Tag Archives: amazon fba 2022

How I Started My Amazon FBA Business From Scratch – Easy Steps Revealed!

If you’re looking for a way to make an income online without leaving your house without a college degree, without any experience selling online at all and without a ton of money, then this video is for you if I was starting from scratch today. This is exactly what I would do I’m Morgan Rainey, but you can call me Lil Monad, I’m on a mission to help. You start an online business this year, so you can quit going to a job.

You hate to have more free time to spend with your family or maybe just quit. Being so stressed-out about money, all the time like I used to be if you’re ready to quit trading your time for money and, make your first 10K on Amazon hit that like button and subscribe for new videos every single Wednesday, since your time is money, let’s get started, Amazon FBA is going Viral when you search online, you find so many videos promising you to get, rich, quick by selling anything and everything it’s overwhelming to know where you can even get started in this video, I’m goon an share my exact, step-by-step method to start selling on Amazon from scratch.

This method has helped me, sell. 5.5 million on Amazon and help over 2000 of my students make money within just a few months of starting the best part. If you don’t even to create a product from scratch? You’re outgoing to resell existing products that normal people just, like you and me, are already buying every Dayon Amazon think it’s too late to start selling on Amazon. Have you heard it’s over saturated here? Are some results from real people. We’ve helped in the past year Jennifer hit twenty thousand dollars in sales in her first five months without any experience Mari did 8K in sales in her first two months. She did this. While she was going through divorce, she didn’t even check her cells for two weeks, and during that time she made five thousand dollars in sales.

That’s the beauty of selling on Amazon, no matter what life throws at you. You can still support your family and finally, Sandy is a rock star. She did 50 000 in sales in record. Time wants to share with you her timeline of actions. You can see what’s possible for yourself she hit 5K in a month and a half, then 13 500 in less than three months and by seven months in she hit fifty thousand dollars in sales. Despite doing this on her own and sourcing with her cute son JJ. She recently lost her mom and her dying wish was for San handy to create something that was her own. I know that her mom is smiling down. Andōs, proud, pretty inspiring right. If you want the same for yourself head to cajunventuresmo.com if, you want to be our next success story.

Thisha’s proved that this method works and it’s not too late to get started. We’re goon and follow the kiss method. Keep it simple, stupid. You need four things to make money selling on Amazon good product analytics, because history tends to repeat itself a good supplier and you need to scale your business. Now. Let’s Dive in Baby Amazonas millions of products, so now you just need to know. What to look for here are three different items that you can sell. You can sell Arbitrage products where you buy an item locally or online then. You resell it for a profit online.

Here’s an example for you! I got these arthritis gloves, foresight dollars from CVS and they sell for 29.99 if you make 32 cells a month.

That’s 421 dollars in profit from just this. One item gets 10 items like that, and you just made four thousand dollars extra for your family every month. That’s the beauty of selling. On Amazon, two wholesale products you buy existing products in directly from companies as a wholesaler. Then you sell them on Amazon for a profit. Finally, 30 is private label you go to Alibaba or any manufacturer like that and. You create your product from scratch. Here ‘San example for you, this burrito blanket sells for27.99, but you can go to a site like Alibaba and get it for about five dollars. Each you make 1168profit per blanket. They make 25 548 monthly. Sales that are 298 400 in profit selling burrito blankets now.

This sounds a lot easier than it is you have to see? If the item has competition demand pay farads and you have to spend months going back and forth to get your product just right. I really don’t recommend this for beginners, because the cost is high, and the stakes are even higher. Most beginners, unfortunately fail private label until you figure out the basics of Amazon.

What I’m going to share with you is how to make money on Amazon selling Arbitrage and wholesale products. Since these are the easiest ways for beginners to start selling on Amazon people are already buying these items on Amazon, so they might as well be buying them from you. You don’t need to stay up until 3amgoing, back and forth with China to make your own product. This is the easiest way for beginners to get success on Amazon faster for less of an investment. So, what the heck category do I even sell it doesn’t worry about picking a niche you can sell profitable products in almost every category so. Don’t limit yourself on the money. You can make how much profit. Should you look for that is the question. I follow the three times rule where you sell your products for three times what you pay.

Let’s say you pay 15 for a product. You need to sell it for 45 dollars, so you make fifteen dollars back or one hundred percent return on your investment. This gives you plenty of wiggle room, for when the price fluctuates because it will personally, we focus on items that sell format least twenty dollars, so we can make more profit and. Do less work smarter, not harder, baby we’ve sold a lot of this collagen protein powder, WePay eight dollars and sell it for 2599, after althea fees, we make 8.78 each if we sell 124 a month that’s one thousand eighty eight dollars in profit for just one item: here’s how you know it’s not a private label product, so you want to look on the listing, make sure it has at least three sellers you can Also use seller amp to see if it has Anip flag that stands for intellectual property. And you’re, probably not allowed to sell it. The easiest way to find wholesale suppliers is to go on Google and search wholesalers.

Us then set up an account with them and go through their catalog to find profitable items. It takes time and work so don’t expect this to happen overnight after you finish step one. Your next step is to hit like on this video step, two analyze, the data to make sure that the product will sell for a profit. If you wanton focus on the best seller rank. The lower this number is the more likely that the item is going to sell. If it’s ranked under a hundred thousand it’s, probably selling a lot look at this number first thing, you can find it on the Amazon seller App or in the product detail section on the Amazon Seller page. Now you don’t want to sell anything huge or heavy, because the shipping is expensive and, the fees are going to be higher. Stick with items that weigh less than a pound and fit in ashore box. Trust me: you will make more money this way. Finally, you want to make sure that you avoid seasonal products you have bills all year round.

Soyo want products that will sell every single month, so you can pay them. You can tell if an item is seasonal by looking at the item and see ifrit’s a holiday related item. Maybe it only sells in the winter or summer, and you will see huge dips in the sales data during those slow months step three. You have to find a good supplier, this sounds complicated, but it’s actually way easier than you think it is. It does take time and patience to make sure that you build a relationship to get somebody that’s consistent, who you can trust it’s kind. Oflike dating big suppliers are really good. Beausite have lots of items, but small local suppliers might have more time and attention for you. You can find good suppliers simply by Google searching the product name, then the word supplier everyone else is going to be emailing them. So, you want to stand out pick up the phone and give Larry at Nola coffee a call he’s going to be more likely to help you.

When he’s built a relationship with you rather than, just some random person, he doesn’t know that is emailing him last, but certainly not least scaling. Your business. I like big profits, and I cannot lie. You want to delegate as many tasks as possible as you. Can you do this with virtual assistants?

Behaving them find you products for you or you cause, a prep Center instead of packaging products yourself daily and the best way to scale your business is by finding a mentor because youkan learn what they did so that instead of just having a guessing game, you can replicate their system check Out this video, if you wanton, learn step by step, how we find wholesale products to sell on Amazon hit subscribe and like this video, if you found it valuable, I’ll see you next week now y’all go make that money.


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