Author Archives: yoseamorosk69team

Watch me build a website using Webflow in 1 hour (follow along)

so if you're new to webflow this 
tutorial is designed for you   we're gonna go step by step uh starting from 
a blank page uh to building a completely fully   functioning recipe blog and let me quickly show 
you what the final product is gonna look like and   you're going to have a home page here which is 
going to list out the different recipes that are   in the back end of your webflow site and you're 
going to be able to click into the specific recipe   and see the photo and see information that you're 
storing about that recipe like ingredients and   then the uh description of how to actually 
uh make the recipe and then you're gonna   have a navbar here to go back to the home page 
and we're also gonna build in these filtering   pages here so you can click on a specific 
cuisine of food and see the recipes that   fit within that specific cuisine so this tutorial 
is for complete beginners so even if you have   no flow experience at all or no web design 
experience you've never built a website   we're going to go step by step i'm going to show 
you exactly how to do it so don't be intimidated   and by the end you're going to know how to use 
webflow and how to build a site like this on your   own so i hope you enjoy the tutorial so what you 
need to do is first create a webflow account and   it's going to put you into the dashboard yours is 
going to be empty and then go ahead and click new   project on the top right and then once you click 
new project go ahead and click blank site we're   not going to use a template in our case because 
i want to teach you the fundamentals of web flow   from a blank site and then you can always use 
that knowledge on a template later on so i'm   just going to name my project recipe site you can 
name your project something similar if you'd like and that's going to drop you into the web 
flow designer and the designer might seem a   little bit overwhelming at first with all of the 
different settings and buttons but i'm going to   walk you through what you need to know to build 
the website so the first thing that i want to do   is go ahead to the top left here to this add 
element button and this is where all of the   different web flow components are held and what 
we're going to do is click on section and that's   going to drop a section into the body now if you 
have built a website with css and html in the past   this is going to seem familiar and it might be 
a little bit easier for you to pick up webflow   but even if you haven't used css or html 
in the past i'm going to walk you through   what you need to know so no worries if you have 
no experience with that webflow basically is a   visual designer of css and html code in fact if 
you wanted to actually export your website once   you are finished you can export the code and 
host that code somewhere else so webflow is   essentially letting you use its tools to visually 
visually code essentially so in html and css   you're building using the box model and what a box 
model means is everything you put on your website   is boxes within boxes and we're going to use our 
styling to make our boxes you know say and look   what we want how we want them to and they're going 
to be placed on the website how we want them to   you'll see what i mean as i keep going um so 
first we have this section here at the top   and this is where we're going to design our main 
header so within this section let's go ahead and   add a heading and a heading is just like it seems 
it is um you know big text on your website that's   going to be a heading for a section and let's give 
this h1 h1 through 6 is the size of the heading   and now let's go ahead and add another heading 
let's drag that right underneath and you can see   it's at the same indentation here right underneath 
the section which is exactly what we want   and we're going to go ahead and click h3 in 
this case which is going to be our subheading   and here let's just rename or edit the 
text here and let's just call it my   recipe blog and then under heading um the 
best recipes um for you to cook at home   perfect so we're not going to worry too much about 
the content here it's mostly about the design   and understanding how webflow works so now 
that we've created this structure of a section   with a heading two headings within that section 
let's go over to the styling here on the right   side and what we're going to do is go ahead and 
add a class and we're going to name the class   section the reason classes are helpful in web flow 
is once you create the styling of this class we   can name other sections that same section class 
and they're going to automatically take on the   same styling which is going to be really helpful 
um for a lot of things in webflow that we create   we're going to go ahead and add this section we're 
going to give it some padding now padding is space   inside so here if we hover you can see it's inside 
the box that those green lines are inside the   section box that we just created and i'm going to 
take that away and if i add margin you can see if   we hover over that the blue lines are outside the 
box so that's the difference between margin and   padding so i'm going to go ahead and remove 
that real quick so in our case what i want to do   is add some padding so let's go ahead and i'm 
going to hold option this is a little trick in   webflow if you hold option and and drag it's going 
to automatically add the same padding on the left   and right or the top and bottom depending on which 
side you're on and if you hold shift it's going to   automatically add padding all the way around and 
we go ahead and remove that um so shift is on all   four sides option or i believe it's alt on a pc is 
going to be the top and the bottom so i'm going to   go ahead and add 50 pixels of padding on the top 
on the left and right i'm going to go ahead and add why don't i say 60 on the top and bottom 
and this is going to be our section and then   um what i'm going to do is go ahead and add 
um a combo class and uh i'm going to add pop   and what a combo class does is it allows us 
to add additional styling to our first class   without editing that first class so if we add um 
a background color here which is what i'm going   to do go down to the bottom here with background 
under color why don't i give this like a yellow   background that's a hex code hex codes 
are essentially codes that represent   the color that you're using on your website and 
that is going to be a part of that top combo   class so if i create another section later on and 
it doesn't have that um that top combo class it's   going to have the same padding with no background 
if i add top it's going to add in that yellow   background or any other styling changes that we 
want to change like on the top if we want to add   you know 200 padding and make it really long 
we can do that i'm gonna hit um undo to do that   you can undo anything or redo things in webflow 
using either the keyboard shortcut so command z   or you can use uh these buttons here to 
redo and undo if you make any mistakes   okay great so you're starting to understand 
kind of how to start adding content to   your website's home page now what i want to 
do is actually add websites to the backend   database of our webflow site and we're going to 
do this by using the content management system or   the webflow cms which is where we're going to hold 
all of our data and that's going to be dynamically   displayed on our website and the way we do that is 
we go to the left bar here to this cms button so   we're going to click cms and we're going to create 
our first collection and go ahead and press that   and we're going to use one of webflow's collection 
templates in this tutorial so go ahead and click   recipes and webflow is going to automatically pull 
in some custom fields that are going to be helpful   for our recipe and we can always edit these 
later but for now this is going to be great   for start so here we have the name of the recipe 
we have an ingredients area we have a directions   area we have uh recipe history that might be kind 
of some background information about the recipe   we have the main image we have the thumbnail 
image whether it's a featured recipe or not and   we have color color is something to edit like the 
color of the buttons or the text if you wanted to   i'm actually going to go ahead 
and delete that to delete   what you want to do is go hit that settings and 
then just hit that trash can right there perfect   so here let's go ahead and create the 
collection and we might add some more fields   later on but for now let's go ahead and create the 
collection we have zero recipes in our collection   let's go ahead and add a new recipe so go ahead to 
the top right and let's go ahead and add a recipe   so what i'm going to do is go find a recipe online 
and we're going to use that as kind of a template   so that way we have some content to put in 
all right so i'm getting a pesto recipe from and i'm going to go ahead and enter 
in the name it's going to be called best pesto and   let's go ahead and add in the ingredients and 
this is a rich text field and what that means   is you can format your text directly in this field 
so you can add a plus button you can add images   you can add bullet points which is what i'm going 
to do here and i'm going to go ahead and add in   the recipe ingredients so half a cup of pine nuts 
it's three ounce parmesan two garlic cloves six   six cups of basil three fourth cup extra virgin 
olive oil and sure so that that's the ingredients   section um for directions i'm just going to 
go ahead and copy and paste in the directions   from and i'm going to go 
ahead and paste that in and here you can see   because it's a rich text field if you highlight 
over text you can see this is a heading 4.   and you can change the sizes if you'd like 
as well so this is a heading 4.

