Those are shoes of Doom scary. It’s going to be good. I love this part. Pixar blw our minds back in 2015, when they released inside out, which is undoubtedly one of the best movies. The studio has brought to us to date a psychological Masterpiece that takes a deep deep dive into the complex mechanisms behind human emotions and the difficult process of growing up and facing the unwanted changes of, life this. Movie was so good that it left us wanting more of its complex view to be developed and extended. There was more and more things we would like to see in the second installment, and today we’ll, be discussing them and telling you why we think inside out to will be different. Let’s begin all right. What are we watching Inside Out might be presented as a fantastic story about the view of the insides of the human mind, but it is very much grounded in a real life story: Pixar’s created developer and director Pete doctor had the idea for the movie When he started facing similar problems at home, his daughter Ally was nearing adolescence and the sweet and outgoing char she had all her childhood began to progress towards introversion and uneasiness. Doctor suffered a real period of Stress and Anxiety as the byproduct of his daughter.’s. Growth and estrangement and wanted to reflect on this thought and the creation of the movie about emotions. In the beginning of the creative process, the team was near focused on fear as the driving force of the Mind in his stage of life. But one day he took a walk in the forest doctor realized that it wasn’t fear who was behind the wheel. In such a moment of change and complex lexity, it was sadness that’s where the movie we all came to know and love, took its final form and began inside out through a true exploration of actual emotions being felt and processed by real people. And we can say that the movie was as complex and deep as anyone could expect sure, but it really left us wanting more okay. I have an idea, so if they’re ever making a sequel, we need to have seen the original team on board. That’s, the only way inside out 2, could be both different and entertaining so Pete doctor and the writer director, chair and Ronnie is the co director is a must have. We could also have Michael Behind the Music once again, because his work on inside out’s music was impeccable and, of course, it’s not only about the creative team. We also need to count with a fantastic array of stars that gave life to all of the characters with their voices Park and Recreation star Amy in the role of hyperactive Joy, the office is Phyllis Smith, voicing sadness is only she could do it and, of course, Mindy Bill and LS as disgust, fear and anger respectively, given that we could be seeing an older version of Riley Caitlyn could also be or not be part of the sequel as Riley’s voice it’s. Okay, we get it. You’re the best. Thanks hun see you sweetie, one possible plot for a sequel might have been in front of her eyes. The whole time see it’s, pretty obvious. That Joy is the only emotion in charge of Riley’s head and then sadness takes over the will of, of course, but that’s not the case for everybody else. We get to see the inside of Riley’s, parents and things work very differently in there, so different in fact that we could worry a bit about their mental well being in mom’s head sadness is the one in charge and in Dad’s Head anger is the one running the show we don’t have too much information regarding these two, but we definitely have some Clues. Does the fact that Mom is always disassociating and remember the sexy Brazilian helicopter pilot from her youth tell us that she isn’t happy in her other relationship with Dad. Moreover, sadness is in charge with her mindful time, and this cannot be good for her. On the other hand, dad is emotionally absent too pissing his own head to really listen to Riley and his wife’s. Problems as anger is in charge with him. He can only react with anger instead of involving in a deeper way. This is a bit darker than you expect for a Pixar family environment, but it could be the starting point for a good sequel in which Pixar could dare to go to the more adult territory, while keeping things funny for kids and deal with the complexities of the Adult mind: hey saw a pizza place down the street. Maybe we could try that pizza sounds delicious. We have another possible plot line for inside out too, and this one is even more probable since they practically teased us with it. There’s a moment by the end of inside out when we see a dreaded button called puberty that seems dangerous and ready to wreak havoc once again in Riley’s, mind just imagine all the changes at every level if we get to see Riley going Through that phase, you can imagine the sequel as turning Reds take on female puberty in a girl,’s first period, perod on steroids, with lots of internal emotional drama, translated into specific dynamics of the emotions. The mared of physical, emotional and psychological changes in Riley could be shown in parallel with the situation of absolute chaos in their mind as new emotions try to take over and replace the existing ones in their jobs. That could even be a way to link things with their previous idea about the other people’s minds and explain how people grow up to be so different to the way they were as kids. But is there really a chance to inside out too, or are we just fantasizing about some helicopter pilot? Let’s see um. You know what I realized. Riley hasn’t had lunch, as always is the case with these talks about sequels. We need to Crunch these numbers to see if our hopes for a second installment are well founded or well funded in this case. Looking back at the numbers from 2015’s inside out, we see nothing but good news. The movie earned approximately 357 million only in the United States and Canada, and if we see how it received around the world, things just got better since it grossed 502 million in other countries for total worldwide of 859 million. According to Wikipedia deadline. Hollywood calculated the film’s, net profit as 2, 179, 1 million accounting for production budgets, marketing Talent, participation and other cause box office. Grosses and home media revenues placed it six on their list. 2015’s most valuable block, Busters yeah that’s. What we call a good sign in a world where illuminations minions hit the astonishing amount of 1 59 billion, and with these Financial background we can say it’s safe to bet and make inside out too. We just need to wait and see if the world has actually recovered from the Grim perspectives of the last couple of years, important time in Riley’s, life like when she first scored a goal. That was so amazing. If you wander around the internet, you might end up believing anything. They say about a possible sequel for inside out. Several wikis and fan pages have spread rumors about Inside Out being released in 2022. Some of them even dared to claim a more precise date and talked about June 2022, but, as you can see by the date of this video, those were just the empty rumors. The truth is that, since it was released in 2015, there’s been no official talks about a sequel for inside out, even though audiences were obviously on board with the idea of a sequel, but, as we saw earlier in the video the potential to tell another Good story in this universe is there: we just need to wait for Disney and Pixar to get some time in their hands and hope to look back at this masterpiece and decide to give it a proper conclusion. What do you think we’ll see in the second Inside Out movie? Do you have any wishful thinking already waiting for the sequel? We hope they can develop some of these interesting sequels we thought about and that they could deliver a great quality movie. That would leave us thinking about and about ourselves for years, like the first one anyways that’s all for today,’s, video check the rest of our Channel out for more content about your favorite anime and movies. And, of course, don’t forget to like this video subscribe to our Channel and turn your notifications on by hitting that little bell. If you want to keep receiving awesome content like this, what the heck is that, with broccoli on pizza, that’s it, I’m, done

