Is Dating Different When You’re Blind? | Ep 1 – Blind Love

People say It’d be easier to date a blind, person 39, cause they just care about your inner beauty, Well we do Man I basically just want someone to spend. Time with And we don’t, Woman Like breakups really suck and they hurt and whatever – and I am jaded Blind people problems laughing Becoming independent – was an act of rebellion.

I am looking for love.

Is that kind of a weird thing? Looking for love, xylophone, music? 42 inaudible My name is Mario I’m 30, years old single and totally blind Whoop that was a.

Good one.


I have four foster.

Children that I’m in the process of adopting So, it becomes a quadruple challenge to actually date.

We trying to change that.

Thank you, Jesus laughing! What’s going on Open the door jerk, What’s up man, What’s goin’on Nothin?’much! Well, I have another date.

What happened to the last one Too much going on The blindness thing was a stretch for her Some women shy away from me because of my blindness Phone I’ve turned off the voiceover. Now the phone is officially no longer in blind man set Yeah.

Take a look at her picture.

Oh this is her Mario Yeah Mm.

Hmm, I love mm.


I like her.

She’s a good choice.

I do not list in my online profiles that I am totally blind sighing, So you just never talked about it at all.

No, Oh I mean it’s a throw of the dice man with anybody.’cause.

I mean me personally. You know you can’t just be showing up blind and whatever You know what I’m saying You can’t show up blind without notification, is what you’re saying Hell? No, You can’t just show up blind man.’Cause the part about it.

Is I go back to it? They are so into me.

They’re so into the picture.

We put up, compliments, galore and the minute I say I’m blind it’s like it’s, rejection Like everybody.

Nobody wants to be rejected, Nobody wants to be rejected, but to be rejected the moment you say I’m blind is frustrating, But it’s a whole new world for them.

So you think I should tell her ahead of time.

Uh traffic noises Jenna, We’re setting up Soloman’s tinder right now.

My name is Solomon.

I’m 32 years old.

Looking for a woman that wakes up and goes, You know what I really wan na be with a blind person for the rest of my life Jenna. I am a 32 year old man.

Looking for a woman, I can bring home to mom Solomon Ugh Woman want the typical guy that takes the kids to T ball practice and I’m not able to do all that on my own.

How many dates you been going on Zero? I’ve been on one in like 2 years.

They just think.

Oh, this is a blind guy.

You know Screw this, But if they, you know see me in action, see me in person, personality and all that They realize like.

Where has this guy been all my life? You know Man, Maybe you should put something in there.

You know lost my sight.

Two years ago, hasn’t slowed me down much Yeah that’s good.

I’m, still the great guy. I was before somber music, Except now I’m fresh out.

I was 20 years old.

I had perfect vision before that Every few years it would get a little worse.

The doc told me that it would probably go in my 40s.

I was like Oh by then I’ll be married.

I’ll have kids and all that Two years ago, when I was 30, it went all the way.

Totally blind Can not see anything And I’m, like Oh crap.

How am I gon na find somebody now No hits No hits on Tinder It’s been days already.

No hits No hits jazzy music Joni.

I still have an idea of my dream. Guy in my head, Dance Instructor Off to the left a little bit, Joni Good style, darker, hair, thin, not too tall’cause, I’m short And dancing is like it:’s, non, negotiable, laughing Dance, Instructor Inside turn and down.

My name is Joni and I’m 32 years old.

Do you have anything going on this weekend? Uh yeah, I’m gon na bring my friend James to a dance social Tomorrow, Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, fun, fun fun.

He’s kind of been asking me out.

You know The person I date definitely has to be able to dance, or at least be willing to try it So like he decided that he was gon na learn how to dance to, like you know, impress me And so Showing some interest by doing a little Class here and there – Yes exactly So he’s trying, I feel, like I’m better at dancing than I am at relationships.

I’ve got ta figure out.

If I like him or not,’cause, I don’t really know laughing.

I’m, not sure, Like you know, if I say yes, then that’s gon na mean more than I’m ready to like Mm commitment.

