Hi friends, this is Rakesh. Now we are going to see about the list interface in detail, So this interface has name that suggests it is an interface, So The interface, the basic difference of interface is it contains some abstract methods.
It contains only the method declarations.
So the method definitions need to be in the implemented classes.
Similarly, list interface contains only the abstract methods.
The actual implementations would be available in the implement of classes Like array ways linked ways like that.
So then it extends a collection interface.
So the abstract methods that are present in the collection interface also moves to the list interface.
The basic definition of the list is, it can contain to duplicate values, For example, 1, 2, 1, 3.
So here 1 1 repeats two times, So it can contain duplicate values.
So you can access the values by the position, So you can access 1 by you. Can access object using position? You can get the values using 0, 1, 2, 3 and etc.
There is the basic definition of list interface.
We’ll talk about more about the array list linked list in upcoming videos.
These are the abstract methods that are present in the list.
The first one is public void.
Add int index Object o, So what it does try to convey is It will try to add the object in this index position, For example, it will send 1 and 5 data.
5 object means they try to get here.
It will try to add that object here and it will try to shift the cells It will try to move.
This 2 object here. 1 object here and 3 object here, So tries to shift the remaining objects in the other.
So next one public, boolean, addAll int index Collection c.
So here the elements that are present in the collection c would be added, with the would be added from that index position and then public Object get int index.
If suppose, if we have sent the 1 as a value means, it will try to return the object for this get object.
If suppose we’ll talk about this Public int lastIndexOf Object o.
So before that we will see this public int indexOf Object.
If suppose, if you are sending 1 In suppose, if match is 1 or many times, it returns, the first index position, So here 1 Zero in the index, So it returns.
This object.
Public int lastIndexOf Object o. This is opposite of this method.
It return the last index.
So, if suppose, if data is repeated in the list means it will try to return the last index here, 1 repeated twice, so it returns this position.
We’ll talk more about this in the upcoming videos and then of the public object remove int index.
If we suppose, if suppose you set 1 as the argument value, then you will try to find this.
If you try to remove this data and you’ll – try to slip the cells from 2nd to 1 3rd to 2.
Like that And then public list subList int start int end.
If we suppose, if we set 1 and 2, it will try to return the elements return.
The sub list from that start to end position 1. 2.
So it will try to return this sub list.
So thanks for watching this video At the end of this video, you’ll see the channel icon here.
Please click on that for subscribing the channel .
Go ahead Night Action, I got at least three people following me They knew our extraction point Somebody, gave us, up There,’s credible evidence of a leak in the CIA Peter Sutherland was investigating He,’s gone AWOL If Peter is hiding he probably. Has a good reason: Let’s find him. The op I was on went bad. I don’t know if Night Action is compromised. I cannot trust anyone Except me right. Tell me what’s going on. We have a mole selling leaked American intelligence to the highest bidder And last night someone stole enough experimental weapons to wipe out Manhattan, Be careful! Okay, This isn’t how Night Action works. You work for me What aren’t you telling me You’re a night agent. Now Relationships are dangerous. You have no leads. You have no evidence. We’re running out of time. I’m doing this myself Shoot me or get out of my way.
If you've began the journey
of attracting free traffic from the search engines to your website, then you've probably also began to wonder, how you can keep them
coming back as loyal fans, giving you the opportunity to sell your products or services. The answer is an effective email list, and in this series brought
to you by Solo Build It!, we'll be exploring why having
a trusted email relationship with your client base, will support you and give you freedom, in
your monetization strategy, without relying on Amazon and AdSense. Hello, I'm Paul Buckingham, roving ambassador for Solo Build It!, the only online website
builder that teaches you how to attract free traffic
from the search engines and how to make money from it. So how often do you
communicate with your visitors to your website using an email list? And if you do, how successfully,
do you sell to them? Sometimes, maybe never. Maybe, it's a sort of thing that you think I really should be doing
that sometime soon. Certainly it was something that I was doing for a very long time. Well in this series of interviews, Luke Barber co-creator
of HomeSpeechHome.com shares how he and his wife Holly, have managed to earn enough
to be stay at home parents, to their now five children, by building an authentic and
trusted email relationship with their site visitors, and then supporting them further
by selling them products.
We discuss effective email
marketing for beginners, basic email marketing strategies, and Luke provides some down to earth, practical inspiration as to why you need to start creating an email list today. – There's people out there who appreciate what you're doing and, they want to be your fans, and they want to hear from you, whatever you're doing. And so, by when you're starting early, whether you have a product or not, getting your email list and
having a good, solid email list of people who consistently
open and read your emails is what has kept me in
business for five years.
