Best Of The Atheist Experience 1/2 [PL]

I hear people talking about the atheist experience yes on this local channel you are a Marxist your name is in you're from Russia when it comes to talking about the Bible you guys are just practically illiterate you know what I'd really like to do is I'm just gonna someday I'm going to come down there and punch your fat face in for jesus that's what I want to do really do you think that's what Jesus wants you to do because yeah definitely he's gonna come back and he just does he want me to turn the other cheek no that's not true if your belief is is something that you think is rational that it is based on evidence and not just a faith based assumption that makes you feel good I'd love to know what it is what rational evidence do you have that a God exists is it time because if you just tell me that it's you know I hope that a God exists or I'm playing the safe bet or I really want there to be an afterlife okay great I want to win the lottery I want to be surrounded by naked strippers I said that just so that all you find good Christian folks can say I told you he was in an immoral Athey isn't good thinking about sex all the time do you think that I'm gonna go to hell when I die based on the Bible I would have to say yes okay do you think I deserve that I would have to say yes evidently they're in a struggle and we're just little ants and you think that this one has written a book to tell you that this is the good one and other Christians think that this one has put a little plug in your heart to tell you that this one's the good one maybe this is the good one maybe this is the one that's lying and this one is waiting around to see if you'll ever figure it out if you'll ever wake up and realize that what this one's telling you to do isn't good just because he says it's good if you can't think for yourself no wonder you believe in a god you're claiming there's a lack of evidence and therefore there no reason to believe it yep why God I got how about this how about I just come down and punch your fat head in for Jesus I am an atheist in the sense that I don't believe in a God but what I'm advocating is not an atheist country or an atheist world well I'm advocating as a rational world a secular world that is indifferent and neutral with respect to religion so you would put in a bit minister yes and in there you don't believe with God that's correct there you devilment you

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