Tag Archives: review

What Is the Most Spiritual Experience You’ve Had? | 0-100

Interviewer, What’s the most spiritual experience that you’ve, had What I think the most spiritual experience I’ve had Um, I haven’t really had one of those before I don’t really think of myself as a spiritual person. Probably, when I go to bed, because I usually think of like galaxy and heaven I don’t know why I don’t really do any drugs or anything.

If that’s, what you mean, I saw the Colber kids in concert when I was 15.

It was really spiritual.

I cried.

I went to a Billy, Joel concert.

He started playing that song yeah In the middle of the night.

Every time I dance is a spiritual experience, Yoga camp bro Giving birth.

Does that count I don’t ever want to do it again Done it twice? I had this experience that I subsequently learned was having my kundalini rise, which was very strange.

I went on a 10 day yoga retreat in Bali, 20 minutes sitting on a couch with the Dailai Lama.

When I was like five or six, my dad took us to the top of the Himalayas. We almost like died three times, but it was amazing.

I got the opportunity to be baptized in the Jordan River, which is where Jesus was baptized.

I went to Israel for the first time a couple years back.

I just felt so proud of my Judaism and so connected.

You know what getting arrested.

You have no choice but to almost find God and look up, and then that’s the only thing that kind of helps you get through it.

When I was 21, I traveled to Paris for the first time Being able to roam the streets.

Just aimlessly was probably the closest thing I’ve ever had to a spiritual experience.

I went up to see the eclipse The second it went dark that was just an otherworldly feeling These five day, rafting trips out of Moab Utah down the Colorado River, with thousands of foots of cliffs next to you and totally isolated on the river and silence Like When I’m completely removed from my phone, We were just like in cabins in the woods, so I could really be with myself.

I was in a movie theater, watching this space movie and it looked so crazy. It just felt like there’s, no way that we’re here by chance When we got in a car accident.

I was like shaking, and it was just me and my mom and it was spiritual.

I guess I ran over a cliff in my car rolled over, I thought.

Surely I was dead.

I spun across four lanes of traffic on the 405 freeway And I got out of that car alive and practically uninjured at all Yeah.

It was the hit that said, you know what maybe you should start going to church.

I remember with my daughter I was in labor for like two days And I was trying to do natural HypnoBirthing and it wasn’t working.

The last thing I wanted was a C section, but when my daughter came it didn’t matter, She was just perfect and that was probably the most spiritual moment of my life: Soul, pancake .