Perfect for recipe history i'm just going to leave that 
blank for now i think we're going to go back and   delete that in our case we're just going to 
remove the recipe history we can always you   could always add that back yourself if you'd 
want later under main image let's go ahead   and download an image of pesto and what i would 
recommend is let's just go to   and they probably have some pictures here perfect 
so i'm going to go ahead and download that and let's go back to webflow and i'm just 
going to drag in our main image and i'm going   to use the same image for the main image as the 
thumbnail image perfect and we're just going to   leave that unchecked for now so i'm going to go 
ahead and and create that and then like i said   let's edit and remove that recipe history field 
so let's edit that settings here under recipes   um and then let's go ahead and under recipe 
history hit that um settings and trash can and   delete the recipe history perfect so let's save 
the collection and let's go ahead and add a few   more recipes so what i would recommend on your own 
is go to a recipe website find a few recipes and   go ahead and edit in the enter in the information 
so you have some content to work with so i'm going   to go to and add in a few more 
recipes here one other thing i would recommend   is maybe add in um a couple different cuisines so 
in my case i'll i'll do a couple italian recipes   and then maybe a couple recipes of another cuisine 
um that's going to be helpful when we add in our   cuisine type later on which is something we're 
going to add to our recipe site so go ahead and   do that i'm going to pause the video and do that 
myself as well all right so i've gone ahead and   added four total recipes i've added two italian 
into thai recipes and uh let's go back to our   home page and now what we're gonna do is add 
a element here on the top left and it's going   to be a collection list and this is kind of the 
magic of webflow so we're going to drag that in   and the source is going to be our recipe 
collection and you can see it's already pulling in   those uh recipes that we've added and then within 
that let's go ahead and pull in an image block   and let's just make sure that's dragged into 
that collection item you can see you can see   it's automatically pulling in four images because 
it's going to be styling each collection item the   exact same way so we're going to get that 
image from recipes and that's going to be   our thumbnail image and wow you can see um 
it's not styled so it's just pulling it in   um full size actually looks kind of cool 
but um we're going to style that a little   bit so we have the image and let's 
also go ahead and pull in a heading   drag that below the image and why don't we 
do an h3 and the text is going to be the name   perfect and then let's go to the collection list 
and what we're going to do so the collection list   is what's holding in all each item and we're going 
to give that a display of grid and as you can see   a grid is a really great display that's going 
to automatically um if we just hit done it it's   a 2×2 right here and i think that's actually not 
that bad so let's go ahead and keep it at a 2×2   and what i want to do is make sure that 
all of the images are the same size so   what i'm going to do is a little trick here 
so instead of actually having an image block   i'm going to pull in a div a div is essentially 
a box in html and i'm going to give that div a   background image which is going to be this image 
so i'm just going to go ahead and first pull in   a link block the reason we want this to be a link 
block is because we want to link to this specific   recipe so the link block is going to be here um 
in the collection item and then within that link   block we want to pull in a div and just kind 
of hover over and you can see we're pulling it   underneath that link block and now that we're 
on this div go to your settings make sure you're   hovered over this div go to click get background 
image from recipes we're going to select field and   make it a thumbnail image perfect and now let's 
go back to our um paint brush here our style   and we're going to edit the width so 
first let's just make this 400 pixels by   200 pixels so right off the bat we're 
creating um the size of these images   and then go down to our backgrounds and what 
we're going to do is hit this plus button and   uh we don't have to actually add an image 
because we were already pulling it in from our   cms so you can ignore that but let's go ahead 
and click cover and what cover is going to do   is as you can see it's going to make the image 
basically fill up the whole background and   then what i want to do is position it in the 
center and the reason i want to do this is   as you can see um it's making the image centered 
on the center center of the image and what that's   doing you can compare what we had to what we have 
now so here for example we have this really tall   image now we have this image that's all the same 
size as the others and it's centered on the middle   of the image so let's go ahead and click on that 
image that we had before and let's just delete it   so now we have this div block which is really the 
image so let's click on that right arrow on the   class on the right side and click rename class 
and what we're going to do is rename this to   food thumbnail perfect and then let's go to 
its sizing and let's change the width to uh i was going to do 100 but that didn't work 
let's just change it to 500 pixels by 300 pixels   and then on this link block   let's go ahead and drag in that heading underneath 
that image so the heading is all in that   link block and in the link block uh let's go 
ahead and remove that in the typography we   want to remove the text decoration and then make 
the color black so it's not that blue underline and then within the link block let's go ahead 
and give that a display of flex and this is going   to allow us to kind of easily position the items 
in the box the way that we want to so flux and   grid are both really helpful we're going to 
use flex here and we want this to be vertical   we want the alignment to be centered 
and that's all we want to do so here   we can see now everything is centered the way 
that we want it to be perfect and now we should   be able to go back to that food thumbnail and 
make the width a hundred percent and now it's   going to work the way that we want it to because 
it's within that flexbox you don't have to worry   too much about how for now but it works so this is 
going to give us that nice full width image here   so now we have our collection list wrapper and we 
have these link blocks with our recipes that we've   created and the great thing is as you add more 
recipes to your recipe site they're automatic   added they're automatically going to get 
added here in this collection list so   uh one thing i want to do now is go ahead and 
click that add element we're going to add a   section here and we're going to just make sure 
you drag it to the left so it's kind of within   that body here if you have trouble you can always 
drag it to the top and then kind of drag it back   but here we have this second section let's give 
it a class of section we don't want to give it   the class of top section we just want section and 
then let's go ahead and drag our collection list   wrapper within it so now the great thing about 
this is it's lined up um because it has the exact   same padding so it's automatically going to add 
in that padding and the cool thing is if we change   the padding there it's going to change it on the 
top as well maybe we'll add a little bit more   so this is nice it just gives some nice spacing next let's go to our link block here 
why don't we rename it to recipe   link recipe link group and then go to settings 
here and what we want to do is we're going to   choose where we want that link to go 
so in our pace we're going to click   collection page and we're going to choose the 
current recipe and what that's going to do is   allow us to click into a page that's going to 
hold the all the information about the recipe   and perfect so um what we can do now is where 
that is if we go to pages here on the left side   you can see we have our home page and then we 
have our recipes template now we need to go in   and actually create that page and edit the recipes 
template so that when you click on the recipe it's   going to put you into this recipe template page 
so let's quickly just add some information here   that we've created so let's add in a section 
let's go ahead and give it that section   title label and let's go ahead and add in a 
heading and then here let's get text from name   perfect so we have best pesto and 
let's go ahead and add in a div and let's go ahead and give this in our 
settings a background image the way that   we did before and we're going to do the 
main image here and we're going to do and let's go ahead and add a div and 
then let's put that heading in the div   and then what i want to do is go ahead and add 
another div and i'm going to just drag that   underneath so now we're going to have these two 
divs one with the heading and then one div here   and we're going to add an image i'm just going 
to drag that in and the image is going to be the   main main image here from our thumbnail perfect um 
so we have our uh name and we have the image here okay perfect and um we might not need these 
uh divs uh but we'll see how we decide to   kind of design it as we go so um and then 
in this item let's go ahead and just see   how this looks on others so perfect red 
pesto pasta and it might look a little   cleaner if you upload pictures that are in 
this kind of more horizontal aspect ratio   so here we go we have these um let's go ahead 
and add another section below let's uh whoops   um go ahead and add a section if you need to 
kind of drag it above and then drag it below   let's give this a section class so it's going 
to have all the same settings and let's go ahead   and drag in a rich text field and you need to 
drag in a rich text field you can't drag in a   you know normal heading or paragraph because the 
rich text block is we're getting text from our   directions or ingredients which are rich text 
cms fields so let's go ahead and pull ingredients   all right so next we're going to 
go ahead and add in another section and just drag that below and let's give this the 
same section class so it pulls in all the same   spacing in that section let's go ahead and 
give this a heading so i'm just going to click   on heading and that pulled it in underneath and 
let's double click on this and write ingredients whoops misspelled that and then let's go 
ahead and pull in a rich text field   and it has to be a rich text field not a normal 
paragraph field because the uh text in the cms   is a rich text field in the cms so 
we're going to pull in ingredients   you can see that's automatically pulled in 
we'll style this more later and then let's just   click duplicate that i clicked on that section i 
use my keyboard shortcut of command c if you're   on a pc i think it's ctrl c and command v or 
control v and that's going to duplicate it so then   let's just change this to directions and then here 
let's change that to directions perfect so we have   our uh rich text field we have our heading 
and we have our ingredients and our directions   perfect so you can see we have our home 
page and then we have our recipes template   perfect let's go back home let's go ahead and 
click publish so if we click click publish it's   going to publish this on our webflow url if you 
upgrade your plan you can add a custom domain   in webflow and webflow can host it let's go ahead 
and view our site so here we go this is our live   site and if we click on one of our links here it 
will take us to our recipe page so sweet spicy   cucumber salad and here we have our ingredients 
and here we have our directions and if we go back   we're back on the home page and we can click 
on another recipe um so even in our case here   we've already built out kind of the frame for a 
recipe blog so we have our home page and you can   click and you can browse different recipes 
so let's add a little bit more to our site   to make this just a little bit nicer and a little 
bit more built out all right so let's go back to   webflow and now i'm going to explain responsive 
design and this is something that webflow lets you   do really easily so responsive design is making 
sure that your website looks good no matter what   device the user is looking at so here you can see 
it looks good on the tablet size as we get to the   mobile landscape uh it still pretty much 
works and then as we get to our mobile   portrait our mobile phone um it's really 
not working anymore so it's kind of breaking   so what we're going to do to fix that 
it should be pretty simple so here   we're in our mobile landscape let's edit this 
first so let's click on a section and what's   happening i can tell is there's too much 
padding so it's not giving enough space   for our images here so all we have to do is 
go ahead and reduce the padding because we   don't need as much padding on a smaller screen 
size so here now it's working perfectly fine   um one thing that's really cool about 
webflow is if you make changes on a   smaller um device size it's going to automatically 
make the change on every size that's smaller than   that but if you go to larger sizes that's still 
going to keep the original design that you had   so here that helped it on the mobile but it's 
still not really working what we want is instead   of two images per row we actually want one so what 
we want to do is edit this grid so go to the right   side here just click edit grid make sure you're on 
that grid collection list and then in the columns   just go ahead and delete one of the columns 
and then hit done and now it's automatically   creating that one column design that we would be 
looking for here the other thing we want to do   is go into our recipe our recipe link and let's 
align to the left because in this case on one it's   just going to look better if we're aligning 
it to the left alright so i'm back on the   main desktop breakpoint and now what i'm going 
to do is show you how to edit the design of your   headings and headings is kind of a global style 
so this h1 h2 h3 h4 586 and you could just add a   class like heading or main heading if you wanted 
um but what we want to do is is if we click on   this heading one and we click on the class but 
don't name it and then go to all h1 headings   this way we can edit the style of the font 
and it's going to affect every place on our   site that we have h1 headings so let's go 
ahead and change the font and let's choose   to whichever font you want i'm going to go ahead 
and pick one uh why don't we do um let's see here let's do monsterat and i'm 
going to make the weight extra bold and i'm going to make the color 
black perfect and then let's go here to h3   and let's do the same thing 
click on all h3 headings   and let's change the font and here you 
can see because these uh fonts are also h3 you can see that it is 
also changing so one on h3   let's do uh lotto um or maybe in in consolata 
let's do that and then let's make this black   as well so we have this kind of different font um 
i'm just doing this for our use case here perfect   and then let's also change the margin on h3 let's 
make it 10 on the top and 5 on the bottom perfect you can also add more fonts you can add 
any google font in the uh project settings   of your webflow site but we're not going to 
do that right now perfect so we have uh this   um these fonts that were changed and then let's 
go to let's go to that recipe link and i know   we did this on mobile but i think we should 
do this on desktop as well let's go ahead and edit the alignment to the left you 
know this is just personal preference okay so now as we go here that's looking good on 
every uh device size perfect and let's check out   that cms collection page so here we can see uh 
that heading was automatically changed um and   then perfect that heading was changed as well so 
the next thing i want to do is let's edit the um   let's edit more of the um styles on our site uh 
so for example you can see uh this is a different   h um a different heading and it still has that um 
basic style and i'm gonna make that a little bit   more custom and then the paragraph here as well 
i want to make that a little bit more custom too   so in order to do that let's just go ahead and 
pull in a rich text field and let's just drag that   in and then if we click and click on this 
it's a heading 2 and we can click all h2   and we can give that the monserra and 
let's give that a black color as well   um let's do the same for this heading four make 
sure you just click rna and all h4 for this let's   give that the and you can see that's changing 
those steps over there because it's that same h4   let's do in consul in consolata which is what 
we did before and give it that black perfect   and then this is the paragraph let's click 
all paragraphs and why don't we give this   latte and let's make this black as well one other 
thing that i want to add is go ahead and click   that plus button here make sure you 
just click an empty space hit return   let's add a plus let's add bullets and 
let's just say test test test and this the list item let's go ahead and click all list 
items and let's change that to lotto as well   and let's give that a black color as well and 
that's going to edit those list items there   so this is just kind of how to style those 
global styles on your site like the heading   and the paragraphs and the list items 
i'm going to go ahead and delete that now   perfect all right awesome so cool so now we have 
some pretty good looking um kind of recipe pages   with our um image we have our ingredients and 
our directions and if we go to our home page we have a pretty good looking homepage so 
let's just edit this uh in this top section   let's just remove that image um why don't we just 
the background image let's just make it like a   really light gray here um cool so just that's 
a little bit cleaner so we just have this   light gray and then we have these images here so let's go ahead and click publish 
and by now if we go to our site   um we're going to have a pretty good 
looking recipe blog so we can click in   we have the image we have ingredients and we have 
directions the next thing i want to do is add a   nav bar here at the top so go ahead and click the 
plus button and let's go ahead and just pull in   this nav bar element component and this is just 
kind of a pre-made nav bar that webflow has for us   in that nav bar let's go ahead and click on 
that the background color of the nav bar and   let's just make that a dark gray and then in the 
brand let's go ahead and pull in our heading here   and let's give it a class of brand logo and 
then what i'm going to do is give it a white   color i'm going to re re-name it top recipes and 
then let's give it a different font which is kind   of more like a brand logo changa one perfect and 
then this nav menu i'm just going to delete for   now because we don't have any other pages we just 
have our logo here which we want to take us back   to our home page so in this brand what we want to 
do is click on that link hit the settings there   go to settings here we want the page we're going 
to choose a page and it's going to be the home   page perfect so now we have this nav bar what we 
want to do is create a symbol and we're going to   do that by clicking on the symbol here clicking 
create new symbol just click nav bar make sure   you're on the navbar when you do this and now 
we've created this symbol of the navbar so now   if we go back to our recipes template and we add 
oops we go to the symbols tab we can just drag   in the nav bar to the top here so now anything 
if we double click and we edit the nav bar here   on this page it'll automatically be edited also 
on the home page so the symbol is a really helpful   um way to kind of have a repeating element 
throughout your site you could do this for   the footer you could do this for a 
lot of different things on your site   so let's go back to the home page and 
perfect let's go ahead and hit publish so let's go ahead and go to our site and awesome 
so we have our top recipes we have our recipe blog   if we click in we have this and if we click 
back to our top recipes it's taking us   back to the home page one thing that's bothering 
me a little bit as i see this isn't um aligned um   so what i want to do is go back to our webflow 
designer i'm gonna double click on that nav bar   and then what i'm gonna do is take that 
brand and put it outside that container   i'm just going to delete the container and kind 
of create our own nav bar and then in the nav   bar i want it to have the same padding as our 
section so that's 74 on each side so this nav   bar let's double click let's click and do 74 
on the left 74 on the right so now let's just   make sure as we keep going here we're going 
to need to change it to 21 so let's go 21 21 and here we should be even whoops the brand 
has a um 10 padding so i'm just going to go   remove that on that break point here so now 
as we go down we're going to be even and it's   all going to be aligned and look a little bit 
nicer so let's go ahead and publish that now and let's go back to our site and whoops let's refresh and perfect so now we have our nav bar it's 
aligned it's all looking nice we can click to go   home and we can click on recipe here perfect so we 
have our recipe we have the photo the ingredients   uh the directions then if we click on 
this logo here at the top it's going to   take us back to our home page so hopefully 
this was a helpful beginner tutorial so   if you've gone through this tutorial you know kind 
of the basics of how to build most web webflow   sites so you know how to build different pages you 
know how to build out a collection list you know   how to build out specific collection pages and 
you know how to link around to the different sites   one more thing i want to show you how to do um 
so you understand uh the collection relations   um is add a collection um list in webflow that's 
going to have the cuisine type and this is just an   important concept for you to understand in webflow 
so let's go back really quick go to our cms we're   going to add a new collection and we're going 
to call this cuisine type and it's just going   to be name for now i don't think we even need to 
really do anything else in this beginner tutorial   so let's go ahead and create the collection and 
let's just add two so we're going to add italian   we're going to create and we're going to add 
thai and we're going to create we can even add   a mexican if we want so we have a third and 
let's go back to recipes and then in this recipe let's go ahead and edit that recipe collection 
list and we're going to add a new field and   it's going to be a reference field and this 
is going to be the cuisine type and we're   going to select a collection to rest reference 
which is the cuisine types and let's go ahead   and click save field and save collection and 
then you can go in to your individual recipes   and let's choose the cuisine type that it belongs 
to so we have thai we have thai and we have   italian and we have italian and i'm not going to 
get uh too detailed here but i am going to show   you kind of the power of this so i'm going to go 
to our pages and now because we created another   collection list we have our collection page here 
for cuisine type so let's go ahead and click on   cuisine type template let's just go ahead and add 
in a symbol let's add our navbar here at the top   and let's also go ahead and add a section 
let's give it that section class let's add   in our heading here and let's do h1 we're going 
to get text from cuisine type which is the name and then what i want to do is go back to our 
home page and in this section i want to go to   collection list wrapper and just copy it do 
command c or control c on your keyboard if   you're on a pc go back to our recipes temp not 
our recipes template our cuisine type template   make sure you're highlighted in that section and 
let's paste that in so here we have our collection   list wrapper now what we want to do here is hit 
the settings on the collection list wrapper not   there here the settings on the right and we want 
to filter and we're going to do is add a filter   where the cuisine type reference equals the 
current cuisine type so we're going to save that   so now on this italian page we are go 
automatically showing the italian recipes and on   the thai page we're automatically showing the thai 
recipes and because we copied the collection list   everything is going to all work the same so if we 
click on that image it's going to put us through   to that page so this is pretty cool and uh if 
we it's all going to automatically have the same   exact styles so let's just go to the home page 
really quickly and i'm going to show you how you   can kind of make this even more powerful so let's 
go ahead and add a collection list wrapper another   one and let's just add that right above uh that 
section and let's go ahead and have this be the   cuisine types and what we're going to add here are 
buttons to quickly um put users onto the specific   cuisine type that they're looking for so let's go 
ahead and add a link block here in the collection   item and let's make that link go to the current 
cuisine type which is that page that we just made   and then let's go ahead and add text inside and 
we're going to get the text from the cuisine type   and it's going to be that name so 
now we have all three names here   and let's just style this really quickly i think 
link um let's just style this let's name it um   cuisine link and give it no decoration 
and the color is going to be uh black   and the typography is going 
to be um guatta perfect   and then let's go to the collection 
list whoops collection list here we go   we want to change this to flex 
we want flex horizontal perfect   and then in the cuisine link uh let's go ahead and 
also add some padding here on the top and bottom   and let's make the background kind of like a 
light gray and then let's add 10 pixels of margin   on that right side there okay perfect and 
then let's pull that collection list wrapper   right there um in the section where we have 
our images and then let's also add some margin   below it so 30 margin below perfect so now we 
have these buttons mexicans high italian um on   that home page there okay great let's just check 
kind of how that looks on different screen sizes   that's all looking great and let's preview you 
can preview without publishing by clicking that   toggle preview button and if we click italian 
that's going to take us to the italian page   perfect so let's go back to home and 
why don't we go ahead and publish perfect so now if we go back 
to our recipe site and refresh uh perfect so now we have our homepage and we 
have our toggles here and we click and click on   italian and it's going to take us to our italian 
page we can click on the recipe and then we can   go back home there's a lot more that you could 
build into this if this were a more advanced   tutorial we can do hovering so as you hover over 
the link the color can change or it can kind of   go up a little bit when you hover over it so 
it kind of indicates that it can be clicked   we could add a lot more to these recipe pages 
but i think kind of as a basic tutorial hopefully   this is really helpful to kind of understand 
how webflow works and what you can do with it   thanks for checking out the tutorial if this was 
helpful please leave a like and subscribe to my   channel that's really helpful and if you want to 
learn more about webflow or learn more about noco   tools in general check out no code mba there's a 
link in the description which is my website where   i go deep on a variety of no code tools with a lot 
of different tutorials to teach you how to build   apps and websites without code so definitely 
check that out if you're interested and keep   an eye on my channel for more free tutorials 
that i put out and i hope you have a great day

