DT&SC 8-1: Different Perspectives on a Global World

Welcome to todays lecture on globalization and human development. Globalization is intriquetly linked to the information revolution.

In only 150 years.

Information communication technologies have made our world an extremely small place.

Before 1858.

It took weeks to communicate a message between Europe and the United States by ship and now a day.

Of course, we cannot really tell a difference if we telecommunicated with someone who is down the road next block or half way around the globe.

The information travels on the speed of light and instantanous communication.

Doesn t recognize distance in a geographical sense, So globalization is a very national topic to talk about.

Let s start with a little exercise to understand the importance of why we have to deal with this topic of communication to talk about the information revolution Close your eyes and imagine somebody shopping for digital information.

Communication technology Go ahead, do it And try to look at what kind of ICT this person is shopping for and then take a look at the person What this person is wearing. If this person is a man or woman, the age of this person, you have in mind Try to look at their face the race as well.

Where do you think this person is coming from And now imagine a poor person shopping for ICT? You can open your eyes again How many of you imagined a poor person at the first time already, If you are like most people, You imagine someone very similar to you or your friends during the first exercise and only during the second exercise.

Imagine somebody living in poverty – and this is completely normal.

Our default outlook on the world is that the entire world is kind of like us And we have to train ourselves to gain different perspectives on the world.

So we have to learn and study that so at the same, you can, in this picture, see a white waste or two black faces, and you flip around between these two perspectives.

We have to train ourselves to obtain different perspectives, so we can switch around between them, and that is one of the ambitions of this lecture today that we gain these different perspectives.

This is especially important in the information age, because in cyber space most people are extremely different than you Actually in cyber space.

Most people are from the developing world.

They are from poor countries SO worldwide.

For example, 20 of the population live in the 60 s most highest income countries, So these 20 have 70 of the world s income. So it s a very small percentage for those who people who live in developed countries.

At 20 of the people 70 of the income, However, when it comes to cyberspace, these 20, they only get 30 of the world s.

Ict subscription 80 of the world that live in developed countries.

They have 70 of the world s.

Ict subscriptions lots of mobile phones, but also computers with internet connections, So in cyberspace.

We almost have in terms of very fundamental basis, access A 1 to 1 representation And since most people in the world live in developing countries, most people will access cyberspace and live in developing countries.

So it is our ambition today to train ourselves gaining these new perspctives.

We really have to learn them; they are not just intuitive.

Our intuition fails miserably at that, and so you saw on this first exercise, For example, have a look at this picture here? What do you see? Okay and now have a look at this picture here.

What do you see So now we can flip back and forth and back and forth, And let s see if you see something different And now let s check that out What if we turned this picture slowly but surely around. What do you see And let s go back again? What do you see now And let s go ahead again.

What do you see now Now, even if I expose you to that, you might be able to gain a basic intuition, but it s still unnatural.

Now I ll show you a trick.

Look at the tools at the bottom and the top of the image Look at these tools and keep on looking at the tools.

Look at the tools, look at the image a little bit and now keep on focusing on these tools.

And now what do you see? So there are some tricks that s.

What I want to tell you feel free to look at it again.

There are some tricks that we can learn that enable us to take on different perspectives, and once you know this trick and you can take them on whenever you want And that s the ambition, because if you will work in a globalized information age, you have to Train yourself to take on these views whenever you have to And if eighty percent of the world live in the developing countries, you have to kind of like know how they are living and if you want to do business in a global world or probably policy in A global world or work for a NGO in a globalized world.

It is very important for you that you are able to take on these different perspectives.

It s kind of like training yourself to look at the globe. Look at the globe here that s how usually the world is represented in a world map with Europe at the center And now look at this world map here It looks a little bit different.

I think I was maybe 15 for the first time in my life when I saw the united stated in the middle, But you can get used to this world.

What looks a little bit different, but you can get used to it Now check out at this world map here It s the exactly the same world map just upside down And actually geographically, it is completely justified to look at the world like this.

