Category Archives: Money

2. User personas: How to redesign a website

Hello there, my Balsamiq friends, it's Piccia 
Neri here, I am a UX and design expert and   global speaker, and today I'm here to talk to you 
about UX research and specifically User Personas.   Now, you might remember that in 
the previous video we talked about   how we did the competitive analysis for the UX 
rebuild of the website of the Galleria Nazionale   dell’Umbria. So here it is, it's a very beautiful 
museum and it's reopening again in Summer 2022   after a long time being, well, shut because of 
the pandemic, but also they've been reorganizing   the hangings and doing a lot of restoration, 
so if you find yourself in Italy, by all means,   go to the beautiful city of Perugia and visit the 
Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria. You, of course,   will be able by then to perfectly organize your 
visit thanks to the fabulous new site that will   be live by then.

First of all, I want to explain 
a little bit about what it is that we're doing,   what is this process. It's the UX process: 
it starts with research, this is the phase   that we are in, this could go on for as long 
as possible because the more research you do,   the easier the following phase (which is design) 
is going to be, because when you know exactly who   you are designing for and what you are designing 
for them, because you know what they need,   then it's going to be much, much quicker to 
wireframe and then, following that, the surface   design. Then design is followed by validation, 
which is another way of saying testing, because   even though your really testing starts already 
when you do research and you should never   not test, you should always be testing, really 
it's not a linear process and it's not like:   okay, we validated, now we can go home. No! 
The UX process is something that never actually   stops. So validation may go back to research, 
and that might make you go back to design,   and then back from research to validation.

this is where we are now in still, we are in the   research process and we've now moved 
to working out who the user personas   are. I've pulled out a good article for 
you: “User personas are archetypical users   whose goals and characteristics represent the 
needs of a larger group of users.” Usually,   a persona is presented in a one or two-page 
document like this one. Now, there are a million   different ways of doing user personas. There isn't 
one perfect way, and you're always going to adapt   it to your needs and to the needs of your project, 
and also to what the people you're working with   are used to.

What you do when you set on to this 
exercise, there's a few things to bear in mind, at   least the way I do it. I prefer to do it actually 
by finding a name and giving people a face,   because if you're specific it becomes much 
easier to think about creating experiences   that will specifically serve them. However, one 
important thing that you need to bear in mind is   that a user persona is often based on a user that 
exists because you are thinking about them, is   someone that you know, this is kind of inevitable 
— but at the same time, it should also be ideal   because it's a combination of the people that 
are already using your products or your service,   or your gallery in this case, and the people 
that you would really, dearly want to attract.   So the demographics are important, but they're not 
really as important as the psychographics.

There   was a really fun image doing the rounds lately 
of Prince Charles of Wales and Ozzy Osbourne from   Black Sabbath. Their demographics are basically 
the same but they are, I think you'll admit,   completely different people. This image was doing 
the rounds on LinkedIn. Basically, Prince Charles,   this is typical user persona: male, born in 
’48, raised in the UK, married twice, lives   in a castle, wealthy and famous. Guess what, Ozzy 
Osbourne has exactly the same demographics, so   be careful with demographics. Psychographics are 
what matters.

Now, a museum such as this one has   a huge variety of users, and they had never before 
stopped to think about what a user persona was and   what the individual needs. What we looked at was 
a number of typical museum-goers and we identified   six, which is just about right. I think that 
any fewer than this would have been probably not   representative, any more would have overwhelmed 
us, because in a case of a museum like this,   there's a layer of complication which is added 
by the fact that you have a digital experience   that goes hand-in-hand with the actual 
real-world experience, which is hugely important and in fact, with this museum, 
it's a point that they're making,   that they want to offer a digital experience 
that accompanies the real-world one.   So the first one is Annika Strauss, she's a 
pensioner, she's 56 and she comes from Germany,   so Annika is a very typical representative of 
any tourist that could come from anywhere in   Europe. Annika is interested in the arts 
but not obsessed, she loves the life,   the good life, and she wants to do something 
interesting with her grandchildren, that's   who she is traveling with.

She knows who Perugino 
is (Perugino is the most famous artist that's in   the museum.) What we look at then, once we have 
the demographics and the psychographics, we start   thinking what are their goals, what do they want 
from us, and what are the barriers that they have   to achieving their goals. So she wants to make 
sure that the kids have fun, she wants to get to   the museum easily, she wants to find an easy train 
in. She also wants to eat well without struggling   to find a vegetarian restaurant. She wants to fill 
the day in a fun and relaxing way, but there are   a few barriers, because the children might get 
bored and have a tantrum, she doesn't know yet   what is going to be in the museum.

getting to Perugia by train is a nightmare.   So that's where you start thinking about the 
solutions, and I'm sure that you can already see   how helpful this is when you actually sit down and 
think about the website itself. So she will need   opening times, maps, train times, travel options, 
and ticket prices directly on the homepage. Don't   make her hunt for it. Then she will want a page 
dedicated to education. Then she wants articles   on what to do and where to eat in Perugia. 
Also, she will want educational and play times   in English because there are activities organized 
for children there. We're going to make it easy   for her to find the information that she needs 
directly on the site.

Then the second persona   that we identified is a really important one, it's 
the university researcher with a specialization   in Medieval art history and freelance curator 
who uses this site for work. It's one of the   site's missions, you don't need a special login 
or anything like that: anybody can see what   our friend Mirko can see, and again, because 
working out how to present each of the   works of art with all their details 
was something that we spent a long,   long time on, it was so good to know that we 
were thinking about Mirko as well, as Annika,   in the way we would present it.

Then the other 
persona was Arnaldo Filippini who actually exists,   and he's a graphic designer and he doesn't live 
nearby, he lives in in the far north of Italy,   and he's passionate about the visual arts. 
He really, really knows his onions about   art and he's extremely up to date with user 
experience of course, because of his job,   both online and offline. So he has a lot of needs 
and we are very careful because we want to serve   Arnaldo correctly. Then the other very, very, 
very, very important persona is Matilde. Matilde   is a primary school teacher. The museum is often 
full of school children so it's very important   that the site helps the visit.