– The income as a result
of their emails strategy, is over a hundred thousand
us dollars a year. This is significant because
there were no advertising costs. All the sales came from
their own email list. And, that email list was
fed by thousands of visitors to their site, with
completely free traffic, supported by the Solo Build
It! education process. Home Speech Home is a website
packed full of resources, all of them, the apps
and the digital product, created by Holly and Luke. You can hear how they began their journey and how they develop the free traffic to their online business, by visiting our first interview with them back in August 2019, and
you'll be able to locate that by hitting the link just
above us in the corner there, or of course, in the link below, after you finish the interview.
For now, it's time to
learn what you can achieve by creating an email
list, strap yourself in. (Soft music) – The emails, are all
I do for advertising, I'll just start with that. So the only advertising I
ever do is with my email list, and to my email list. And so whenever I have
a new product come out, whenever we have a new app come out, whenever we have a new feature come out in the subscription app. I'm promoting that to
my list, all the time. Now, of course I have to
promote to them good content as well to keep them happy readers, I don't want to just promote
to them all the time, but that's mostly how, what I've been doing with the apps.
Now, having said that, our app has changed in the past couple of
years to a subscription, and so, we have our own ways to make popups come up in the app when we do updates and things. We also have those people's
email addresses too, so we usually use both
ways to remind people of the features and the extra things that they're getting with the app. The email list, in the
last couple of years, I've used more so to promote
my digital products too, which makes up the other
part of my monetization mix. Again, it was similar content, but just a different medium
of product that I made. So I just made the same content that I had in my app, into a
digital downloadable product. And so, I use that quite frequently. I use email lists quite frequently. Well, easily on a weekly basis to promote my digital product.
– Right, so basically what
you're talking about then is a model where you're getting organic or free traffic from the search engines, Google and the other search engines, but you've been following the
Solo Build It! action guide, which really supports you to build a CTPM process, being content, which then leads to traffic, which then leads to the
opportunity to presell all the products that you might have, and then of course, then
it leads to monetization, the actual process of making money. A lot of people make
the mistake of thinking, oh, I just got to put up
a landing page and Wemo, you know I'll be making a lot of money, but, this is not actually how
it works in the real world. Does that kind of summarize the process? – Aha, absolutely. – So you've got a process
now that is working, 24 hours a day wherever
people are in the country and you're attracting new visitors to your site all the time. We want to particularly
focus on the relationship that you have with them
as a result of the emails, for somebody that's
starting a business though, let's go right back to the very beginning when you first started perhaps, why should they be starting an email list right now at the beginning? What's the significance of that when they really may not
even have too many products? – So the significance behind it is, is it just provides a more individual way that you can communicate
with your audience.
When you have, traffic
coming to your site, you really don't know how much it's worth, because if you ever try and go spend money on ads on Facebook, to try and get traffic, you'll see how fast that money adds up. And so when you have free organic traffic coming to your site because of content, you're already building that relationship, but then by offering to your reader, to sign up to your email list and oftentimes, incentivizing
people to sign up to your list or just saying, hey, sign up to my list. When you get that kind of traffic, you're going to get fans, period. Same goes for Facebook,
you have a Facebook page, people are gonna follow
you on Facebook whatever, there's people out there who appreciate what you're doing, and they want to be your fans and they want to hear from you, whatever you're doing. And so by, when you're starting early, whether you have a product or not, getting your email list and having a good solid email list of people who consistently
open and read your emails, is what has kept me in
business for five years.
I quit my job in 2015, and for five years now, my email list has been my
single source of advertising. And so, but that's because I've built that relationship with them, and so, the sooner you start doing that, the better off you're gonna be. – So, what was it that even hooked you into the idea of
building an email list in the first place? Because I know for example, with Solo Build It! clients, who are very, rightly
focused on developing content and great content that
will attract the visitors, often it's really easy to get stuck in that process rather than the process of building the next
level of relationships. So, what was it that made you go, geez, I don't want to lose anyone here? – That's an interesting story because, about six months
after we started our site, I was working out of my parents house, trying to help my dad start
his own online business, and my uncle who is a tech
whiz, always has been, was visiting for the weekend, and he actually did his own consulting, like online business consulting.
And so when I started talking to him about how I was getting
the traffic I was getting, and that sort of thing, he mentioned to me, he said, "Are you collecting their email addresses? Or are you collecting email addresses?" And I said, "Well, no." And he said, "Why not?" I said, "First of all, I don't really know how," I mean, I said, "I know I
can set up a form on my site, but other than that, I don't really know any
other way to do it, A, B, even if I did build an email list, I don't know what I would send to people, I don't know how often, I would send them, and I don't even know what I would say." So I said, "So, no, I haven't been
collecting email addresses." He says, "Well, you need
to remedy that and you need to start doing that right now." – So when you first started
creating them, collecting them, what method did you use, for
somebody that's watching this, it is part of the Solo Build It! group and uses that system for building emails, there is an inbuilt system.
