PAUL LEWIS: A couple of minor updates today– firstly, that you can see on screen, styling is getting underway, which means I've got just a place holder for the actual page content. But I've got a footer in place with a couple of links, the header. You can go around the individual sections. Let me just make that a bit wider. Code of conduct as well, that's in there. Need to do a little bit of tidying up there, I think, on the text positioning. But you can see styling is under way, finally getting somewhere a little bit more visual, which is good for me. And then I've also worked down here, like so, pretty much as we were hoping to see. So that's the good news. Oh, I should mention the other thing, which is the styling, I've actually opted for a slightly different solution in the end. Do you remember how I mentioned about I was going to do inline styles and then like full fat styles, and I wasn't sure if it was going to work.
OK, I've concluded a couple things. Firstly, that I should keep things simple. So let me show you what it's like on a normal, standard issue page. Basically, you can see here– I can get rid of a bunch of that there, can't I? We have just the style sheet, straight in to the style sheet. So that is actually what we're going to do. And that would be render blocking. However, what I'm banking on mostly is that most people will come via the home page to the site. So if somebody comes here, yeah they're going to have a bit of render blocking.
I don't think it's going to be that much, though. At the moment, the styles are 6 and 1/2 K. It's not a big deal. They'll get more. They'll get bigger, obviously. But hopefully, by the time gzip is on, hopefully, not a huge deal. It's not loads and loads and loads of styles, but we can still improve it. And as I say, most people, I think, are going to come to the home page, where I take a slightly different tack, and I do use the inline style. So I have a style tag here with just those inline styles. So it's things like position information and so on– all fine– and a bit of coloring information. And then I load, via the JavaScript that you saw last time, I inject this style sheet by JavaScript. Some people on YouTube were saying, well, what happens if you don't have JavaScript? Fair enough. It's a great question. That's why no script was invented. And inside the no script, we can pop in the link to the style sheet. So we'll get inline styles.
If somebody hasn't got JavaScript, then they'll get the link injected by the no script injected. It's in the no script. That will cause the style sheets to download. And then for everybody else– and in both cases, by the way, if they get it from here or they get it from the injected one, now the cache is kind of primed. So when you then go to schedule or location or code of conduct or whatever, the CSS is already in the cache, and so we'll get s back nice and quickly. There are some file inline styles specific for each individual page. So rather making a separate style sheet for, say, home or schedule or location, if there's specific styles for that page, I'm inlining those as well. So it's a kind of combo of those different approaches. We'll see how that pans out. It could be that I revisit it again. Just to show you, though, by the way, if I disable JavaScript in Dev Tools, hopefully all being well, we still get all the styles.
Because even though we got the style there, with the no script, you can see that that's actually now, instead of a piece of text, that it's actually a link. That's actually become a thing. And you can see here in the network, that while we don't have any JavaScript being downloaded, we do have the style sheet coming in as well. So it seems like a pretty good combination of those two, inlines versus actual links. Good sign is that it's not render blocking pretty much when I do this. So hopefully, that will pan out, but we'll see how we get on. So there you go. Some stars in place– good. So, yeah, the mashing up of all those styles, it's good. Don't forget you subscribe, by the way. "You subscribe? No. Say that again, Paul.
Don't forget that you can subscribe. I mean you should subscribe, if you want to. Far be it for me to tell you what you. Anyway, you can subscribe, and hopefully you're enjoying these diary videos. Thank you to everybody who's been popping comments in below and making suggestions and just generally being involved. That's kind of what I was hoping was going to happen. So, yeah, cool. I'll see you next time..
Hello and Welcome, thank you for checking out this video for the people who are just visiting my channel for the very first time. My name is Rochelle, and my Brand is a DIY Affiliate Online, and I help new Internet Entrepreneurs and Affiliates by Sharing my knowledge and experience to help you to gain more Power and Authority, become an influencer and make an Impact with Online video.
This Video is about Choosing a Niche, is Just the Facts: let’s get down to Business Free Online tool that I found, and I will show you how to use it. It is a Keyword Tool and this is the best alternative to the Google Keyword, Planner and other keyword Tools, Research tools, free version of the keyword tool generates up to 750 plus long-tailed keyword, suggestions for every search term and you can use the keyword tool absolutely free. Even without creating an account, this is a great keyword tool that you can use to help you to find your niche to help.
Your suggestions for Google YouTube, Bing, Amazon, eBay, Play Store, Instagram and Twitter well there.
