Hi I’m Mark Bomster, deputy managing editor of Education Week and project editor on our new special report on the Every Student Succeeds Act, putting ESSA’s puzzle together, It’s been more than three years since ESSA became law and it’s, beginning To have profound effects on how the nation’s states, school districts and the federal government navigate the challenges of setting education policy and making it a reality in the nation,’s, schools That includes everything from how to turn around low performing schools. How best to serve vulnerable students such as those with disabilities, English learners and minorities, And how to keep parents and the public in the loop when it comes to what they need to know about their schools and school districts? We’d like to invite you to Education Week’s online summit on the Every Student Succeeds Act on Tuesday May 14th from 1 00 to 3 00 at edweek org Education Week’s, team and guest experts will unpack some of the challenges and details Involved in making this law a reality for the nation,’s, schools and school districts, You can join us live with your questions and feedback on topics of interest to you on ESSA, as well as to engage with each other in six concurrent peer to peer discussion Groups online As working educators, policy makers and advocates you all have a big stake in how ESSA plays its way out in the nation.’s.
Schools Share your voices with us by joining us for Education Week’s online ESSA summit from 1 00 to 3, 00 Eastern time on May 14th.
We look forward to seeing you there light instrumental music .