choosing a date based on experience | vs 1

(urban music) – Hi, I am Montana and I'm
here to pick a date based on body count. – [Interviewer] How are you feeling? – I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited. I'm like not too sure what
I'm gonna see back there. I feel like, I'm gonna
see like, a big range. Like, there's probably
gonna be some numbers that shock me both ways maybe. – [Interviewer] All right. And One, two, three. – Oh, number four.
Getting around, huh? (Montana laughs) – [Interviewer] Any other
ones that jump out to you? – I guess number five, just
'cause that's impressive. I guess. Good for you (laughs). Or sorry for you I guess
I don't know (laughs). (record scratch) (laughing) – Can everyone just tell me
like, what's your age now and what age did you lose your virginity? – [Clayton] So I am 23, almost 24, and I lost my virginity at 18.

– [Monykuoch] I'm 21, and I lost it freshman year of high school. – [Samir] I'm 22, and I lost
mine when I was 19 years old. Junior year of high school. – [Forrest] I'm 28, and
I lost it when I was 18. – [Marco] I'm 19, and I
lost it when I was 17. – Okay, well that number makes sense then. – [Hudson] I'm 22, tomorrow. – Happy birthday. – [Hudson] Thank you. Lost I think when I was
like, 17, or something. – [Montana] Okay. – [Evan] I'm 19 and I lost it at 16. – Does body count matter to you guys? – [Monykuoch] Not really.
I feel like, you know, the more the merrier, more experience. – [Forrest] It doesn't really
matter, but also it does.

I don't want someone with
like lesser experience 'cause I don't think I'm at that point. – Well, not many people
are gonna have more. (laughing) – [Forrest] But like
no experience kind of- – [Montana] Okay.
– [Forrest] Yeah. – [Hudson] I mean I will
say like, I think it's kind of cute when like
someone's not experienced. – [Evan] I think like, someone
who has a low body count like, they could still be experienced. I think it's more of like an
experience thing rather than having a high count. – Okay. If you're on a first date, do you ask? – [Evan] Hell no! – [Clayton] No way, no! – [Forrest] Never! – When do you guys tend
to have that conversation with a partner? Or do you bring it up? Do you let them bring it up? – [Clayton] Usually they
bring it up, you know, sometimes it is on the
first date, but you know. I feel like a few dates in
it's fine to talk about that, you know? Kind of get to
know their past a little bit.

– [Forrest] I don't necessarily
bring up like, the count but I'll ask them what their like, previous relationship experiences are. – Does a girl's body count matter to you? Like, is there a number
that would bother you? – [Marco] No, it doesn't really matter. It's just kind of like,
it's something that you did and as long as you're like, committed to me it doesn't
like, really matter I guess. – Okay. – [Monykuoch] The age
to body ratio matters.

I also feel like the vibe matters too. If the vibes are there I
feel like at that point like, the number goes out the window. – [Forrest] I'm cool with everything. Mm. Hold on let me think about that. Anything above like five or
10 or five is cool with me. – Oh, it's cool. – [Samir] I would dam near
have to do a background check to see when she did what. – What? (laughing) – [Samir] Kind of like, seeing like, how many relationships she's been in. So like, you know, if she's been in a lot of relationships I would see. But if she hasn't I could see
how the number would be high. – [Montana] Okay, so the
context of where the bodies came from matters to you? – [Samir] Yeah, like a background check. – Okay. (ding) – Okay, the first person
I think I'm gonna go with. The person with the one body count mostly because they're too young for me. (laughing) – [Montana] Hi! – Hi! – [Montana] Nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you too.

