Spelling List CKLA Unit 4 focus list 2 Days of the Week #spellingpractice | @lululibrary

spelling correctly is essential to learning 
to write learn these words through watching   saying writing and flashcards linked 
below for 5 days 20 minutes per day   commit them to long-term memory Sunday s 
u n d a y Sunday Monday m o n d a y Monday   Tuesday t u s d a y Tuesday Wednesday w e d n s 
d a y Wednesday Thursday t h uur s d a y Thursday   Friday f r i d a y Friday Saturday s a t u r d 
a y Saturday today t o d a y today yesterday y   e s t e r d a y yesterday tomorrow t o l m o r r 
o w tomorrow test your knowledge by turning off   the video and writing the words with sound only 
the following dictations will help you learn the   words and sentence structure in English learn it 
to Perfection and watch your language abilities   grow if today is Friday what day was it yesterday 
yesterday was Thursday if today is Friday what   day was it yesterday yesterday was Thursday if 
yesterday was Tuesday what day is it today today   is Wednesday if yesterday was Tuesday what 
day is it today today is Wednesday if today   is Monday what day will it be tomorrow tomorrow 
will be Tuesday if today is Monday what day will   it be tomorrow tomorrow will be Tuesday now turn 
off the video and see if you can write the words   and dictation without looking keep practicing 
until you can Pro tip use the settings to change   the speed of the video to your preference 
never forget the learning is in the work

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Author: yousekbastellinek

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