As found on YouTube

How to choose a tech stack for your website #1 | Introduction | Prismic

Hi I’m Nouha, I’m with Sadek We’re in Prismic Studio, And we wanted to answer a question. We hear a lot, which is When I create a website.

How do I choose which technologies work with? How do I choose my tech stack Right and you know it’s an important question and it comes so often Because there are so many solutions, so many technologies Like people ask like, should I use WordPress? Should I not use WordPress, There are so many other choices like about frameworks Like you know, you React, Gatsby, JavaScript, Node, js or others.

You know, and each of these have it’s own advantages And that’s.

Why? Knowing these advantages? Knowing your context, then, you can decide better Yeah, So that’s, why? Maybe we thought of doing this video to kind of go into the advantages of the different approaches? The answer that we tend to give first is related to like who you are.

Who are you Right If you’re a developer or not or a designer Right? If you don’t know how and you don’t want to learn how to write JavaScript and CSS, So maybe you’re looking for some like website visual builder, where you have some interface, Drag and drop, Drag and drop Some blocks to get your Website, of course, it’s constrained, but maybe for your case, you don’t want to invest time learning So that’s an approach that’s an approach, Not the approach that we are going to talk about in this video.

We’re more.

Focusing on people that can write some HTML and CSS M, hmm So for the other people that can do that.

So basically, there are two different blocks: Right: Yeah There is the code or the templates that kind of render the website, And there is the content.

Where does it go? Where do you host it? How do you edit it Right Because, of course, you can do a website without managing content, Then you will have that, as you know, static, But you don’t want to go committing changing your code and redeploying it each time you have to go fix a Typo, Yes, It’s, not very good.

You know It takes a lot of time and its not a very productive approach, So it’s better to imagine it as two different blocks. Two different blocks, One that renders and one that manages content which has like an editor, and you know all the different things that you need to publish, content.

Okay and then you have two choices: Either you chose a solutions where you have those two blocks coupled like WordPress, for instance, Or you could use two different solutions Like have your own framework and your own CMS Right.

For instance, traditional solutions will have these both coupled, But the problem with that is your constrained to what that CMS technology provides you.

So you have to, for instance, WordPress to write inside WordPress templates To add plug ins To add plug ins.

All these kinds of things, Which is a good approach.

There are a lot of things we can learn from WordPress, They’ve done a great job and they have a huge community.

But you know you can’t chose your favorite technologies or framework from these.

That are evolving along The other thing.

I say: okay, well, what I need the CMS for is just the publishing and the editor, And then I want to be able to.

You know use my favorite framework, a JavaScript framework or whatever it is PHP framework, And you know to develop with that. So that’s another approach, That’s a solid solution, So yeah, and then there’s the choice between these technologies and these CMS.

These cms yeah That need to be approached, And you talked about the community and that’s, maybe something that can help you choose Right When you consider a technology like the community around it Yeah.

Is there a big community around something? Because you know you don’t want to be stuck with something that doesn’t have a community, Because in case you have questions or have issues or using it, not in the way they thought about it.


You need to be able to have someone else that has thought of it or developed, something for it or gave an answer about it Or you can ask, and you know that your going to have like an answer really quickly.

But how can you know like what how big the community is? Well, when it’s about the community, most of people would look at their Github and see how many stars they have, or the number of questions answered In StackOverflow things like this, But I like the idea of having like a Slack community or Spectrum Spectrum community Where you know you can ask questions, You can interact Yeah with chat And I had a friend he used to go to google and just google like the name of the technology issue, And then he will see how many issues they have in this community and how Are they solving them? You know.

Are they responding to these people Just to test it out laughing? So maybe in future videos we’ll.

You know in next videos we’ll talk about how to choose a framework And then maybe in another, video dig deeper.

How to choose a CMS or something for managing content, Yeah sure Cool .

As found on YouTube

Social Media Traffic

How To Make Pizza With 0 Cooking Experience!

500G: tomatoes, broth, Add basil, Salt, pepper, Olive oil, Garlic powder, Put olive oil and spread on the support Pizza, dough, Cut the excess off the edges. 60G cheese.

120G mozzarella Bend the edges to get crispy Basil.

Add a little olive oil Grease.

The edges with olive oil.

Put the pizza at 220 degrees for 12 minutes Preheat the oven And now enjoy this delicious pizza.

Good appetite.


As found on YouTube

Social Media Traffic

$100k Hacking any website in Safari with uXSS – a 0-day chain

Hello! Welcome to another Bug Bounty Reports 
Explained video! Today, I will show you how   Ryan Pickren found a chain of zero-days that 
led to universal cross-site scripting in Safari   which allowed hacking any website. Literally, 
any website: Facebook, Gmail, PayPal or your   crypto wallet – whatever… He got a huge bounty 
of $100,500 for it. The link to the original, well   well-written blog post, is in the description. 
Enjoy! This episode is sponsored by Blaze   Information Security. It's a team of experienced 
hackers who specialize in penetration testing   and application security services.