– I'm sorry you're just a
little too young for me. – [Marco] It's okay.
– [Montana] I'm sorry. – Well I know my number's kind of low. When I tell people
they're kind of just like, they will like make fun of me. But like, for me I kind of just like, wanna wait for like, the right person. Like, I really gotta
feel a connection there. – And I think I'm gonna go with 29. Just 'cause they didn't
really give me much. – [Hudson] That's probably me. – Number six! – [Hudson] Oh, okay! Yeah! – You forget your body count? – [Hudson] Yeah (laughs). – I think I filled that
out when I was like, maybe a little bit drunk. – Hi, nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you. – Hudson, thank you. Thank you. – Let's start with what
everyone does for work. Start with number one. – [Clayton] I am a production assistant and work in the art department
in the film industry. Mostly on commercials and music videos. – Okay, do you like it? – [Clayton] I love it, yeah! I wanna be a writer and director but for now it pays the
bills and I love what I do.

– Number two. – [Monykuoch] I'm a professional model and I'm in school for cybersecurity. – [Samir] I'm going to
school full-time right now. I also do modeling part-time and I'm trying to pursue
a career in basketball. – Number four? – [Forrest] I nut for a living. (record scratch) – Obviously. (laughing) – [Forrest] Yeah, I do OnlyFans. – [Montana] Oh, okay.
– [Forrest] Yeah (laughs). So you were serious (laughs). – [Forrest] Yeah! Do you like it? – [Forrest] It's a lot
of work. It's very hard. – [Montana] Yeah. – [Monykuoch] Pun intended. – [Evan] I'm in school for
music production right now, but I'm a bellman. – What's that? – [Evan] Like, a bellboy like, I take your luggage at a hotel. – Oh, like at a hotel? – [Montana] Okay.
– [Evan] Yeah. – What do you think about the
movie Wolf of Wall Street? – [Clayton] I think it's good.

I think a lot of people
missed out on the message. Guy's are like, "Oh dude,
this movie's (beep) sick. I gotta be an investor." And it's like, dude, this
guy (beep) people over. Like, you you missed the point
that it's a cautionary tale. – [Monykuoch] I thought it was funny. Especially like, when he
was able to sell that (beep) building that like, know
one had ever been in.

Non-existent. I was like, damn this dude
got great persuasive like, manipulation skills. – I've actually never
seen Wolf of Wall Street. (group reaction) – [Clayton] Why do you ask
about a movie you haven't seen? – I just feel like it
tells a lot about your personality depending on
where you rank that movie. If it's like a top five movie for you sometimes people have a complex about it. I think number one caught
it really well that like, some men really wanna be
the Wolf of Wall Street, and that's not what that movie is. – [Monykuoch] And what's
your favorite movie? Like, what's a movie you actually like? – I'll be honest, I don't
think I have a favorite movie. – [Evan] Huh? – Like I don't watch movies. – [Samir] You've never
seen Pursuit of Happiness? – [Montana] Nope.

– [Samir] Wow. – [Clayton] What about
Little Miss Sunshine? – [Montana] Nope.
– [Clayton] What? – They're all about to walk out (laughs). They're all about to leave. – [Clayton] What's a movie you've seen? – [Forrest] TV shows? – [Samir] Yeah, like- – I Liked Oppenheimer. – [Evan] Do you like, watch
TV? Do you read like, what? Because I feel like a lot of people watch movies on their free time. – [Forrest?] You listen
to music or are you- – [Monykuoch] Give us something like, you kind of giving us
a blank page right now. (Montana laughs) – I watch a little TV. I listen to music. I'm just not a big like,
if I sit in front of a TV for too long I fall asleep. And so like I go to movies- – [Clayton] You watched
Oppenheimer, that's three hours! – I actually stayed
awake for Oppenheimer too and I really liked it. – [Monykuoch] Did you
watch a Barbie movie also? – Of course.

– [Clayton] Which one did you prefer? – Oppenheimer, actually. If you guys saw me at a bar and imagine you're attracted to me, how would you approach me? – [Monykuoch] If I see you
Ima just say, "What's up?" You know?
"Hey, how you doing?" Like, I don't really got
too many pickup lines. I feel like, if you see me and you like me, you going,
you know, you gonna go out your way to respond back. – [Samir] I mean I really
like cold approach. So, I would just come up to you and give you a compliment. You know? And get to know you.

