How to choose a tech stack for your website #1 | Introduction | Prismic

Hi I’m Nouha, I’m with Sadek We’re in Prismic Studio, And we wanted to answer a question. We hear a lot, which is When I create a website.

How do I choose which technologies work with? How do I choose my tech stack Right and you know it’s an important question and it comes so often Because there are so many solutions, so many technologies Like people ask like, should I use WordPress? Should I not use WordPress, There are so many other choices like about frameworks Like you know, you React, Gatsby, JavaScript, Node, js or others.

You know, and each of these have it’s own advantages And that’s.

Why? Knowing these advantages? Knowing your context, then, you can decide better Yeah, So that’s, why? Maybe we thought of doing this video to kind of go into the advantages of the different approaches? The answer that we tend to give first is related to like who you are.

Who are you Right If you’re a developer or not or a designer Right? If you don’t know how and you don’t want to learn how to write JavaScript and CSS, So maybe you’re looking for some like website visual builder, where you have some interface, Drag and drop, Drag and drop Some blocks to get your Website, of course, it’s constrained, but maybe for your case, you don’t want to invest time learning So that’s an approach that’s an approach, Not the approach that we are going to talk about in this video.

We’re more.

Focusing on people that can write some HTML and CSS M, hmm So for the other people that can do that.

So basically, there are two different blocks: Right: Yeah There is the code or the templates that kind of render the website, And there is the content.

Where does it go? Where do you host it? How do you edit it Right Because, of course, you can do a website without managing content, Then you will have that, as you know, static, But you don’t want to go committing changing your code and redeploying it each time you have to go fix a Typo, Yes, It’s, not very good.

You know It takes a lot of time and its not a very productive approach, So it’s better to imagine it as two different blocks. Two different blocks, One that renders and one that manages content which has like an editor, and you know all the different things that you need to publish, content.

Okay and then you have two choices: Either you chose a solutions where you have those two blocks coupled like WordPress, for instance, Or you could use two different solutions Like have your own framework and your own CMS Right.

For instance, traditional solutions will have these both coupled, But the problem with that is your constrained to what that CMS technology provides you.

So you have to, for instance, WordPress to write inside WordPress templates To add plug ins To add plug ins.

All these kinds of things, Which is a good approach.

There are a lot of things we can learn from WordPress, They’ve done a great job and they have a huge community.

But you know you can’t chose your favorite technologies or framework from these.

That are evolving along The other thing.

I say: okay, well, what I need the CMS for is just the publishing and the editor, And then I want to be able to.

You know use my favorite framework, a JavaScript framework or whatever it is PHP framework, And you know to develop with that. So that’s another approach, That’s a solid solution, So yeah, and then there’s the choice between these technologies and these CMS.

These cms yeah That need to be approached, And you talked about the community and that’s, maybe something that can help you choose Right When you consider a technology like the community around it Yeah.

Is there a big community around something? Because you know you don’t want to be stuck with something that doesn’t have a community, Because in case you have questions or have issues or using it, not in the way they thought about it.


You need to be able to have someone else that has thought of it or developed, something for it or gave an answer about it Or you can ask, and you know that your going to have like an answer really quickly.

But how can you know like what how big the community is? Well, when it’s about the community, most of people would look at their Github and see how many stars they have, or the number of questions answered In StackOverflow things like this, But I like the idea of having like a Slack community or Spectrum Spectrum community Where you know you can ask questions, You can interact Yeah with chat And I had a friend he used to go to google and just google like the name of the technology issue, And then he will see how many issues they have in this community and how Are they solving them? You know.

Are they responding to these people Just to test it out laughing? So maybe in future videos we’ll.

You know in next videos we’ll talk about how to choose a framework And then maybe in another, video dig deeper.

How to choose a CMS or something for managing content, Yeah sure Cool .

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