It's extremely 
important, and even in this first version of   the site we are making sure that she gets all the 
information that she needs in order to be able to   prepare the visit in confidence and in in peace, 
knowing that she knows everything beforehand   and she's able to organize. Then another super 
important persona, they all are! Azzurra is 18   and she's a student, and she lives in the area, 
and she's an instagrammer and a tik toker, and she   thinks the museums are boring. This one isn't: 
the Instagram account is really geared towards   showing young people the interesting side —
but she's a difficult, she's a tough customer,   we need to work out how to make her want to come 
and how we serve her, because she hasn't really   come before. She would come as a child with 
Matilde, but she probably hasn't been since,   so we need to think about her.

Then, finally, 
the wealthy pensioner, Maria Lucrezia.   She is married, she's very interested in culture, 
and basically, she would like to be the director.   I tell you why that's super important: because 
this is where you start thinking about membership,   the various initiatives that you can set up 
in order to make sure that Maria Lucrezia   feels like she's a part of it, because she 
is!, she's been coming to the museum since   she was a child and she's supported it, she's 
organized stuff for it, she's fundraised,   she deserves our full attention. So the membership 
site to this museum is going to be so interesting,   we're thinking about having a sponsors page, 
a fundraising page, and a membership program   based on exclusive content that is going 
to be in the next phase of the project and  I can't wait for that, because I think it will 
be amazing. By the way, i just want to show you   quickly the website that I use for these photos: 
these people do not exist because I'm not allowed   to use their face. You can use this website,, and whenever   you refresh it, it's a different photo.

You can 
right-click and open, save image, copy image,   copy image link. You can do lots of things with 
it. I hope that this helped in understanding   what user personas are and what they are for. 
Again, this is based on data that is already   available to the museum, these are all based on 
their own knowledge and information of actual   real users that we've condensed in ideal versions 
of them. It doesn't mean that we won't test with   real people, of course! We absolutely will. Thank 
you so much, I hope this was helpful, bye bye..

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Light Phone 2 5 Year Review: A Digital Detox Experience

hello everyone and welcome back to another video today we have the Light phone 2 after 5 years this is going to be half a technical review and half a lifestyle review so I'm going to give some themes and I'm going to cover a lot of the features that this device has and how it has improved my life over the past 5 years the first thing is that my life has slowed down the lifeone 2 has improved a lot since I actually first got it when I first got it it only have phone alarm and settings that's it now it does have notes it has directions it has a directory where you can find businesses it has the ability to play music and play podcasts and it does also sync with your Google calendar so a lot of advancements the team has done in the past five years and they have still supported it something that a lot of smartphones don't get they don't get a lot of support yes the price it is a little bit more than a regular flip phone but it does have some features that are quite essential to some people and it does it in a pretty good way it does still have some bugs especially in the directions too but for the most part the device will be slowing you down and actually offering you a lot of value so when it comes to slowing down in my life I have been able to see that the e in is a little bit slower technology so it allows you to be more patient I don't compose as many text messages as I used to I don't participate in group text message conversations as I used to instead I call people more which the call Quality on the lightone 2 is about uh 6.5 7 out of 10 at the most but it is compatible with Bluetooth which makes the phone calls go to the8 and N range depending on your Bluetooth headset did fix that compatibility with the Bluetooth headphones so most Bluetooth headphones now are compatible and also a lot of cars I've been able to use it with different cars and actually smarter cars nowadays uh I've rented one the other day and I had the ability to connect the lightone 2 to that car and I had no issues so when it comes to the compatibility when it comes to the robustness of the device I would give it a solid 8 out of 10 it does have most of the features that you need and it does so in a pretty relatively easy way it does still have some problems which are being addressed with the new generation the lightone 3 but this phone has slow me down I don't consume as much I don't go on the browser as much because it doesn't have one I don't actually just scroll on social media because it doesn't have access to that and instead I'm doing more activities that are actually better for me but more on that in just a second point the second thing with the lightone 2 is that you're going to consume less not only because the phone doesn't need as much data so you may be able to lower your data consumption and therefore the price of your plan I have a plan with us mobile that is $6 per month this plan has been discontinued but now there is a plan that costs $8 per month and for smartphones smartphone plans are usually in the 15 plus range some people pay $50 $45 even some people have heard they pay $70 for their smartphone plan with the unlimited data that most smartphones need because they're consuming data and sending your data and using all things data but the lifeone 2 is just more simple and because it is more simple and it doesn't need as many things you can still connect it to Wi-Fi and download the podcast or the music that you need to download but that's about it and because it doesn't use a lot of these Technologies you can just lower the cost but not only that I am also not consuming content that is leading me to other purchases or impulse purchases so in the past I used to have a smartphone and I used to go on a browser and that gives you ads and because you have a lot of advertisements that may lead you to make an impulse purchase or if you have the Amazon app on your phone then you're going to be purchasing something just because you heard about it or because you have the access to do it the Light phone 2 is a general barrier for that because it doesn't allow you to just pull out the phone and go into it and then purchase whatever you want instead you have to be mindful you have to jot it down and you have to have a better system in order to do that the third category that I want to talk about is essentially the planning so now I plan better than when I have my smartphone yes smartphones have a lot of planner apps but they also have a lot of distractions because this device only has the notes tool which is very simple very nice and very useful you can also record audio notes on this specific tool and it also has the ability to do your calendar then you're able to input the calendar notes and you're not distracted if somebody says hey can you put it on your calendar you're not going to be distracted by notifications so you're going to be planning ahead of time also for other things there is a lot of friction for example when you go on a flight you may have to print your paper ticket before or you may have to go to the counter or you may have to ask for assistance and that may be a little bit uncomfortable for some people but I have been able to enjoy that enjoy the human interaction instead of just having my phone for everything and not talking to anybody that is just a personal preference but it has allowed me to plan better has allowed me to become more mindful about my schedule and the things that I want to introduce into my life instead of just being mindless about my schedule also another thing is the entertainment portion because I am planning my entertainment I make sure to put the music and podcast I actually want on the phone I cannot just download something real quick or stream something real quick I actually had to plan to listen to it load it into the computer which sends it to my phone through the dashboard which is I think a very good option personally I would like to see an offline option at some point in time but for now I'm not going to complain the phone has kept up and it has done its job with this library of music and also the podcast that I listen to the fourth thing is that you notice things a a little bit more because you have time to actually do it instead of being distracted by your smartphone the Light phone 2 offers a distraction free zone phone calls text messages maybe a podcast you could be distracted with that but whenever you go out with friends you're not going to be pinged a lot and if you are it's just a text message it's not a notification from a service it's not a tracking of a package it's not something that it's in the back of your mind because you don't have access to it all you have access to is just the basic communication tools that everybody used to have access to instead of being distracted by the worldwide web now you're encountering more with nature and you have the ability to see your friends and you have the ability to actually talk to them so it has made my relationships a lot richer and it has allowed me to focus more on those things now there is a point to say that you could do this with a smartphone too you don't have to actually get a light phone or a dumb phone in order to experience more of life and to actually pay attention to the people in your life you can just be respectful but smartphones have a mind of their own and they're sometimes more distracting that we like to admit the last point is that my privacy has improved because I don't have apps mining my data or sending it to a server I don't have a lot of spam advertisements I don't have a lot of spam on my email because again there is nothing that I'm signing up for on this little device I'm just calling and texting the people that I already know yes there is a frustration with a little bit of spam calls but you just register at do not or gov the government website where you are going to be removing your number from teller marketing Services it does take a little while I've had to re-register twice in the 5 years but after a while I just stopped getting spam phone calls for a long long time and whether you have a smartphone or a dum phone I actually say go to the Do Not and register your device so that you don't get telemarketing yes there have been some times where I've had a couple of text messages on spam I just block the number and continue moving on with my life over the past 5 years I've enjoyed using this device I've also used other devices but I keep coming back to this one and this has been my personal device for all of that time and the reason why is because I believe in the company I like what they're doing and they are prompt to provide good customer service and upgrades to the phone a 5-year phone for $300 has been the best investment that I have ever made for my digital wellness and also in my life it has taught me a lot of lessons of patience and being just a better person but of course you can also learn them smartphone and I hope that this video just encourages you to pick up maybe one of these or the lightone 3 whichever one you think is best for you but also to just be more mindful about your usage and create a little bit of a better life for you and your loved ones I hope this video was helpful and that I showcase enough features during my review that you were able to check out and actually see the phone and get a little bit of a gist of how it works until next time this has been my review of the lifeone 2 over 5 years and I think it's going to make it way way longer thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video