Ask your name, see if the vibe is there and then just go from there. Get your number, Instagram. – Okay. – [Forrest] I can't lie, I
don't really go up to people. I think in my entire life,
maybe like one or two people. And one time I got rejected. I think that made me like, really shy. – So how do you meet people? – [Forrest] I think
through like friend groups and stuff. I'll like get introduced or whatever. – [Evan] Yeah, like number four said, I like talking to people who like, I'd meet through friends and whatnot. I feel like conversation
can come naturally rather than me just
trying to like get at you. – [Clayton] Well, especially
'cause at the bar you can come off as such a sleazebag. Like, they know what you're looking for. You can come off as a douche.

– [Monykuoch] I'm like a park type of guy. – [Clayton] Yeah, exactly. Dude, the park and the gym, you know? – [Monykuoch] The vibe is so much- – [Evan] The gym's crazy. I feel like people don't
wanna be disturbed. – [Clayton] That's the thing though- [Monykuoch] There's a way to
do it. There's a way to do it. (ding) – Okay. Number two, with the 50 body count. – [Monykuoch] It's nice
knowing you guys, man. (Montana laughs) – [Monykuoch] How y'all doing? – Oh you're really pretty (laughs). – Thank you. – [Montana] I'm so sorry.
– [Monykuoch] Hi, Mony. – Nice to meet you, Montana. – Montana, Mony. Hello, guys. I just wanna say use condoms at all time.

– We support that. – [Evan] This guy models for Trojan. – I think the one with 10. I can hear them like, dapping
each other up (laughs). – [Samir] Hi.
– [Montana] Hi. – [Samir] Nice to meet you.
– [Montana] Nice to meet you. – [Montana] Montana.
– [Samir] Samir. – Those are great guys back there. – [Montana] Yeah, they like
each other more than they like me I think. – [Evan] It's that bromance- – Yeah, there's like a bromance going on. – [Clayton] I'm getting my
number up back here, you know. (laughing) (ding) – [Forrest] What's your sign? – I'm an Aquarius. – [Forrest] Okay. – I love this. Can
everyone tell me theirs? – [Clayton] Sagittarius. – Do you know your big three? – [Clayton] My big three? – Okay. – [Forrest] I'm an Aries sun,
Gemini moon, Libra Rising. – Okay. – [Evan] I'd have to check
Snapshot for the big three, but I'm an Aries.

– Okay. They're high fiving. (laughing) – [Forrest] What's your
relationship with your family like? – I have a good
relationship with my family. I live very far. I'm from North Dakota originally, so I'm the only one out here in LA. But I'm very close with my
mother and my grandparents. What about you? Do you have a good
relationship with your family? – [Forrest] Yeah, I'm
close with my dad, my mom, my two sisters.

Grew up very close with
like, a really big family of of women I think. – Love that. – [Forrest] I think that's what helped. – Huge. – [Evan] What gets you up in the morning? Like what makes you happy? What makes you feel
like the person you are? – Oh, I like this question. I think that I'm just like
very grateful to be here.

I grew up in the Midwest
in like, a smaller town and I'm not from like, a
well off family or anything. So, I worked very hard to like get to LA, and be doing what I love to do full-time. – [Clayton] What Is your occupation? – I'm a photographer. – [Clayton] Photographer, so
like what kind of photography do you specialize in? – For a paycheck I'm contracted
with a studio doing like, high-end family photography. But freelance I'll do like,
more conceptual portrait work. But I like to keep that more of a hobby because I think if it
becomes too much of a job, I might start to resent it, you know? You lose the creativity
'cause you're forced to do it. (ding) Oh, this is really hard. Number three. I'm sorry! I had really no rhyme or reason for that.