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Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Hi everyone in this video we will 
be discussing bipolar disorder   disclaimer this video contains a sensitive topic 
it is intended for educational purposes only and   should not be used as a diagnosis please consult 
a certified healthcare professional if you have   or think you may have this disorder today we'll be 
going over what bipolar disorder is the symptoms   associated with the disorder the three types 
causes diagnostic techniques and treatments   so what is bipolar disorder bipolar disorder 
is a mental disorder that causes unusual shifts   in mood energy activity levels concentration 
and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks   in canada approximately one percent 
of the population over 15 years of age   currently have bipolar disorder individuals 
with bipolar disorder have mood episodes which   are extreme and intense emotional states that 
occur at distinct times these mood episodes are   categorized as either manic which is categorized 
as feeling extremely up hypomanic which is similar   to mania except is less severe or depressive 
which is categorized as feeling extremely down   you can think of the three mood episodes as being 
on a spectrum with mania and depression being on   opposite ends and normal mood in the middle there 
are several conditions that can sometimes be   confused for bipolar disorder such as borderline 
personality disorder and schizoaffective disorder   borderline personality disorder although 
having similar symptoms is bipolar disorder   is a personality disorder whereas bipolar 
disorder is a mood disorder schizoaffective   disorder also has similar symptoms as 
bipolar disorder however it also has   schizophrenia symptoms such as hallucinations 
or delusions with bipolar disorder does not   people with bipolar disorder can have mania or 
hypomania which are two distinct types of episodes   but they have the same symptoms mania is more 
severe than hypomania and is more noticeable to   other people and causes more noticeable problems 
in day-to-day activities and relationships mania   may also trigger psychosis which is a break from 
reality which can then require hospitalization   in order to be categorized as having a manic or 
hypomanic episode at least three of the following   symptoms must be present abnormally upbeat jumpy 
or wired increased activity energy or agitation   unusual talkativeness exaggerated 
sense of well-being and self-confidence   decreased need for sleep 
racing thoughts distractibility   or poor and impulsive decision-making depression 
is on the other end of the spectrum depressive   episodes cause noticeable difficulty in 
day-to-day activities and relationships   in order to be categorized as having a depressive 
episode at least five of the following symptoms   must be present depressed mood such as feeling sad 
empty hopeless or tearful marked loss of interest   or feeling no pleasure in all or almost all 
activities significant weight loss or weight gain   insomnia or sleeping too much restlessness or 
slowed behavior fatigue or loss of energy feelings   of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate 
guilt decreased ability to think or concentrate or   indecisiveness or thinking about planning 
or attempting suicide there are three main   types of bipolar disorder bipolar disorder 1 
bipolar disorder 2 and psychothymic disorder   you can think of the three types as being on a 
graph each having a varying severity of manic   and depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder 
one at least one manic episode must be present   and may be preceded or followed by hypomanic or 
major depressive episodes manic episodes must   last at least seven days or manic symptoms must be 
so severe that the person needs immediate hospital   care usually depressive episodes occur as well 
and typically last at least two weeks in bipolar   disorder two at least one major depressive episode 
and at least one hypomanic episode must be present   in order to be placed into this type the 
individual must never have had a manic episode   one thing to note is that bipolar disorder 
2 is not a milder form of bipolar disorder 1   but it is in fact a separate diagnosis while 
the manic episodes of bipolar disorder 1 can   be severe and dangerous individuals with bipolar 
disorder 2 can be depressed for longer periods   which can cause significant impairment in their 
daily lives in psychothymic disorder adults must   have at least two years and children and 
teenagers must have at least one year of   many periods of hypomania symptoms and periods of 
depressive symptoms though less severe than major   depression there are many potential biological 
and genetic causes for bipolar disorder in a few   studies conducted where they studied the brains 
of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder   they found that people with bipolar disorder 
appear to have physical changes in their brains   other studies show that bipolar disorder is 
more common in people who have a first degree   relative such as a sibling or a parent who has the 
disorder thus because first-degree relatives share   similar dna there are studies that are trying 
to find genes that may be involved in causing   bipolar disorder other than biological and genetic 
causes there are also factors that may increase an   individual's risk of developing bipolar disorder 
or can act as a trigger for the first episode   these factors include having a first degree 
relative with bipolar disorder periods of   high stress such as the death of a loved one or 
another traumatic event or drug or alcohol abuse   if you suspect you may meet the criteria for 
bipolar disorder or maybe an individual at risk   then it is important to contact a certified health 
care professional such as your family doctor for a   diagnosis bipolar disorder is usually diagnosed 
during late adolescence or early adulthood but   can also appear in other ages when you meet a 
physician they may conduct a physical exam and   lab tests to identify medical problems that could 
be possible causes for your symptoms physicians   may also refer you to a psychiatrist that will 
conduct a psychiatric assessment the psychiatrist   may give you a self-reported questionnaire or may 
guide you through a discussion about your thoughts   feelings and behaviors psychiatrists then may 
try to see if you meet the criteria for bipolar   disorder as depicted in the american psychiatric 
association's diagnostic and statistical manual of   mental disorders also known as dsm-5 the dsm-5 is 
a list of criteria and symptoms that patients must   meet before they are able to be diagnosed with 
bipolar disorder or any other mental disorder for   people who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder 
there are many treatment options available one   option is medication physicians may prescribe mood 
stabilizers to control manic or hypomanic episodes   antipsychotics if symptoms of depression or 
mania remain despite treatment with other   medications antidepressants to help manage 
depressive episodes anti-anxiety medications   to help improve anxiety and sleep symptoms or 
a combination of the medications listed above   another popular option is psychotherapy 
also known as talk therapy   psychotherapy involves the patient talking to a 
mental health professional about their thoughts   feelings moods and behaviors one type of 
psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy   which involves identifying patients unhealthy 
negative beliefs and behaviors and finding a   way to replace them with healthy positive 
beliefs and behaviors we hope that you learn   some valuable information today regarding 
bipolar disorder thanks for watching