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First Year Experience 1

The class helped me learn about me, like it
helped me learn my learning styles. I really liked it that, like I worked a job
like 30 hours a week and when I did the time management homework assignment I mean that
really opened my eyes up to how much time I have in a week. I never looked at life like that, but I was
like I work 4 days a week, 8 hours a day that’s nothing. Look at all the time that I have in between,
you know what I’m saying. The class really just opened my eyes up, I
mean, I didn’t think that I would do that good in that class but I passed that class
with like a 96 out of a hundred; that’s the best I’ve ever passed a class. And when I was looking at the grade on my
portfolio, I’m like “I got a hundred on this” and that’s because I got to learn
myself, I got to know myself, talk about myself.

And in that’s what that class helped me
to understand is that I can. It starts here, you know what I’m saying? An 8 week class – if you can’t do these
8 weeks how are you going to do 16 weeks?.

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Internet Marketing Alphabet

The #1 Website to Use If You Actually Want to Type Faster

What if I told you that there's
a typing tool that analyzes your particular typing patterns to determine
your strengths and weaknesses, and then allows you to
specifically practice, if you want to, the keys that you're
having the most trouble with? I recently took a deep dive into I have no affiliation
with the site, but I like typing, teaching
others to type faster, and checking out as many
different typing platforms as I can. When you first start
using the tool, you'll have to go through a number
of different typing prompts that measure your speed
and accuracy with each key. This test takes about 10 to 20
minutes depending on your typing speed, and as you can see, until the end,
you're not really typing actual words. For me, this actually made it
more difficult, and both my speed and accuracy were lower in
this portion of using KeyBR. com than they were later on when
I was actually typing real words, and this isn't surprising because
as we develop our muscle memory, it gets really strong for
commonly used words and letter combinations
like E-R-E-I-N-G-T-H-Y, letter combinations that
are used in a lot of words.

So when we start typing just random letters,
it really kind of tricks our brain up. It doesn't really matter
though because the point of this part is just to measure your
strengths and weaknesses and get an idea of which letters
you need the most work on. As you're moving through
these initial modules, you can tell which letters are being
focused by looking up at the top, and you'll know that you've completed
all of them when you just get to the end.

There's no pop-up or sound, ding, ding,
ding, you're the winner, you finished it, which was a little
disappointing, but you just get to the end, and then that is
where the fun part starts. You can access your
statistics, yay, whoo-hoo! No, but seriously, it is actually really
cool because there are so many statistics, and they're presented in a graphical
way that makes them easy to understand, and you'll really learn
about your typing habits, which letters you need
the most work with. So it's really valuable, and it's
really cool to see, so let's check it out.

So you can just go over to the right
side of the screen and click on "Profile," and from here it has all of the statistics
about you and how you type here on KBR. com, but let's scroll down
because it gets really awesome. So relative typing speed, how
do you compare to other people? You can see my average at 75 words
per minute right now, my top at 93. Learning progress overall, so this shows
us how well we've learned each of the keys.