This is one that I found was the best and it is the keyword toll free number one, Google Keyword, planner alternative, and then you would just click into Google and put it choosing in each.
So here are the keywords: these are the keyword, suggestions and is ascending. So these are the most popular ones, choosing a niche for your blog choosing in each for affiliate marketing, choosing a niche market we’re just going to save these and export them into a Google sheet. So using the keyword tool, you can look in Google, you can look in YouTube just by clicking on these tabs. You can look at the questions for YouTube hashtags, once you’re at the keyword tool type in your keyword, suggestion riches mine is choose a niche choose, whether you want it to be global or United States or another country.
There is a number of different countries in here that you can choose from I’m just going to go global English and you two are Google here, you can filter results, find keywords within your search results. Just see how many use the niche and then go.
This will give you your keyword, suggestions. You can then copy export to CSV, and then you can import this into a. You can also look at questions I’ll, have the same filter, a Venetian and then copy an export. You know, then appear at the bottom left hand corner. You can also export into your Excel. I go expert to see, ask V because it exports to my WordPad and also here you can check by a prepositions and then you can copy that as well export to see a Savi which will then send it to you. Your WordPad. If you are doing a YouTube video, you can go to YouTube you.
You have to make sure if you’re spelling now this is a free to all division if you choose, but you can use at the free tool. Also, I find this very helpful that you can use it on your cell phone, the same way that you use it on your computer. You can also copy to the clipboard and use these keywords. So, when you’re on the go and you’re using your cell, this is a really good way to be able to just get your keywords fast and also. It is a very helpful way to be able to determine and choose the niche that you want to be in.
Hi, in this video I’ll showyou how to create a go to market strategy, usinga real product example. First, let’s set upthe context. What is a go to market strategy go to market strategy is a plan to bring your product to your Target customers through the right channels. This should come after you’ve done, your positioning and messaging. There are three stepson a go to market strategy. Pre-Launch launch and post launch at the pre-launch stage your goal, isto build awareness and credibility. You can do this by, educating your target market. This way you can build up an organic following that.
Will One beta test your product and two help spread the word when. Your project is live at the launch stage. Yourgoal is to drive the user adoption. You can do this by announcing your launch across all of your organic channels and amplifying them with paid advertising at the post launch stage your goal, into, optimize and scale your channels. You want to scale down on the channels that aren’t working scale up on the channels that are working and explore new channels to test now, let’s apply this, to a real product example. First of Alli just want to give a shout out to the founder who. Let me use his product as the example for this go to market video since this product hasn’t launched. Yet I’m going to keep the product fairly vague.
Let’s say: I’m building a product to help children with learning disability read better and the product is an app that makes reading fun through gamification. You can think of it as Duolingo for reading now, I’m going to share screenland walk you through the process of building a got market strategy for this product.
The first thing I’ll do is create a slide for each phase of, the launch we have phase one pre-launch, then weave phase. Two launch and phase three post launch next I’ll, add a slide starting with pre-launchand in this slide I’ll create a more detailed plan first, I want to include objective. What is the goal of this launch then kip. What is the success metric for the smart and timeline? How long are we going to spend for this phase of the launch then?
I will create a table underneath listing now the channels that we’ll be focusing on the activity that we’ll be doing for each Channel and the resources we need. We need to execute then I’m just going to update the formatting.
Make the text a little smaller, so we have more space now that we have the template.
Let’s go ahead, and fill everything in again we’re building an apt help, children with learning disability read better. In this case, even though our users our children our main target audience or buyers will be the parents, the objective at the pre-launchstage will be to build awareness and credibility and. We can do that through content sharing and community building. We can share our content to help. Parents understand how to help their children with learning disability read better wean also create communities where we can educate the parents and facilitate discussions. Between the parents for kip. We can add a goal of 1000 users in a slack group that we’re going to create because it’s more impactful to have a community than a waitlist.
In addition, let’s aim for 10 influencer partners that we can work with to help spread the word.
These people can be experienced parents, pediatricians or teachers let’s aim for a timeline of three months. Sowe has ample time to build up our organic following. Let’s move on to the table when it comes to channels, I think most parents will search for a solution for a problem that the kid has. So, we you want to be optimizing for search which includes both search on Google and search on YouTube. To do that, let’s have a Blog, let’s also have a YouTube channel.