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Understanding Probability – Probability 1

Introduction to probability there are many resources in videos that tell you how to calculate a value. For a probability.

This video doesn’t do that.

This video explains what probability is, how probability is used and ways that probability can be estimated.

Much that happens in our world is not completely predictable, but we often estimate How likely an unpredictable event is.

We draw on previous experience to estimate How likely something in the future is to occur.

We express the likelihood or probability is a number between zero and one where an event with a probability of zero will not happen and an event with a probability of one must happen.

An event of probability 5 is just as likely to happen as not to happen when we use words like very likely a fair chance or might happen.

The message can get confused.

Using numbers makes things clearer, even though our perceptions might be different probability, values are used to communicate.

How likely something is probabilities are also used in mathematical models. These models are used for many things, such as predicting weather, including floods and tornadoes deciding how many seats to sell at a certain certain price on a flight, creating computer games and evaluating forensic evidence.

Probability, values are just estimates of How likely it is for something to happen.

They do not tell us whether they will happen or not.

When we can list all the equally likely outcomes, it can be easy to estimate the probability.

These are sometimes called exact probabilities a priori traditional or model estimates other times s.

We use historical data or run an experiment to estimate the probability.

We assume that the future Behavior will be similar to previous Behavior.

We need to have many instances from the past or an experiment in order to have a good estimate of the probability.

This source of probability is called relative frequency, historical or experimental.

Sometimes we do not have enough information, and so we assign a probability value according to how we think things will turn out. These can be quite unreliable, but unfortunately, can be given a lot of influence because they seem official to find out more about probability watch our other videos.

This video was brought to you by statistics.

Learning Center visit our website for more resources to help you learn and subscribe to this channel to find out .

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Jalen Hurts wears 2 different pairs of cleats on the field 😭😭😭