For me, it doesn't work
that well because I do know all of the keys,
so it's all pretty green. You can see I've got a little bit
slow here for the, looks like the H key, and I actually had that earlier today
too, which really doesn't make much sense because it's in the middle of the
keyboard right next to the home row. I'm just thinking that
maybe I'm preparing that index finger too
soon for something else and I'm not back at the home row,
so maybe something I need to look at.

But there are a whole
bunch of these charts. So on the typing speed section, we can see
how our typing speed has changed over time, so we have the lessons
going across the bottom, and then our speed and accuracy
are these green and red dots. You can see, you know, as the
lessons went on, my speed and accuracy went down, but
hopefully that would go up over time. Then we have the key typing speed chart. So this shows for each particular key. So you can click on the
different keys and it will show you. So let's look at H.
See how H is lower than A. So A is like, yeah, you got that one. As you use the site more,
you can go through here and you can see which keys are kind of
lower on that words per minute down there.

And we can also take
a look at this histogram, which shows us the average
speed for typing each key. So you can see this is such
an easy chart to interpret. Right off the bat, I'm thinking, why
is it taking me so long for H, J, and Q, and maybe T and U, but
definitely like Q and J, like J? Again, that's my right pointer. What is going, I might be,
you know, I'm right-handed. I have a few bad habits. I might be overcompensating
with my right index finger and using it more all over
the place than I should be. So it is unable to get back
to its own responsibilities. So here's kind of a live example
of why it's important to use the right fingers for the right
key, because if you don't, your most powerful finger
might be overextended and might not be
able to get back to the keys that it's supposed
to be able to get to. So there you go. Moving on here, we have
this key frequency histogram.

So this is how often
we're typing these keys. But we can also see the miss
to hit ratio, which is the purple. So the green and red don't
really matter so much on their own. But if we look down here, we
want to see the miss to hit ratio. So we want this to be low. So a high number here or a high bar here
means that we are missing this key a lot. So looking at J and X, looking at U2. Where's H? H is, well, H is okay. It is above a lot of the other keys though. So, you know, looking at this chart,
we're talking about X and J up here. J also came up. Why is J, this is, I'm
discovering something just making this video about
my right index finger. It is working too hard.

I need to give it a break. So there you go. That's why this website is so powerful. Even advanced typists can discover
certain nuances about their typing. Then down here, we can
see the frequency heat map. So how often we're typing letters. This doesn't really, isn't that important? Although it might, you know, help
you to say, "Hey, I need to learn that E key really well and that
N key because I'm using it a lot. " And then, you know, there's just
a calendar down here at the bottom. If you wanted, you can set
up a practice calendar here. But so these are the statistics
that I talked about at the beginning.

Absolutely awesome. I mean, already you can see
I'm coming out of making this video with areas to improve
upon, specific keys to work on. That is awesome. There are a few other
tools here on the site. There's a multiplayer, but
it's really not that riveting. I wouldn't even really give it a try. There are many other sites that you
can use that are much better multiplayer. There's a typing test, which works
kind of like any other typing test. So you can give it a shot. Now, there's one more thing
I want to show you, and this is really important for the
intermediate and advanced typists. So if we click on practice,
you'll notice that this green bar at the top for
me is completely green. It's basically saying, "I
know all of these letters. There's no challenges here. " But that's not true. I, even though I can type
pretty fast, I still want to improve.

So there are a couple things
that we can do to change this. First of all, we're just going
to click on our settings up here at the top right, and right
up here in this beginning part, the first thing we want to do is we
want to set a target typing speed. So by default, I'm
saying, "Hey, I want a target typing speed
of 35 words per minute. " It's telling me, "Hey, you've
got that with all these letters. They're all green.

" However, if I change this
target typing speed, say, to like 110, it now shows me which
letters I need the most work on. So Q, J, W, H. And then there's also this
other option, add letters to words. I think by default, it
kind of starts like this. And if you enable this
slider, you're basically just including more
letters in your practice. So it might be a little
more difficult, especially if it's a letter you
haven't learned yet, but it will be a little bit more realistic
in terms of the words that you're typing. And you're going to give the
website more data about which keys you struggle with and
which keys are easy for you so that they can better determine
which keys you need to practice more.

So once you set this
however you'd like in terms of the add letters to words
and target typing speed, you need to go down
and you need to hit done. This is important because if you
don't, it won't save your settings. You'll notice that now
when we go back out, we are, you know, seeing
the letters differently. We can see that some
of them are red or orange kind of telling me that I
need to work on them.

So right now the current
key that we're on is V. So we'll go ahead and we'll practice V. And as we go, if we're
typing say W really well all of a sudden, this will
update even as we're typing V because there are going
to be some W's in here. You can see there's one right there. And it will, you know, once
we've, you know, done V for a while, it will move on to another letter
and we can practice that as well. So when it comes to
having a variety of ways to type and making it really fun and
exciting, key BR might not be the best choice. But if you're just looking
to buckle down and learn the keys that you
struggle with the most, I don't know of a
better option available. If you want to discover other fun
and powerful ways to practice typing, don't forget to check out my
video top 10 free typing games. I don't just cover games in that video.

I cover my favorite ways to both have
fun and practice typing at the same time. So if that's something
that interests you, don't forget to check
out that video as well. If you found this
video helpful, I would really appreciate a thumbs
up here on YouTube. If you want to see
more typing content like this, don't forget to
subscribe to the channel.

I'm going to leave you with me
having some fun on That's all I have for you for today. This is Anson from [MUSIC] [MUSIC].