It's not as advanced as, some of the really
sophisticated, external systems, but it's a great start. How did you start? – I actually started in 2012, I think with, with Mailchimp. And I think most people who are starting building a list, most start with MailChimp, they've got a pretty big reach as far as, you know with ads and with content and they're kind of all over the place.
And that was a great
start for me personally. Mailchimp is a great,
reliable, email platform that has been around for a long time, and they have a ton of options, I would never say anything
bad about Mailchimp, they're really good. But after I started making
my products and things, I realized that I wanted to try and automate a little
bit more of the sales, a little bit more of the funnels, a little bit more of the follow ups that I had with people instead
of doing them one at a time, because that becomes really arduous, really fast as you start building a list.
So, when I started using Mailchimp, you could have as many
subscribers as you wanted, but you could only send out, I think 2000 emails at a time, I think its what it was. And so, I built my list up to like 8000, and so, I would have to
send out four batches of the same email to groups of 2000, it just started getting really cumbersome. – Right, right, and so you moved on? – Yeah.
– We'll talk more in a while
about different suppliers and different services
and perhaps the benefits they bring for somebody that wants to have a look at that option, but I wanna just stick with starting out for a little while, because somebody may well
be getting the traffic, as we've already talked
about to this side, the free traffic, but, they don't necessarily
have got products created yet, you know that might've
just been a leap too far at that stage of the development. – Sure. – But often, there are affiliates, let's say, things like that, so, do you find that, having an affiliate, finding an affiliate that
you can really work with and then selling their
services through the email is a good starting place
for an email program? – I think it definitely could
be if you don't have your own, and making relationships with
other people who products, but don't have track traffic, is certainly a great way to go. My experience with that is very different because most of the people that would have affiliate programs in my space of speech pathology, are all creating kind
of their own products and kind of think that we're all battling against each other, I think, coz we have similar digital products.
So, I haven't had a lot
of experience with that, I do have a girl that I know, that I'm going to be starting
to promote her course on language development, and I don't really have products or create products around that, so it's a good fit because she's been
paying a lot in YouTube, sorry, she's been paying
a lot in Facebook ads so much so that, she's
kind, of breaking even, or she's only making
a few hundred dollars, even though she sells like a $500 program. So I told her, I said, "Well, my problem is right now is that I can't build
products fast enough," and she goes, "Well, my problem
is I don't have traffic." And I said, "Well, I have traffic," and she goes, "Well don't," I have, so we kind of, we've talked and I'm gonna start promoting her course.
But yes, affiliates is a great way to go. – That concept there can really open up a whole other conversation
and an opportunity for somebody because, so many websites out
there, have no traffic, they might've created a product, because they assume they're
going to have traffic or they might've created a
product because they love it, but don't know how to sell it, but when you have a site that's following the action guide from Solo, Build It and the CTPM process and it's working really
well for you, as it should, then that's a great marriage
made in heaven, basically. – Yeah, it is. As long as it's stuff that you would promote anyway, right? It has to be things, I don't suggest, there's some people out there who will do affiliate things, just to make money, but people are very smart and people will know when you're
just promoting something just to promote it, just to make money, versus if you're promoting it coz you actually like it,
now you always have haters, right, there's always
gonna, people are like, oh, you're just promoting
this to make money, and you know what, those are people who probably wouldn't buy from you anyway, so it doesn't matter, But, if I was to give you
any advice on affiliates, that's what it would be, is only work with people that you like, who you know they have a good mission and they have a good product, that they're going to be able to support, and that they're not
just doing it for money.
I mean, obviously money is important, it helps us keep going with our businesses and expenses and things, but, I think you'll know the type, you'll know somebody who's
just trying to make money and somebody who's, actually cares about what they're selling. – And with that, this is
the end of the first segment in the series. In the next interview,
is we cover an overview of the types of services
that are available and have a look at which
might work for you. We also look at the power
of gathering information from your subscribers, the way to present your emails and the absolute do's and
don'ts to watch out for. – Believe it or not, I
didn't know who my audience was, until I started
collecting email addresses. I was getting traffic and it was great, but Holly and I, in the beginning, our plan was to create and
sell products, for parents. So all of a sudden we went, oh my gosh, it's not parents who are
looking for this information, It's the actual therapist themselves, So we had to do a total 180, on what we had originally planned to do, because the people who
were using our content, and our resources, were speech therapists.