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Understanding Viscosity

Thanks to CuriosityStream for sponsoring this video, Everyone has an intuitive understanding of what the viscosity of a fluid is. Honey is more viscous than oil, and oil is more viscous than water. Viscous fluids feel thicker and don’t flow as easily, But since it’s such a fundamental parameter that defines how fluids behave, it’s worth developing a more in depth. Understanding of viscosity To do this. Let’s start by looking at fluid flowing over a flat surface. It’s sometimes useful to think of fluid, as flowing in layers with each layer moving at a different velocity When two layers are moving relative to one another, because they’re flowing at different velocities, a shear stress, develops between them. This is similar to how a frictional force develops between two solid objects sliding relative to one another. The effect of this shear stress is most obvious in flow close to a wall. The wall imparts a large shear stress onto the fluid particles that are in contact with it, causing them to have zero velocity. This is called the no sIip condition. The large shear stress is transmitted through to adjacent layers of flow, slowing down flow close to the wall and resulting in a velocity profile. That looks like this. The magnitude of the shear stress, acting between the layers of the fluid, is closely linked to the slope of the velocity profile du dy. Where? U is the fluid velocity and y, is the distance from the wall? The slope is small in the free stream, The fluid layers are moving at almost exactly the same velocity, and so the shear stress will also be very small But close to the wall. The velocity changes very suddenly In this region. The slope is large, and so the shear stress is also large For most fluids. The relationship between the shear stress and the slope of the velocity profile is linear, And the constant of proportionality is what we call fluid viscosity In engineering. It’s usually denoted using the Greek letter Mu. We can think of viscosity as the internal friction of a fluid in motion. It has the effect of smoothing out differences in velocity by increasing the shear stresses in proportion with the velocity gradient. We can express the linear relationship using this equation. This is called Newton’s, Law of Viscosity and fluids that obey it are said to be Newtonian. It describes how easily a fluid will flow. The viscosity Mu is sometimes called the dynamic viscosity, as this differentiates it from the kinematic viscosity, which is the dynamic viscosity divided by the fluid density. Let’s look at how a small fluid element like this one will deform as it flows. If du dy is positive, the upper surface will move faster than the lower surface and so, over a time period, Delta T the upper surface will travel further by a distance equal to Delta. U times Delta T This generates a shear strain that we can calculate using trigonometry and the small angle approximation By re arranging. We can see that the slope of the velocity profile is equivalent to the rate at which the shear strain is applied. So now we can write Newton’s law of Viscosity in a different form like this. This looks a lot like Hooke’s law for shear that we see in solids, except instead of being a function of the strain. The shear stress is a function of the rate at which the strain is applied. This makes sense if we consider how solids and fluids respond to applied. Shear forces Solids respond to a constantly applied shear force with a finite amount of deformation, whereas fluids respond by deforming continuously, they flow for as long as the shear force is applied. This is why, for fluids, the shear stress is a function of the rate at which strain changes over time, instead of being a function of the shear strain itself like it is for solids. If we do some quick dimensional analysis on Newton’s law of viscosity, we can see that the dynamic viscosity has units of Pascal seconds And the kinematic viscosity has units of meters squared per second. The Poise and Stokes are other units for the dynamic and kinematic viscosities, although they are often expressed as centipoise and centistokes. The centipoise unit is particularly convenient because at room temperature, the viscosity of water is equal to one centipoise Typical engine oil at room temperature has a viscosity of around 500 centipoise, so is 500 times more viscous than water. The viscosity of honey is ten thousand centipoise, And if we keep going, we get to fluids that are so viscous they appear to be solid Pitch is a thick tar like fluid that has extremely high viscosity, as is famously demonstrated by the pitch drop experiment In 1927. At the University of Queensland, heated pitch was added to a funnel and once it cooled it was allowed to drop into a beaker placed below it Because of its extremely high viscosity. Only nine drops have fallen into the beaker since then. It is the world’s longest, running continuous, lab experiment. On the other end of the spectrum we have gases which generally have much lower viscosity than liquids. Air has a viscosity of 0 018 centipoise at room temperature, for example. One very interesting substance is Helium 4, the common isotope of helium, A gas under normal conditions. It becomes a liquid when cooled to below 4 Kelvin and at these low temperatures researchers have found that it can behave like it has zero viscosity Substances that behave