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Internet Marketing Alphabet

Ruben Amorim post-match press conference | Tottenham Hotspur 1-0 Manchester United

good afternoon guys want to get going Samuel how you assess that forms be plays with plays with again no I think I think um the big difference was the go that score we didn't score we had the chances um we tried a different approach with the the players that we had uh we had to change during the the week and I'm really pleased with the with the effort and the the way they they challenged um Tottenham to create we create situations so in the end I think the biggest difference was that they score and we didn't which ones do you think could be available the next game it's hard it's hard to know it's hard to know uh let's let's wait a few more days I think Lenny and cre they will they were sick so they will recover of course creis has the hard situation and we have to be really careful with with that um it's nothing about the heart I'm just saying the the heart rate has to be controlled because he has fever it's just sorry guys about uh the situation so I think we will recover that um um and the rest we'll see I think Kobe is out Amad is out for sure I think until the end of the season we'll see the rest probably that months weeks I don't know I don't know let's see I think weeks Lor done regarding his inent do you think differently or the case of PA no I think he everything is everything together Ahmad was alone he was doing a tackle um the the the thefe was stick in the in the grass uh some players felt um during during training um sickness so is everything uh we try everything to to have the players uh fit uh always talk about my changes changes game by game to try to try to to have the players fit and then I was always asking for one week in one week we lost so many players so sometimes we have one moment that everything is um going going wrong the bench start maybe bring I think if you if you see shidu playing sometimes every ball lost in the in in the box is very clever so I was trying to to to put one more player because I felt the team was was was was was good during the game and I don't feel the need to change and then Shido was like that player one long ball could make the difference John in the first half you obviously have chances overall but in the first half G actually when puts it over you can see your frustration in the touchdown what's going to no no you want to yeah you want to score and we want them to score uh and sometimes in in these moments you feel a little bit frustrated because that can change a game that so that's all but then after two seconds I'm just focused on helping them to to play to play football nothing's changed dramatically is it a frustration that you not been able to of course every day every day for us for our fans but we need to to stop focusing on the the big picture is not the moment to do that just focus on the next game let's do everything to win some some games to finish the season and then think uh in the big picture in this moment is just to uh try to to to stay with the players healthy to recover some players and focus on what we have to do in the next game and that is our goal make well just on that all these circumstances how do you view this season you have to kind of WR it all and just use it preparation for the Future No we in this moment is more than that um the idea the system in this moment is like survive is to think in the small things to improve the small things from this game for the next game and not thinking not even look at the table the schedule nothing of that of course I have to because we'll have a lot of games we we have three competitions with a small Squad in the in the moment that part is my part but the players every everyone in the in Caron just focus on the next game the next training and um that is the our our goal Chris it's a b concern to you though you are losing some really key players an important part of the Season it felt like like with um Mountain Shaw coming back do you want to cut any players back the sou League we've had a huge St of course if you look in the even with the problem that we we had with with Luke you look at the the the the squad uh in the beginning of this week we time to train and then day by day we are losing players but I I I don't want to use that as excuse every every coach in the world now we suffering with that sometimes these moments again everything goes wrong and we have to face the challenge and to to to to focus on the next game and that's all last question I thought um Joshua X was very good today and do as well like what you make that I think Josh um is is is not is not a clear nine he play more as a as a 10 he's stronger physically um he's thinner so he's working really hard and he play in a better position for him and he's improving is winning more dels and this is even faster and you feel it in the game and that help us to to make the decision um and doru um the way Tottenham press uh really high you sometimes you have more time to think than in the other games he play on the left also maybe will help but he he has the experience to play left and and right so dorgu will will improve a lot and Josh um the same thing thank you thank you guys for

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It’s Amazing what’s possible with WordPress in 2025!

