My Blog Income Report 2021 (2 Websites)

I started two websites this year and i wanted to give a quick update. Both of these websites have been created in the last year. This first website i want to share with you, is in the art or creative niche: it’s about a year old, and i what you’re looking at right here on the screen is the azoik ad display site it’s, my dashboard, and you Can see with this first site, i’m now making around six hundred and thirty dollars per month that’s getting me that’s, from thirty 000 page views monthly and. This continues to go up almost every single day. You can see down here i’m, making around 26 almost 27 per day over the next year. I hope to add another 100 articles to this website. Right now. It has about a hundred articles on it. Each articles is between fifteen hundred to two thousand words and um that’s how i have scaled this website up, i’m, hoping it reached. Eight reaches eight hundred dollars by the end of the year. It may go drop down a little bit after that. After quarter four, but as i add the next hundred articles um over the next year, i’m hoping to get between one thousand and two thousand dollars per month on this website alone through ad income. Now i also do affiliate um marketing with this website, and i’ve found some good affiliate programs to go along with this niche, and so i’m making about 300 right now per month on with affiliates alone. So right now i’m making about a thousand dollars on this site right now, so i think i’ll be able to get it to close to two thousand dollars per month or more by the end of next year. Look at my second site! My second site is in what i’ll call the i guess relationship niche and i’m making right now about seventy eight dollars per month that’s off of six thousand page views per month and the both the earnings and the page views continue To go up each month, this website is only about six months old, and so i’m really excited about that about the second or third month i was able to start ranking some of my articles on google. I was able to get over a thousand page views per month by month, three or four that’s when i added this website to a zoic, my ad network and i started earning some money. I’m thinking by the end of this year. I’ll be able to boost this number up to a hundred dollars per month and by the end of next year. As i add another 100 articles to this site as well, i’m hoping to boost this up to 500 or a thousand dollars per month as well or more. I do do affiliate marketing with this site, but i haven’t found at one single or even a few, really great programs yet so i’m still looking for that. I think that’ll come in time and i’m probably going to create some of my own informational products for both of these sites. I tend to create sites about topics that i know very well. It makes writing articles pretty easy research, a lot shorter and i’m able to know some of the affiliate programs, because i’ve used a lot of the products and services myself. I would say with this website, i have around 50 articles on it, and these articles are between 1500 and 2000 words. Both my websites are built off the same blogging program that i take, and they also use another tool that i use to crank out content much faster. So let’s talk about those two tools. The first tool i want to talk about is this blogging program. Is the blogging program that i’m in? I have taken several blogging programs. This is by far my favorite. It’s also as much as i know, the cheapest program available at 299 for the first year 99 for each additional year. So it’s not cheap, but it is the cheapest blogging program that i know of, and there’s a 30 day, full money back guarantee – and this is the blogging program that i use and have used to build both of my websites that are earning Me money, so i think that shows that it actually works. There’s some people in this program that are making a lot of money each month off of their websites, and i’m talking about into the multiple thousands now in this course. What you’ll get is a lot of different things. You’re going to get a lot of text and video training everything from finding a good niche doing your topic or keyword research, finding a good domain name. Setting up your website! Writing your content that ranks high on google, with some seo tips how to monetize through ads and affiliate, how to do social media and how to outsource your content, build a team of writers so that you can scale more quickly. This program also has a very active community: it’s a private community, just for course, members so that you can get feedback and advice for other people who know more than you do so. I’m in love with this program. It’s. What i use there will be a link in the description of this video so that you can check it out. The other tool that i use is jarvis. It’s also called conversion ai. It’s an ai writer that gives you 100 original and copyright free content for your blogs. It does actually a lot more than that. Jarvis will actually help. You write not only your your content for your blog, but also content for social media content for your landing pages or your informational products courses or your video scripts for promoting on youtube. It does so much stuff. I use it primarily, though, for writing my blog post. Now you still have to guide it, give give jarvis instructions guide it along the way, but jarvis has doubled or tripled my productivity. I’m able to get at least one, sometimes two articles out per day, using this um using this ai writer. I love it. There’s gon na, be a link in the description so that you can check it out for yourself. These two tools combine the passive income geek program and jarvis. Those two tools are what i think helped me build my two websites up to a thousand dollars per month within a year. If you find the right niche, you can probably do a lot better than that, but check out those links check out the tools, see how you like them. Thanks for watching this, video give it a like hit the subscribe button for more videos like this about making money writing online, and i’ll see you at the next video