They were all really nice. – [Evan] You're good, you're good. Don't trip. – [Montana] Hi.
– [Evan] Hi. – [Montana] Nice to meet you.
– [Evan] How's it going? – I'm so sorry. – Evan. – Montana. – [Montana] Nice to meet you.
– [Evan] Nice to meet you. – This is harder than I
thought it was gonna be. – [Interviewer] How are you feeling? Do you have a winner in mind? – No, I don't (laughs). They're both really nice and really great. And I feel like I had a good
conversation with both of them. I think I'm gonna have
to get rid of number two. Just 'cause I think that maybe me and number one had a
little more in common. (acoustic music) Oh, you're really pretty
too, okay (laughs). – Oh, wow! I wrote that number? – You did (laughs).
Nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you. – What was your name? – [Forrest] Forrest.
– [Montana] Forrest. – [Forrest] Yeah.
– [Montana] Montana. – [Montana] I love that name.
– [Forrest] Thank you. – [Montana] I'm so sorry. – [Forrest] I love your name too.

(Montana laughs) – [Montana] You can take- – I think it's this one. – [Montana] That's not yours. – [Speaker] He wishes
he could take that one. – [Montana] That's not yours. It wasn't you it's me. (Montana laughs) (ding) – [Interviewer] Number one,
how are you feeling back there? – [Clayton] You know, I thought
I was gonna get out first, so this is definitely surprising. (inaudible) – [Clayton] Ah, geez.
All right, here we go. – Oh geez.

– What's up? How's it going? – Hi, nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you. – Montana. – Did a handshake.
You have a good handshake. – [Clayton] There we go.
– [Montana] Thank you. – I like the tattoos. – [Montana] Appreciate that.
– [Clayton] Yeah. – Thank you very much. – My first impression of
Montana was that she was very attractive. I thought that she might
not have been into me. Just to hear the reactions
that she had about the other guys. Like, "Oh, you're so
pretty, you're so cute." I come out, she's like,
"Hey, nice to meet you." And I was like, "Ah man." That's cool. – Yeah, I did regret, Forrest. I felt like when it came
down to the last two, I didn't have a clear winner and I kind of just like said one of them. I do regret voting him off though. He was very pretty. – [Interviewer] So
Montana, we do have your body count number as well. Are you okay if we bring
this out? I'm not sure? – Yeah.

Clayton do you have any guesses? – I kind of saw it but I could like- – You saw it? – You're on the wrong side but- – Is it 40? I dunno! (Montana laughs) – Oh, whoa! Let's give a hand for 40! – Let's give it up for forty real quick. – [Interviewer] Do you feel
like there's any sort of stigma, for women specifically,
when it comes to body count? – I think there's a huge stigma. I think women are expected
to have low body count or they're not allowed to
talk about sex as freely. Like, a sexually liberated
woman is more looked down upon. Called more names like, slut shamed. Whereas men are expected
to like, be out there, be hooking up with people like, there is a conversation
to be had there for sure..

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Traffic Blaster AI Reseller Diamond

Final Fantasy V 0 Experience Retrospective

Final Fantasy 5, probably was one of the first games allowed true customization real question that I asked myself was: can I finish Final Fantasy 5 without gaining any experience? One of the new features that they added in the pixel remasters and at least the Consol, was turning off experience. I believe they recently added that PC version also you’re one would have to be creative, avoiding experience in Final Fantasy 5, such as using the catch command.

To avoid all experience you can ALS used to Blue Magic condem.

Luckily, on the pixel remaster, it’s, simple, you go in the menu and you just turn off experience.

This actually allows you to have Barts finish the game at level.

One also apparently in a lowl game.

Barts would actually gain level from first goblins.

There’s no way to avoid them no way to catch or anything like that on them, not anymore.

So this is my quest finished Final, Fantasy 5 with new experience, say right off the bat I wasn’t confident in my abilities finishing this challenge figed.

I might make it out of the first world and never advance past Kesh on bridge.

The bridge mesh battle gave me some trouble. Eventually, I did Prevail.

A up first real road block was right.

After bridge mases, I got access to C goodies that allow me to mix up the storm early on, though I used some speedrun strats one I couldn’t use, though, was Goblin punch on Sirens cuz.

I had no one at level two uh Carl boss.

We had to use uh some.