Music, a big thank you to SEO press for sponsoring today’s video SEO press is an exceptional, WordPress, SEO plug in that boosts your website visibility on search engines. If you want to upgrade your SEO game visit SEO press org today in today,’s video, I’m, going to recreate the Bob Dylan website in under 30 minutes Music. So over on the left is my website over on the right is the actual website. The first thing I’m going to do is go into the dashboard, then appearance and editor, and because the Bob Dillan website has a very, very unique front page that’s different to all the other pages on the site. I’m going to go into templates and add new template here and what I’m going to do is select the front page template. That means I can have a very different front, page layout to the rest of the website. So now that’s loaded in I’m just going to close down the choose pattern panel and I’m going to start by adding a header and one of the beautiful things about block themes. Now you can see over on the right of my website on the sort of right hand, column. I’ve got all these different choices for my header layouts and I can just click on these and in one click the layout of my header will change, and this is the one I want, because I want to put a background video behind my header and This uses the cover block and that lets me add a background. Video behind I’m just making a few little changes here deleting the site logo, because I just want to use the site title as you can see over on the right. There’s no logo, that’s just Bob in’s name and then what I’m going to do here is open the list View and I’m – going to click on the navigation block and just make a few changes. I’m going to make the text a little bit smaller, just really finessing the layout to make it look fairly close to the Bob Dylan website. I’m not going for exactly the same but as close as possible within the time limit that I’ve got and then because it’s a cover block. I can select the background video and you can see it’s loading in there and then I’m just going to select full width and full height for that. I’m going to choose that little Matrix option which basically puts my navigation right at the top. So now we’ve got the layout not far away actually and I’m using the spacer block. So I can actually choose where I’m going to put my heading. So now I’m just going to write the words in the heading paintings and sculptures, and I’m using the H2 block for this, and then I’m just going to align that center. Now here I’m going to choose the right size. Well, roughly the right size and I haven’t really sorted out the fonts. Yet I’m just getting approximately the right size trying to replicate over on the right. You can be much more precise than I’m being here, but I’m trying to work relatively quickly just hit return, and then I’m going to put my little subheading underneath by Bob Dylan and then I’m going to align that using The toolbar just to align that Center, so the layouts not exactly the same, but it’s. Pretty close. I’m going to move on to this section underneath now, so I’m just going to scroll down and hit return, and you can see over on the right that’s, the section I’m trying to accomplish, which fundamentally is just a two Column layout with a image in the left hand column. So I’m just going to click on the plus sign and add the image I’ve already pre loaded all these images and there’s Bob. So I’m just going to select him in there and then I’m just going to full speed. I’m just going to copy and paste text over on the right. You’ll, see when I paste this in it’s not quite right in terms of formatting, but I’m going to sort that out next, I’m going to select the columns block and I’m going to align the content in that Columns block vertically centered and then I’m, going to select the columns block again using the breadcrumbs as you can see, as I’m doing down below, is a fantastic way of doing that and I’m just to set the background color black there. We go now. You’ll see there’s a little white Gap and that’s, because naturally there’s some margin put in the columns block. But you can remove that just by selecting the colums block and taking the margin back down to zero, and here I’m going to try and finesse the text slightly. I’m not going to get it exactly right now. Normally what I would do with these, which I’m, going to show you a little bit later is. I would make changes to these in the global stars, but just to show you quickly now you can see you can do things like change the line height. The letter spacing the size of the text, but again I’m going to do these globally later, which is the better way to do them for maintainability and then. Finally, I’m just going to add a bit of padding to the top and the bottom. You can set individual paddings for top and bottom, but I’m going to choose a uniform one so that’s pretty close. It’s not exact, but it’s not far away at all. So I’m going to select the cover block again and hit return that’s a great quick way of doing it. We can see the layout underneath here with Bob on a train staring out the window, and this essentially again, I think, is probably just a cover block. So I’m going to add the cover, block and add a background image behind that. Now you can see there’s a few differences on this one. We’re going to remove that margin as well at some point, but I’m going to take the opacity down because when you add a cover block, it naturally adds some opacity to help make your text stand out. I’m going to remove that and I’m just going to copy and paste my text in over on the right now when you copy and paste your text in it’s going to assume in this case it’s a paragraph, but I’m actually going to transform this using that little icon there to a quote block, which is one of the cool things you can do in the block editor. You can transform certain blocks to other blocks and then I’m just going to change the text again. You can see the letter spacing and the line height, isn’t quite right, but frankly we’re not far away for a few minutes work. So it’s pretty it’s pretty good, and I’m just going to make a few style changes here. I’m going to fix the background, so this gives you a sort of pseudo parall effect you’ll, see when I make this cover block the full height in a second, using that little icon there, you can see how the background image is now fixed To the back, which isn’t a true Parallax, but it’s actually in my senses it’s actually a really nice way of doing it. So that’s not far away at all that’s, pretty good, let’s scroll down. So I’m going to select the cover block again and hit return, which is just a really quick way of adding a block, and you can see we’ve got a three column layout, so there is a bit more complexity to this one, because we’ve also got discover artwork that we need to add in so I’m going to show you a neat way that you can do that, where you can have three column layouts, but you can have a heading that’s sort of independent of those Three columns, so I’m going to start off by just adding in each of those columns the images which I pre loaded. Now the one thing you can do when you’re, adding these images, you can fix the aspect ratio which is fantastic for maintainability, because if you set the aspect ratio and then you change the image, it’ll maintain the aspect ratio. So I’m setting these all to exactly Square. So if they weren’t Square, they would take those proportions. So it’s a neat little trick that you can use that all sorts of ways – and I’m just going to add these three images and there we go there’s, my third image and obviously the background color is wrong and I also need To add a heading, so what I’m going to do is select the columns block first and I’m going to change the background color to the black color. Underneath the image you can see that there’s little headings, so I’m. Just writing some text paintings and I’ll just basically style these as well. So I’m going to change the letter. Spacing you can see how you can go in and change the letter spacing on all of these and for Speed. What I’m going to do is just duplicate these by using the list view, so you can see up there. I’m just clicking on the three dots and duplicating and then dragging it into the second column, and then I’m going to go off and do that again for the third column and that will maintain the formatting that I just changed and it means I just need to basically retype the text to the correct heading and it’ll maintain that formatting and I’ll have everything. Looking exactly how I want. I’m just moving the image up on that one cuz it when I dragged and dropped. I didn’t quite do it in the right place, so there’s, sculpture and then the final one is lyrics and drawings and you can see how they’re, naturally stacking. When I resize the screen, because we’re using the columns block, they will be intrinsically responsive, they will just stack naturally for whatever mobile device they’re being viewed on. So this is the bit where I’m, going to show you how you can add a heading, but almost like it’s within the same grouping. So I’m, adding a group block, as you can see here and I’m going to justify it left now within that I’m, going to add my heading itself and just type my text. It won’t be the right font at this point, but let’s not worry about that. We’re just trying to get this where we’ve got this black background behind the whole section and then what I’m going to do is open the Styles over on the right and I’m, going to set the background to that. Like so, I’m going to change the text color to white. Then I’m going to select the group itself and I just need to remove the margin on this, because we’ve got those little white spaces above and below. Like so, and also on the columns block, you can see we’ve got a little white space here, but what I’m going to do here is just add a bit of padding to that group to let it breathe a bit. The words can breathe bit and then all I need to do to finish