[Earn +$2,000 Month With 2 INSANE USA TRAFFIC] How To Promote Affiliate Links Without A Website FREE

Friends, if you want to earn $ 100 per day from Affiliate Marketing, then in today's video I am going to share a very good strategy with you, which you apply, then by doing this, you can generate a good special revenue here. Can and friends, to apply this method, we are going to use this AI Tool and 2 big traffic sources, if we talk about the status of big traffic sources, then I can tell you that you will get monthly income between both the traffic sources. You get traffic up to million, within all the traffic you get here, you get 80% of the traffic, in order to like that by traveling, first of all you have to choose the product and after the product, you can click here on any You can take an example of a network on one up, in this video I am going to give you an example too, so we have created our account on digital 24 and inside its market please we login as if you login inside its market please You have this type of interface in front of you and here you have many productions which you can promote here and by promoting you delete the good special revision here, what is the name of which you can promote here.

Hey friends, like I recommend you inside my every video, whenever you promote any product, before promoting it, you must check the product so that you can get the idea here, how can you promote your product? You have to do and what resources are available here, then simply we open the support page here, then simply we come here and holding the fit support pitch, as we click on it, we will see all the information here in front of us.

Here you get how to promote your product, what to do here, what not to do, saree, you get promotion guide here, apart from that you get knowledge of demography, what type of audience should you target here. Like here you have to target 80% women, like if you promote your product by targeting women, you get good results here, apart from this, which further group you have to target here, target this hour All information you have to do is found here, landing pages are found, lead magnets are found, if you want to promote your product from the middle of the banners, then here you get ready made banners if you want to promote your product. If you want to create articles, then here you will get a list of words, according to which you can create your articles and through this you can promote your product here, if you want to promote your product through email marketing . If you want, then here you get email swag, if you want to do video marketing, then here you have caste in the made videos, by doing which you can promote your product, as in this video, we are going to do it here.

That list of articles here is going to be very important for us, so simply we go here, click every one you download, click on it, then our list is downloaded here, which we have opened here and you can c we have 100 plus keyboards on which we can create our articles, so simply you have to create your article according to the input, you have to press the button automatically on the particular place, if you are here, 100 plus articles will be created, Vidyapeeth Lee your articles Here ward people have traffic on them and here you can have your product list as if we take the example of any single word here then simply we go here we are going to create our article here then simply We come here and from here we copy our keyboard, now you have to come above the complete set board and from the middle of the Kora Chat Boat, here you have to create an article of 1500 words for your keyboard, on top of this you have to Create your account like you will create your account here then some type of interface will come in front of you and you can see here you will get many boxes by doing which you can create best article here then simply click here Procession of any one vote as if I am going to do it here in secret, then simply we avoid licking secret, then your article will start to be created here in front of us , it will take a few minutes time here and The best article will be created in front of you Here it gives you a ready made article miss here neither you have to think in terms of title nor you have to tell in terms of heading here it gives you made title here and made heading like you You can see here, he has given us the title made here and has given paneer paneer heading and has also provided us with a made body, simply you have to copy from here and wherever you want to share your article.

Share your article, after creating the article, you have to come over Google Dogs, that is, here you have to copy and paste the article in such a way that we have copied and pasted our article here. In this way, copy and paste your article here so that we copy our title from here, copy and paste it here if you want to optimize your title like I have optimized my title here. In this way, if you want to customize your tractor, then here you get many options, through which you can optimize your title, then from here you have to copy your channel, if you want to change its style like That I want to keep the title here, then here we keep the title, if you want to change its font, then here you are getting a lot of phones, whatever font you like, you have to select it.

If you want to increase the size , then from the middle of this you can increase your size here, you can bold your title, you can underline it, you can change the color, then from the middle of this you can also change the color here . After that you have to upload the image of your product here, then to download the image, you have to go to reset 24, you have to save the food support page, you will go to this page, here you will have the option of balance You will see a lot of banners, you will see here, if you want to download any one banner, then to download it, you have to come here, right click, you have to image from here and from here you have to select your image again.

Have to click on the photos, have to click on the insert image and from here you have to upload your image, which you have to select from the middle here, after that again you have to go here, from here you have to click on the key of your article. You have to copy the body and here you copy and paste it in this way, after that you have to optimize the body of your article like mother lo, if you want to optimize your heading, then from here you have to copy your hoarding Have to do inside the cell, you can select the heading here, you can make it bold, you can change the color, you can change the color, you can increase the cells here, as you want to select the heading of your article here According to this, you can device your heading here, after that you have to put the link on your own above the particular particular place inside your article, as if I have targeted the custom date plane keyboard here, then as many Inside my eight houses, I have clicked on myself the date of the custom key, as if I link my password to you here, then simply we go here, here I am showing the option of the date of the custom key.

