is.
If your mind can go there, you can physically go there. Let’s understand, frequency is a level of vibration. Everything vibrates; it’s moving. Now it appears to be still. It isn’t still.
It’s moving so fast it appears to be still. Every frequency is hooked up to the one above and the one below. There’s no line of demarcation. Now, do you want to know what that means? You can go, woo, like that, onto a higher frequency.
But you can also go, woo, like that, onto a lower frequency. Then some people do that, but we think on frequencies, so we have to get that right in our mind. There’s an energy flowing through our consciousness. We have what’s called an inductive reasoning factor. That gives us the ability to just, you could pick up thoughts.
There are actually thoughts floating around. Your thoughts, my thoughts, they’re everywhere. Like if I have a thought, it’s omnipresent, it’s just as present in your mind as it is in mine. You may not be aware of it there but so your inductive reasoning factor, you can choose a thought, or you can take this unadulterated creative power, pure spirit, and it can create a thought.
You literally create a thought, and you put that thought with another thought and another and another one, and you’ve got an idea.
An idea is nothing but a thought or a collection of thoughts directed towards a purpose.
So, what we’re doing is we’re taking this power that’s flowing through us and we’re using this higher faculty that we’ve got and creating thoughts. Now that’s the one point that all the great leaders have agreed on. They’ve disagreed on virtually everything else. We become what we think about.
If we listen to the conversation of most people, a high percentage of the population are talking about what they don’t want, what they hope doesn’t happen. They never realize and it’s going to be obvious they don’t realize this, that they are directing this magnificent power that’s totally subjective. It has no ability to alter anything. You got the choice, but I’m going to tell you something. There’s no shortage of good ideas flowing into your mind.
There is no shortage. There’s an abundance of them while you’re driving, while you’re in the shower, while you’re eating dinner, while you’re talking to somebody, you take mental breaks.
Everyone has these ideas. You have ’em flying on your mind, don’t you? But we discard them as fast as they come.
Why would we do that? Why wouldn’t we keep them there and focus on them? Say, I can do that. I can do that. Why?
Because we’re ignorant. That’s why. If you’re observant, you’re going to see outer reality shaping itself upon the model of your imagination. Yep, this is all our imagination at work. The imagination isn’t something just kids play with ’til they get a little older.”Imagination,” Hill said, “is the most marvelous, “miraculous, inconceivably powerful force “the world has ever known.” You have one. It’s one of your higher faculties. That was that sacred gift. Now, what I want to suggest you do is really let yourself relax and start to dream, but as you’re doing it, also become aware of how your paradigm’s going to fight you.
There’s where I am. I know how I got here. This is where I want to go.
This is a place. If it’s a place, don’t let it die.
Hold it. If it dies, bring it right back. Understand it’s a frequency.
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So hello, beautiful guys and girls who are herewith another video in this one, we’ll speak about how to stop selling out and how to be your two authentic selves. Okay, we all know the gold fakeness everywhere we look, fake people are tonnage are getting praised in this. Matrix everything is reversed. Same people are gonane getting love and um real aesthetic.
People you know they struggle there, ugly fakeness ohm god, oh my god, oh my god in my life.
I i really Ireland. When i see a person that is uh faceup, it’s something that uh really doesn’t attract me at all. Okay, when i say adperson act as fake for some reason i usually rest all over this, because there is nothing there. I know there is nothing their okay and. Of course, the more fake you are in this human experience, the more you’re Onna suffers as you move in this time.
Dimensionas you travel as you experience this reality because, the more mass you wear, the more you ‘removing away from your true self.
Okay, the more you’re moving and your goon an suffer you have to be athletic and the only way to be authentic is to know thyself is to learn about this dude here to learn to learn your inside though to learn your true self, your fifth dimensional self, your consciousness, your soul. Okay, now, behind all those masks behind, your conditioned thinking, patterns behind your beliefs behind your thoughts, behind your emotions lies your true self. Okay, it’s a presence.
It’s consciousness.
It’s energy, everything is, energy, but um energy. In this time, dimensioning this human body. You know – and this is my body and – this is denser. Okay, your higher self your soul is not from this time dimension: okay, it operates. He operates with its consciousness. I i ii like to say it. It operates. Um uh, you know through this uh human avatar, which is our lower self and um.
It’s just her intelligence your higher self knows everything. Actually, it’s like you know from thymus set of consciousness and um. What is after this now after this this not to become something it’s actually to embrace yourself in the present moment?
Okay to know thyself to know this part of yourself and embrace it. I know i know it’s not easy to swallow it.
It’s not easy to put into words, but that’s where your whole life lies that’s, where the fullness of life exists.
That’s where, that’s where the light of this life exists there is an unwritten law in this human experience let me. Let me fix that because it’s adhered is an already alone low, vibrational energy comes by default. In this time, dimension and revolves around matter high vibrational energy has to be summoned.
