Digital Marketing Takes the Lead over Traditional Media (2 of 6)

Move over television, radio and newspaper there’s another marketing medium that can more effectively get the word out about all your dealership and to offer its customers and it’s. Digital.

The big three TV, radio and newspaper ruled for decades and the domain where dealerships promoted their vehicle inventory and while it’s true, those medium still have a place in the marking pie.

If now a much leaner slice online digital marketing, if commanding the lion’s share the marketing spent for progress.

The dealerships across the country which are spending roughly eighty five percent to their advertising dollar on digital medium, leaving a combined 15 percent to TV, radio and newspaper advertising to round out there overall marketing mix.

Digital media marketing has virtually exploded and continues to surge with more website mobile devices, content and online network.

It all collectively translate into more opportunities for active engagement with a much larger audience of potential customers.

So what’s fueling the ongoing evolution from traditional media marketing to digital media marketing? It’s an ever expanding homes, up high tech devices such as smartphone iPad tablet, laptop desktop and even emerging technologies like smart TVs, just to name a few.

These devices provide internet active right at your fingertips: 24 7.

According to JD Power and Associates consumer spending averages 7 hours online researching cars before visiting a dealer lot.

If the dealer wants to reach their customers today, effin absolute must to do the majority. Other advertising online with digital media marketing, because that’s, where your customers are .

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Can A Wrong Social Security Number On My W-2 Affect My Immigration Case?

If you overstay on your visa, whether it’s three months three years, thirty years as long as you made a legal entry into the United States, you can adjust your status through marriage through a: U S, citizen get your work, permit, travel permit and a green Card in about a year, Good luck, .

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Timelines – Beginning Social Studies 1 for Kids!

[Cheerful music plays] Hey, everyone! I'm Justin, and 
welcome back to the clubhouse,   our special place where we get together 
and learn about the world around us.   I just got back from my family vacation at the 
beach. It was so much fun. We were there for three   days, and we did and saw so many amazing things. 
I can't wait to tell you all about it. That's why   today we are going to talk about the words we 
use when telling the order of events happening   and about a helpful tool called a timeline 
that helps us show them. Let's get into it. Welcome back. I am so glad to have you here 
with me today. I can't wait to tell you about   everything my family did during our vacation. We 
spent three days at the beach, soaking up the sun   and playing in the sand. I took a lot of great 
pictures, too. I want to make sure I tell you   everything in the right order, from beginning 
to end. I don't want to leave anything out,   so I'm going to show you by using 
a special tool called a timeline.

A timeline is a way to show events in the 
order they happened. They can also help us   understand the past and how things change 
over time. If something is in the past,   that means it has already happened, like my 
beach trip. The present is the current moment,   like how you're watching this video right now. 
And when we talk about the future, we're talking   about something that hasn't happened yet, like how 
you haven't finished watching this video just yet. A timeline looks like this. It starts with a line, 
then we add smaller lines to show when each event   happened. The points on a timeline can stand for 
any amount of time: days, weeks, months, or even   years. You can even put your best guess about when 
something in the future will happen on a timeline.   The lines might be really close together 
if all the events happened right after   each other, or, if there was a long time 
in between, they might be farther apart.   Some timelines might use words or dates to 
tell us more about the events they show,   but I'm going to add these boxes so that 
we can use the amazing pictures I took.   We also read timelines from left to 
right, just like a book or a calendar.

This is an example using something that you're 
doing right now. Growing up, we all start as   babies. Babies can't do anything for themselves, 
so other people have to take care of them.   Then we get a little bigger and turn into 
toddlers. This is somewhere between being a   baby and a kid. Toddlers can do some things for 
themselves, but they still need a lot of help.   Finally, we grow into a bigger kid, just like you. 
I bet you could do a lot of things for yourself   that you couldn't do before, like get dressed 
in the morning or even make your own snacks.   Wow, things really do change fast. My story happened over three days, 
so each point on my timeline will   represent one day. So let's start 
with the first day of my vacation. On the first day of vacation, I relaxed 
on the beach and I made a sandcastle.   It was a lot of work, but so fun to see 
the end result. We'll add this picture to   our timeline. Now we can see that I built a 
sandcastle on the first day of my vacation. On the second day of vacation, I went 