If there is, then we copy it, from here we automatically copy the button, here we come here, click on the link, here we click on it, copy it to your wife, in the same way you will get your article here. Above the particular place inside, after you have completed your contact ready, then you have to come here, click on the file, here you will get the option of download, then you have to save it and here you will get the option of pf document .

You have to click and download the pf file of your article from here, so guys, now let's talk about traffic, how can I remove traffic on top of my pf file, so friends, I want to share two best free traffic with you. If you do consistency on these traffic sources, you get a lot of organic traffic on your pf file, then today's first traffic source, I do free books.net very best website, then definitely you On your pf file, a lot of organ traffic is prepared and creating an account is not a big deal, you have to file your basic information here, you have to confirm the email and you can create an account on free ebooks.net It will be created like you account will be created here then some type of interface will come in front of you i.e.

Here you will get the option of publish then you have to come over it, here you will be given the option to upload it, so first you have to come here Here you have to copy and impress the title of your ook, we go here, click on its title, we can give it a copy fictional name here, add ook from computer, click on it and from here you will get your pf file to open give update click on it after that you have to come here under book type you have to select non fiction here under category you have to select health here and under second category you have to click here Again health is to be selected after that you have to come here here you have to put your keyboards like we do keyboard here Christian you have to put keyboards here you can do the comment condition you people click on it Do this, you have to create it here and you have to share this website, the more eBooks you share here, the more eBooks you will download here, the more traffic will come on top of your hook, the more traffic your link will go up, friends, our second traffic source today.

The name of pf slide.net is very good website and friends you can share your pf file on this website also and from here also you can get a lot of traffic, on daily basis thousands of pf files are shared. Caste is and many PF files are going viral here, like if you do construction work on this website, then definitely your PF file can also go viral here, so to do it, first of all you have to do your work on it. Creating account and creating account is not a big deal you have to file the basic information above this thing you have to accept the raman condition verify the email address and above pf slide.net the account will be created like your account create If there is an interface like this in front of you and here you will get the option of your dashboard, then you have to click on it and here you will get the option of load file, you have to click on it, from the middle of this you will find your pf file here.

After uploading, you have to file your PF like here you have to enter the title of your PF file, enter description, transfer [music].

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How to Monetize Your Website With Email Lists, Part I

If you've began the journey
of attracting free traffic from the search engines to your website, then you've probably also began to wonder, how you can keep them
coming back as loyal fans, giving you the opportunity to sell your products or services. The answer is an effective email list, and in this series brought
to you by Solo Build It!, we'll be exploring why having
a trusted email relationship with your client base, will support you and give you freedom, in
your monetization strategy, without relying on Amazon and AdSense. Hello, I'm Paul Buckingham, roving ambassador for Solo Build It!, the only online website
builder that teaches you how to attract free traffic
from the search engines and how to make money from it. So how often do you
communicate with your visitors to your website using an email list? And if you do, how successfully,
do you sell to them? Sometimes, maybe never. Maybe, it's a sort of thing that you think I really should be doing
that sometime soon. Certainly it was something that I was doing for a very long time. Well in this series of interviews, Luke Barber co-creator
of HomeSpeechHome.com shares how he and his wife Holly, have managed to earn enough
to be stay at home parents, to their now five children, by building an authentic and
trusted email relationship with their site visitors, and then supporting them further
by selling them products.

We discuss effective email
marketing for beginners, basic email marketing strategies, and Luke provides some down to earth, practical inspiration as to why you need to start creating an email list today. – There's people out there who appreciate what you're doing and, they want to be your fans, and they want to hear from you, whatever you're doing. And so, by when you're starting early, whether you have a product or not, getting your email list and
having a good, solid email list of people who consistently
open and read your emails is what has kept me in
business for five years.

– The income as a result
of their emails strategy, is over a hundred thousand
us dollars a year. This is significant because
there were no advertising costs. All the sales came from
their own email list. And, that email list was
fed by thousands of visitors to their site, with
completely free traffic, supported by the Solo Build
It! education process. Home Speech Home is a website
packed full of resources, all of them, the apps
and the digital product, created by Holly and Luke. You can hear how they began their journey and how they develop the free traffic to their online business, by visiting our first interview with them back in August 2019, and
you'll be able to locate that by hitting the link just
above us in the corner there, or of course, in the link below, after you finish the interview.