off once I’ve sorted out my text size and letter spacing and finessing. The text, like I’ve done before, is in a minute. What I’m going to do is remove that white space like that. Just select the columns block itself and then remove that white space, and then we go that’s, pretty close. It’s not exact, but it’s. Then we move on to this section underneath, and this is another great way of adding blocks if you ever get stuck with adding blocks. You use the list view just select the list View and go add after and you can see over on the right. This is what I’m trying to achieve, and essentially again we’ve just got a simple two column layout, so I’m just going to copy and paste my text from the left hand column over there and we’re just going to paste That into that right hand, column, like so, and I’m going to change the text size again to small again. I would set these globally, which I’m, going to show you how to do a little bit later on just so, we can keep the flow of this one. I’m going to keep going this way and then I’m going to select the image and you probably guess what’s going to happen. Next, I select the columns block itself. I’m going to change the vertical alignment M like so, and then what I’m going to do is using the styles again. I’m going to change the background color to Black change, the text color to white and then all I need to do make sure you select the columns block itself again and I’m going to remove the top and bottom margin and there we go That looking not bad at all, oh, I’m also going to add a little bit of padding into that as well. Just to let it breathe a bit like the real website over on the right, you can see. We’ve got a what looks like another cover block with a fixed background, but can you see how we’ve got much more opacity? So there’s a much more of a you, can barely see the image behind it. So I’m adding the cover block and adding the background image like so, and what we’re going to do. Next is we are going to fix the background like so just fix the background, make it full height using that little icon. There click on Styles and we’re going to basically add some overlay opacity. So I’m going to change the color overlay opacity and that’s looking pretty accurate and you can see how it just when you’ve got white text against that. It’s going to make the white text stand out much more, so the overlay opacity is really useful when you’re using the cover block and you’ve got text in there and you want to make the text stand out and pop and it’s not getting confused with the background now all I’m going to do as you probably guessed, is, remove the margin to the top and the bottom, and that’s not bad at all that’s pretty good, and then we’ve got This final section down here, which is the Bob Dylan rail car, and you can probably see again that’s just simple two column layout and I’m going to add an image over in the left hand column like so there we go there’s, The rail car and then for Speed I’m, just going to copy and paste this text. Let’s see what happens it’s, one of the really nice things about the block editor. Is it’s really great at handling copying and pasting text and it’s uh it’s doing its best on actually sorting out, which is which, which is great, so I’m going to line it vertically again, I’m going to change The text color to white on these a text and then in a minute what I’m going to do is I’m going to make sure I select the whole columns blockers again and I’m going to set the background color to black. Pretty good that’s, not bad at all, the text is a bit all over the place, so I’m going to just finesse that up a bit again. I’m working really fast here, so you take more time over this. I just want to show you what’s possible within the limited time of the video again, I’m doing these individually, which I wouldn’t recommend. You should set these globally and I will show you where you do that in a second, but I just want to keep the flow going for this for Speed. What I’m going to do here is a little soft return, which is useful, just hold down shift and then hit return. If you don’t want to have like a paragraph line, break it’s a useful thing, you can do in WordPress and then the final thing at the bottom is this sort of footer area where it says, manage cookies, copyright, right, Etc, and this is Pretty straightforward: this is just I’m just going to copy and paste the text, and then the final thing I want to do here is that that add that little separator line, so I’m going to use the separator block to add that in and That’s kind of completed, looking really good. Let’s have a look at the whole page now, so there we go there’s the there’s the site that’s, the top of it. Looking pretty good the text, isn’t exactly right, but I’m going to show you where you can change that and finish it a bit more here.’s, the second section that’s pretty good mine, isn’t quite deep enough. So I’m just going to actually go and change that this is how you can be a bit more precise, so add a little bit of more padding around. It is one way to do it that’s not far off that’s pretty good, and then we’ve got this section down here with Bob staring out of the train window and then scroll on down. We’ve got this three column layout, which I that’s pretty spoton, that little two column layout, pretty good. My text, isn’t right, but it’s not bad. For the time. I had that little section there and then the final rail car section with the footer below overall, I think for whatever that was about 15 20 minutes. I’m pretty happy with that. That’s a pretty good effort. One of the nice aspects of the block editor now is the zoom out view so that little icon that I’ve clicked on in the top of the toolbar, and it gives you a zoom out view. So it’s a much easier way. You can see your work and there we go there.’s, my there’s, my finished page, looking, really beautiful and – and the next thing I want to show you is how you can select the font. So what this is, this is a little Chrome add on that. I’m using here called what font and basically you can activate it and then go on to any website, and it’ll actually tell you what fonts that website is using. I will put a link in the description, so you can use it yourselves. It just saves you having to inspect the code. It’s a really quick way of doing it to see what fonts and you can see the fonts that the Bob Dylan website is using here so uh it’s using Spartan and now in the block editor, you can add these fonts yourself. It’s really easy to install fonts. So this is me just installing those fonts, so I use exactly the same fonts or the same font, families at least that the Bob Dyan website is using. So I’m just installing these using just call WordPress. This is built into every single WordPress website. Now I’ve selected The Heading font and now I’m going to choose the text font. You can see here that I’ve already installed it so now I can actually select it for which elements of the site I want, and there we go there -‘s monster r, so that’s now selected. I can also change everything here globally. So these are Global style changes, so I can set the the height the line. Spacing the letter spacing everything here and then I can choose my heading font as well here, if I want to so. This is where you can set it globally. Just a few more little tweaks before I finish, one of the things I want to do is my site title. You can see in the top left of my site where it says Bob Dylan. I want to increase the letter spacing on that to like make it look a little bit more like the real website, so I’m just going to play around with that increase the letter spacing and then I also want to select the navigation block itself. Go to Styles and just to make a few little tweaks. Here again, I’m going to change the letter spacing on this one, because I want it a little bit those words to breathe a little bit more there. We go that’s looking pretty good and I probably just want to bump the size down a little bit. I think again you can play with these. Obviously so your heart’s content that’s a little bit small, let’s bump it up! A bit let’s have a look at that that’s pretty good. I think it’s still a bit small, but it’s it’s not far off. Is it let’s have a look at the final site. Then now, with my new fonts that I’ve installed globally, that’s looking pretty good, let’s just save that and let’s go to zoom out view. Here we go here,’s the site and I’m pretty happy with that. For but not very much time at all, we can replicate the Bob Dylan website and it’s got some it’s got some really nice features, but it’s also very simple and very elegant. Looking pretty good and let’s just test it on mobile, this is what it looks like on mobile and because we’re just using core blocks, pretty much everything works. Intrinsically you can see here. This is the first screen you see the top of the page with the video playing behind it. It automatically flips to a mobile menu, let’s scroll down and you can see how those columns are automatically stacking, so everything actually haven’t done anything in terms of you know any CSS tweaks to this all, but everything’s looking pretty much perfect Out the box, I don’t think I’d want to change very much at all about this, for a mobile, so overall really happy pretty good and here’s a final look at the zoom out View and I’m going to scroll down The page, so you can see there’s Bob playing above, let’s scroll down. Looking looking pretty great, if you enjoyed this video as well, if you can hit the like button, it’d be amazing, because it makes a huge, huge, huge, huge, huge difference in terms of how many people actually get to see this video. So thank you. If you can hit that like button and also every time you do hit the like button, our cats get a little Music treat. If you want to see more videos like this hit the Subscribe button and you’ll be notified every time I release a new one. Thank you. So much for watching keep well, and I’ll see you soon. Bye, no