You know fire lightning, take care of Carl boss, it’s, literally a DPS race could tcre us and kill us all pretty quickly.

Uh siren couldn’t use Goblin punch, so mostly it was fire when she was Undead, believe that did the most damage against her even more the keer potion one.

The roll off first boss allowed me to actually use a speedrun strat, which was using Goblin punch since Baris was at level three, which is the same exact level as Cora was so that’s what we did.

This is actually the first part where we actually showed off the night guard strategy.

Also Li. He was pretty quick.

He went down to some broken rods, honestly, like these next few battles that’s going to be the theme of it breaking rods, throwing Scrolls powering up scrolls with rods more or less uh.

If went down to some ice rods, biblow some fire rods, cray claw, lightning rods, same thing with the sand worm pretty much.

I used a combination of water, Scrolls and lightning rods on him.

Ad damat toise went down to ice rods, tried water Scrolls at first, but they didn’t do extra damage Air Force, those bosses, they all went down to lightning rods, lightning, Scrolls arcavi.

I used a combination of lightning and water Scrolls against Arcus forms.

Interestingly, even the final form that you know resist his magic does not resist water Scrolls so that made that fight pretty easy.

Now two of the free meteorite bosses, they were pretty easy and cheesy.

If you will there some strats that easily took them down much like Shan McMahon would say here comes the money that’s what we did on pure Bloss, we just level we just used some Gils, and that was it.

Dorm Chima now did attempt this fight without any type of cheesy Strat at first, but it came down to you know what I could not beat the uh water move that he has. The aqua graph took us down pretty quickly.

So here we go death potion.

We go to which for this we actually had to go out and kill some prototypes.

They’re sort of like a secret boss in world one typically, but luckily I did not restrict myself on classes, so we went and leveled up with Beast Master got control.

We had the Prototype blw himself up really.

I wish I would have went and learned self destruct, possibly would have made a battle come up later on quicker, so dorm chra meets his death by death person.

I wasn’t even going to consider Titan to be a roadblock, but man.

This fight gave me some trouble now could have went and Confused an enemy up.

North mountain get float to avoid earthshake here, but instead I went with a hiding Bard, which I made BS my bar.

Maybe I shouldn’t have try after try after try Titan just kept Killing Me So eventually, I went with thr some Scrolls and rods over money that allow me to win the damage race against Titan. I recommend you getting float on a s float and then put everybody in Samurai and you may want to pick up the main gou in the Elvin cave from that escape sequence.

I skipped them.

I regret it would have made this evading Titan Attacks a little bit easier as you want as much evasion as you can.

Ah you know what next up was Brides.

He was another.

What I’d say is a gatekeeper.

This run so literally the gatekeeping battles were back to back in this run, uh, so zero experience what a horrible night to have no experience against bridash.

Eventually, I settled using mute, which allowed him not to use any spells like he’s supposed to in his script, and also I with a Time Mage.

So I could haste somebody and also found out that Thro rods that were powered up they did pretty well and hind said I probably should have leveled up my time Magee and had her for rods probably would have made it quicker.

Ah, you know next up we have pannosa. I just gave him a phoenix down.

He died, he could not be revived with it Dragon FL.

You know what dragon flow took.

My bargain.

I gave Dragon FL a death potion and you know what they went their way.

A gilgames you know he wanted one of those death potions too.

I gave him one.

He jumped right into the water man, these enemies, love these death potions aamus.

Well, you know what aamus could have gave me some trouble, but this is where I started using berserk Night Guard throwing money and it worked out also the Sansom mites.

They really helped out. Leveling up your level three person into like level 50 fre, definitely recommend it.

Yeah, you know not many more bosses left in world to here.

We’re going up against the crystals uh.

They took nothing but death potions.

I thought about fighting them without them by you know Night Guard Strat and them, but it was a lot easier.

Just doing that, I could have threw money at them, but eh death potions.

It was Castle XF that boss and we got show off our night guard, Strat ling up, leveling up fairs and I believe we thre money.