I mean planet earth is just a sphere in space and there is no up and down in space.

Why do you think it is that we usually look at the world like this and not like this? Well, the Basic reason is because the first map makers were living in the north and they drew the world as like.

They are on top and the other ones on bottom, but geographically and physically there is no up and down.

It is completely justified to look at the exactly like this, So you can also look at the world, for example, from the top from the North Pole, like this, The United Nations logo actually the emblem that s what it takes.

So this is the look at the united nations.

There is nobody really in the corner.

Nobody left at right so that s why the United Nations represents us like that, And there s different world views you can take on. You can get used to a map like this, you can really get used to it And what we want to do in the following segments is we try to train ourselves to get used to different world views and we can just take them on whenever we need Them .

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P-value calculations: Understanding where the p-value comes from

Understanding where the p value comes from Hi, I’m, Dr Nic, and in this video I’m, going to tell you about where the p value comes from Before we start, please, like this video comment below subscribe, but most of all join the channel help. It to grow and help me help more and more people like you In other videos, I explain what the p value tells you and how to undertake a hypothesis test.

There are links to these videos in the description below In this video.

I’m going to work through an example to show you where the p value comes from and how you could calculate one for yourself.

The p value or sig can be found in the output to statistical inference.

You can have p values for testing if two means are different or if the slope of a line is statistically significant or if there is evidence of differences between categorical data.

All of the tests shown in the video Choosing which statistical test to use produce a p value.

Normally you just get a computer to find the p value You put in the data.

Tell a computer.

What you want to test for and out comes the p value.

However, it is good to have an understanding of what a p value actually is. A p value is a probability.

That is what the P stands for In SPSS.

It is called sig.

We want to know if an effect that shows up in a sample is evidence of an effect in the population from which the sample is drawn.

The p value tells us the probability that we would get the sample result by chance.

If there is no effect in the population, We will use a test for a population mean to illustrate this.

We will use the same example, as is shown in hypothesis test for a mean in Excel.

In this case, the orchard owner is comparing the mean weight of her apples with the export standard of a 152 grams per apple.

The orchard owner can see that the mean weight of the apples in the sample is about a 149 grams.

Could that just be by chance that the apples in the sample are mostly lighter than the ones in the whole orchard and in reality the average weight of the apples in the orchard is 152 grams or above We can use probability theory to work out? How likely it is to get a mean of a 149 grams or less if the mean weight of the apples in the population is 152 grams. This builds on the central limit theorem.

So you might like to watch that video now, if you’re not familiar with it, The central limit theorem talks about the nature of the sampling distribution of the mean If we were to take a whole lot of samples of size 15 from an orchard that Really did have a mean weight of 152 grams, we would get a variety of sample means.

This is known as the sampling distribution of the mean The mean of those sample means would be the same as the mean of the population.

The spread of the sample means is given as the standard error, the formula for which is sigma.

The population standard deviation over the square root of n the sample size.

The central limit theorem states that we can use a normal distribution to model the sampling distribution.

If we knew the population standard deviation, we could proceed from here.

However, we do not usually know the population standard.

Deviation, It’s actually pretty unlikely to know the population standard deviation.

When we do not know the population mean, but we do have a sample standard deviation, s which we can use as an approximation to the population standard deviation Sigma With small samples. We need to use the students T or T distribution instead of the normal distribution.

It is always okay to use the T distribution as it becomes the normal distribution for large samples.

The T distribution is like a standard, normal distribution.

It has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 To use the T distribution.

We need to find out how many standard errors the sample mean is from the hypothesized population mean We calculate the sample mean minus the hypothesized mean, and we find that it is 149 2667 152, which is 2 7333.

The standard error is 4 75795.

The sample standard deviation divided by the square root of 15, which gives 1 228497.

This is a measure of the spread of sample means.

