Tag Archives: make money from home

$225K PROFIT IN 1 MONTH With BITCOIN, Amazon FBA, & Affiliate Marketing

Hey guys before we start this video, I want to give a quick shout out to one of my students I just posted on my Instagram. If you don’t already go, follow me: It’s at tannerjfox no spaces, But this student hit 200 000 in sales, Probably about 35 45 profit, So almost 100 000 profit in one month for the month of October.

He says This is real.

There’s some real money to be made doing FBA.

I was reviewing October sales this morning, so close to 200K last month November should be at least double and maybe a million in December.

That’s insane.

I just wanted to give a quick shout out.

You’ve beaten me on Amazon, So let’s jump right into this.

Video See you guys in one sec on the whiteboard.

What’s going on guys In today,’s, video, we’re gon na, be breaking down my income for October 2017.

So let’s jump on the whiteboard. I’m gon na break down each source If it went up if it went down and why it did so And what I think November will look like.

So let’s jump on the whiteboard real, quick.

The first source, as always, we’re gon na, go with Amazon.

So I have multiple sources.

I have Amazon, Affiliate, Marketing, Bitcoin my courses, my YouTube and then other kind of miscellaneous.

Like personal branding things, I’ll go over more on the text so for Amazon I draw in those So Amazon we did.

I have all the numbers on my phone, So if I’m lookin 39, We did 19 189 55.

Now, if you follow me, you know that’s way down from last month Last month was 32 thousand profit.

This month was 19.

Why Well, for me, last year, same thing October is weirdly slow for me, I don’t know why There wasn’t one reason I had one product drop in a couple ranks, but it’s startin’to move back. I guess it was just a slower month.

For me, There was no one reason.

It’s already picked back up in November November 39.

S looking like it should be around mid to high 30s for profit, but went down.

Let’s see.

It went down 13, so these are going to be.

Estimates for the change Went down.



Now, like I said, no one reason: It’s startin 39, to pick back up again, So I’m not too worried. Now.

The second source is Affiliate.


Now for Affiliate Marketing, there’s multiple things: It’s, not just me having a following.

So this does count my YouTube.

So if I have an Affiliate Link for Jungle Scout or anything in there, it does not count BitConnect or that link.

I don’t count it on that, But it is also so it’s that It’s me running ads to other campaigns from Cliff Bank or Offer Vault or whatnot.

So for Affiliate Marketing.

We did 18 834.

Even oh, I can’t write. So 18 834, even and that is a change from last month – A positive change of 800.

So we went up 800 on that source, Not bad.

I’m relatively happy with that.

I didn’t put really any time into Affiliate Marketing or changing anything.

Most of my time has been going towards personal branding YouTube a little bit towards Amazon.

So I’m pretty happy with that change.

I’m, not gon na complain about that.

One, The third one – everyone’s, favorite Bitcoin and BitConnect – Did you guys happen to know that BitConnect might be on a Ponzi scheme? I never thought So.

We have BitCoin.

That was a joke. If you didn’t get that BitCoin, we made 44 173 45.

Now that’s a huge change from last month Last month we made about 13 thousand, So that’s a positive change of 31 000 this month, So very happy with that thinking about doing another, maybe 150.

Once I get the profit on BitConnect, But we will have to wait and see how things go Also looking at getting kinda swing trading BitCoin, So we’ll see after the hard fork.

What happens Next? I’m gon na put this all in one category, but I’ll break it down separately, for you guys is personal branding.

So when I say personal branding That’s, anything that has to do with me and who I am as a brand, so that’s my YouTube, that’s, my courses, that’s.

If I have a paid Facebook Group That’s – if I have a mastermind group, anything like that So overall for personal branding, we did 140 880 23 Now broken down.

We know a lot of that comes from courses, We have courses, we have YouTube and then we have the miscellaneous, which is just that group, a mastermind group.

So, overall for personal branding, we went down 18 000 this month in that category And that’s all from courses.

These stayed the same or went up and the courses went down Now why We’ve been doing a lot of stuff on the back end.

That isn’t running yet so I haven’t been focused much on the courses in general. I’m focused more on growth than monetizing the growth You will see around January or December.

This will really pick up, and this should be well over 300 thousand a month.

Don’t take my word for it.

You will see in a couple months, workin 39, on bigger things, So I’m not worried about this at all, Not sad about it.

I expected this to happen.

It’s going to go greatly up January February March March.

I have big affiliates promoting so Not too worried about that so courses.

We did 131 879 58.

So that is a decrease of about what did I say About 18.

500. So not too bad Again.

Kinda explained that You guys can understand why Runnin’out of batteries, so I’m gon na go quick here on these next ones: YouTube 5, 945, 04 and miscellaneous.

We did 3 055 61.

This stayed even We have a set number of people in the group.

This YouTube increased by 200, so that went up two hundred That stayed the same, and that brings our total to 223 077 23.

Now, overall, for this month, I’m pretty happy anything over two hundred.

I expected a slow decrease again, it’s, not really any of my main sources or any of like Amazon Affiliate Marketing that change, really, It is.

The main thing is the personal branding that changed Amazon changed a little bit this month Again.

We know why So for this next month.

I assume I’m thinkin 39. This number, the personal branding, will go back up a little bit.

I’m expecting Amazon to jump up a lot.

This could be about the same.

Bitcoin will be close to the same.

Youtube might go down a little bit just because we’re growing a little bit slower, But you can see we’ve got 59 thousand subs right now, So hopefully, by end of the year we’ll hit 75.

I’m pretty confident we will But other than that 223.

000, this month, all broken down Pretty happy for this month.

I’m hopin,’January 39.

S gon na be some big changes.