I think people also search on core for answers to their questions, so let’s have a presence on Quora, the last two channels I’ll add, will be Facebook groups and slack there are many communities on Facebook that are parent focused that we can tap into, and we can create our own slack Community. Now that we have the channels listed, let’s add the activities for each Channel we want to create a blog to educate parents. Unlearning disability topics can include symptoms diagnosis Solutions, best practices and case studies. We can also invite influencers to guest blog call to action, for this blog will be to sign up for new slider and also join the slide grouping terms of resources. We need WordPress subject matter experts and Cat GPT for copy review and SEO optimization.
Next, we have YouTube. We can create YouTube channel and repurpose blog content for video.
We can also invite influencers to share advice.
We need a video editor and chat GPT tore purpose, the blog content for video script forbore. We can answer questions related to learning disability and we can just do all of this in-housefor Facebook groups.
We can join 10. Facebook groups and really focus on adding value by sharing relevant and timely content from our blog and YouTube. The goal here is to build trust with the community organizer and the community itself. Wean also do this in-house. We can create a slack group and share advice with parents and facilitate conversations. We can also do this in-house in summary at the pre-launch stage, we’re going to focus on building awareness and credibility by, creating content and building communities we’re, aiming for a thousand users and a slide group and partner up with 10 influencers these are all of the channels and activities that we’re going to execute. Now that we have this template, let’s repurpose it for the launch stage at the launch stage, the goal is to drive product adoption.
We can do that by announcing the organic and amplifying Via paid. We want to aim for 10000 users and the timeline here will be one month. We want to get the launch out there and start optimizing the launch after the product is live in terms of the channels, there’s organic paid Facebook groups, influencers NPR for organic wean, announce via organic channels, which includes our blog YouTube newsletter, slide Channel and their sources.
Here it can just be in-house, for paid we can amplify our announcements via sear chads on Google and YouTube. So when someone’s searching for terms like learning disability and reading, our product will show up, we can do thisin-house and potentially Fiverr, so we can hire someone to help set up and manage the campaigns for, the Facebook groups, we can promote product and Facebook groups and the key here is to ask for Permission first from organizers, this way, wearer being respectful and increase the likelihoodof our posts getting approved. We can do this Allin-house influencers. We can sponsor 10 influencers to create videos reviewing the product and sharing them on their social.
That way we get more of each through their social media. Following we can also do this in-house. Finally, PR we can post on product hunt, Reddit and TechCrunch. We can do this in-housegreat, so this is our launch plan. Our goal is to drive product adoption. We do this by announcing on our organic channels that we’ve already built-up and then amplifying them with page we’re aiming for 10, 000 users and one month, let’s go-ahead, and do the same for post launch at the postlaunch stage. The main goal should be to optimize and scale, to drive further product adoption the kip.
Here we can aim for something more aggressive, and the timeline could be three months for the channels there’s really just two organic and paid for organic. We want to scale up on one to two performing channels. Sothis can be our blog or YouTube. We also wanton test one to two new channels in this.
Case we can test Tick, Tock, Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat. The resources here will be all donein-house, or we can hire someone on Fiverr to repurpose, the content for those channels for paid. We can do the same thing. We can scale upon one to two performing pay channels. This can besearch ads or YouTube. We can test Partnerships with pediatrician clinics or schools. This Isan interesting approach because instead of selling to Consumers directly, we can sell it to businesses that, have the most relevant consumer basis.
Andew can do this in-house. In addition, I’d like to include a small blurb about what we need to doon a product site post launch because it’s not just about executing the go to market strategy but taking feedback that we get from our customers. To improve, the product I’ll save product start working on V2, with feedback from existing slack Community. This feedback can be either to improve existing product features or building complementary products works there. You have it weave a go to market strategy for this app. What Ideally like about this format is that it’s easy to follow at a quick glance.
You can see, there’s three different phases and within each phase you can clearly see what the goal is, what your metric is what your timeline is, and what channels you’ll be leveraging, as well as the activity and resources from a macro perspective. This means that it’ll be easy for you to share with your stakeholders it’ll, be easy for them to quickly understand, what you’re, trying to do and then ultimately, you’ll beagle to get more buy-in.
There are two things Wiant to mention here: one is that go to market strategies will be different for b2c products, andB2B products with a b2c product. You will need to think more about growth hacking, whereas with aB2B product you will need to think more about sales enablement because the sales cycle will be longer.
The second thing I want to mention is that go to market strategies will be different at small companies and big companies. Our small companies you’ll be able to launch pretty quickly without much internal prep at large. Companies you’ll need to do more internal prep to drive internal alignment, because you need to do thing sat scale.
That’s all for today.
If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and let me know in the comments Below on what kind of videos should make next till next time see you.
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