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9 Months With The Remarkable 2 – Sharing My Personal Experience

– Hi, my name is Jasper and welcome back to the channel. In case you're new here, I'm an entrepreneur and
remote marketing consultant. And in this video I wanna
talk about the Remarkable 2. I picked up the Remarkable 2
in the beginning of this year, I think in February. So I've been using it for
a couple of months now and I thought this was a
great time to do a review about Remarkable 2 and go over the things that I love about this device, but also the things where I think there is some room for improvements. So the first thing that I
want to get out of the way is the Remarkable 2 is an
entirely different device than an iPad Pro, which I also own. And this is something that I
will clarify along the way. So first let's start with
the different use cases I have for this device.

First of all, I take notes on it. It's really nice to take notes on. It has some kind of like paper feel when you're writing on it. There's not a lot of lag when
you're writing on the device which is really nice. And also, and this is one
of the main selling points which I go into a bit deeper,
further on in the video. And that's that the Remarkable
2 is distraction free. The second thing that I use Remarkable for is to read articles. So on my laptop, I have
the Chrome extension, Remarkable's Chrome extension installed. And this allows me that when
I come across a blog post, for example, during the day, I can easily add this to my Remarkable to read it later on the device.

This comes really in handy
for my evening routine. Something that I will get into as well. The third thing that I use it for is to read and annotate bigger documents. So if I have larger PDFs, multiple pages that I need to read and review the Remarkable is perfect for this. Again for a distraction free part of it, but also to have a paper feel like, and something easy to send out your notes after we are done reviewing the documents. And then last but not least,
I also use it to read books but unfortunately there
aren't a lot of books that you can really have
available on this device. As of the recording of this video the Remarkable 2 only
works with DRM-free books. I hope this is something
that I will change soon because it would be great if I could read more books on this device.

I really think that
the size of this device which is a bit bigger than a Kindle is really great for reading books. Now, as I said earlier, the main reason, the main selling points that
they have for Remarkable 2 is it being a distraction
free device, which is great. And which is also the main reason why I bought the device
in the first place. Now let me explain. If I'm working on my iPads it's very easy for me to
have access to the internet, to be distracted by a notification. I know I can put on do not disturb, but for notifications this will work but for the other things not so much. Whereas the Remarkable 2 basically only has an internet connection to sync documents with your computer. So it doesn't have an internet browser. It doesn't have any notifications. It doesn't have Androids. If you are reading
something on this device it's basically more or less the same than if you are just
holding a piece of paper and reading something on there.

Now the display of the device
uses something called E-ink and this also makes it
a really great device to work on in direct sunlight. One of us traveling in Portugal in the beginning of this year and also the time when
I picked up this device. I used it multiple times while working outside indirect sunlight. And it works perfectly. It's basically more or less the same than if you're reading on a paper. Note to build further on this feature of the device using E-ink. This also makes it a great device for incorporating in your evening routine. I don't know about you, but in the evening I like to minimize my screen
time before I go to bed. But because the Remarkable uses E-ink, I can still use the
device right before bed to, for example, read through an article that I save during the day, or to prepare for the day ahead. For this last part Remarkable also offers some great templates within the device. This includes templates
for your week planning and your day planning along a lot of other templates as well.

Another big advantage
of the usage of E-ink is that the battery life
on this device is amazing. I recharge it, I think every two weeks, maybe every month now. This will really depend
on the amount of time that you will use the
device, but in general I only recharge it every
other week, for example. So the battery life on this
device is really great. Now, one last thing that I
really like about this device and that I didn't really
expect in the beginning is that it also gets regular updates and it really gets better to use. I didn't really expect this because in comparison
to an iPad, for example, it has a much smaller user base. And usually these devices
get less updates over time. But so far I would say
that I get on average one update a month and the
experience of the device really improves with every update. This is something I really like. That being said let's get into
a couple of the improvements.

First improvement being the companion apps that come with a device. So when you're using the iOS app, the iPad iOS app, the mag app, these apps will allow
you to access the files that you have on your Remarkable. Note, these apps feel
really unnative to me. So they try to more or less mimic the experience that you
have on the Remarkable itself. But because these are different devices it feels a bit off to me. On the Remarkable itself, it works great because you have the E-ink and it's like different experience to use. But on my iOS device or on my Mac, I really would like the experience that I'm used to on these devices. And then the second improvements, and this is something that I
already talked about before that is that it only allows you to read DRM-free books right now. These are two things
that I really would like to see change in the future.

And then this would be an
even more amazing device and I can recommend it to even more people to actually use it. Now, do you yourself see
a use case for this device or would you much rather
just keep it with one device, like for example, an iPad or an iPad Pro. And try to be more disciplined to not get distracted
while using that device. Leave your thoughts
and the comments below. Also, don't forget to like this video, subscribe to my channel for
weekly new videos each Wednesday and I'll see you in the next one. Bye. (relaxing music).

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