Well, we’re up to the merge world.

Now, uh first off that line, he gave some trouble to the gdq run, but they were able to recover.

I, on the other hand, already had my level up Strat planned out leveled up KY, some through some money on to the next boss, statues uh, they more or less went down to leveling up and some money uh hermit. We went through that pretty quickly.

Didn’t really into any boss.

There got our guys the low Health Melina.

Here we go.

We berserked her.

We night guarded her, and this time we threw some flame rods after after leveling up.

So there’s our our theme going forward Night Guard dessert.

We never again healed Ferris or bars.

Reason being is that KY would guard, and that was it and KY could use the mass ofun so that she would always go first to guard if we needed to and oh yeah, so that’s our theme going forward.

We’re also going to end up taking down this pesy super bosses shinryu and Omega. So we’re moving through the rift.

Kistr is up next, so here I decided to throw a dragon potion on her turn into a dragon and helped out with our leveled up feris.

We can then berserk feris after level up and she hit away with that Dragon heart p same strategy.

He went to a dragon leveled Ferris up, berserked, Ferris catastrophe.

Same thing would desert catastrophe turn catastrophe into a dragon and boom Ferris.

It went hello, carness is same strategy again guard Dragon, berserk berserk boom massive levels for chemist mix and down goes alosis now twin changed.

It up now I fought to myself here twin on.

I did not want to lose Ferris or Barts at all, so I wanted to keep them both alive, so I had to reset a few times to do this, So eventually we got the set up.

I need it, we used a death potion and boom on.

We go to the deps of the rift. Now I wish I would have picked up the magic lamp or I did miscalculate the amount of Gil to kill Neo X death.

The first time, if I would have brought the lamp or if I would have actually you know, just use any attack besides barehanded attacks with Paris, I probably would have won, but that part’s going to be at the end of this video, Believe It or Not uh, but yeah overall X def goes down.

Eventually, I think I ended up beating him morod in the end.

Uh threee form of XD really do nothing spe.

Ribbons, I did forget to pick up the ribbon in the one town so Lena would have had a ribbon to make it a little easier, so she was literally expendable in this final fight.

So here we go KR with my guardian Knight we leveled up with Samson’s M.

Finally, X death goes down, so we did take out Omega and shinryu uh Omega did go speedrun stret.

We used the G toq this year.

We literally, I had a reflector ring on CI made sure she could guard had them, throw off some mixes right away to avoid that uh melt H the wave Cannon attack to kill us from Omega, so that was pretty simple, threw up some level up mixes on Feris had feris attack, kly and boom down goes aega down goes Omega.

Shen is actually an easier version of Omega, not to mention we would not have to use bless kiss on him, because box line works. Just fine so literally simple night card, theer jeru and we win by Apollo, so that was it.

That was my lowl game.

Experience Final Fantasy 5, retrospect them, and if you like what you’ve seen here in this video, be sure to hit that follow.

Subscribe button on YouTube and if you guys want to catch me, live again, I’ve been streaming on both YouTube and twitch.

That is at my twitch is twitch tv r985 literally, I cannot tell you what my link is is on YouTube.

So thanks for coming out guys hit that subscribe button.


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70 Ways to Your First 1000 Subscribers

Website Design, English #1

Hi, My name is Kelubay and I am with Casa Azul Productions In this free online course. Casa Azul will teach you how to create your own website.

If you have a passion for design, photography, writing or any other form of creative expression than creating your own website.

Will be an exciting challenge, So why is it important to have a website? A website can lead to new and less expensive marketing opportunities Here are some of the benefits of having a website.

Websites are a great way to showcase your hobby to people everywhere.

There are plenty of ways to do so, like writing.

A blog or sharing your home, cooked recipes or taking care of pet animals.

Learning to design a web page will give you the skills to design them professionally for other businesses, while developing another source of income.

For yourself, You could start by providing the service to local businesses in your community To take part in this course.

It is very important to sign up and create a profile.