I saw all kinds of amazing   creatures who live under the water, like these 
fish and this beautiful sea turtle. Now we'll add   this picture to the timeline so we can see that I 
went snorkeling on the second day of my vacation. On the last day of my vacation, 
I had a picnic on the beach and   watched the sunset. [sighs contentedly] 
It was so beautiful, don't you think?   And now we see that I had a picnic on the last 
day of my vacation. We can talk about our timeline   using the words first, next, and last. First, I 
built a sandcastle. Next, I went snorkeling. Last,   I had a picnic. The words first, next, and last 
help us know the order these events happened in. Wow, it was such a fun trip. I can't believe it's 
already over. I am so happy that I could share   those experiences with you through my timeline. I 
think you're ready to make your own timeline now.   Luckily, you can use the PDF that goes with this 
lesson to do just that.

Remember to ask yourself   what happened first, what happened next, and 
what happened last as you're adding each event.   Thank you so much for joining me 
today, and I will see you next time..

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EXODUS Founders Q&A Video | January 2025

How does Time Dilation play out in the game? We've made the capital city on your world, Persepolis, a major hub of your adventures and your experience. And so you go off on your Exodus Journeys and you leave behind your city and some of your friends and maybe even family members and you make choices about them. For example, not everyone has to come on an Exodus with you. You might leave some behind and when you come back it could be a decade later, it could be four decades later, and those choices will have impacted your relationships with people that are now a decade older or three or four decades older. How your city has evolved, how technology has been integrated into everything from the military to, you know, civic structures to well I can go on and on. What makes the Traveler, the Player Character, unique in the story? Jun is the Player Character in the game. You'll have some options in terms of character creation that we'll be talking about at a later time.

So that'll give you some unique aspects to who Jun is for you. But ultimately, your player experience is going to be dictated primarily by the choices you make throughout the experience overall. You'll make choices both at a micro level and a macro level in terms of the overall story and in terms of the things you do with gameplay. So you'll be able to customize your character through some traditional ways that you can do in RPGs with skill trees and progression paths that we think are going to be compelling for players. But on top of that, the choices you make throughout the story are really going to dictate who Jun becomes and ultimately what they're shaped, both by yourself but also the Companions that surround you and your loved ones that, in the cases of Time Dilation, you'll leave them back home in some situations. And the manifestations and ramifications of those choices are going to be meaningful to you and shape you as Jun, the player. What was your vision for the Travelers? Well, actually I'd say that it was more Jesse Sky's vision.

He was the one who solved the puzzle. We were coming up with the universe and figuring out what a player was doing, and Jesse just kind of brought it all together You're going to be part of an organization that goes out and finds these Remnants that you can bring back that will help your world and change the world, and that's going to be the centerpiece of the IP because that's what the player's going to play as, and that's how the Travelers came about.

Jesse is our Creative Director, and he has a really good way of taking all the elements and figuring out how they work holistically, and then coming up with something cool that players will want to be. So that's how the Travelers came about. Yeah, one of the coolest things for, if I can add on to that, is just when it was described to me by James and Jesse early on, there's elements of it that we want to feel elite and somewhat secretive. You can think a little bit of inspiration from like the Jedi, but there's not like a Jedi council in the game that kind of is an overarching kind of structure to it. They're a little bit more rogue, a little bit more independent, but still work towards a common goal of saving humanity, and I think that's kind of a binding force with them on these journeys that they go on that are interstellar and have impact on them timeline-wise that's different from a typical journey. What can we expect in the world of Centauri? Well, the Centauri Cluster, it's the only place within the galactic neighborhood that had worlds that were in the habitable zone and that could be terraformed easily in the grand scheme of things, which is why the first of those who went out on an Exodus on their Ark Ships were able to colonize those worlds and create civilizations.