Yeah At this point, settling down and making a commitment is kinda, scary, Dance, Instructor All right, bring it in laughing Good job.

Awesome thanks. Jonas Have a good day.

Thank you.

You’re cool Jenna.

Did you call my girlfriend? Actually, I’d love to call her now I’m kinda nervous Wan na call her now Yeah Jenna was on a mission to set me up with her friend A girl named Angelina.

It’s good, because I met her the other night and she wants to hang out again.

Well, it won’t be awkward, No yeah Angelina On Phone, Hello, Angelina, it’s: Solomon Jenna,’s friend from the other night, How you doin’Angelina Hi.

How are you Doin,’good, how you doin’Angelina Good Good, hey? I was callin 39.

I’m, not sure if you have plans tonight or anything, but a few of us were gon na go out and I want to see if you want to come Angelina.

That sounds like fun All right.

I will see you there Angelina For sure I’ll see you too. All right have a good day.

Angelina, You too, All right, bye, Yeah, laughing Yeah Got a date.

I’m a blind person, but I got beauty secrets laughing.

I’m obsessed with what I look like You have such pretty hair.

It’s jet black and curly, Say mh hm.

I got lucky with the genes.

My teeth have to feel a certain way.

My face has to feel a certain way.

An outfit I put on has to feel a certain way Being attractive, makes it easier for people to look past.

My blindness – Hey move over some’cause. Your glare from the bathroom is messing up the color Okay, I’d be glad to move over once.

I know which direction: Oh, I’m sorry move to the left laughing There.

You go.

Stop Okay, button that bottom button; Yeah that looks nice.

What the pants look like.

Mario, You, don’t think the pants are too fitted Nora.

I can’t even see the pants’cause.

You got the phone down on the floor.

Mario All right, you on your way, Nora, Yeah, upbeat, music Beauty is something people develop an understanding of based on what they see in popular culture.

I take pride in my appearance, but I’m not as worried about looking like movie stars, as maybe somebody who sees them every day, because I can’t see them car honking, Ooh hell You honking that horn, like a lunatic This, a nice neighborhood, Get In the car, Mario Turn the music down Nora, Okay, you had me waitin’over here for a long time again, Mario Mario, That’s, all right, you got gas. My brother will pretty much just call me and say I’m going on a date, and I want my sister to take me.

A lot.

Are those glasses, clean, Mario, I don’t know you tell me you’re the one with the vision laughing.

Oh, my God, Mario, Let me get your opinion on her.

I did not tell her that I was blind.

Why didn’t you tell her.

You was blind How you know she wan na deal with a blind man.

Mario, If you were in her position, I would get mad And I would leave.

Are you serious? Yes, I really would, But you can’t catfish people, You have a blind brother and you about to get cussed out.

Well, I’m about to get cussed out you tryin’to catfish the girl. She don’t know what’s goin’on She gon na leave you at the table, upbeat music.

I brought James to our dance, social, hoping he won.’t feel too self conscious about dancing in front of people.

Okay, I’ve changed my mind laughing It’s, gon na be okay.

James has been taking dance classes.

To impress me Thank you, sir, And it’s working laughing muffled conversation.

She’s here.

Look at Solomon,’s face he’s getting nervous, Mario In the pursuit of love, Nora Get it together.

We’re going in here blind date.

Blind date, I’ve only dated white girls.

I’m. Sorry, I’m.

Being honest, am I allowed to just say that Ever dated a blind person before No, I have not.

No, I have not.

No Would you.

I’ve never held a girl.’s hand before Never kissed a girl before.

Well then, how did you know that you wanted to marry him? I have no idea Like breakups really suck and they hurt and whatever – and I am jaded Sorry, I lost ya.

I feel like I just didn’t land that very well.

She hates the word relationship, It does definitely freak me out Should probably come visit me.

I should Solomon Once they know that I’m blind.

When I met him, no idea I’m instantly in the friend zone. She might be on the prowl for a husband, which you know I’m, on the prowl for a wife, laughing .

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