FLVS Social Media 1 Course Tour

You might have heard people say that the world doesn t revolve around you, But in the world of social media, that s not really true. The cool thing about social media is that it s all about your actions, your decisions and your interests.

In this course, you won t learn how to use a hashtag, apply, a fancy photo filter or update your status, But you will learn how we have shaped social media into the powerful force it is today.

You ll explore how to find truth in an online world where you can be anyone And you ll, find out how your digital footprint makes a much bigger imprint than your physical one.

Above all, you ll see that your voice is important From crowdsourcing to blogging to citizen journalism.

Your presence on social media has the power to change the world, or at least a few minds Throughout the course you ll get to create a change of your own.

By exploring a cause that s important to you, whether it s animal rights, environmental conservation, childhood hunger or any other issue, As always, your instructor will be available via phone email text or IM.

If you have any questions along the way When the class is finished, you will have completed a half credit elective and made a lasting change in the world of social media Visit.

The Find My Course page at FLVS net and start making your mark on social media.

Today, .

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