Those civilizations grew until they were enormous and technologically superior civilizations and they sent out what we call the Green Signal to the rest of the galaxy so that the other Ark Ships out there could come to this galactic Eden. So the Ark Ships started arriving but they arrived slowly over thousands of years. So we have this really interesting dwarf galaxy with thousands of star systems and empires and organizations. Some of them have already died off and there's just the Remnants left while others might be just a few decades old filled with humans who've just got off their Ark Ships who were on Earth like a century before. So the sky's the limit, which is really cool because it means that there are so many different places and eras and civilizations that you can visit within the Centauri Cluster. I think one of the coolest things about the IP in that context of that question is just that juxtaposition. Like the Celestials that have evolved over 40,000 years contrasted with humans that are basically near-Earth to us that just got off Ark Ships. James said this but if you really stop and think about that, they're our descendants that have changed and we're kind of the, as humans, the scrubs of the universe that are fighting to survive and that's where Jun comes in as the Player Character to really reestablish humanity's hope for a future that's meaningful to humans as we know them.

Contrasted with the Celestials who are much more evolved and have done some amazing things in the Centauri universe. How did the scary and dark creatures we saw revealed recently become a part of the universe of EXODUS? Will we interact with them? Oh, the Mara Yama. Of course you're going to interact with them. They're quite creepy and we did want a Celestial civilization that was just evil. We created the, it was probably like a page-long description of the Mara Yama and what they were and what they did. But then we gave that to Peter F. Hamilton and he just dialed it up to like ridiculous and then the company that made the video that you saw, Aaron Sims, they took that and just visualized it in an amazing way. So they're turning out to be as awesomely creepy and evil as we want them to be. Which one of the characters and creatures revealed so far would you like to be in the universe of EXODUS? It has to be in the context of what we've already revealed? Because there's so many good ones. I mean, the game overall.

What character would I want to be in the world of EXODUS that we've revealed so far? Based on that side, I'd probably say Jun. I mean, I'm excited to play as Jun and define him or her to be the player that I want to be in the game. You don't want to be a Crown Celestial? The Crown Celestials can like, literally, they're so smart and they live so long and they can do everything that Jun can do. They have the ability to install writers in their brains so they don't have to, if they're in a difficult situation, they can give themselves a personality that will perfectly match it. I'm thinking of all the uses for that. I'd be a Crown Celestial. But I wouldn't probably, I wouldn't do the whole Mindline thing because that would feel like I was murdering my child.

So I would just let myself die. I can't remember how long they live. I like the trials of the heirs though. That's super cool. Oh yeah, that was pretty brutal. If you, again, reading the book, it involves a unicorn and lots of gore. So anyways. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to our Founders for their questions and interest in EXODUS! Stay tuned for much more! ©2025 Wizards of the Coast, LLC. Created and developed by Archetype Entertainment.
"EXODUS" is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners..

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Best Of The Atheist Experience 1/2 [PL]

I hear people talking about the atheist experience yes on this local channel you are a Marxist your name is in you're from Russia when it comes to talking about the Bible you guys are just practically illiterate you know what I'd really like to do is I'm just gonna someday I'm going to come down there and punch your fat face in for jesus that's what I want to do really do you think that's what Jesus wants you to do because yeah definitely he's gonna come back and he just does he want me to turn the other cheek no that's not true if your belief is is something that you think is rational that it is based on evidence and not just a faith based assumption that makes you feel good I'd love to know what it is what rational evidence do you have that a God exists is it time because if you just tell me that it's you know I hope that a God exists or I'm playing the safe bet or I really want there to be an afterlife okay great I want to win the lottery I want to be surrounded by naked strippers I said that just so that all you find good Christian folks can say I told you he was in an immoral Athey isn't good thinking about sex all the time do you think that I'm gonna go to hell when I die based on the Bible I would have to say yes okay do you think I deserve that I would have to say yes evidently they're in a struggle and we're just little ants and you think that this one has written a book to tell you that this is the good one and other Christians think that this one has put a little plug in your heart to tell you that this one's the good one maybe this is the good one maybe this is the one that's lying and this one is waiting around to see if you'll ever figure it out if you'll ever wake up and realize that what this one's telling you to do isn't good just because he says it's good if you can't think for yourself no wonder you believe in a god you're claiming there's a lack of evidence and therefore there no reason to believe it yep why God I got how about this how about I just come down and punch your fat head in for Jesus I am an atheist in the sense that I don't believe in a God but what I'm advocating is not an atheist country or an atheist world well I'm advocating as a rational world a secular world that is indifferent and neutral with respect to religion so you would put in a bit minister yes and in there you don't believe with God that's correct there you devilment you

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