For now, it's time to
learn what you can achieve by creating an email
list, strap yourself in. (Soft music) – The emails, are all
I do for advertising, I'll just start with that. So the only advertising I
ever do is with my email list, and to my email list. And so whenever I have
a new product come out, whenever we have a new app come out, whenever we have a new feature come out in the subscription app. I'm promoting that to
my list, all the time. Now, of course I have to
promote to them good content as well to keep them happy readers, I don't want to just promote
to them all the time, but that's mostly how, what I've been doing with the apps.

Now, having said that, our app has changed in the past couple of
years to a subscription, and so, we have our own ways to make popups come up in the app when we do updates and things. We also have those people's
email addresses too, so we usually use both
ways to remind people of the features and the extra things that they're getting with the app. The email list, in the
last couple of years, I've used more so to promote
my digital products too, which makes up the other
part of my monetization mix. Again, it was similar content, but just a different medium
of product that I made. So I just made the same content that I had in my app, into a
digital downloadable product. And so, I use that quite frequently. I use email lists quite frequently. Well, easily on a weekly basis to promote my digital product.

– Right, so basically what
you're talking about then is a model where you're getting organic or free traffic from the search engines, Google and the other search engines, but you've been following the
Solo Build It! action guide, which really supports you to build a CTPM process, being content, which then leads to traffic, which then leads to the
opportunity to presell all the products that you might have, and then of course, then
it leads to monetization, the actual process of making money. A lot of people make
the mistake of thinking, oh, I just got to put up
a landing page and Wemo, you know I'll be making a lot of money, but, this is not actually how
it works in the real world. Does that kind of summarize the process? – Aha, absolutely. – So you've got a process
now that is working, 24 hours a day wherever
people are in the country and you're attracting new visitors to your site all the time. We want to particularly
focus on the relationship that you have with them
as a result of the emails, for somebody that's
starting a business though, let's go right back to the very beginning when you first started perhaps, why should they be starting an email list right now at the beginning? What's the significance of that when they really may not
even have too many products? – So the significance behind it is, is it just provides a more individual way that you can communicate
with your audience.

When you have, traffic
coming to your site, you really don't know how much it's worth, because if you ever try and go spend money on ads on Facebook, to try and get traffic, you'll see how fast that money adds up. And so when you have free organic traffic coming to your site because of content, you're already building that relationship, but then by offering to your reader, to sign up to your email list and oftentimes, incentivizing
people to sign up to your list or just saying, hey, sign up to my list. When you get that kind of traffic, you're going to get fans, period. Same goes for Facebook,
you have a Facebook page, people are gonna follow
you on Facebook whatever, there's people out there who appreciate what you're doing, and they want to be your fans and they want to hear from you, whatever you're doing. And so by, when you're starting early, whether you have a product or not, getting your email list and having a good solid email list of people who consistently
open and read your emails, is what has kept me in
business for five years.

I quit my job in 2015, and for five years now, my email list has been my
single source of advertising. And so, but that's because I've built that relationship with them, and so, the sooner you start doing that, the better off you're gonna be. – So, what was it that even hooked you into the idea of
building an email list in the first place? Because I know for example, with Solo Build It! clients, who are very, rightly
focused on developing content and great content that
will attract the visitors, often it's really easy to get stuck in that process rather than the process of building the next
level of relationships. So, what was it that made you go, geez, I don't want to lose anyone here? – That's an interesting story because, about six months
after we started our site, I was working out of my parents house, trying to help my dad start
his own online business, and my uncle who is a tech
whiz, always has been, was visiting for the weekend, and he actually did his own consulting, like online business consulting.

And so when I started talking to him about how I was getting
the traffic I was getting, and that sort of thing, he mentioned to me, he said, "Are you collecting their email addresses? Or are you collecting email addresses?" And I said, "Well, no." And he said, "Why not?" I said, "First of all, I don't really know how," I mean, I said, "I know I
can set up a form on my site, but other than that, I don't really know any
other way to do it, A, B, even if I did build an email list, I don't know what I would send to people, I don't know how often, I would send them, and I don't even know what I would say." So I said, "So, no, I haven't been
collecting email addresses." He says, "Well, you need
to remedy that and you need to start doing that right now." – So when you first started
creating them, collecting them, what method did you use, for
somebody that's watching this, it is part of the Solo Build It! group and uses that system for building emails, there is an inbuilt system.

It's not as advanced as, some of the really
sophisticated, external systems, but it's a great start. How did you start? – I actually started in 2012, I think with, with Mailchimp. And I think most people who are starting building a list, most start with MailChimp, they've got a pretty big reach as far as, you know with ads and with content and they're kind of all over the place.