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Celebrating #ProsperidadLatina: Aili’s Story of Gratitude and Support

Hi my name is Aili Chatfield Taylor, and I am half Cuban half Panamanian proud American living in the United States for about 25 years now In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month I nominate my, husband Mathiessen I invite you to join the Prosperidad Latina campaign, by nominating someone Who has created a positive impact in your life, Participate on the TurboTax blog today? .

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[short][Listen with song] LIFE Quotes:Content (2)

In life, the person you must not forget is not someone you hate, but someone. You love continuing to hate.

Someone only troubles your heart and hurts you with thinking only of the person you love, I’m, so happy but World it.

Doesn’t end with just me is much more joyful than I ever imagine.

Good enough is enough as long and it’s, not the wor Music .

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Mortal Kombat: Sub-Zero Reacts to Scorpion’s Shoes

Scorpion [On Phone]: Check out my new shoes. They're the brand new — Sub-Zero: You can keep your buckles, Scorpion. Wouldn't want you to get… [Grunts] HYAAAA! "Cold FEET!".

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Long-term planning for sustainable success

Overview: Connected Planning – Managing Marketing Campaigns

With Connected Planning, you experience seamless flow across different styles of planning. Financial planning, Sales planning, HR planning, IT Planning and Marketing all can be connected through cross pod smart push and navigation flows to provide a seamless experience for planners across different departments. In this three-part series, you’ll see how they are connected in Planning. This is the third part of a three-part series. Sometimes Marketing expense can be more than 10% of total revenue. While Finance may be looking at a single number, Marketing will be looking at their expenses in a much more granular way. You can ask yourself: How am I going to spend across my various service lines? Where are the service lines that have the most opportunity for growth? And you can ask: What is the nature of some of these spend categories? – some of it is going to be digital, some traditional types of events some of it hiring events like Talent or trade promotions.

Marketing operations spends a big portion of their time on Marketing Campaign planning where you have all the potential campaigns as well as the campaigns that are ultimately going to be approved. Marketing operations can set up various campaigns depicted in the Project dropdown list. For one of these campaigns, Golf Sponsorship, you can see the total investment. If you look at the graph on the right, you can see how that investment is going to be broken out.

The Director in Marketing Operations is responsible for a couple of these campaigns. The details for the campaigns are displayed including the start and end date, and specific attributes around the project. such as whether it is a high priority project or campaign and whether it benefits a specific service line. When it comes down to individual campaign levels such as the campaign for Mountain Challenge, you see that this campaign started in 2021 and goes out to 2022.

I can expand this out into quarters and months. And then I can start adding up some of the details in the campaign. First off what phase of the campaign am I in? Agency phase? Media Placement phase? What are the expenses? What service line am I spending on? I can always update any assumptions I have around standard rates with certain vendors. I can add lines or remove lines. This represents a very different level of detail and different level of planning at the operational level in these FP and A cases from what you would see in Financial Planning. After the Marketing team completes campaign-level detailed planning you can seamlessly integrate the marketing cost to the financial cube by using data maps or smart push. This provides a connected planning experience for business users. Financial Operational Planning is in one Oracle environment which allows you to do things like our new innovative Insights capability. The insights capability looks for patterns within the application. Let’s look for situations where there are major differences from predictions vs what is manually forecasted. There are a number of situations where this is occurring.

The bottom one is coming from the IT project. There is a big capital investment that is predicted lower than forecast. You can take a look at that one to learn more about it. So with a couple of clicks of the mouse, whether you are in IT Finance or Finance you have information to help you understand about a potential problem that might be occurring with one of your planned projects. In this video series, you saw how you can have end-to-end visibility across your enterprise from Finance, to Sales, to Strategic Workforce Planning, and IT Planning and when planning marketing campaigns, and you took a look at Insights. To learn more, visit

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Long-term planning for sustainable success