Okay, you need to actively actor, summon it and revolves around the idea of, your presence of your soul. So, you need toto, take action just like just like you’re training in, the gym, just like you’re training in muscle you need.
To do you need to learn how to do honorable how to how to do energy work, how to you knowself-regulate how to create emotions and thoughts from within okay?
You need to learn those things okay, because this will lead you to the fullness of life to the fifth dimension. Okay, you need to prepare your emotional body to move to the fifth dimension and you don’t really need anything. You don’t really need anything to create thought sand emotions from within.
You just need the tools to learn how to do it. I say a lot of information on, my channel on my videos, if you observe me, your goon an, have that information. Okay, Sothis is authenticity this after these states learning how to love yourself, how to take care of yourself how to embrace all of yourself in the present moment. Okay, in order to do that, you need to develop self-awarenessokay.
You need to stop selling out you need to connect with that part of yourself you need to clean energetically yourself you need to remove all those uh subconscious, limit beliefs, fear of abandonment, fear of money, fear of rejection modality fear of poverty, fearfulness fear of the unknown fear of death. Fear of falling. You know there are a lot of fears that uh, but you need to do that because you need to do that work, that’s called shadow orchid work.
Okay, you need to take care to remove those energetic blockages because they block your connection with yourself and you can experience the fullness of life and you’re selling out and you’re surviving you you’re experiencing umping struggle, anxiety, stress, um, all those negative emotions and it’s pretty uncomfortable know. But it’s all because you are selling out every time you sell out you, your goon a suffer guys, your goon an suffer in this time. Dimension I’m telling you your goon an suffer, learn to learn myself guys. Everything is here.
It has been with you all along, it has been. The power has been with you, all along. All you have to do is to discover it go within accept yourself accept the experiences explore. You know your internal holds look to your parents as a mirror to the people. Tatum to your caretakers, as you were. A young child those are great mirrors to see all the unresolved issues that you have within you at this moment.
Don’t depend on anyone else for validation for self-worth.
Okay for self-love, you have all that love you give to those people all that attention wherever you focus your attention Uranus goes! ¡Oh! ¡Oh! Oh, take it all back and focus it on yourself and learn this guy fall in love with yourself, guys!
It’s the relationship you have with yourself reflects the relationship we. You have with the rest of the world, so orthel all will have with you. So, the better the relationship with yourself, the more the outer mirror, is going to reflect that to your reality, say what you mean: don’t be afraid: today, no guys, don’t be afraid. You’re not a bad person. If you say no, you’re, not abad person be vulnerable with yourself okay love.
This guy admits that be honorable be honest to yourself admit that you’re scared that that. You have dark thoughts, dark feelings dark dreams; okay, admit it accept your shadow this. Is your shadow side in psychological terms, the shadow human shadow is being born due to the relationship with your caretakers. When you were a child okay, for example, you were crying your parents told you. Why you cry men, don’t cry you shouldn’t cryand! You begin to suppress to close your heart center to suppress your emotions and.
Then your shadow has been born okay so accept this part of yourself you. Parents are good, mirror, your twin flame is a very good mirror and. Let go don’t be afraid to lose people guys if you want to find your athletic self. You need toto drop away all the fakeness to about all fakeness of your life to let go of those people in some way. You’re bad on them, but you’re bad on the abandonment, so you win so be upset, don’t be, don’t be afraid to be after stop wearing masks. Your goon an suffer okay pay attention. Learn your passions learn your perspectives!
Let your values follow your heart that’s!
How that’s how you create after this, you have to follow your heart. Guys don’t, be afraid. You know, let me go there. Follow your heart! Look the more the more you follow! Your heart, the more you are pushed into the unknown but um. It’s uncomfortable! Yes, but everything lies there. There is the unknown magic happens. That’s where you live, okay, have trust in your journey get, your priorities, straight that’s how you are being a headache the things that are most important to you, facedown the list.
What’s truly fulfills you, you know, no explore, your shadow, make hard choice take your risks. You know, on the one hand, is this boring job where you hate yourself: where you’re bored, 24, 7, Um it’s this prison of the mind on. The other hand is maybe your heart is telling you, be an artist. You know, create a YouTube video do. This does that. You have two choices. The heart is red pill, the other choice.
The comfortable prison is the blue pill.
Okay take the red pill, guys come don’t, we don’t be afraid, don’t be like little children, your grownups.
Okay, just go alliin just go lean, you create reality through your thoughts and your emotions set your mind right and. The body will follow and the whole reality will unfold. Based on that internal condition, Sogo within free your mind for your life and live your girls, version okay self-combating, you’re towards yourself feel self-compassion, be compassion, be kind and, embrace that journey love knowing shelfful in love with working on yourself and your whole life is goon and change forever guys. So, this is the video for today, if you like the message say the video subscribe to, the channel, support the channel and until next time, peace and glory thanks forewatching guys thanks for watching. I appreciate it.