They can offer 
your company a wide range of services: pentests,   red teams, threat modelling and even the whole 
assessment of your remote work infrastructure.   They also have a special package for startups. If 
you want to know more, check out   And I know the owner – he was hacking before 
I was even born so he knows his business. Webarchive files are used to save whole websites: 
HTML, CSS, JS and images – everything in a single   file. It's an XML-based format and it looks 
like this. The base64 encoded content is here   and here is the origin. Yes, you heard me right 
– there is an origin specified. Back in 2013, if   you could control the contents of this file, you 
could just put an arbitrary origin, encode the XSS   payload and you would be able to execute the code 
on any domain and access any domain's cookies.   Such an attack is called universal XSS. It's not 
a bug in a particular website but in the browser   which makes it insanely powerful. The attacker 
can steal data from every website that you use   so the potential impact is huge.

to Google, almost as valuable as an RCE. So back in 2013, if you could force the victim 
into downloading and opening such a file,   you could perform this attack. But it's not how 
it works in 2022 with more security mechanisms   in Safari and macOS but let's try to bypass them. 
The attack has to start with phishing the victim   into visiting our website. It should not be a 
big problem but every single user interaction   makes the attack less and less likely. The first 
problem that we encounter from here is prompt   about downloading a file. Because the first 
time you download a file from any domain,   Safari will ask you for permission. It would 
look quite bad with the attacker domain.   The same goes for opening applications with custom 
URL schemes. If you open, let's say a Discord URL,   it will try to use the custom URL scheme. 
Safari will then ask you for permission to   open the desktop Discord application.

But it's 
not for every single URL scheme. There's an   allowlist of trusted Apple applications that 
don't have to ask for permission. Among others,   you can use icloud-sharing:// which is opened by 
ShareBear application for, as the name suggests,   sharing files over iCloud. It's much helpful 
because, apart from being whitelisted by Safari,   it's also a perfect vector for delivering the 
webarchive file to the victim – that's great!   But there is a catch. The first time opening 
a file, the victim has to confirm it. This is   not an ideal attack scenario but also 
not the end of the word. Importantly,   after one confirmation of opening the file, 
the attacker can modify the file completely   and the victim won't have to reconfirm 
opening it. After the modifications,   ShareBear will automatically download the new 
version of the file to the victim's machine. Ok, so we have delivering the file to the 
victim taken care of and now we can run it.   …unless we can't because Gatekeeper 
blocks it. Because by default,   any downloaded file on macOS is quarantined. 
Gatekeeper prevents executing quarantined files   like shell scripts and webarchives.

Yes, they 
also thought about webarchives and they explicitly   mentioned them in the documentation. 
So when Safari tries to open a file,   it goes through the Gatekeeper and in this case, 
webarchives get blocked. We could bypass that   if we would find a vector where Safari opens a 
file without asking Gatekeeper. And after a bit of   research, Ryan found out that windows URL files do 
exactly that.

It's a format that specifies things   like the URL of the shortcut, the icon and so on. 
You can just make a desktop shortcut to a website.   You can also use a file:// protocol. And 
turns out that if you open this shortcut file,   with a path to webarchive instead of opening the 
webarchive directly, it bypasses the Gatekeeper.   And one last piece of the puzzle is the 
path of the downloaded webarchive file.   Normally, it will be inside the user directory so 
we would need to know the macOS username.

It's ok   when you target a specific victim but hard to 
predict with an attack on a big scale. To solve   this problem, you can use a DMG file. It's a disk 
image format that contains an archive with another   files inside. The reason why it solves the problem 
is that it's mounted into /Volumes/ directory   which means we don't need to know the username 
to predict its location. So what is it finally? A webarchive? A DMG? A URL file? I know that you are 
confused so let's go through the whole exploit.   First, you have to trick the victim into visiting 
your website. This website contains such JavaScript code. It contains a link to a harmless image 
shared over iCloud. The user has to confirm the   prompt about opening a file. This is the last 
piece of user interaction that we need. Now,   you have to modify the contents of the image to a 
DMG file that contains the webarchive inside. In   the real attack scenario, you would probably 
need some scripts to do this automatically.   Now Safari launches this file and the disk 
image is mounted into /Volumes/ directory.   The webarchive is available under this path. 
Now, you modify the contents of the file again.   Importantly, the disk image is already mounted 
in /Volumes/ directory and it's not removed   from there or modified even though you make a 
modification on your iCloud account.

This time,   you turn this file into the URL format, 
pointing to the webarchive which is inside   /Volumes/ directory. Inside the webarchive 
file, there is your arbitrary JavaScript code   and arbitrary domain which you'd like to attack. 
After the webarchive file is launched in Safari,   your code gets executed on whichever domain 
you chose. With universal cross-site scripting,   you can do whatever the user can do in their 
browser – attack PayPal and transfer funds to you,   attack Gmail and steal or send emails as the 
victim. You can attack a website like Zoom or   Facetime which is likely to have permission to the 
camera and you can see what the victim is doing.   And many, many more…

The reward for this bug 
was $100,500 and there were two CVEs issued.   As for the fixes, the ShareBear application 
now only reveals a file instead of launching it   directly and WebKit now won't open any quarantined 
files, even via Windows shortcuts. If you've   learned anything new from this video, leave a like 
and subscribe to the channel. If you want to see   other bug bounty reports from Apple, check out 
this playlist on your right.

You can find there a   $28,000 IDOR in Apple Shortcuts or $50k RCE. But 
for now, thank you for watching and goodbye!.

As found on YouTube


This is Iquitos, Peru,
the world's largest city
inaccessible by road. The only way in and out
is by air or by river,
the Amazon River. I'm about to head up the Amazon
to a remote jungle retreat called Refugio Altiplano,
the Refuge on the Higher Plain. There, I will meet
with local shamans to drink an ancient
psychedelic drug, ayahuasca. Ayahuasca contains
dimethyltryptamine, DMT, a molecule shaped
very similar to serotonin, a neurotransmitter
in our brains.
Ingesting ayahuasca and flooding
the brain with DMT leads to what many describe
as spiritual experiences– strong, vivid visions, a sense of oneness
with the universe,
even a sense
of one's self dying. But mystical,
magical language like that doesn't really seem relevant
to scientific inquiry.

It can often scare away those
who are scientifically minded. However an understanding
of the human mind isn't complete unless
it considers everything the brain
is capable of. What does it mean to feel
at one with the universe? Why should our brains even
be capable of such a feeling? This isn't about having fun
or taking a risk or doing something extreme. I want to learn
what my mind is capable of.

I'm about to embark
on a journey. [theme music playing] Psychedelics are chemicals that are structurally similar
to neurotransmitters already used by our brains. When we ingest them,
they bind to receptors
and alter cognition
and perception
in ways we're still trying
to understand.
When many people think
of psychedelics,
they think about people
challenging societal norms
and recreational
but that only attends to a particularly narrow slice
of human history and culture.
Fossil records, cave drawings,
and archaeological digs
have all provided evidence
that humans
have been using
psychedelic compounds
for thousands of years, and
by "used," I don't just mean
in the stereotypical
"trip out" sense.
[screaming] For instance,
among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest,
psychedelics were and, in many places, still are
a normal, common, and totally
mainstream experience. As a member of these groups,
believing psychedelics can heal, give visions of the future,
and connect you with deities is not some weird
or New Age idea.

It's the way things are. But when psychedelics
became associated
with certain
counterculture movements,
the United States banned
research on them in 1970.
Most other countries followed
suit shortly afterwards.
From then on, testing on humans
was essentially gone,
but recently, restrictions
have begun to loosen up, and a few researchers
have started to investigate these substances in what some have described
as a psychedelic renaissance. Research universities
are conducting
comprehensive studies
on the beneficial effects
of psychedelics on addiction,
and cancer-related trauma. By approaching
psychedelics scientifically, what we find could
fundamentally transform our understanding
of the human mind. [trimmer buzzing] When I go to Peru,
I will be accompanied by Dr. Robin Carhart Harris,
one of the first British researchers
in over 40 years to investigate the effects
of psychedelics on the human mind.

He and his colleagues
have found that psychedelics don't increase brain activity,
as previously thought. Instead, they decrease activity
in certain areas.
And the greater the decrease, the greater
the reported feelings of what is called
ego dissolution or ego death. Your ego is your self-identity. It's the part that separates
you from everything else,
the part
that creates narratives about
the outside world
and your story in it. When the ego dissolves,
your sensations and feelings don't cease
like when you're unconscious. Instead, your attachment
to your identity does,
and all that's left
is naked perception.
Ego dissolution is a concept that I find difficult
to wrap my head around, but people who take psychedelics
say that it can be an extremely
frightening experience, but also a profoundly
transformative one, one that makes them feel
more connected
to others and to nature. Now, I knew that I might feel
ego dissolution on ayahuasca, so to make sure I was ready, I decided to speak
to some experts.

Before setting off to Peru,
Dr. Carhart Harris traveled
from Imperial College, London,
to meet with me.
This will be one
of the first times that anyone has scanned
a healthy person's brain with FMRI before
and after ayahuasca. -Yeah.
-It's quite pioneering work,
really. The thing that's on my mind
right now is intention. -Yeah.
-I've heard you should know why you're drinking ayahuasca. Yeah, I would suggest
that you think about an emotional intention. To make it emotional is
a lot more frightening to me. -Yeah.
-Partly I think I'm quite happy, and I don't want
to ruin that, right? I don't want to drink
ayahuasca and then
think, "Oh, my gosh, I'm not close enough
to my mom, or I don't show my wife
I appreciate her enough, and now
I just feel terrible." There's something to be said
for sitting with those thoughts, -being mindful of them.

And in so doing,
they become less of a threat. -Hmm.
-You look them in the eye. All of a sudden,
they reveal things to you, and their scariness
seems to dissipate. I hope I can embrace
that while I'm surrounded by people who are
all filming me, you know? Yeah, the most important thing
is that intention to go in. -You dive in–
in and through.
-You don't resist. You don't resist. Yeah, I think that'll
really be important while I'm on the trip. [Michael] Robin has
arranged for a number
of scientific tests
to be done in order to measure
brain activity,
behavioral differences, and physiological changes
to my brain.
[Robin] Today, we are scanning
Michael's brain
with functional magnetic
resonance imaging, or FMRI.

This allows us to see
the whole brain
and how different parts connect
and talk to one another.
This way, we can compare
how Michael's brain may change
before his experience
with ayahuasca
to after
the ayahuasca experience. I expect to see
that one network of the brain
that relates to introspection will become more strongly
connected after the ayahuasca.
After meeting Robin,
I still felt some trepidation
about my trip,
but with my pre-ayahuasca
FMRI completed,
it was time to set off
for Peru.
The trip to the Refugio
Altiplano retreat
involved a flight
to Lima, Peru,
a second flight
to Iquitos, Peru,
followed by a 90-minute
boat ride up the Amazon River.
It was a long journey. And every minute I got closer meant that it would be harder
to turn back.
The Refugio Altiplano retreat
is in a very remote area
of the Amazon River
in the northern part of Peru,
and I thought it would be
a great setting
for my ayahuasca experience. So, Kelly, what does
the word "ayahuasca" mean? "Ayahuasca" means
the "vine of the soul." Ayahuasca's been used
for possibly over 4,000 years in shamanic rituals
and is the primary plant medicine
for healing in the villages.