This way you can earn points and advance to higher levels. If you have done this already Congratulations, The most important point we are making here is that a web page is completely virtual.

That means anyone in the world can visit yours, But wait here is an added bonus.

This course allows you to earn points during the sessions which are redeemable for prizes, Music, .

As found on YouTube

70 Ways to Your First 1000 Subscribers

$100k Hacking any website in Safari with uXSS – a 0-day chain

Hello, Welcome to, another Bug Bounty Reports Explained video Today. I will show you how Ryan, Pickren found a chain of zero days that led to universal cross site scripting in Safari, which allowed hacking any website, Literally, any website. Facebook Gmail PayPal or your crypto wallet, whatever He got a huge bounty of 100 500 for it. The link to the original well well, written blog post, is in the description Enjoy. This episode is sponsored by Blaze, Information Security, It’s, a team of experienced hackers who specialize in penetration testing and application security services. They can offer your company a wide range of, services pentests red teams threat modelling and even the whole assessment of your remote work, infrastructure They also have a special package for startups If you want to know more check, out blazeinfosec com, And I know the owner he – Was hacking before I was even born, so he knows his business. Webarchive files are used to save whole websites, HTML CSS, JS and images everything in a single file. It’s an XML based format, and it looks like this. The base64 encoded content is here, and here is the origin. Yes, you heard me right: there is an origin specified Back in 2013. If you could control the contents of this file, you could just put an arbitrary origin, encode the XSS payload, and you would be able to execute the code on any domain and access any domain.’s cookies. Such an attack is called universal XSS. It’s not a bug in a particular website, but in the browser which makes it insanely powerful. The attacker can steal data from every website that you use, so the potential impact is huge According to Google, almost as valuable as an RCE. So back in 2013. If you could force the victim into downloading and opening such a file, you could perform this attack, But it’s not how it works in 2022, with more security mechanisms in Safari and macOS, but let’s try to bypass them. The attack has to start with phishing the victim into visiting our website. It should not be a big problem, but every single user interaction makes the attack less and less likely. The first problem that we encounter from here is prompt about downloading a file, Because the first time you download a file from any domain Safari will ask you for permission. It would look quite bad with the attacker domain. The same goes for opening applications with custom URL schemes. If you open, let’s say a Discord URL, it will try to use the custom URL scheme. Safari will then ask you for permission to open the desktop Discord application, But it’s not for every single URL scheme. There,’s an allowlist of trusted Apple applications that don’t have to ask for permission. Among others, you can use icloud sharing, which is opened by ShareBear application, for, as the name suggests, sharing files over iCloud. It’s much helpful because, apart from being whitelisted by Safari, it’s also a perfect vector for delivering the webarchive file to the victim. That’s great, But there is a catch, The first time opening a file the victim has to confirm it. This is not an ideal attack scenario, but also not the end of the word. Importantly, after one confirmation of opening the file the attacker can modify the file completely and the victim won’t have to reconfirm opening it After the modifications, ShareBear will automatically download the new version of the file to the victim’s machine. Ok, so we have delivering the file to the victim taken care of, and now we can run it unless we can’t because Gatekeeper blocks it Because by default any downloaded file on macOS is quarantined. Gatekeeper prevents executing quarantined files like shell scripts and webarchives. Yes, they also thought about webarchives and they explicitly mentioned them in the documentation. So when Safari tries to open a file, it goes through the Gatekeeper and, in this case, webarchives get blocked. We could bypass that if we would find a vector where Safari opens a file without asking Gatekeeper And after a bit of research Ryan found out that windows URL files do exactly that. It’s a format that specifies things like the URL of the shortcut, the icon and so on. You can just make a desktop shortcut to a website. You can also use a file protocol And turns out that if you open this shortcut file with a path to webarchive, instead of opening the webarchive directly, it bypasses the Gatekeeper And one last piece of the puzzle is the path of the downloaded webarchive file. Normally it will be inside the user directory, so we would need to know the macOS username It’s. Ok, when you target a specific victim but hard to predict with an attack on a big scale To solve this problem, you can use a DMG file. It’s a disk image format that contains an archive with another files inside The reason why it solves the problem is that it’s mounted into Volumes directory, which means we don’t need to know the username to predict its location. So what is it finally, A webarchive, A DMG, A URL file? I know that you are confused, so let’s go through the whole exploit. First, you have to trick the victim into visiting your website. This website contains such JavaScript code. It contains a link to a harmless image shared over iCloud. The user has to confirm the prompt about opening a file. This is the last piece of user interaction that we need. Now you have to modify the contents of the image to a DMG file that contains the webarchive inside In the real attack scenario. You would probably need some scripts to do this automatically Now Safari launches this file and the disk image is mounted into Volumes directory. The webarchive is available under this path. Now you modify the contents of the file. Again, Importantly, the disk image is already mounted in Volumes directory and it’s not removed from there or modified, even though you make a modification on your iCloud account This time, you turn this file into the URL format, pointing to the webarchive which is inside Volumes Directory Inside the webarchive file, there is your arbitrary JavaScript code and arbitrary domain, which you’d like to attack After the webarchive file is launched in Safari. Your code gets executed on whichever domain you chose With universal cross site scripting. You can do whatever the user can do in their browser, attack, PayPal and transfer funds to you, attack, Gmail and steal, or send emails as the victim. You can attack a website like Zoom or Facetime, which is likely to have permission to the camera, and you can see what the victim is doing And many many more. The reward for this bug was 100 500 and there were two CVEs issued. As for the fixes, the ShareBear application now only reveals a file instead of launching it directly and WebKit. Now won’t open any quarantined files, even via Windows shortcuts. If you’ve learned anything new from this video leave a like and subscribe to the channel. If you want to see other bug, bounty reports from Apple check out this playlist on your right, You can find there a 28 000 IDOR in Apple Shortcuts or 50k RCE. But for now thank you for watching and goodbye