As found on YouTube


1 Year Of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya (Sadhguru IECO) – My Experience

what's up guys welcome back to the channel my name 
is marco dria and today i want to update you on   my spiritual journey it's been a while since i 
made a video in english on my youtube channel   and since i made a video talking about my 
spiritual path my spiritual progress so i   wanted to just update you and give you a hint 
or what's happening and what i'm gonna do next   so basically i started a couple of years ago as 
i told you with the web method and then reading   some books like the power of now by eckhart 
tolle and i got intrigued by this spiritual path   since i was really interested in self-development 
and self-care after a while that you go into the   self-development journey eventually you end up 
in the spiritual and personal internal growth and   after trying many things meditations mindfulness 
and other things i went into the wim hof method   cold showers breathing exercises for a while for 
one year and then i discovered some other books   like the alchemist some other people talking about 
things i tried the isha kriya meditations for 90   days i'll leave the link down in the description 
if you want to check out the blog about it   and i discovered satguru where i was initiated 
into the shambhavi mahamudra kriya process   one year ago it's been one year of the shambhavi 
mahamudra kriya so i want to tell you how has   everything changed and how i feel after the 
shambhavi i did for a whole period of time   everything that isha foundation the foundation 
of satguru actually told us to do which went from   the bhairavi sadhana a period of doing another 
kinds of sadhana the shivanga sadhana another   period just for men doing some different kinds of 
meditations and exercises and i did other things   many other things the pancha bhutakriya for to 
cleanse all the elements and many other events   that we had and also i joined every guru purnima 
that there was for the full moon and i decided to   get into hata yoga a little more so i decided 
to go to an isha instructor in milan and learn   angamardana which is one of the most complete 
hata yoga exercises and buddha should be   which is to cleanse the elements so i started 
implementing anga mardana buddha shuddhi and   shambhavi into my whole routine i did 90 days of 
shambhavi then when i had anga mardana and buddha   i did 48 days so a full mandara of both of them 
shambhavi included i then also discovered some   other youtubers and people and i read books from 
satguru like youth and truth i bought the eternal   ecos midnight with the mystic as some others i'm 
going to also start karma right now and other   books i discovered some other korea exercises 
like sudarshan chakra kriya simhakriya other   things that i implemented in my weekly rotation 
of sadhana and now i have a weekly rotation   of changing some things and doing some different 
kinds of sadhana depending on the day so right now   what i do i do shambhavi every day try to do it 
every day at least and then depending on the day   i do for example on monday mardana and on tuesday 
i have buddha should the ancient body on wednesday   i do another kind of kriya like sudarshan kriya or 
other exercises and then shambhavi then i do surya   kriya not the one that they teach but one that 
i i learned by myself i know it's not the best   option but it was something that i wanted to 
try in the future i'm going to learn it from the   instructors shambhavi and then sometimes i also do 
on sunday ishakriya instead of shambhavi and then   i do anger and buddha shoot again so anga mardan 
and buddha should do twice per week and shambhavi   i try to do it daily and other exercises that i do 
differently depending on the day i also do the wim   hof method and written exercises and cold showers 
once per week at least and some other things so   anga mardana really helped me with my flexibility 
and my body should be is very nice to do but let   me tell you shambavi was something that actually 
really changed my life many many people asked me   after the last video that i made about shambhavi 
mahamudra how is my experience now after one year   of doing it and it actually changed me a lot it's 
such a great and weird experience at the same time   every day that i do it every time that i do it 
it's different it's very different there are some   days that i just don't feel like doing it but i do 
it anyway there are some days that i crave to do   it i try to do it in the morning i can't wait to 
do it i feel like my life was overwhelming me and   i need those 20 minutes 30 minutes of just being 
by myself and keep everything aside for a moment   before doing the shambhavi i also do the inner 
engineering crash course so i remind myself of   five things that the inner engineering course of 
satguru tells you to remind so that's very awesome   because you always remind yourself you are not the 
body you're not the mind you're responsible for   everything this moment is inevitable you're the 
mother a mother for the world everything is one   all the rules are your rules and many other things 
that they thought you after the first 40 days it   was weird i had some weird experiences i already 
mentioned them in the previous video i'll link   it down description if you want to check out how 
these 48 days were but after that it was awesome   oh and i also met satguru a couple of times live 
in venice and in rome for the save soul movement   and filling him in person was great was very very 
awesome i'll link down the blog if you want to   check them out and i notice just like the fitness 
exercises just like uh working out the days that i   don't feel like doing it they are days that really 
change changed me there are periods in which i   experiment different things periods in which i 
feel things differently so sometimes there was a   period that i tried to focus a lot on the between 