We divide the distance that the sample mean is from the hypothesized mean by 1 228497, and we get 2 22494.

That is saying that the sample mean is a bit more than two standard errors below the hypothesized population mean Now we need to find out how likely that is in the appropriate T distribution. We use a T distribution with n minus 1 or 14 degrees of freedom Using Excel.

We use the function, t dist, 2, 22494, 14 true or we can use a calculator to find the probability.

The probability is 0 021519, which we will round to 0 022.

For the T, distribution with 14 degrees of freedom, the area under the graph to the left of 2 22494 is 0 022.

This is the p value we are looking for.

This p value tells us that if the population mean for all the apples in the orchard is 152 g, then the probability of getting a result – this much smaller than 152 or worse, is point 0 022.

About 2.

This video explained where a p value comes from.

There are links in the description to other videos to help you understand this concept and what you would do with the p value.

Now you’ve got it Even if you are not using Excel the video Hypothesis test for a mean in Excel will help you with your understanding, Do let me know what more you would like in the comments below Please like this video subscribe, but most of All join the channel, especially if you’re using our videos in your teaching, Help the channel grow and help me help more and more people like you, .

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His Secret Obsession

Why Do We Balance Wheels? – Understanding Road Force

Relaxing music Narrator: Why do we balance wheels? We balance to cancel out the uncomfortable vibration that can be felt when an unbalanced wheel is traveling at speed, but balance is not the only cause of wheel and tire induced vibration. A vehicle may have four perfectly balanced, wheels and still experience vibration.

Vibration can also be caused by a bent rim How the tire fits on the rim Or by construction characteristics of the tire.

These factors contribute to road force, which is the change in force.

Acting on a wheel assembly as it rolls, Fortunately, road force is easy to correct.

If you can measure it Road force, balancers emulate driving conditions by pressing a roller against the tire.

The roller measures, the road force for an assembly and the balancer suggests corrections to minimize or eliminate the road force vibrations.

The most common corrective actions are match, mounting the process of rotating the tire on the rim to reduce road force, Bead massage a technique of exercising the new tire to better fit the rim Or placing higher road force assemblies in less sensitive wheel positions on the vehicle.

Like the rear, Balancing is always required to eliminate vibrations, but eliminating all wheel and tire induced vibration requires measuring and correcting road force as well.


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The Little Girl With No Legs And Big Dreams | BORN DIFFERENT

She’s inspirational. She’s full of energy.

Nothing will stop her ever in life.

She’s gon na, be the most famous double amputee that zombies planet, Music.

I was well.

He went into the hospital just before the operations you know, remember, keep diving, and that was just right.

After you came out of surgery.

Your bandages we gets upon knows what a plaster cast and a tight round the back mom super different super different yeah.

That was your favorite toilet was everything’s rosy seven year old, Daisy May Dimitri was born with a condition called fibula heme Amelia, where the fibula bones are either shortened or absent from the leg.

It was the second scan second scan.

It was picked up after a scandi, it was a case of there was no no bottom half found on the scan. She basically said do his legs, but they’re not very well formed, which obviously you can see it’s a heartbreaking situation.

At that point, basically, the fibula bones of machine.

In the leg there was one saw a few bit of bone on the one side and the other side was completely missing the feet never formed properly.

He came out as like.

A boo.

Diva was very flappy.

Sort of basically unusable so after the best choice is to have the operation of a double amputation, Music.

She could have a life with the legs that she was born with, but it’s not a life.

To be honest, is you would have been able to do anything because you won’t be able to do what she’d be able to do today.

Daisy happily lives with her family, constantly surprising their parents with her motivation. She wants to do what other people can do that’s.

What inspired her, I think to be able to push her, because once she started walking, that was it.

She was up and away, and obviously you can see yourself today.

She’s 200 miles an hour.

I would do everything to be honest.

We’ve got such a strong bond.

It’s, it’s.


We’re at the park.