in this way are called superfluids, So we know how to define viscosity, but what actually causes it on The molecular level In liquids viscosity is caused by inter molecular cohesive forces which bond layers of the fluid together And in gases it’s caused by inter molecular collisions, which create interaction between adjacent layers of the fluid Viscosity is highly dependent on temperature. In liquids. It decreases as temperature increases. This is because, at the molecular level, an increased temperature allows molecules to more easily escape the attractive forces of the adjacent molecules. The viscosity of water, for example, reduces from 1 centipoise at 20 degrees Celsius to 0 5 centipoise at 50 degrees Celsius, But temperature has the opposite effect in gases. Viscosity increases with increasing temperature, because the higher temperature means that gas molecules have more random motion which results in more inter molecular collisions. The temperature dependence of viscosity can be modelled using simple empirical correlations. We can use Andrade’s equation for liquids and Sutherland’s equation for gases, where the various constants are determined for each fluid by experimentation. Viscosity also varies with pressure, although to a much lesser extent than temperature and so pressure dependence is often neglected Because it fundamentally affects how fluids behave. Viscosity is a very important parameter in Fluid Mechanics. It appears in the equation for Reynolds number, for example, and so affects whether flow is likely to be laminar or turbulent Flow of high viscosity fluids is more likely to be laminar, because any small turbulent disturbances are more easily dampened out by the larger shear stresses Viscosity. Also causes the pressure drop along a pipe Without viscosity. There would be no shear stresses imparted by the pipe wall, and the velocity profile would look like this. The existence of viscosity can make modelling flow quite complicated, and so engineers often try to neglect viscous forces where possible. The assumption that viscous forces are negligible is typically only applied to certain regions within a larger flow system. It’s never valid for flow close to a boundary, for example, where viscous forces are always significant, But outside of the boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers, viscous forces can often be neglected Flow where viscous forces can be neglected is said to be inviscid. Assuming that flow is inviscid, doesn’t mean we’re, assuming the fluid has no viscosity. It just means that we’re neglecting viscous forces because they’re small compared to other forces. Doing this makes analysis of the flow much easier. The Navier Stokes equations define the behaviour of fluids, but are very difficult to solve. Assuming that flow is inviscid means that we can neglect the viscous terms which contain the higher order. Derivatives, The resulting equations for inviscid flow are called the Euler equations and they’re much easier to solve. Inviscid flow is also a key assumption in the derivation of Bernoulli’s equation. We said earlier that fluids that obey Newton’s law of viscosity are said to be Newtonian. The shear stress increases linearly with the strain rate, But for some fluids the relationship between shear stress and strain rate is non linear. These are called non Newtonian fluids and there are two main types: shear thickening fluids and shear thinning fluids For shear thickening fluids. The apparent viscosity increases as the strain rate increases And for shear thinning fluids. The apparent viscosity reduces as the strain rate increases Paint, is an example of a shear thinning fluid It’s easily applied with a brush, but doesn’t drip from the wall once it has been applied. Viscosity really is a fundamental parameter in the study of fluids. Engine oil is one example of an application where viscosity and the effect of temperature play crucial roles. I’ve included a bit more discussion about engine oil viscosity in the extended version of this video over on Nebula Nebula is a streaming platform built by independent educational creators. It’s a place where you can find loads of amazing original content. Like Mustard’s, The Origins of Stealth that explores the history of the F 117 Nighthawk, But it also has extended versions of videos from your favourite creators, with what we’re calling Nebula. The Nebula version of this video includes a few extra minutes on engine oil viscosity, and that content replaces this sponsor segment, since Nebula is completely ad free To make Nebula even better. We’ve teamed up with CuriosityStream. Curiositystream is the best place to go for high quality documentaries. It has thousands of titles like Autonomy, a film that explores the implications of us, giving up control to self driving cars or the series A World Without NASA that examines how technologies developed by the space agency affect out everyday lives. So to get access to all of the great documentaries on CuriosityStream and my bonus content on Nebula head over to curiositystream com, efficientengineer or click on the link. In the description You’ll get a 26 discount on the CuriosityStream annual plan AND you’ll get Nebula for free All for less than 15 dollars a year. It’s an amazing deal and signing up is a great way to support this channel And that’s it for this look at fluid viscosity Thanks for watching

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