the eyebrows so i tried different things there   periods in which i try to not think at all 
periods in which i try to just observe the   mind without doing anything so i tested 
out many different things during this year   and i'm still testing many things i know you just 
have one thing to do and i do exactly what they   tell me to do what they taught me to do but in 
the meanwhile while you are there for 30 minutes   every single day you think about something you 
know you're there and you always focus on some   different things sometimes ah there are days 
that i actually feel explosive there are days   that i end up and i noticed oh my god like 15 
minutes more than i planned past and i was just   sitting there completely lost into myself without 
thinking of anything just staying there there are   days in which i felt nothing and just wanted 
to end it up as quick as possible but some days   for example yesterday actually was a great day 
that's why i decided to make this video i did   it and it was incredible so intense that while 
doing the the last part before staying like that   the last part if you know somebody you know 
you almost charge yourself i felt very vibrant   i couldn't stop myself i couldn't stop my body 
and i just you know let it be i just let myself   go without judging myself leaving my ego at the 
door and just staying there and it was amazing   so i noticed it's growing it's growing every day 
it's growing in intensity every day i notice there   are some other sadhanas that i want to try in 
the future that are even more intense so that   brings you more quicker to enlightenment or to our 
self-realization but this is really helping me to   find peace harmony consciousness awareness every 
single day i feel more conscious i feel better   my body feels better i never get sick i mean i was 
healthy before so i don't know if it's just for   somebody of course but i tried vegetables for the 
first time and now i'm eating vegetables every   day and i never wanted to eat vegetables for my 
entire life my whole lifestyle changed my entire   goals and ambitions changed completely i went 
into depression for some time because everything   collapsed of my previous me of the marco delhi 
of the past i wanted to have some a lot of things   i wanted to be rich i wanted to be famous and 
then now that i can analyze myself i notice   that these things are actually some dramas 
i noticed that i actually don't want that   thing i noticed that i wanted to be famous just 
because i never been recognized from my father   and some other different things so it 
really gave me an insight of who i really am   what i really want it's slowly destroying my 
ego and my past my memories to leave space to   the biggest thing and it was really hard guys let 
me tell you i also am much more sensible right now   much more sensitive can read people real quick i 
notice i have a stronger connection with nature   and with animals it's really it's much easier 
right now to just see my thoughts are are not so   important and just seeing them without uh being 
identified with them my body as well so i don't   suffer cold showers as much or exercises as much 
my sleep quota actually didn't change but i am   much more conscious of what i'm doing everything 
that i'm doing and if i have to sleep less it's   not a problem for me i have energy anytime i need 
it if you say tonight we don't sleep that's not a   problem for me let me tell you the depression 
thing is not easy and i noticed that satguru   tells you in one video that you actually put your 
life in fast forward once you start your spiritual   process and so everything bad that has to happen 
in your life will happen real quick in just first   year or months so that you can just go through it 
and then leave it at the door it's not easy as it   seems but every time that i do it i also take some 
notes of the experiences that i have and also the   knowledge that i get every time that i do it i'm 
learning so many things and i'm conceptualizing   many things and learning a lot about myself i now 
have different goals different ambitions i had to   rework completely on my body my relationships 
everything that i want to do in life my career   my path but i noticed this was a much hidden thing 
for me i can't wait to go on i also noticed some   other people that talked about other things and 
i can't wait to try them but let me tell you   one tip for me if i have to give you one tip 
just stick to one thing so go for example for   shambhavi or one kia that worked the most for 
you for example even isha kriya which is free   in the app of satguru really worked 
for me so just go with one thing for   that every day and while doing that remind 
yourself just three things it's all one everything   happens just in this moment every night everything 
else is just hallucinations and the third thing is   to whenever i'm meditating i just leave my karma 
my memories my past my tasks to do my future   my mind everything my persona my identity my 
character my personality i leave marco at the door   for a moment aside for a moment so every time i 
notice that if i remind myself these three things   i'm here in this moment everything i put aside and 
i mean yoga i'm everything and everything is me so   i'm just the universe experiencing itself and then 
i start meditating it's just clicks sometimes it   clicks sometimes it doesn't sometimes you learn 
sometimes you don't you notice that it's a path   and then i'm growing and growing and growing and 
i can't wait to make another video telling you how   it's going so guys follow me on other social media 
and on instagram if you want to check me out on my   updates i'll update you there uh quicker or if you 
have any questions just yet me there i will answer   or leave a comment down below leave a like all the 
videos that are mentioned are in the description   thanks a lot for watching guys subscribe to the 
channel and i'll see you in the next videos peace

As found on YouTube

EasyCash4ads, Truth or conspiracy? You decide . . .