HTML Tutorial #1 – Starting a static website

Hello and welcome to a html tutorial, so first of all, you’re going to have to start with a html file, of course, in some kind of text editor in this. In my case, i use visual studio code which, and there will be like a link in the description, so you’re gon na have to have a doctype html in the file so that the web browser like truly knows that it is html.

And then you’re gon na have to have a html element.

Uh a element with just uh less than and greater than signs is the start of an elemental node and one with a forward.

Slash as well signifies the ending of it.

So for a website.

You’re also going to need a head and body now the head stores, more of the you know like workings of these sites and and the body more defines stuff that gets displayed now in the head.

You can include a title which i’m, going to name it my website and in the body yeah, you can add a header one element thing.

This is my website and a paragraph element website description here, and this is basically just like a really short and simple html tutorial.

Now you can load this file in any browser.

I just use firefox it’s, pretty simple, just drag it in and then boom um. I will have a css tutorial later to make this look a bit better, but as now that’s the end of the soil, .

As found on YouTube

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