We go to Warwick Castle. We we climb the tower.

We go down the gym, climbing hills, suite literally anything you could think of every weekend.

We’re out there doing this rink something different as well.

Now it’s really positive and it’s all about the positive side and how good we do it.

She’s got two sets of prosthetics.

She’s got the springs which of the blades sports.

They’re like activity.

Blades are called so she can go out and do whatever she wants to do on them, and then she’s got the basic ones which she wears.

They’re more for school and stuff.

Like that be honest, you could put anything kind of now. She adapts that quick and he should be doing cartwheels and everything about forward meets or anything Wow it’s.

Amazing Daisy has made a difference in her father’s life in many more ways than one I don’t really tell people.

I had a gambling problem and a drink problem.

Music things, didn’t go weren’t going well.

A few years ago.

I’ve got himself down a gym, got myself out the house that’s down to her, because I’m watching what she’s doing.

She seems probably me and I’m inspiring her, so we working together and bouncing off each other, and now we’re in the best place we can be to become he said, nuts together, Music um.

I asked all the time to be unnecessary about being different, her own service, she doesn’t care, and you know what that’s exactly out for lots of beer.

I don’t wanted to care it’s good to be different.

It’s. Good to stand out it doesn’t faze her it’s, amazing he play outside she,’s, really strong, more defferent, careful analysis to be fair so that’s been occasions where she’s at people, say stuff.

Well, that’s, kids and I’ve had a couple of occasions where she’s come back and she’s awesome I’ll see if my legs are dirty and whatever else so says what he said to him.

She says: well, I’ve told him mind around business.

She does puts a smile on my face and you think I’m gon na mean it that’s what it’s all about and that’s what’s giving us the positivity caviar Music.

Do you know what I think she wants to be in my food? It has this hack.

It was not something we never thought about, but she wants.

You talk to her now or what I’m a model.

I’m a model that’s all.

She says not to a sister, I’m a model, so you’re not the model on the model.

Daisy’s. Positive attitude has now brought her into the modeling world.

She was definitely born to do something 100 born to do something.

Can I believe in that now and I believe, not the path with me in Iran together doing this? I believe that is.

That is exactly what we born to do together.

The two rules I live by moving the daughter, never quit anything and never be afraid to show who you are, because if you do you’re, not yourself, and if you stick to them rules, you will come out the other side and you will have a Better life and believe me, I’ve got a better life now than I’ve ever had before you.

You .

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Let’s Learn Fractions! | Understanding Math for Children | Kids Learning Videos

– [Voiceover] Let's learn fractions. Understanding fractions can be easy as one, two, three. Just watch this video, and you'll be using fractions with ease. It's easy to count whole things, like a pizza, a pie, or a donut. But what if we only had part of one? How would we count it then? We'd use fractions. A fraction looks like this. The bottom number is called the denominator. It shows how many equal pieces an object has been divided into. The top number is called the numerator. It shows how many parts of the denominator you are looking at. For example, a pizza is usually divided into eight slices. That means that, in a fraction, the denominator would be eight. If you normally eat one slice of pizza, then one would be the numerator. That means that you eat one eighth of a pizza. If you normally eat two slices of pizza, then two would be the numerator. The denominator would still be eight, since there are always eight slices of pizza. That would mean that you eat two eighths of a pizza. Let's try another example. This pie is divided into six pieces, and you eat four pieces of it.

If there were six pieces of pie, and you eat four, what is the denominator of your fraction? (upbeat music) That's right, six. What is the numerator? (upbeat music) Yep, it's four. That means that you ate four sixths of the pie. Let's try one more example. If you and your friend have one donut to share, then you will cut it into two pieces. If there are two pieces of donut and you eat one, what is the numerator of your fraction? (upbeat music) That's right, the numerator is one. What is the denominator? (upbeat music) Right again! It's two. When the fraction is one over two, we call that one half. Thanks for watching. (upbeat music).

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