Hello and welcome to a html tutorial, so first of all, you’re going to have to start with a html file, of course, in some kind of text editor in this. In my case, i use visual studio code which, and there will be like a link in the description, so you’re gon na have to have a doctype html in the file so that the web browser like truly knows that it is html.
And then you’re gon na have to have a html element.
Uh a element with just uh less than and greater than signs is the start of an elemental node and one with a forward.
You’re also going to need a head and body now the head stores, more of the you know like workings of these sites and and the body more defines stuff that gets displayed now in the head.
You can include a title which i’m, going to name it my website and in the body yeah, you can add a header one element thing.
This is my website and a paragraph element website description here, and this is basically just like a really short and simple html tutorial.
Now you can load this file in any browser.
I just use firefox it’s, pretty simple, just drag it in and then boom um. I will have a css tutorial later to make this look a bit better, but as now that’s the end of the soil, .
Hi friends, this is Rakesh. Now we are going to see about the list interface in detail, So this interface has name that suggests it is an interface, So The interface, the basic difference of interface is it contains some abstract methods.
It contains only the method declarations.
So the method definitions need to be in the implemented classes.
Similarly, list interface contains only the abstract methods.
The actual implementations would be available in the implement of classes Like array ways linked ways like that.
So then it extends a collection interface.
So the abstract methods that are present in the collection interface also moves to the list interface.
The basic definition of the list is, it can contain to duplicate values, For example, 1, 2, 1, 3.
So here 1 1 repeats two times, So it can contain duplicate values.
So you can access the values by the position, So you can access 1 by you. Can access object using position? You can get the values using 0, 1, 2, 3 and etc.
There is the basic definition of list interface.
We’ll talk about more about the array list linked list in upcoming videos.
These are the abstract methods that are present in the list.
The first one is public void.
Add int index Object o, So what it does try to convey is It will try to add the object in this index position, For example, it will send 1 and 5 data.
5 object means they try to get here.
It will try to add that object here and it will try to shift the cells It will try to move.
This 2 object here. 1 object here and 3 object here, So tries to shift the remaining objects in the other.
So next one public, boolean, addAll int index Collection c.
So here the elements that are present in the collection c would be added, with the would be added from that index position and then public Object get int index.
If suppose, if we have sent the 1 as a value means, it will try to return the object for this get object.
If suppose we’ll talk about this Public int lastIndexOf Object o.
So before that we will see this public int indexOf Object.
If suppose, if you are sending 1 In suppose, if match is 1 or many times, it returns, the first index position, So here 1 Zero in the index, So it returns.
This object.
Public int lastIndexOf Object o. This is opposite of this method.
It return the last index.
So, if suppose, if data is repeated in the list means it will try to return the last index here, 1 repeated twice, so it returns this position.
We’ll talk more about this in the upcoming videos and then of the public object remove int index.
If we suppose, if suppose you set 1 as the argument value, then you will try to find this.
If you try to remove this data and you’ll – try to slip the cells from 2nd to 1 3rd to 2.
Like that And then public list subList int start int end.
If we suppose, if we set 1 and 2, it will try to return the elements return.
The sub list from that start to end position 1. 2.
So it will try to return this sub list.
So thanks for watching this video At the end of this video, you’ll see the channel icon here.
Please click on that for subscribing the channel .
Linked list is simple and common data structure which can be used to implement other data structures such as queue and stack. Let s take a closer look at it. Linked list is, a group of elements called nodes where each node, contains data. And link, to the, next node! The, beginning! Of the linked list is stored in a. Head pointer, which points to the first node Link of the last node, is set to NULL to mark the end of the list. Linked list is linear data structure like the array, but unlike the array it s also dynamic, so it can grow or shrink. While the program is running, We can add new elements very easily and by inserting at the beginning, we will have constant complexity. Searching and accessing, on the other hand, can be very slow, as we have to start at the head and follow the links one by one till we find the desired element. There are many implementations of linked list. Singly linked one goes only in one direction. If we need to traverse also backwards, we will use the Doubly linked list where nodes contain also link to the previous node. This, however, increases the memory usage as we have to store the pointers somewhere. Another type is Circular. Instead of setting the link of the last node to NULL, we can set it to point back to the first node And that s it Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please hit that like button And don t forget to subscribe, to see more videos like this in future.