[Michael] With the ayahuasca
ceremony just hours away,
I met with José,
the shaman who would be
my guide
during this experience.
-Hola, José, Claudia.
-Hola, amigo.
[speaking Spanish] [speaking Spanish] [translating]
It's my pleasure
to have you here. Welcome
to Refugio Altiplano, where many people come
to look for a change
in their lives. José, how do you
feel about someone
like me coming in, who is not part
of your culture,
taking part in it in a way
that might not come
from the same history? [speaking Spanish] [Claudia]
For me, there's no difference, and for the medicine,
it makes no difference. This medicine, all it wants
is to make your life better and heal you. On the very first night
with our guests, we give them a very small
medicinal dose to see how each person's
gonna react differently to the medicine,
and then tomorrow night, we'll dial it up a little bit.

[Michael] It was great
to speak with José
about what the ceremony
will entail.
I am nervous about
the emotional part of it,
and I'm nervous
about the visions and feeling like I've been disconnected
from the real world. Scientists know very little
about how ayahuasca works
since its illegal status
in many countries
makes it difficult to study. We do know that
its key ingredient
is dimethyltryptamine, or DMT,
which is a hallucinogen
thought to occur naturally
in the human brain
in small amounts. DMT can create
psychoactive effects
by acting on certain receptors
in the brain.
But normally, DMT is broken down
rapidly by enzymes in the brain.
but ayahuasca is actually
a brew made from two plants.
One contains DMT, and the second contains
a chemical inhibitor
that blocks our brain's ability
to break down DMT,
allowing the effects to last
as long as four hours.

Carhart Harris performed
a series of tests on me
to compare how I change
during this experience.
Given that we're in Peru,
we're in the jungle, and you're
drinking ayahuasca,
it has authenticity that perhaps
sometimes you lose when you give psychedelics
in the laboratory
environment. -Yeah.
-Because we're
going to be doing this after you drink ayahuasca,
we need a control condition, so what I'm going to do now
is I'll ask you a short list of questions
about your journey here, and I want you
to rate how you feel
about these questions on a scale here.

We have zero to nine. Nine will be strongly agree, and zero will be
strongly disagree. So "I learned more
from my journey here to this retreat center
about how past events have influenced
my present behavior." Two. -I got ideas areas during…
-Two. -Five. Six.
-Great. With different
psychedelic drugs to ayahuasca like LSD and psilocybin,
also DMT,
we've found some quite
consistent changes
in brain activity.

We've seen
that the brain activity
is richer and more varied. Of course,
we can't wheel an MRI scanner
up into the jungle,
so the EEG setup that we have
is pretty much
the best possibility
that we have to do this. [Michael]
According to Jose, this flower
bath was meant
to protect me from bad spirits
during the ceremony.
-[Michael speaks Spanish]
-[José chuckles] I didn't believe in such
things, but I was glad to do it
because it was a symbol
of José's good intentions.
Buenas noches.
[Michael] The initial
smaller-dose ceremony
was expected to last
about two hours
with the effects beginning
after 30 minutes.
[José speaking Spanish] We'll begin
with our ceremony tonight,
asking God to guide us, to give us knowledge
and intelligence. [José speaking Spanish] [Claudia]
We're going to bless
the medicine first. [music playing] Gracias. [Michael]
The ayahuasca tasted earthy.
[speaking Spanish] Maybe also a bit like fennel
or something.
It's hard to say. I'd never tasted
anything like it.
After swallowing it all, my heart started racing.

It was the most nervous
I would be all night.
DMT from the ayahuasca
was flowing
into my blood and brain. There was no going back. [José chanting] Throughout the ceremony,
shaman José is saying icaros,
or chants,
which were meant to guide me
through my spiritual
[chanting continues] [José chanting] The initial dose was meant
to gently introduce me
to ayahuasca. The effects began slowly
and were mild.
I began to feel
as though the room
were swinging like a cradle. I was aware that the motion
wasn't really happening,
but it made me feel sick and nervously off-balance
My imagination was more vivid. Images in my mind
were more detailed,
but almost always
under my control.
The ceremony ends when
the shaman lights a candle.
I was comforted by this
because it was a sign
that the effects would
only be weakening from here.
Thank you, José.

I think there were two moments
where I was actually was surprised
by something that I saw. One was like a very vivid– like bamboo that had been cut
so that it was at a slant, and I remember going,
"Wow, where did that come from?" -But as soon as I did,
it was gone.
-Mm-hmm. [Robin] One of the effects
of ayahuasca
is to kind of create
a sort of chaos in the cortex.

That can lead
to dreamlike visions.
The second time I was like,
"Oh, yeah, nature," and, like, "Do I feel more
at one with everything?" And I imagined trees,
but only in this ring. And all of a sudden,
they came really close, and they were all
right here in my head. But I was like,
"I did not think that. I didn't intend
for that to happen.

I think a good comparison
for what I felt last night–
if you, in a sober state
of mind, just imagine something, like think of a pink elephant. Okay, now an image
probably popped into your mind, but not like
a super detailed one. If I asked you
a specific question like, "How many wrinkles
are on its trunk?" you'd have to probably
imagine it again and then, like, basically
fill in that detail.

But under the effects
of ayahuasca, those details were already
in these– these imagined images. They seemed only as real
as an imagined image, as a daydream, but they came with more detail,
and a few times– I'd say maybe
three or four times, things appeared that I did not
feel like I had put there.
But as soon as I was aware
of that, they disappeared. I'd like to look at the stars. Yeah, let's do that. The morning after
my initial dose of ayahuasca,
my head was clearer,
and I wanted to discuss
my experience was shaman José. -Hola, Michael.
[speaking Spanish] You had a perfect
introduction ceremony. Emotionally
and sort of personally, the only sort of
revelations I had was that I was probably
more worried than I needed to be
beforehand and that I let that affect
my behavior, and now I'm not
as dominated by what might happen
or what has happened.

I'm just kind of
in this moment right now. Like, I feel much more open
to mystical thinking. [speaking Spanish] He recommends
that you complete with
more medicine tonight so that this will help you
complete the insight into yourself. Last night,
I had a third of a cup? [speaking Spanish] Three-quarters will be
the dose for tonight. Three-quarters. Okay. It's weird.
I had an intention going in. I experienced this as a very interesting
scientific endeavor.
But I'm fascinated by how
I want it to have meaning.
I feel like I didn't hit
that oneness yet.
Tonight might be different. [Robin] Michael's getting
the higher dose tonight,
and the experience
is very likely to differ quite substantially
from the dose
that he had last night.
[Michael] I'm interested
in personal development.
I know that that's a big part
of ayahuasca for a lot of people. I'm open to it, for sure,
but I do feel still some apprehension
for a larger dose tonight.
Hey, Michael? I'm here to pick you up
for ceremony.

-Buenas noches.
-Buenas noches.
The higher-dose ceremony
was expected to last four hours with stronger
and more vivid hallucinations.
José smoked a cigar
made of a tobacco plant
that's indigenous
to the Amazon called mapacho.
The smoke is believed to clean
the energy fields of the body
and remove negativity
from the ceremonial lodge.
[exhales slowly] The second ceremony included
another shaman, Daniel.
[chanting] I started to see
these very geometric,
bright squares, like,
stacked like Aztec pyramids, moving,
and I was traveling down
through these, like,
repeating kind of, you know, fractaled images of everything.

I mean, too many things
to really describe, music notes and colors
and shapes and squares. Then I started to feel like,
"Oh, my gosh,
this is going faster and faster,
and this is too fast, and it hasn't even been
that long," and then I felt my body being
covered with these blocks, and I, like,
saw my body from above
and felt like
I was disappearing.
[José chanting] And that's when my heart
started racing,
and I said,
"Mm, this was very bad.
This is not good." A lot of emotions I always have
were amplified
so loudly
I couldn't ignore them.

And I had to come up
with ways to console myself
so that I wouldn't
be consumed by them and have a complete breakdown
and panic attack. And I resisted, and I successfully
brought myself back to calmness just by saying,
"I'm fine. I'm not going to die,
and everyone here can help me." The visions were really,
really vivid.
They didn't feel like
they were under my control.
It really felt
like they were just there. A note from the song
would occur, and it would cause this image,
and that was pretty frightening, because I wasn't–
I was, like, on a ride that I didn't know
the path of. [distorted chanting] -Robin?
-Yeah. -I can do the EEG now.
-Yeah, sure. [Michael] I spent a lot
of the ceremony being anxious
about having to do
these tests with Robin. I don't know how to deal
with the lights coming back on
and Robin talking to me
and asking me questions,
but the more I concentrated
on why I feel anxious,
the more I realized
it was just about me.

It was about how I felt,
but then I said, "I'm here to do a show.
We're filming this. Robin wants this data. Everyone will be happier
if I do it. So I'll just tell Robin
I'll try my best,
and that gave me
the courage to do it.
So being less selfish basically saved me
from a panic attack. [Robin] Each time
I read an item, if you
could give me a number according to how
you see yourself
at this moment, okay? "I see myself right now
as extroverted,
enthusiastic." Um… one. Okay. [Robin] This is a big change
for Michael.
he's very extroverted,
and on
his pre-ayahuasca answer,
he gave a higher number. "Extroverted, enthusiastic." Five.

[Robin] But now I'm seeing
signs of withdrawal
and introversion from him. "I see myself right now
as critical, quarrelsome." Uh… two. "I see myself right now
as critical, quarrelsome." Six. [Robin] The experience
has led to a change
in how he sees himself. It's in a way reflective perhaps
of a higher waking state. [plucks notes] It's interesting
to already see those changes,
and it's only halfway
through the ceremony.
[Daniel singing
in native language] [Michael]
Shaman Daniel sang in Shipibo,
his indigenous language spoken by only 5,000 people
in the world.
I've always been frustrated
by the difficulty people had
in explaining
what it felt like
to have a psychedelic
Now I know why. It's a different
state of mind,
and trying to describe that
is like trying to describe
anger to someone
who has never felt it
or what colors are like
to a blind person.
[singing continues] Oh, man.

[chuckles] I'd say about five minutes
into that first song… I… really panicked. My heart rate picked up,
and I actually touched my chest to make sure it wasn't beating
as fast as I thought it was. But that moment,
I may have left my body or something near it
before I stopped. I was very scared
that I was disappearing. Michael is describing
what to me sounds like quintessential ego dissolution,
the start of it, that feeling
that he's disappearing, that his control over his mind
and his body
is ceding entirely, and he felt
some resistance to that.

With a high enough dose, you're just forced
into that space.
My feeling is that
the intensity of his experience
was just short of that
kind of profound transformative type experience. I think he got a bit of that, but I don't think
he was all the way. [Michael] I was there
in that ego-dissolving state
for a moment,
and it terrified me.
I wish I was able
to surrender more fully,
but I definitely
got a good taste of it.
So the dosage last night
was much higher. Yes. Visions–
the visuals were really vivid, and the feeling of strangeness
was really strong. I'd be curious to know
what José was doing last night.

What was he reacting to
that he saw in me. What plants did he call forth
and why? [speaking Spanish] He knew you were going through
an intense ceremony. It was strong for you. But he said he was very happy
because he knew this was going to have
a positive ending for you. I'm really interested
in what the lessons were. I felt so small…
and so humble. But– but, honestly, I liked it.
I wasn't afraid of it. I was glad to be reminded
that I'm weak. I feel like the experience
amplified everything I'm concerned about
way above what would be a normal amount
to care about it. But that made my fear
and anxiety big enough that I could actually
relax them. The question is
will I remember to apply that, or will this kind of stay
in the jungle? Before leaving Peru, I completed one last round
of tests with Robin…
I'll place this
on your head.

