Alrightttt, you ve made it this far on how to create a winning social media content plan. I am happy for you.
Can I have a round of applause, But if you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about head over to the first part of this video and when you re back, I ll give you a round of applause too.
Here are the last 5 steps Step 6 Repurpose and Curate Content Extract and tweak valuable information from your blogs or social media and reshare it with a twist If you ve, created a listicle, for example, share the pointers in list format on Twitter, create a LinkedIn carousel.
Put it in a story, format or a video? Secondly, curate content: This involves sharing trending content to your socials from other sources.
A friendly tip here is that if you re using a social media management tool like ContentStudio, it ll be super easy to find content for yourself, because you won’t have to manually search different websites and social media channels for it.
Saving you a lot of time.
Trust me Step 7, Create a Plan to Encourage Users to Create Content for You, 60 of people perceive user generated content as the most authentic type of content and 85 of consumers agree that it’s more influential than content.
That brands create themselves.
But how do you get your followers to create content for you That s easy A campaign that s tailored to this goal specifically can help Work out? How you d like to push your audience to create content with your service product, Then create a hashtag and get people involved.
Step 8 Work Out How You d Promote Yourself. There s a variety of ways.
You can distribute your content, You can do it through email, marketing, organic search, social media, blogs, etc.
The best way to do this is to provide value.
You’ll likely repel your followers.
If your captions or posts are salesy, Try creating a buzz reveal the near launch of a product or an upcoming event.
Things like these always capture your audience s attention.
You can also share behind the scenes.
Content of your business and share company milestones and achievements Celebrate with a discount or free gifts with purchases.
An important tip here is that your content should be a healthy mix of valuable content and self promotional content.
Ideally, an 80 20 or 70 30 ratio works Where 70 80 is your valuable original content, including curated content and 20 30 is promotional Step 9 Pick Out a Posting Frequency Work out a social media posting schedule covering when to post and how often to post Check Your analytics to figure out when your audience is most active, That s when your chances of engagement are the highest. I just want to say that ContentStudio studies, your analytics and provides you with the best time to post, so you don’t have to do it.
Step 10 Reflect and Tweak.
This step is crucial for making sure you create content that keeps resonating with your audience Study your month s or quarter s, engagement, metrics, The ones that get the highest number of likes shares.
Retweets and comments are the type of content.
Your audience is loving Figure out why these posts have such high engagement and create more like them.
So those were the 10 steps to create a winning social media content plan, Creating a social media plan.
Isn t tough.
If you take things stepwise So don’t worry a deep breath and follow the steps one by one and let us know how it goes.
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If you haven t already See you in the next video .