– You can make sure that you
don't miss the next segment in this series by subscribing to the Solo Build It! YouTube channel, either click the little
image, it's appearing in your corner now, or, in a link directly
underneath the video when you finish. Please click the notification
bell as seen here, so you don't miss the
next video in the series, until then happy email list
building, from Solo Build It!. (keyboard clicking).
turns out there's a secret to managing your email a secret that's simple but profound because it changes everything the way you think about process organize and the way you prioritize email so here's the secret most people look at their inbox and they see messages they see a list of messages but when i open my inbox i see something different i see a set of actions actions that are telling me to do things like reply review do and meet and that's the secret emails aren't messages their actions i know it seems simple but sometimes it's the most obvious things that are overlooked when this concept of emails being actions rather than messages first hit me i knew it was important but i didn't know how important the more time i spent playing around with it the more i realized that this changed everything most importantly it solved the biggest problems that i encountered when trying to master my email the first major problem this concept solves is how to prioritize email [Music] before i show you how that works the first key thing i want you to know if you don't already is that with most email software it isn't easy to prioritize using the inbox most inboxes by default prioritize by date from newest to oldest so if you have a bunch of priority emails they'll show up in random places in your inbox with just a little flag or a color change if you set them the problem is that they're hard to see and not very organized your eyes have to jump all over the place just to figure them out and if you decide to sort your inbox by whatever priority scheme you use it creates a whole new problem when new messages come in they'll appear below the priority list like the messages marked new on this page now this might not seem like a big deal but what usually happens is that people end up with so many priority emails that it's hard to see new messages and before long they end up going back to sorting emails by date which again makes the priority emails hard to see inboxes just aren't good at prioritizing email which is why we need folders to prioritize our email now in this case we're prioritizing using two folders one called important and the other called everything else now just to be clear this isn't our technique i'm just using this as an example in the next chapter i'll show you how this works with action folders which is the technique i recommend but first let's look at some examples of how people use folders to prioritize here are five different ways to prioritize using folders the first one is the one that we use here at double gemini and the remaining four are the most common ones i've seen people use aside from just leaving everything in their inbox and prioritizing by date i'm going to start with the common prioritization schemes beginning with person and then i'm going to come back to how i do things i see a lot of people prioritize by person which means to put emails into folders based on the people or groups you need to respond to and then choose which people are the most important to respond to and work down from there i've seen people prioritize by project so they set up folders for each of their projects and drop emails into them and answer them based on the priority of the project i've also seen people organize email by urgency for example urgent high medium low and another technique i've seen people use is the getting things done or gtd technique which is a process developed by david allen and finally i've taught people to organize emails by action now of course this is the prioritization approach that i recommend for a number of reasons the first is because it's easier to prioritize emails by action than any other method let's first look at what most people do to prioritize so imagine that you had a few emails that involve scheduling meetings it's easy to say which meeting should happen first second and third based on your calendar availability it's a lot harder when you start putting other actions into the mix try prioritizing a meeting against an email that needs you to do a task against another separate email that you need to reply to it's hard because we're no longer comparing the same things emails that contain meetings emails that contain tasks and emails that you just need to reply to are not apples to apples it's like trying to prioritize between a set of socks and a set of mugs i can tell you which socks i like compared to other socks and pick my favorite between the different mugs i have in the house i can even tell you that i care about socks more than i care about mugs but throw them all in the same pile and asked me to prioritize between them and i could do it but it would really slow me down because my criteria for why i would choose a particular sock or mug over the other becomes more complicated it takes too much brain power to figure it out all of the other approaches for prioritizing email are painful for the same reason because they view emails as messages instead of actions that's what makes them so tedious and that's where the stack method comes in the stack method allows you to make your prioritization trade-offs at a higher more rational level at the level of the actions themselves but that's not the only reason that the stack method is better another big advantage is that stack requires less effort than these other approaches [Music] with the stack method you'll have a finite set of action folders if you prioritize by person or project your list of folders will be long continuously growing and will require a lot of effort to keep organized and keep prioritized the stack method takes less effort than managing by urgency as well now i know a lot of people like to prioritize by urgency but urgency has a critical flaw which is that the level of urgency for an email often changes daily today a specific email might be high in priority for example imagine that an email is asking you to create a report but tomorrow a new higher priority request might come in making your previous email to create a report far less urgent which means if you didn't get to it today you have to shuffle it into a new folder tomorrow now this kind of shuffling takes place on a daily basis when you organize by urgency because your urgency changes all of the time i