…in order to gather data after my higher dose
of ayahuasca.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you. I can't wait to see you
back in L.A. and see what other thoughts
you've had with these tests. [Robin] Being here in
the jungle, it's more organic.
Because of that,
I feel that I've collected data
that's going to tell us
something important
and meaningful
about how psychedelics
and ayahuasca specifically
work on the mind and the brain.

After returning home
to Los Angeles,
I had my second MRI
so that Robin could see
if there were any changes. Although my ego dissolved
only for a brief few moments,
I was teetering on that edge
throughout the entire ceremony,
and I was anxious to see what
it looked like in my brain.
Robin, welcome to my home.
Thank you for coming back. I can't wait to see
what results you got. -Yeah.
-How did ayahuasca
affect my brain? Okay, so we found
something quite interesting. We found that your brain
activity became more complex, more diverse, more rich,
more varied
under the ayahuasca
than at baseline.
What does it mean to have more complex brain activity in terms of how
I experience things? Mm, I think
we can understand it in terms of the richness of your
imagination, of your ideas.

Trains of thought
can be more varied, more changeable,
more dynamic. -I definitely experienced that.
-Yeah. All right, you looked
not just at my brain through the surface,
but you went deep inside. -Yeah.
-What did you notice there?
We looked at a particular
brain network called the default mode network
that seems to relate
to our sense of self or ego. We've seen in other studies that during
a psychedelic experience,
that network
is dramatically compromised.
It shows a kind
of disintegration and actually,
that process relates
quite strongly to people's ego dissolution,
and yet after the experience, the network comes back
as a kind of reset
or a kind of rebooting
of the network,
and what we found your brain
after ayahuasca,
as predicted, was
that your brain reset.
The network
became more cohesive,
more integrated, more strongly
connected within itself.

Yeah, afterwards,
I really did feel
much more interested with my identity, my past
and my future. -Yeah.
-You asked me a lot of questions before and after about my insight
into experiences. -Yeah.
-How did those compare? Well, actually we saw something
really nice in those data. So your ratings of insight
for the journey, the lower dose and then
the higher dose with ayahuasca,
what we saw was that
there was a graded increase in your levels of insight. Your score at baseline
was 27.
After the low-dose experience,
it was 39.
After the high-dose ceremony,
it was 49.
Wow, I definitely felt
like the larger
the ayahuasca dose,
the more I considered
-and learned about myself.
Well, Robin,
I'm glad that we were able to do such a, you know,
in-the-environment-type study.

So thank you for coming all
the way out to Peru with me. I really appreciate it,
and I hope that I helped. Yeah, it's been
a great experience, and I've learned a lot. As I look back on it now, I feel like my experience
with ayahuasca was one of resistance. Instead of surrendering myself
to its effects,
I dipped in
and then got scared,
and I told myself,
"It'll be all right.
I'm not gonna die," but I should've just gone in
and through.
I did however learn a lot
about how to control anxiety, that relinquishing control
and selfishness can make it vanish,
but perhaps in doing so, I lost the chance to experience
my mind operating without the controls
and dampening I'm so used to that
I'm more comfortable with. Scientists like Robin
have managed to break through tight legal restrictions
surrounding these substances and have begun to find out
what they can teach us about the mind. Their findings so far
are just the beginning of our understanding
of these powerful compounds, which shows us how much
we have yet to learn about the mind and brain.

And, as always,
thanks for watching. [theme music playing.

As found on YouTube

WordPress Tutorial for Beginners 2025 – Step by Step

What’s going on My name is Simon and in this video I’m gon na walk you through the best and easiest way to create a professional WordPress website. This is gon na be a tutorial that is straight to the point and step by step.

So you can easily follow along and you’ll have your own WordPress website ready by the end of this video And you don’t need any prior knowledge of WordPress or building websites.

This video is designed for complete beginners.

I will guide you through every single step and we’ll make sure to not skip anything along the way We also won.’t need to write any code to create our website because we will be using a visual page builder called Elementor.

Elementor is the most popular page builder for WordPress, allowing us to design our website using a drag and drop visual editor.

We’ll be using a free theme and only free plugins.

So the only thing we have to pay for is hosting, and I’ll show you how to get the best hosting for WordPress for as low as 3 per month.

I’ll also show you how to get access to hundreds of professionally designed website templates that are fully customizable and mobile friendly.

So let’s get started All right now.

The first thing we need to understand is that there are actually two versions of WordPress and we absolutely have to understand the difference between these two. So we don’t make the mistake of choosing the wrong platform, which will just end up losing us a lot of time and money.

So when we type in WordPress on Google, then two websites come up at the top.

There’s wordpress com and there’s wordpress org.

So what’s the difference Here on wordpress org.

This is basically the website where you can download the free open source software called WordPress that you can use to create your WordPress website.

You can just come to wordpress org scroll down, click on discover, discover WordPress, then click on download WordPress and then here you can download that software for free, install it on a server and then create your WordPress website.

So when people talk about that, they have used WordPress to create their website, then they just mean that they have used this open source software that they can download here on wordpress org for free.

So what is wordpress com? WordPress com is basically a for profit company that offers different hosting plans and website builder plans.

So here, when we click on plans and pricing, then you can see that they have different plans.

They also have a free plan which is very limited, and then it starts at 4 per month paid annually and it goes all the way up to 45 per month. If you pay annually And then, if you pay monthly, it’s gon na be more expensive.

So here you’re gon na be pushed into getting a paid plan to get all of the features that you need.

So I’ve played around with wordpress com as well, and what I figured out is that the premium and the personal plan, doesn’t really give you the actual WordPress that you want.

They give you very limited features and you don’t get access to all of the plugins and themes that would be actually free in the WordPress ecosystem.

If you want to get access to the most popular themes and plugins, they push you to upgrade to the business plan at 40 per month.

If you pay monthly – And this is what’s very confusing and annoying to a lot of people – because they hear WordPress – they just go to wordpress com sign up for a plan, maybe even the free plan, and then they realize that they have to pay 40 Per month to even get access to the WordPress ecosystem – And this is why I don’t recommend to use wordpress com to create a WordPress website.

There are much more affordable and better options to create a WordPress website, because WordPress is just a free software that anybody can use.

The only thing we have to pay for is hosting – and here you get hosting included, but we can get hosting for a much lower price, Hosting simply means that we are renting some space on a server where all of our website files will be stored.

That server runs 24 7 and is always connected to the internet so that anybody can visit our website at any time All right.

So now we are ready to set up our WordPress website, and here you can see an overview of what we’re going to do in this video. So first we’re going to set up hosting Again.

This is gon na, be the server where all of our website files will be stored.

Then, once that’s done, we’re gon na get our website domain, which is gon na, be the name of your website, something like meticsmedia com or yourname com.

Whatever you want, Then we’re gon na install WordPress on that server that we are renting.

This is free, so we’re gon na install the open source software called WordPress.

Then we’re gon na install a free theme and free plugins to make building our website very easy, And then we’re gon na learn how to customize our website.

So let’s go ahead and set up hosting.

Now, when we go back to wordpress org, where we can download the open source software called WordPress, Then here we can see a list of all the recommended hosting providers for WordPress.

So here they have Bluehost Hostinger, DreamHost and wordpress com.

Again I don’t recommend to use wordpress com. I do understand why they have it on this list is because they are essentially under the same company, so they do have to kind of recommend it here.

But I’ve personally used Bluehost for a while, and I’ve actually switched to Hostinger a few years ago because it’s a lot more affordable.

It’s better overall and it’s a lot easier to use.

So this is the one that I recommend and the one that we’re gon na, be using in this video.

Now I’ve actually partnered up with Hostinger, and I was able to get you an additional discount on their hosting plans Now to get that, all you have to do is go down to the video description and click on the first link.

You’ll, find there.

This link will take you to my Hostinger partner page, where you can see my face and also my logo And then once you’re here, just click on start now, and this will take you to their plans, And here I recommend to either go with the Premium or the business plan Now the business plan does have a few benefits like it’s able to handle more traffic.

It has more storage and you also get a faster average loading speed because you get the CDN feature which stores your website files on multiple servers across the globe which will increase the loading speed for the average visitor.

So if you have the budget – and you want to have the best performance, I recommend to go with the business plan.

But if you want to save a bit of money and you don’t care about the improved performance, you can also choose the premium plan and you’ll, be absolutely fine. So I’m gon na go ahead and choose the business plan, And here on the next step, we can choose our payment period, which means how many months in advance we’re gon na pay for our hosting.

Now, the more you pay upfront, the cheaper it’s, gon na, be in the long run.

So if we take the 48 months option, we get four years of hosting for 399 per month for the first four years and after those four years it’s.

Gon na renew at 899 per month, Then, for example, the 12 months option.

We get the price of 399 for a one year and then after that, one year it renews at 1199.

So if you do have the budget to pay more upfront, then I recommend to go with the 48 months option just because you save a lot of money in the long run.

But if you don’t want to spend that much in the beginning, then you can also take one of the other plans right here And by the way you also have a 30 day money back guarantee, which means that within the first 30 days, if you Decide that you don’t need that hosting plan, and you don’t want to create your website.

Then you can just get a refund with a simple click.

I’ve done it many times after I do these tutorials.

So I can confirm that it’s very easy to get a refund. So choose your option right here and then let’s scroll down to the second step, which is create your account.

So here all you have to do is enter your email address and choose a password, or you can also use your Google account to sign up for Hostinger Once that’s done let’s scroll down to the third step, which is the payment.

Now, before we choose our payment option here, let’s scroll down further and click on have a coupon code.

Then we can see this field right here, and here You want to enter MeticsMedia Now make sure the spelling is correct.

You can also copy and paste it from the video description and click on apply, And by applying that code, it will give you an additional 10 discount on your hosting plan.

Once that’s done, you can scroll back up.

Choose your payment method right here enter all of your details and click on submit secure payment And once the payment is complete, we get to the onboarding sequence for Hostinger, but we actually don’t need to answer any of these questions.

So, to save some time we’re gon na go straight to the hosting or dashboard by clicking on the Hostinger logo up here at the top, Let’s click on leave, And this takes us into the Hostinger dashboard And here the first thing we want To do is confirm our email address, So let’s go to our email inbox, the email we have used to sign up for Hostinger, and here we should find an email saying, verify your email address.

So let’s click on it here and then let’s, click on verify, email, And this should take us back to the WordPress dashboard.

So now we are done with the first step, which is getting hosting and we can move on to the second step, which is choosing our domain name, which is the name of our website, So to get our domain name, we just go to our Hostinger dashboard. Go to home and then right here we can click on Claim Domain, And here the first thing we want to do is change the domain extension right here to a com domain, because it’s just what’s most commonly used and what people are used To You can also choose one of the other options right here, but generally I recommend to stick to a com domain.

Then right here you can enter the name of your website.

So if it’s gon na be a personal website, you can just use your personal name com or, if it’s for a business or a company, use your company name com Also try to keep your domain name short, simple and easy to remember Now, Because I already have the meticsmedia com domain, I’m just gon na add some numbers here at the end, but I wouldn’t recommend to add numbers because it just makes things not look as professional and legit for your website.

But I’m not gon na use this website anyway, so I don’t really mind to have numbers in the domain.

