I made a Game in 2 DAYS (with no experience)

So there’s this game G that I want to participate in, but there’s a bit of a problem, and that is it ends in 2 days and I have no idea how to make a game Music. So the theme for the game is endless and I immediately thought of 20 minutes still down or the inspiration for the game which you might know better vampire survivors. I haven’t actually played the original vampire survivors, but I have played the bile knockoff. I know I know shameful, but I got the gist of it and it does kind of fit in the endless fix. So I will go with that. If you don’t know any of those games, basically you spawn in kill enemies which drop XP. That XP gets you on levels, levels, give you better stats or abilities to help you survive longer, and when the timer runs out, you win simple. Now let’s do it. I’m making this game in good old and something I know about G is that I don’t know it. So let’s watch a tutorial to understand the basics. Some code in the character can now move wait. No, you’re not supposed to look at that, because I’m on a two day deadline and totally not just lazy by button answer pack for the main character and important the animations. But you can see the character is just floating. So let’s add something for it to won. Luckily, this is pretty easy. All we have to do is download a bunch of 3DS. I realize your game is not in 3D, modify each of them individually to fit in 2D. It doesn’t fit modify again it doesn’t fit modify again. It doesn’t fit modify again, it fits so. I have watched a bunch of tutorials and I think I got by find it to work, so it should move the enemy towards you. Oh okay, that’s, not it either uh. Okay! Now I got it working. I did a health system and made the enemies actually hurt you, but it looks boring and so less just like me, so I added a juicy knockback effect. I don’t even know how I managed to make it look that good. This can literally be the game I that played for a few hours who needs gameplay that’s over. I added game play you. Can you can out shoot people yeah? If you’re wondering what that highly detailed AAA Graphics Ball? Is it’s a part of the story that will not just excuse for me to not do animations, but it stands still, and you can only shoot your in One Direction so let’s make it move alongside the mouse. Luckily, all we have to do is get the angular measurement between the positive minus AIS and the ray from the origin to the point of the cartisian. What, basically I copied some G Forum code or CH GPT? I don’t even know where I got this from, but it rotates, which is always cool rotating, is cool yeah. I also removed the explosion since they made the game too easy and totally notes, because I’m way too incompetent to be able to create proper Collision. We leave them for other abilities, which I may or may not Implement and leave the main weapon B single Target. I have a quick question for you: what happens when the tool to place tiles, doesn’t work as intended? Why does it leave empty spaces? You, Google, the problem. You input it into chat, GPT, you search it up on YouTube. No, you delete our time M andp for procedure generated R, hard code values because you don’t know how math Works delete code until it works and we got procedural gener terrain. That was a waste of time, but it looks cool. So now you can shoot the skeletons and walk in infinite World, but after that, what well you can spin your ball and shoot in random directions and admire the laziness that went into creating the game. And where am I going this? Oh yeah? We need to make the enemy spawn for some reason, this had to be hard. So if you want to spawn enemies at the top of your screen, what do you do get the coordinates of the viewport and spawn them outside it? That would make sense, except the camera moves, so that type of spawner would stand in one place. Instead, what we have to do is create a p Tod, which I don’t even know what it’s used for, create a p follow Tod. This makes sense and then a marker for some reason. Then you modify the progress of that by random values and boom got enemy spawning, but wait, wait. Wait! I wish it was over. The p2d doesn’t move alongside your camera. So what you have to do is create a remote transform to T which, for some reason it moves your camera in the middle. Then you realign the camera and now enemies spawn outside the screen yay. Why did this take seven hours all right so right now the game is pretty much playable, but there’s no game Loop, so I mean that’s, pretty simple. All we have to do is look at some vampire Survivor, gameplay and oh yeah. We forgot the gambling aspect, Implement XP, add juicy Max to make the pickup animation look more dopamine inducing other the progress Mar at the top of their screen fight with the layers for hours. Only to realize you have to move the note to the up other the level up pop up rewrite the player SK, because you realize it’s impossible to manage, write totally simple code to make the level up scream work make the level up bar random, because Gambling add partic effect with good particle system, because gambling, okay, that’s it. So by this point we have about 6 hours left to implement dodging and reloading fix, bugs finish the game. Loop, add the menu screen, add death and winning yeah. Basically, I’m f a little off topic, but I’ve typed the word health, so many times I’m starting to believe I’m misspelling it. We have to quickly do a main menu and add a timer for when the game should end and then reloading, I put them main menu together in 30 minutes don’t, you dare say a thing about the art I couldn’t find something similar on H so I had tow it myself. I eventually got it together and added the staring credits button and then I realized. I have no idea how to create a popup in G, so I deleted the credits I’ll put them in the H, tutorial description or something I don’t know anyway. I hooked the start button to start the game and add the timer to the game. If you survive past the timer you Music win, so the time ran out it’s been 48 Hours of active development and I finished the reloading just in time. Basically, when you run out of ammo, which is displayed on your ball, you have to wait for the reloading animation. To finish, I also nerfed the default fire rate and made it so enemies, move 2 5 times faster. Based of how close you are to winning the game, making the game look just a bit harder, I was doubting if I should also increase the HP that way, but I thought that would be too hard to play against. I’m going to cheat a little and fix the hit box, even if the timer ended cuz. I broke them when I added the XP animation anyway, without any further Ado, I present to you time fracture. This was a lot of fun. The game will be available on h, Link in the description, even though there are some freezes because of the HTML build, and I don’t know how to fix them. The particles take around 10 seconds to spawn for some reason, uh. I might also include the windows build now that I’m thinking about it and I didn’t have time to add sound effects so yeah. How was the experience in my task? I’ve tried G before and I didn’t like it, but this time was different. I would even dare to say it’s better than Unity uh, which I ditched go out for in the past and it’s native with supportting on Linux. How cool is that it’s, truly amazing and rather easy to create games. If you understand the flow uh, if you also want to make a game, I highly recommend you try it just for fun fiddle around with it, and you’ll see why it’s so liked, not sponsored by the way. Just my thoughts on the engine. Uh by the way, the two days uh that I took for making that game, weren’t really consecutive, because yes thanks for watching and as always see you in the next one. So we are playing the game on the Windows build via wine and let’s see oh, that is Moo. I’m going to try to survive as long as I can, which I don’t think I can get past the 10 minute Mark. Okay, the game is actually smooth. I didn’t expect it to be this clean cuz. I was running it on the death, build which I supp uh G do uh makes it compressed. I have to tweak the ti map generation because it’s visible and there we go. We level up um, I’m, going to need more fire rate CU. I’m uh shooting way too slow and I’m already on one C. How did that happen? Oh crap, I was going to die um yeah, so we survived this one minute that’s cool and all uh, but uh we on one yeah, okay, GG, that’s the game. I guess, and you can also retry and it gets you to the main screen and you can also try again uh yeah and now I didn’t finish in time for the game Jam.

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