We need to hit that million dollar month next year. I think it’s possible, If you guys have any questions about any of the sources or anything I’m.

Doin’for them feel free to leave them in the comments and if you haven,’t already hit that subscribe.

Button Turn on notifications, and I’ll see you guys in the next video .

As found on YouTube


Best Free Affiliate Marketing Course – YES, It Does Exist! (Learn Steps to Online Income for FREE)

Are you looking for the best free affiliate marketing course? Then this video is for you, My name is Mikael and I made money online for years And I have quite a few videos where I talk about affiliate marketing and many of you have asked me if I can recommend a free, affiliate marketing course, But so far I have not been able to find one that I can truly recommend, because most of them are just superficial traps trying to get you to upgrade and get really expensive upgrades for paid course, and things like this, But now I actually have come across a course. That is truly a free, affiliate marketing course.

So that’s what I will talk about in this video, so you can find out if this is the right opportunity for you or not.

So the course we’re going to talk about here is called Free, Affiliate Marketing Course.

So the name kind of says it all.

If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is, then it is basically where you can earn money by promoting other products.

You don’t have to have storage You don’t have to invest in big products or anything like that.

It is a great way to make real money online, and it is something that I have used myself to build a full time.

Income online, And the great thing is that it’s, something you can do.

No matter your experience or background.

As long as you are willing to put in time and effort, But affiliate marketing courses can be very expensive and many of them are very overpriced also, And that’s, why many have asked me whether there is a free affiliate marketing course, but all the ones? I have come across are not really free. They’re usually like a couple of minutes of introduction, and then you have to pay for all kind of upsells and things like that.

But then a guy that I know the guy that I’ve created this.

He’s called Dale.

I have actually met him in real life.

He’s become a good friend.

We’ve spent quite a lot of time together, and he has decided to create this course here where he shares all this here, steps that you need to go through to make a real online business based on affiliate marketing.

He has a lot of success online himself.

He is a legit and great guy.

As I mentioned, I have actually met him in person and he really knows what he’s talking about.

So I thought it was really great when I heard that he launched something like this here. So therefore, I decided, of course, to take a closer look, and I then wanted to share it with you, because so many of you have asked for something like this.

But let’s now take an inside look, so you can see what you would actually get.

So I have now logged into the members area and again I just want to say it is completely free to sign up, for You do not need a credit card or anything like that to actually sign up, And then you’ll get access to this fast Start training And you can see there are many steps here where you go through the whole process.

You will be explained.

What affiliate marketing is how to choose the right topics, launch your business, the foundation, the keywords, and also something really great – is that you will learn to use AI to, for example, create quality content.

Not all this, like just copy paste superficial content, that you know that nobody wants to read and that will give red flags and search engine and all that, but actually how to use AI to effectively create quality content.

That also really helps people, Which is what you should always go for.

If you want to use AI – And if you do use it correctly, it can be a very effective way to create more content and, at the same time, still give quality to the readers or whatever kind of content you decide to to create there.

Also you’ll learn about building email list.

You will also learn about YouTube statistics and, of course, also how to then monetize everything with affiliate links, And these are the videos that are currently here. You have to go through them, one by one before the next ones becomes available, Because it’s important that you understand everything.

You will learn everything step by step, So you need to make sure to go through everything and also take action on everything you learn here And I’ve also talked to Dale about it, and he says that this will also be updated, So the videos will Become even more in depth and there will be more tutorials available.

You will get access to all that.

Also And again, there is no upsell, So he actually explains you everything how to do it.

There are some tools you can choose to get, because there are of course, tools you need if you want to create a business, But whether you want to follow his recommendation or not that’s, of course completely up to you, But no matter what you see Here you will learn everything starting from the beginning, what it is and until you actually can launch your business And then t just take it from there learn the next steps and potentially, if you work hard enough, build this into a really good full time online income Via affiliate marketing – And there’s, one extra really great bonus – you get access to that.

I also just want to talk about So as a part of this membership area.

You can see there’s, something called a Niche Finder which can help you to find topics that are profitable here and ideas, Because one thing that people are often struggling with when it comes to working with affiliate marketing is ideas for the topics that should, for Example, create content around or what the niche should be and all this, And you actually get this great tool here that can help you come up with ideas.

You see, you have 10 daily searches.

This is included again completely for free.

That alone is actually worth a lot, But you get the access to that completely for free. If you sign up here and that can help you get a great start, because this is something that many people struggle with when they want to start an affiliate marketing and end up wasting a lot of time.

And here you get help with that, And you of course also will learn how to use it to come up with the best ideas.

So, to sum it all up, if you have been looking for a free affiliate marketing course, this is the best that I have come across.

I know the guy behind it, as I mentioned.

I know he’s a great guy.

I know he actually has success online, So what he’s, teaching is based on real experiences and also it is actually truly a free course.

You will learn everything step by step without any expensive upsells to more courses.

Once you finish this here, So I would say if you’re interested in learning affiliate marketing, it can definitely be worth signing up for, But I just want to make it completely clear: it’s, of course, not a get rich thing to make money with Affiliate marketing, If you expect to just sign up and be able to make money on day one without any effort, then do not sign up, because that’s just a waste of everyone -‘s time there.

This is only if you’re willing to actually go through the material and take action, and do that continuously for a longer period of time.

Then it can build potentially into a really great full time income. So if you are serious, you really want to learn it.

You are willing to put in time and effort.

Then I will leave a link below So you can go and sign up there and check that out And then also feel free to leave comments below where you share your experience and your thoughts about that.

That would be great to hear, But no matter what I hope this video help you And if it did make sure to hit the like button and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the notification bell.

So you won’t miss out next time.

I release a video with tips and tricks about different ways to make money online.


As found on YouTube