So once you’ve entered your name that you want to use just click on check, availability and if the name is available, you can just click on claim Domain right here And now to register our new domain.

We have to enter some contact details Now if it’s a personal website.

You want to stick with personal and if it’s a website for your company or organization, click on company organization and then click on Next Step, And then here enter the contact details And once that’s done click on finish registration, Then let’s Click on continue And then here we can see an offer for a hosting plan, but we already have hosting so we can skip this by clicking on Skip.

I don’t need a website And now, once again we need to confirm our email address for our domain as well.

So let’s go to our email inbox once again and then look for an email, saying important verify your contact information for your domain.

So let’s click on this email and then let’s click on this link right here And there we go. Our email address has been verified, so we can close this tab and the email inbox as well Reload the page right here And now we can see that our new domain is now active And that’s it for the second step, which was getting our domain Name Now we can move on to the third step, which is installing WordPress.

So let’s go back to Hostinger And here let’s go to main menu and then click on home.

And then here we can see our hosting plan And let’s click on setup.

And here, if you want to you, can answer these questions.

But I’m gon na save some time and just skip these by clicking on skip here at the bottom.

And here because we want to create a new website, we will say I’ll create a website and click on Next And here we can choose between using WordPress or the Hostinger website builder.

Now I’ve made an entire tutorial about how to use the Hostinger website builder, but this video is about how to create a WordPress website, which is why we’re gon na choose WordPress and click on Next.

So now we need to create our WordPress account and you can just use the same email.

You’ve also used for your Hostinger account.

So just choose a password right here and then click on Next Here we’re gon na choose create blank site at the bottom right Then here we need to choose our domain name, that we want to use for our WordPress website and we can already see The one that we have created before So let’s choose this one and click on Next. So here we can choose the server where our website files will be stored, And generally you want to keep the server location as close to your website visitors as possible.

So if you’re gon na have a lot of visitors from the United States, then you probably want to choose a server location that is here in the United States.

If you’re gon na have more visitors from Europe, then you want to choose a server location here in Europe, for example France.

Now, if you’ve chosen the business plan like I did, then it doesn’t really matter, because all of your website files will be stored on all of these servers right here to maximize the performance of your website across the globe.

But if you have chosen the premium plan then make sure to choose a server that is closest to where your potential website visitors are.


In my example, I’ll just choose France and click on Next And now WordPress is being installed Now once the installation has been complete, it should automatically take you to your WordPress dashboard and, if it doesn’t, I’m gon na quickly show you How to get to your WordPress dashboard very easily, So what you have to do is open up your browser or open up a new tab right here enter your domain name.

So for me this would be Meticsmediaeleven com and then followed by slash.

Wp admin hit enter And then you can see the login screen for your WordPress account.

So here just type in your WordPress account email again and also your password and click on login. And this will take you to your WordPress dashboard, And this is basically the backend of your website.

So now we’ve completed the third step, which was installing WordPress and we can move on to the fourth step, which is installing our theme and installing the plugins that we need to create our website.

So here in our WordPress dashboard, let’s head over to appearance on the left set menu and then click on themes, And here we’re gon na install a new theme.

That is a lot better and gives us a lot more options than the default.

One that is currently installed So let’s, click on add theme here at the top And the theme we’re gon na install is one of the most popular free themes available for WordPress, which is called Astra, And we can already see it right here.

If you can’t see it just type in Astra here at the top and then it will come up right here.

So when you see it just click on install and activate, And this takes us back to our themes.

So when we scroll down, we can see that the currently active theme for our WordPress website is now the Astra theme that we have just installed and activated.

A theme basically gives our website the basic structure and enable us to build our website using a drag and drop visual page builder.

So we don’t have to write any code. So next we’re gon na install a plugin called Starter Templates, which is gon na, give us access to hundreds of professionally designed website templates, which will make building our website a lot easier.

So let’s head over to plugins on the left side menu.

Then let’s close this window right here and click on add new plugin, Then in the search bar, let’s type in starter templates and it’s this one right here.

So let’s click on install Now and Activate, And now down here we can see that the Starter Templates plugin is now installed and activated, And we can also see that we have a few more plugins that came pre installed with our WordPress account, Because we Have used Hostinger for our hosting provider, they have already installed their own plugins like the Hostinger, AI, Hostinger, Easy Onboarding and the Hostinger tools plugin, which actually we don’t need, because you have this tutorial, So we can just deactivate those plugins and delete them completely.

So let’s just highlight them or tick them right here Then go to Bulk Actions, deactivate apply, and now the background is wide, which means that these plugins are deactivated Now to completely delete them from our WordPress dashboard.

We can just take them again here.

Go to bulk actions, delete and apply and confirm, And now we are just left with the Lightspeed Cache plugin, which basically enables caching on your website, which will make it faster.

But I actually recommend to deactivate this one for building your website And then once your website is finished, you can activate this plugin once again.

Now let’s go ahead and start setting up our WordPress website using the starter templates plugin.

So let’s click on get started right here And this launches the Starter Templates plugin, where the first thing we want to do is choose our page builder. So up here we can switch from the AI website builder to Elementor.

So Elementor is the most popular page builder for WordPress.

It’s easy to use, and it gives us tons of flexibility when it comes to customizing your website.

So let’s choose Elementor up here, and this will take us to a large library of website templates that we can start with to create our own website.

Now I recommend to start with a template, especially if you’re not a professional website designer, because it will save you tons of time and your website will end up looking a lot more professional compared to if you’re, gon na start from scratch, and Do everything on your own, So I recommend to just go through these categories right here and try to find the right category for the kind of website you want to build.

So, for example, if you want to create a website for a restaurant, you can just go to a restaurant right here, or you can type it in here in the search bar, And this will give you all of the different templates that you can use to create.

A restaurant website Now some of them are gon na, be pay templates, as you can see here because it says premium, but they also have a lot of free ones.

So, for example, this one is free.

This one is free.

This one is free as well, And when you scroll down, you have a lot more templates that you can start with to create your own restaurant website. Now, in this video I’m just gon na create a website for a portfolio, So I’m gon na type in portfolio, and this will give me website templates that are optimized for a portfolio website.

So once you find one that you like, you can just click on it, And here we can already customize some of the basic settings of our website like we can upload a site logo.

We can play around with different fonts for our site And here we can also play around with different color schemes.

So I’m just gon na choose blue here and click on continue And then here we can add some additional features.

But for now I’m just gon na stick with the basic features and click on Skip This Step, And then here we also don’t need to enter anything.

We can just click on, submit and build my website, And now all the required plugins are gon na be installed on your WordPress account and the website is being built And once that’s done, we can click on view.

Your website, and here we go.

This is our new website that was made from the template that we have chosen before So.

Currently, we are on the homepage right here.

We can also switch pages by just clicking on the links here in the navigation menu up here, So we can go to the about page. We can go to the portfolio page and also to the contact page.

Now our website is already published and available to anyone who visits our domain.

So when we go to a new tab and type in our domain name in my case, this would be meticsmediaeleven com and hit enter.

Then you get to the website.

We have just created, And now we have completed the fourth step of creating our WebPress website, which was installing a theme and all the necessary plugins and choosing our template to start our website.

With Now, we’re gon na move on to the fifth and final step, which is learning how to customize our website So to customize our website.

We’re gon na be using the Elementor page builder that was already installed when you’ve, set up our website using the starter templates plugin And to open up our website in the Elementor page builder.

We can either just go to our website by typing.

In the URL at the top and then hitting enter, And whenever we are logged in to our WordPress account, we should see this bar here at the top, with a link saying Edit with Elementor.

So when we click on this link – and this will open up the Elementor page builder, where we can start customizing our website, Another way how we can get into the page builder for every page on our website is by just going through our WordPress dashboard. So once you’re in your dashboard, you can just go to pages here on the left side and then here you can see all the pages that were created for us, because we have chosen a website template And now, if you want to customize any of These pages let’s say we want to customize the homepage right here we just hover over it, and then we can see a link saying Edit with Elementor.

We can just click on this link and again this will open up our homepage in the Elementor page builder.

Now before we start customizing our website, it’s important to understand how our website pages are structured here on Elementor.

So here on the right side, we can see an overview of the structure of this homepage, So we have a container here at the top, and this is basically this first part of the website right here.

Then, when we open up this container, we can see three more containers, and these are basically the columns of this first container.

So when we click on the first one here we can see.

This is the first column When we click on the second one.

It’s the second column and then on the third one.

It’s the third column.

So this is the overall structure of this first part. Then, when we open up this first container, we can see there’s an element inside of this container, which is called Icon List, And this is what you can see right here.

Then, when we open up the second container, we can see there’s a heading, there,’s a text element and there’s a button And then for the third container.

There is an image which is this image right here, and it works exactly the same way for all the other parts of our website.

So right here we have the second container and then within this container we have another one, and then we have the elements.

So the heading the text, a divider right here and then the next container, with these elements in here And that’s, how each of your pages are built.

So for now let’s just close this structure window And now let’s see how we can edit some elements on our homepage.

So, for example, if you want to change this text right here, all we have to do is click on the text and then on the left side, we can see the menu the options for this text, So we can change the text right here or we can Also, double click into this text field and then highlight everything and then just change it to whatever we want, And if you want to change this button right here we can just click on it And then again on the left side, all the options will open up.

So, for example, change to text.

We can just change it right here And because it’s a button, we also want to add a link to it.

So when people click on it it will actually go to another page, So it can enter any link. You want here, or you can also send them to another page So here I would want to send them to the portfolio page.

So I’ll type in portfolio and here’s, the page.

So let’s click on it, and then it automatically adds the link to the portfolio page of my website And to change the images it works.

The same way, Just click on the image you want to change, go to change image right here And then just drag and drop the image that you want to add Click on select and now the image has changed to this new one right here Now, if you Want to add a new element to your page.

We can just go to the plus icon here at the top left, and then we can see the different elements we can add to our page.

So, for example, if you want to add some text here to the top of this heading, we can just drag and drop the text editor to the top of this heading And then to change the text.

We just triple click and then we just add anything that we want And if you want to delete anything on your page, you can just right click on the element and then click on delete and it will be deleted And we can also delete entire containers.

So, for example, let’s scroll down And let’s say we don’t need this video container right here.

So we can just click on the X and this will delete the entire container And now to save the changes we’ve made and make the new version of the website public.

We need to click on publish here at the top And to customize any of the other pages of our website. We can switch pages up here, So we go from home to let’s say the about page and then here we can change every part of this website as well.

The same way Now let’s take a look at how we can add a new page to our WordPress website.

So, to do that, we’re gon na just go to our website by opening up a new tab typing in our URL and then hitting enter here, make sure you are logged into your WordPress dashboard.

This way you’re gon na see this bar here at the top, And here we just want to click on new and then click on page, And now we can give our page a name.

So I’m just gon na name it our team And then click on, publish and confirm And now to edit this new page.

We can just click on edit with Elementor up here, And this opens up the page builder for our new page.

So now we can just start by adding content.

So, for example, we can drag in a heading and then change the text here, And we can also make use of pre made templates that make the process of building our new page a lot easier and quicker.

So to see the templates, we can just click on this S icon right here And then we want to go to blocks And then here for our team page, I’m just gon na type in team And then here I can see different types of templates That we can use for a team page.

