Tag Archives: link building strategies

How To Rank A NEW Website #1 On Google In 90 Days

Hey guys so the Everly were combat 5 am made myself a cup of tea open on my laptop check, Google Analytics and almost spat out my cup of tea. When I realized a website, I just created 90 days and 4 was ranking number one on Google.

So how’s that I do it well in this video I’m gon na teach you my exact three step blueprint for ranking your website in 90 days or less, and it’s very simple and easy to understand.

Let’s just the exact same blueprint that I use for my link building agency to get my clients insane results and make sure you watch all the way to the end.

What I’ll reveal the biggest hack for making sure your website ranks number 1 on Google within 90 days, and this is a game changer and if you new here please subscribe so that you don’t miss another SEO video.

For me, it’s gon na teach you how to make more money with your website now.

This is only going to take five minutes to explain, but if you don’t build your website there away, if you don’t optimize it properly.

If you don’t follow the steps I’m about to show you, then you will struggle to rank anywhere near the first page of Google.

I actually struggle with SEO for a long time until I created this blueprint.

So if you don’t have five minutes now, it’s gon na cost you five years in the wrong way so step one and you’re about to learn how to build a brand new website with amazing content.

Without writing a single word and making the whole process passive. How well just copy and paste on people’s content.

No, I’m just kidding.

Never do that! That’s, the worst possible thing you could do so for me personally, I just don’t.

Like writing.

I don’t know about you, but it’s a grind: it’s boring it’s quite a monotonous job, especially if you’re writing about a topic you don’t particularly enjoy, and that’s.

Why? When it comes to creating a new website, you always have to outsource the content as soon as you possibly can.

In fact, to be honest, when I created this website, I didn’t even talk to my writers.

I hired a virtual assistant to manage all of them so that the process was completely outsourced.

So me, being the lazy person that I am when I’m creating a new website.

I just hop on over to Wacom, okay, a bunch of job ads for writers, as you can see on the screen, and then, after that I hire a virtual assistant, and this virtual assistant can take the content that I need grated outsourced to the writers check. The quality of their work and then publish it on to my website, and when you do this, you have a very powerful passive process for getting tons of content to your website.

There’s buried higher quality, so it’s, awareness.

It was kind of like managing a fantasy football team right, so I had my manager, who was the virtual assistant, and then I had a team of rocks our MVP writers that could create awesome content on the whenever I needed it now, if you want a full Cheat or on how to outsource SEO content for your team.

You can check out my over video, but basically the actual steps are to go into aqua.

Comm create an advert for a bunch of writers, create an advert for a virtual assistant and make sure you focus on quality.


So when you’re hiring writers and when you’re hiring a virtual assistant, make sure that they really understand how important is to produce great work and to make sure that your virtual assistant is kind of like a filter to get rid of the crap.

And have quality in place right, so when it comes to ranking on Google these days you can’t afford to get away of the minimum.

You can’t have shallow content that doesn’t answer the users problem.

Instead, you need to focus on quality and make sure your content is as awesome as possible, and that also means the user experience of that content too. So when your virtual assistant is taking content from the writers and then publishing on to your website, you want to make sure that the design looks awesome.

There’s tons of images in there that the videos add a lot of value and that the actual formatting and navigation of the website as well looks as good as possible.

Now, if you want to rank number one on Google, you won’t want to miss a single second of what I’m about to say, and here’s.

Why? Okay, so step number two is to build backlinks to your site and backlinks are essentially the holy grail of SEO.

So when you start getting links to your site, you’re gon na see huge results in terms of growing your website.’s, traffic and rankings with SEO.

So what is a link wise? Basically, when you click from one website to another and that is kind of like a popularity vote? Okay, so the more votes that you have, the higher you’re going to rank on Google and not all those who are equal.

So it comes down to quality too, but essentially, if you look at when I start building links to my site first, if this traffic increase the rankings just started flying up as soon as I started, building backlinks.