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BREAKING: Trump sentenced in ‘Hush money’ case

here on live. now from Fox. We are going to pause for a moment on our coverage of the California wildfires to bring you this breaking news president-elect, Donald Trump has been sentenced to an unconditional. discharge and relation to his hush money case. Here's the latest of what we know, breaking right now. president-elect Donald Trump formally sentenced today moments ago. In that case, But the judge declined to impose any punishment.

The outcome cements Trump's conviction while freeing him to return to the White House. unencumbered by the threat of a jail term, or a fine. And again, Trump was charged with 34 felonies, he was put on trial for almost 2 months and convicted on every count. yet, uh, the legal detour didn't hurt him with voters who Who elected him to a second term. So moments ago, Manhattan judge Juan merchan. He could have sentenced, uh, Trump to 4 years in prison. But instead, he chose a sentence that sidestepped constitutional issues by effectively. ending the case. but assuring that Trump will become the first.

person convicted of a felony. to assume the presidency. Trump has said, is criminal trial and conviction has qu ote been a very terrible experience. and insisted he committed. no crime. As he appeared virtually moments ago to be sentenced. again, if you are just joining us here on live now from Fox 4, this breaking news update, we do know that. We do know that Manhattan judge Juan merchan, he has sentenced uh president-elect Donald Trump to unconditional discharge and Fox News is reporting. what that means. That means no prison. No probation. No. conditions for president-elect Donald Trump He is now. set to return to the White House. unencumbered by the threat of a jail term or a fine.

So again if you are just joining us here on live now from Fox, that is the latest of what we know with all of this breaking as of right now. And again, we have not heard from president-elect Donald Trump after after this. Uh, just came out here, but again, what we did know after he appeared virtually moments ago, in court, he said that it has quote been a very terrible experience. and once again insisting he committed. no crime. uh, in this all of this. So we'll bring you the latest here on live. Now from Fox. If we do hear anything else, but as of right now, we are going to Pivot back to our Fox La coverage of the ongoing. devastating. wildfires out in California.

our Fox La team does appear to be back from a commercial break. So, I am .

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