So, for example, let’s add this one right here, So we can just click on it and then click on import block And then here once it’s imported. We can also change every part of this template by just clicking on the elements and then changing it right here And we can even import entire pages from the templates.

So again we just click on this icon right here And now here under pages, we can see all the templates that we have already seen in the beginning when we have created our website, But now we can even import all of the different pages of these templates Separately to our new website, So, for example, if we like some part of let’s say this website right here, we can just click on it and check out all of the different pages.

They have Let’s say we like this about page.

We can just click on it, see if we actually like it, and if we do, we can import that entire page by clicking on import template And now the entire page was imported to our new page.

We have just created, And from this point we can just customize everything.

So, for example, if you don’t need this part right here, we just click on the X to delete it.

We can also change the text right here and just customize everything to our own content.

So let’s publish our changes and preview our new page by clicking on this eye icon, And this will give us a preview of our newly created page Now.

To add this new page, the navigation menu as well.

All we have to do is click on customize up here then go to menus then choose the main menu, which is the one here at the top, And then we can click on, add items and add the our team page we have created before Then click publish And now we have the our team page in the navigation menu as well. So now we know how to customize the content of each page on our website.

But how do we actually customize the header and the footer of our website To do that? We have to click on customize up here once again And then, when we hover over the header area, we can see these pen icons right here So, for example, to change the logo in the header.

We can just click on this pen icon and then change the logo right here And it works the same way with the footer.

So we can just click on customize scroll down to the footer, and then we can click on any of these pen.

Icons, which will open up the footer builder And here, is where we can change every part of the footer So for the logo.

We can change that here.

We can also change the email address right here and also these icons or this text here at the bottom.

Now, if you’re looking for a more in depth tutorial on how to customize every part of your new WordPress website, then watch this video next, where I teach you step by step, how to use WordPress and Elementor to customize every part of your new website.

Thanks for watching – and I’ll see you in the next video .

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1 DAY IN NORTH KOREA (Overwhelming Experience)

I was not paid by any company or government to make this video. I do not condone support or promote the regime of North Korea in any manner whatsoever.

Please do your own research, North Korea, North Korea, the propaganda Kim jong un, his regime, Human Rights, prison camps for ballistic missile otto warmbier.

It was a moment for the history books.

I am NOT a journalist.

I’m just some kid with a consumer camera who was lucky enough to gain access into the most isolated And controlled country in the world.

This video series is a product of that Alright, guys So welcome to day two of the North Korea trip Beautiful day.

Here in Pyongyang, Apparently it’s gon na be really hot.

Today, Today, we’re going on a city tour, So we’re gon na explore the capital city here, No idea what to expect.

As per usual, I think we’re starting the day at some important monuments, So had to wear long pants to show respect.

So as we arrived at the Kim il sung and Kim Jong Il monuments, our tour coordinator, Simon, had to buy flowers to place under the statues. I’m not 100 sure if this is mandatory, but I feel like it is, But I could be wrong So, when taking photos of these statues, we had to be very careful how we took the photos The leaders had to be fully framed.

I think this was just to show how big the statues are.

They’re, 22 meters tall each the statues were completed in 2012, So they’re reasonably new to both sides of the statues.

There are 229 figures representing the struggle that the Korean people went through during the war.

Underneath you can see How mats from the US Army that the Korean people are standing on in the mud gives you an idea of the feelings here.

So, as you can see, there Just went to the uhh Main monument of Kim il sung and Kim jong il.

We had to be extremely respectful.

There No photos with sunglasses on no selfies had to have our arms by our sides, and now we’re heading off to Children’s Day.

Memorial So should be a bit kind of ceremony.

Cuz, it’s International Children,’s Day today, so See what that’s like Korean Tour Coordinator Simon. So if you’re bored there’s something to look out for So just arrived at the funfair.

It’s cool It.’s like an amusement park.

I’m not sure what to expect here.

Maybe we get to go on.

Some rides check it out.

There’s heaps of people here Just learned an interesting fact about the cars There.’s actually a lot more cars on the road than I expected to see here.

All the cars are divided into categories by number plate So, depending on the color of the number plate and the numbers that will tell you what the car connects to So blue number plates belong to a company.

Black is military.

Green is something to do with the government.

I think Super interesting. It’s very rare to have your own car here.

If you have your own car band chances, are you’ve succeeded Doing something like noteworthy, like won the Olympics or being gifted at by the government or something? So as we arrived at this Children’s Day celebration.

We were instantly struck and uh Fascinated, Because I think it was an extremely important event.

There were cameras everywhere and there was even a drone flying.

So basically, it was a day was based around children.’s games, so they’d have events like tug of war and Relays and things It was pretty cool.

One part that I wasn’t really sure about, though, was they had these kids having to clap these pieces of plastic together, and this day was so hot? I think it was in between 35 and 40 degrees centigrade, And these kids are just clapping.

These bits of plastic together for hours on end, We spent like three hours there, the whole time and these kids were clapping.

These things and I don’t know how long they were doing that before and after we left.

So it seemed a Bit uh harsh, but apart from that Super interesting, So check out these clips All right.

So I’ve come to the back of the amusement park. Pretty much just been let to Walk freely.

Obviously, I think this is a fenced in area, but it’s not as controlled as you,’d.

Imagine There’s some cool roller coasters.

Here I would love I I’d love to be able to ride them, but I think they closed today because it’s International Children’s Day and they’re having the fun fair and Ceremony and dances whatever they’re doing down there Completely different than I expected, I mean that’s a lot more relaxed, But still the locals don’t really kind of look at us foreigners.

I dunno What that’s about.

I did get to talk to some locals so far, though There’s some people that were training to be guides, and It’s really nice to to talk to.

I’m not sure what we’re doing after this.

I think we might be going to get lunch or ride the Metro.

I think we’re gon na ride the Metro, which is the world’s deepest metro System in the world.

The world’s deepest metro stations in Kiev, Ukraine, Which I went to in a past video But anyway, check back in with you soon. So this clip was a pretty strange but funny experience.

I was lying on the grass waiting for the rest of the group because we were here for like three hours, so we had a lot of time to kill And these kids came over to me and Started saying things in Korean and pretending to shoot me with Toy guns: It was super cool to interact with the kids, like that, So you can see from those few shots just how clean and pristine these metro stations work.

We rode about five stops all together and stopped at about three stations So grand and clean You compare that to let’s say Europe, Their metro stations, the graffiti and things Here in Pyongyang.

It was crystal clean.

I swear you could eat your lunch off the ground here So clean and I think that the locals have a responsibility to help keep the city clean because all throughout Pyongyang It’s so clean That’s incredible the cleanest place I’ve been to Anyway, you can see this escalator here.

This is really similar to the escalators, and other parts of the station are really similar to the metro stations in Kiev, Ukraine, both the world’s deepest metro stations and metro systems.

A lot of the architecture is quite similar and I think, obviously that’s, because they were both built in the Soviet era – really Fascinating to compare metro stations in completely different parts of the world, but just so similar, absolutely fascinating.

So we just came out of the metro station And here’s the arch of triumph or triumphant.

Actually, I believe that’s higher than the one in Paris, So It’s pretty impressive.

It marks the date that North Korea was liberated from the Japanese 1945. So after driving past some more pictures of the leader’s faces, We stopped for another beautiful lunch of vegetables, noodles Everything, Little rice, cakes, Beautiful After lunch, We drove past this big theme park with huge roller coasters, And we arrived at the birthplace of Kim il Sung So, as you can imagine, with Kim il sung being the founder of North Korea, This place is extremely sacred.

You have to use your utmost respect here.

It’s not a place to mess around at all.

So, after checking that out, we drove to the supermarket the supermarkets a place, I couldn’t get any clips because we weren’t allowed to take our cameras in, And here’s a little clip that my friend got on his phone.

I just got some um North Korea, money And uh.

I don’t know how much it is.

How much did we get? We got like heaps, Uhm, ten Euros, Ten Euros Or about one hundred Chinese Yen worth So.

We’re gon na, try and spend it.

It’s a lot of money.

I am going to do another video later in this series, just about prices in North Korea. How expensive is North Korea But stay tuned for that video later in the series.

These are a few pieces of fruit and some nuts that I got for the trip The supermarket was completely stocked with food, and I talked to some locals in there as well.

These two young guys came and asked me where I was from, which was pretty cool, But yeah.

There was heaps of different kinds of food, mainly packaged food.

There wasn’t that much fresh food Lots of things imported from China, but still a lot of North Korean products as well.

I’ll talk about that more in the our expensive.

It’s prettier from the supermarket.

We arrived at the War Museum.

This War Museum was fascinating, If not very sad from both sides of the war.

These are all tanks here, There’s also some planes and a helicopter that was taken from the. U s During the war Sunken warship some pictures of some hostages there as well Pretty heavy stuff.

The tour was given by a really lovely young lady wearing a full North Korean army uniform.

She was really gentle and soft spoken, and she explained everything from the North Korean side of the war.

She showed us one of the Navy ships that they captured from the US as well.

After this we went inside the museum, But I wasn’t allowed to film.

Sadly, but it was one of the most incredible museums I’ve ever seen.

You know Very brutal but fascinating.

Nevertheless, So we just came out of the war museum, probably spent like an hour or so in there, and we had a guide, it was I Don’t know how to phrase it, but of just so much attention to detail.

I’ll try and find some photos on Google or something and put them up on the screen now just to show you they had this big panoramic Hand painted 360, took 41 artists and one and a half years to paint, but it was absolutely breathtaking anyway.

Now we’re Getting on the bus. We’re, going to a huge tower that looks over the Pyongyang should be super interesting, So we’ve arrived at another monument.

This one represents the Working Party Hammer and then the writing brush in the middle and the sickles.

So the hammer represents the workers.

The writing brush represents intellectuals.

It’s, 50 meters high.

It was built on the 50 year anniversary of The working party, Alright guys, so we’re bowling now Just before dinner, But check it out Gutter, ball And Yeah.

This is a power cut that happened while we were bowling, But only lasted for about five to ten minutes, and then it came back on From bowling.

We went into the basement and had a huge spread of food.

The food was seriously so good on this trip.

They give you beer with every meal. You can see here a barbecue.

They also had a large range of vegetables.

It was heaven Alright, guys so Back from the day Huge day.

So many activities you see towards the end And I slowly uh stopped putting in clips cuz.

We were just seeing so many different things, So many monuments, The ones that stood out to me, were the big monument to the start, with Kim il sung and Kim jong.

Il Made out bronze, it was out of this world.

Amazing, The museum.

The museum was epic inside Sorry, I couldn’t show you guys, But you’ll have to come and see it for yourself, cuz, really interesting museum.

You know delicious food again Love Korean food Hooked on it now, Oh and the tower that was definitely cool, a really good view of the whole of Pyongyang.

There Tomorrow, We’re going for a seven hour drive We’re actually going to the coast, which is apparently quite rare when the tourists go to the coast, Hotel were staying in is right on a beach, Be able to walk right out the beach go Swimming and things So swimming in North Korea. Anything we put North Korea on the end Sounds cool Anyway.

I’m super tired again, probably talking nonsense.

Thank you for watching, and I will see you tomorrow for the next video And if you didn’t see the last video that was the previous day That was us flying into North Korea.

So go back and check that out.

If you missed it.

Otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow, Thanks for watching guys and in case I don’t see you good afternoon Good evening and good night from North Korea.


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