So this website was brand new and I was just starting from a fresh slate.

So basically, I had to hit up all the relevant websites in my niche reach out to them and then ask for a backlink.

And surprisingly, so many of them actually replied and gave me a link back to my site, simply through cold email so seriously. If you only get one thing from this video, it’s.

Basically, this you have to build back when CEO site building a website without links it’s kind of like eating tiramisu with our ice cream.

It just ain’t the same, so you really have to focus on getting those links to your site and build the authority of you site as soon as possible.

Now, if you want some tips on how to do this subscribe to this channel, because I probably should loads of link building cheaters well, also make sure that you check out my link building playlist, because this always be has loads of tips and how to get links To your site from day one now, you may not know this, but actually Google has over 200 ranking factors and link building is one of the most important ones.

I’ve actually confirmed there and it’s just so powerful for your website.

So what the best link building methods that word for me.

Well, essentially, I lived at Harrow the skyscraper technique, the audio link building video link building and I created a huge cocktail of different link building strategies to get tons of backlinks to my site.

And when you do this in combination and you’re outsourced.

Most of the process, like most of my link building clients outsource to me, then you will see huge results in terms of traffic in terms of growth in terms of boosting your rankings and when you, google, pretty much any search there, you’ll see the backlinks Are one of the most important ranking factors? In fact, most of the time, the top ranking website also has a ton of backlinks or more backlinks than everyone else on that page, and this is really powerful when you combine it with step number three, which I’ll come and see now.

So the final step was keyword, research and this can be good and bad for your website. So if you get this right, you can find the most unlimited number of search terms that you can rank for on your website and drive a ton of customers, traffic and sales to your website simply with the right search terms.

If you get this wrong, then you’re not going to rank for an fit.

No one:’s gon na, find your website and you,’ll, find it extremely hard to rank on Google.

So how did I do this? What, basically, I stepped in like a mad scientist and tweaked and tested, and look for loads of search terms that small sites will rank you for and that I knew I could easily be with my team of content, my menu, you see SEO it’s a Little bit like sumo wrestling, but instead of eating all day wearing a loincloth and trying to push people out of a circle.

Instead, you’re trying to wrestle your competitors off the first page of Google.

So let me ask you this right.

Would you want to pick on the bigger websites aka, the 500 pound gorillas and trying to wrestle them off the first page of Google, when they’re so established when the very difficult to rank when they have a lot of authority already or would you want To pick on the smaller guys, okay, the small niche websites they’re gon na be easy to rank, but you’re pretty much guaranteed to be in a one on one rest, much and therefore you’re gon na break your website higher or faster.

In the short amount of time and that my friends is pretty much keyword, research in a nutshell.

So when I create my keyword list, it was kind of like gathering in the army of troops, and I knew it was going to start raining traffic anytime soon.

So how did I do this and what were the actual steps? You can take to make sure that your keyword, research is as effective as possible, basically just type into Google. Your keyword that you want to rank for and then look at the related searches and find the longtail keywords, aka the longer strings of texts that you could potentially rank for and then look at your competition to see whose ranking at the top already and find search Terms where the people who are ranking top are smaller low quality websites that you know you could easily outrank with better content.


So damn easy, and here’s, something then 90 of people on YouTube will not tell you about keyword, research.

You see keyword, research is constantly evolving and changing and the way that you do it may change in the future too.

But at the same time you always have the power of observation, and you can always go on to do and look at you competitors and just ask yourself one simple question: can you outrank your competition, yes or no, so whether it’s 2002 or 2020? The fundamentals of keyword – research are always the same.

Now here:’s, the real secret to ranking your website number one on Google in ninety days and that’s the smash the like button and subscribe to this channel.

Now I’m just kidding, but if you do it will make a huge difference to me.

Plus you,’ll learn so much more about SEO and you discover the link building tutorials that I’m about to publish in the next few weeks.

That will make a huge difference to ranking your website.

So thanks so much for watching .

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