can tell you from experience that after a few days of doing this that it was way too much work so things just ended up staying in the first folder i placed them in until i got to them which defeated the purpose of organizing by urgency in the first place in contrast if i organize by action i've prioritized my action folders once and i never need to shuffle an email again so in this case i'm using five action folders reply for replies do for tasks meet for meetings forward for emails i need to delegate and review for emails that contain newsletters or other things that are less important but i should scan and in this case i've prioritized these in the order you're seeing if an email goes into my do folder and i decide not to act on it today i never have to move it again tomorrow i can just evaluate if it's more or less important than my other dues and take it from there but i don't have to evaluate it against my replies which i've already decided are more important this saves me effort brain power time and eliminates frustration all at the same time and gtd isn't as elegant for a number of different reasons the two-minute rule fragmented my time some folders like the next action folder got overloaded with emails and it has the same prioritization issues as the other folders using gtd to manage my email required way too much effort gave me anxiety and killed my productivity aside from making it easier to prioritize and requiring less effort to manage my email the stack method has another huge advantage over these techniques it's faster and not by a little by a long shot the first reason the stack method is faster is because you can batch process a set of similar actions really fast let's come back to socks and mugs but take it up a level to laundry and dishes picture folding one piece of clothing then washing one dish and going back and folding another piece of clothing washing another dish and doing this until both your dishes and your laundry are done it would take forever the reason rational people fold clothes and do dishes and batches is because it's faster in the same way it's faster to stick to just your replies then your meetings then your dues and so on when you're in reply mode you can blow through all of your replies when you're in schedule mode for meetings you check your calendar get a feeling for your open time then you can quickly handle all of your schedules at once with all of the other techniques you'd be opening and closing your calendar multiple times just to get them all done and the same applies to all of the rest of the folders the question i get most often about the stack method is isn't it slower to sort your emails into action folders first i thought it was going to be slower too when i first started doing this but it turns out that i can scan and move an email into a folder in about 3 seconds so i can sort about 20 emails a minute and essentially clear 100 emails out of my inbox in about five minutes and i do this using shortcut keys which makes it a lot faster now i'm going to show you how to set up and use shortcut keys in the how to video series that supports this i've even come back from vacation and cleared about 700 emails in roughly 30 minutes so the cool part is that with the stack method you can even recover from vacations or extended absences really quickly which is a game changer yes it takes a few minutes to sort before you start responding but if this was a race if you sort first you would not only win you would win by a landslide it's like choosing to take a few minutes to put on a jet pack before a marathon you'll be on to other things while everyone else is still plodding along but there's another more interesting reason for why the stack is faster and that's because we can't answer all of our emails every single day now hold on to that thought because i'm going to explain why this makes stacking faster now this was tricky to figure out and it's a little tricky to explain so listen close picture this every time you open an email you've got to go through four steps to understand it and act on it you have to open it scan it decide what to do and then act on it if you choose not to act on it or just can't act on it at that moment which will be the case for a large number of emails if not the overwhelming majority of your emails then you're back to opening it again to figure out what to do with it now that won't make a difference if you've just got one or a handful of emails but if you're talking about 30 or 50 or 100 emails then it suddenly becomes a drain i've seen the same person open up the same inconsequential email over 36 times with our mail tracking software at a minimum that's over half a minute of time they wasted on just one email instead imagine after they opened it and scanned it and decided what to do they put it into an action folder at this point they never have to go through the first three steps again anytime they work through their action folders they can just jump right into acting on it and when you think about this with the hundreds of emails you get each week and the thousands if not tens of thousands you get each year it's collectively a huge time savings imagine if you had to pay taxes every time you open an email and had to figure out what to do with it by sorting first you're paying the tax once why would you want to pay the same tax two or three or four times so with the stack method you save time by batch processing your emails and you save time by sorting them first but even better is that you've simplified and sped up your decision making this is mind space that you can use more effectively to deliver that next big project or use to be more creative for all of the things that you're working on today manage your emails by action and your life will be better you'll be able to prioritize easily work through your email faster and spend less brain power doing it next i'll show you simple but powerful rules for creating action folders that'll keep your email organized and be optimized to work for you [Music] you
How to import Do Not Call Lists into
'Do Not Call List Registry Check 5' 1. Click the 'DNC List Maintenance' tab 2. Click 'Govt DNC Lists' 3. Click 'Download American DNC Lists' 4. Login 5. Download "Full List" 6. Choose "Flat Text File" 7. Download your area code lists If you already downloaded lists today, you'll see a screen like this. if you haven't, your list will download immediately. 8. After you have download your files, click "Import Govt List" You can import more than one file at a time by pressing the 'Ctrl' key and clicking each of the area code files. 9. Wait a few moments and you're done!.