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What Is the Most Spiritual Experience You’ve Had? | 0-100

Interviewer, What’s the most spiritual experience that you’ve, had What I think the most spiritual experience I’ve had Um, I haven’t really had one of those before I don’t really think of myself as a spiritual person. Probably, when I go to bed, because I usually think of like galaxy and heaven I don’t know why I don’t really do any drugs or anything.

If that’s, what you mean, I saw the Colber kids in concert when I was 15.

It was really spiritual.

I cried.

I went to a Billy, Joel concert.

He started playing that song yeah In the middle of the night.

Every time I dance is a spiritual experience, Yoga camp bro Giving birth.

Does that count I don’t ever want to do it again Done it twice? I had this experience that I subsequently learned was having my kundalini rise, which was very strange.

I went on a 10 day yoga retreat in Bali, 20 minutes sitting on a couch with the Dailai Lama.

When I was like five or six, my dad took us to the top of the Himalayas. We almost like died three times, but it was amazing.

I got the opportunity to be baptized in the Jordan River, which is where Jesus was baptized.

I went to Israel for the first time a couple years back.

I just felt so proud of my Judaism and so connected.

You know what getting arrested.

You have no choice but to almost find God and look up, and then that’s the only thing that kind of helps you get through it.

When I was 21, I traveled to Paris for the first time Being able to roam the streets.

Just aimlessly was probably the closest thing I’ve ever had to a spiritual experience.

I went up to see the eclipse The second it went dark that was just an otherworldly feeling These five day, rafting trips out of Moab Utah down the Colorado River, with thousands of foots of cliffs next to you and totally isolated on the river and silence Like When I’m completely removed from my phone, We were just like in cabins in the woods, so I could really be with myself.

I was in a movie theater, watching this space movie and it looked so crazy. It just felt like there’s, no way that we’re here by chance When we got in a car accident.

I was like shaking, and it was just me and my mom and it was spiritual.

I guess I ran over a cliff in my car rolled over, I thought.

Surely I was dead.

I spun across four lanes of traffic on the 405 freeway And I got out of that car alive and practically uninjured at all Yeah.

It was the hit that said, you know what maybe you should start going to church.

I remember with my daughter I was in labor for like two days And I was trying to do natural HypnoBirthing and it wasn’t working.

The last thing I wanted was a C section, but when my daughter came it didn’t matter, She was just perfect and that was probably the most spiritual moment of my life: Soul, pancake .

As found on YouTube