And that was a great
start for me personally. Mailchimp is a great,
reliable, email platform that has been around for a long time, and they have a ton of options, I would never say anything
bad about Mailchimp, they're really good. But after I started making
my products and things, I realized that I wanted to try and automate a little
bit more of the sales, a little bit more of the funnels, a little bit more of the follow ups that I had with people instead
of doing them one at a time, because that becomes really arduous, really fast as you start building a list.

So, when I started using Mailchimp, you could have as many
subscribers as you wanted, but you could only send out, I think 2000 emails at a time, I think its what it was. And so, I built my list up to like 8000, and so, I would have to
send out four batches of the same email to groups of 2000, it just started getting really cumbersome. – Right, right, and so you moved on? – Yeah.

– We'll talk more in a while
about different suppliers and different services
and perhaps the benefits they bring for somebody that wants to have a look at that option, but I wanna just stick with starting out for a little while, because somebody may well
be getting the traffic, as we've already talked
about to this side, the free traffic, but, they don't necessarily
have got products created yet, you know that might've
just been a leap too far at that stage of the development. – Sure. – But often, there are affiliates, let's say, things like that, so, do you find that, having an affiliate, finding an affiliate that
you can really work with and then selling their
services through the email is a good starting place
for an email program? – I think it definitely could
be if you don't have your own, and making relationships with
other people who products, but don't have track traffic, is certainly a great way to go. My experience with that is very different because most of the people that would have affiliate programs in my space of speech pathology, are all creating kind
of their own products and kind of think that we're all battling against each other, I think, coz we have similar digital products.

So, I haven't had a lot
of experience with that, I do have a girl that I know, that I'm going to be starting
to promote her course on language development, and I don't really have products or create products around that, so it's a good fit because she's been
paying a lot in YouTube, sorry, she's been paying
a lot in Facebook ads so much so that, she's
kind, of breaking even, or she's only making
a few hundred dollars, even though she sells like a $500 program. So I told her, I said, "Well, my problem is right now is that I can't build
products fast enough," and she goes, "Well, my problem
is I don't have traffic." And I said, "Well, I have traffic," and she goes, "Well don't," I have, so we kind of, we've talked and I'm gonna start promoting her course.

But yes, affiliates is a great way to go. – That concept there can really open up a whole other conversation
and an opportunity for somebody because, so many websites out
there, have no traffic, they might've created a product, because they assume they're
going to have traffic or they might've created a
product because they love it, but don't know how to sell it, but when you have a site that's following the action guide from Solo, Build It and the CTPM process and it's working really
well for you, as it should, then that's a great marriage
made in heaven, basically. – Yeah, it is. As long as it's stuff that you would promote anyway, right? It has to be things, I don't suggest, there's some people out there who will do affiliate things, just to make money, but people are very smart and people will know when you're
just promoting something just to promote it, just to make money, versus if you're promoting it coz you actually like it,
now you always have haters, right, there's always
gonna, people are like, oh, you're just promoting
this to make money, and you know what, those are people who probably wouldn't buy from you anyway, so it doesn't matter, But, if I was to give you
any advice on affiliates, that's what it would be, is only work with people that you like, who you know they have a good mission and they have a good product, that they're going to be able to support, and that they're not
just doing it for money.

I mean, obviously money is important, it helps us keep going with our businesses and expenses and things, but, I think you'll know the type, you'll know somebody who's
just trying to make money and somebody who's, actually cares about what they're selling. – And with that, this is
the end of the first segment in the series. In the next interview,
is we cover an overview of the types of services
that are available and have a look at which
might work for you. We also look at the power
of gathering information from your subscribers, the way to present your emails and the absolute do's and
don'ts to watch out for. – Believe it or not, I
didn't know who my audience was, until I started
collecting email addresses. I was getting traffic and it was great, but Holly and I, in the beginning, our plan was to create and
sell products, for parents. So all of a sudden we went, oh my gosh, it's not parents who are
looking for this information, It's the actual therapist themselves, So we had to do a total 180, on what we had originally planned to do, because the people who
were using our content, and our resources, were speech therapists.

– You can make sure that you
don't miss the next segment in this series by subscribing to the Solo Build It! YouTube channel, either click the little
image, it's appearing in your corner now, or, in a link directly
underneath the video when you finish. Please click the notification
bell as seen here, so you don't miss the
next video in the series, until then happy email list
building, from Solo Build It!. (keyboard clicking).

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