Final Fantasy 5, probably was one of the first games allowed true customization real question that I asked myself was: can I finish Final Fantasy 5 without gaining any experience? One of the new features that they added in the pixel remasters and at least the Consol, was turning off experience. I believe they recently added that PC version also you’re one would have to be creative, avoiding experience in Final Fantasy 5, such as using the catch command.
To avoid all experience you can ALS used to Blue Magic condem.
Luckily, on the pixel remaster, it’s, simple, you go in the menu and you just turn off experience.
This actually allows you to have Barts finish the game at level.
One also apparently in a lowl game.
Barts would actually gain level from first goblins.
There’s no way to avoid them no way to catch or anything like that on them, not anymore.
So this is my quest finished Final, Fantasy 5 with new experience, say right off the bat I wasn’t confident in my abilities finishing this challenge figed.
I might make it out of the first world and never advance past Kesh on bridge.
The bridge mesh battle gave me some trouble. Eventually, I did Prevail.
A up first real road block was right.
After bridge mases, I got access to C goodies that allow me to mix up the storm early on, though I used some speedrun strats one I couldn’t use, though, was Goblin punch on Sirens cuz.
I had no one at level two uh Carl boss.
We had to use uh some.
You know fire lightning, take care of Carl boss, it’s, literally a DPS race could tcre us and kill us all pretty quickly.
Uh siren couldn’t use Goblin punch, so mostly it was fire when she was Undead, believe that did the most damage against her even more the keer potion one.
The roll off first boss allowed me to actually use a speedrun strat, which was using Goblin punch since Baris was at level three, which is the same exact level as Cora was so that’s what we did.
This is actually the first part where we actually showed off the night guard strategy.
Also Li. He was pretty quick.
He went down to some broken rods, honestly, like these next few battles that’s going to be the theme of it breaking rods, throwing Scrolls powering up scrolls with rods more or less uh.
If went down to some ice rods, biblow some fire rods, cray claw, lightning rods, same thing with the sand worm pretty much.
I used a combination of water, Scrolls and lightning rods on him.
Ad damat toise went down to ice rods, tried water Scrolls at first, but they didn’t do extra damage Air Force, those bosses, they all went down to lightning rods, lightning, Scrolls arcavi.
I used a combination of lightning and water Scrolls against Arcus forms.
Interestingly, even the final form that you know resist his magic does not resist water Scrolls so that made that fight pretty easy.
Now two of the free meteorite bosses, they were pretty easy and cheesy.
If you will there some strats that easily took them down much like Shan McMahon would say here comes the money that’s what we did on pure Bloss, we just level we just used some Gils, and that was it.
Dorm Chima now did attempt this fight without any type of cheesy Strat at first, but it came down to you know what I could not beat the uh water move that he has. The aqua graph took us down pretty quickly.
So here we go death potion.
We go to which for this we actually had to go out and kill some prototypes.
They’re sort of like a secret boss in world one typically, but luckily I did not restrict myself on classes, so we went and leveled up with Beast Master got control.
We had the Prototype blw himself up really.
I wish I would have went and learned self destruct, possibly would have made a battle come up later on quicker, so dorm chra meets his death by death person.
I wasn’t even going to consider Titan to be a roadblock, but man.
This fight gave me some trouble now could have went and Confused an enemy up.
North mountain get float to avoid earthshake here, but instead I went with a hiding Bard, which I made BS my bar.
Maybe I shouldn’t have try after try after try Titan just kept Killing Me So eventually, I went with thr some Scrolls and rods over money that allow me to win the damage race against Titan. I recommend you getting float on a s float and then put everybody in Samurai and you may want to pick up the main gou in the Elvin cave from that escape sequence.
I skipped them.
I regret it would have made this evading Titan Attacks a little bit easier as you want as much evasion as you can.
Ah you know what next up was Brides.
He was another.
What I’d say is a gatekeeper.
This run so literally the gatekeeping battles were back to back in this run, uh, so zero experience what a horrible night to have no experience against bridash.
Eventually, I settled using mute, which allowed him not to use any spells like he’s supposed to in his script, and also I with a Time Mage.
So I could haste somebody and also found out that Thro rods that were powered up they did pretty well and hind said I probably should have leveled up my time Magee and had her for rods probably would have made it quicker.
Ah, you know next up we have pannosa. I just gave him a phoenix down.
He died, he could not be revived with it Dragon FL.
You know what dragon flow took.
My bargain.
I gave Dragon FL a death potion and you know what they went their way.
A gilgames you know he wanted one of those death potions too.
I gave him one.
He jumped right into the water man, these enemies, love these death potions aamus.
Well, you know what aamus could have gave me some trouble, but this is where I started using berserk Night Guard throwing money and it worked out also the Sansom mites.
They really helped out. Leveling up your level three person into like level 50 fre, definitely recommend it.
Yeah, you know not many more bosses left in world to here.
We’re going up against the crystals uh.
They took nothing but death potions.
I thought about fighting them without them by you know Night Guard Strat and them, but it was a lot easier.
Just doing that, I could have threw money at them, but eh death potions.
It was Castle XF that boss and we got show off our night guard, Strat ling up, leveling up fairs and I believe we thre money.
Well, we’re up to the merge world.
Now, uh first off that line, he gave some trouble to the gdq run, but they were able to recover.
I, on the other hand, already had my level up Strat planned out leveled up KY, some through some money on to the next boss, statues uh, they more or less went down to leveling up and some money uh hermit. We went through that pretty quickly.
Didn’t really into any boss.
There got our guys the low Health Melina.
Here we go.
We berserked her.
We night guarded her, and this time we threw some flame rods after after leveling up.
So there’s our our theme going forward Night Guard dessert.
We never again healed Ferris or bars.
Reason being is that KY would guard, and that was it and KY could use the mass ofun so that she would always go first to guard if we needed to and oh yeah, so that’s our theme going forward.
We’re also going to end up taking down this pesy super bosses shinryu and Omega. So we’re moving through the rift.
Kistr is up next, so here I decided to throw a dragon potion on her turn into a dragon and helped out with our leveled up feris.
We can then berserk feris after level up and she hit away with that Dragon heart p same strategy.
He went to a dragon leveled Ferris up, berserked, Ferris catastrophe.
Same thing would desert catastrophe turn catastrophe into a dragon and boom Ferris.
It went hello, carness is same strategy again guard Dragon, berserk berserk boom massive levels for chemist mix and down goes alosis now twin changed.
It up now I fought to myself here twin on.
I did not want to lose Ferris or Barts at all, so I wanted to keep them both alive, so I had to reset a few times to do this, So eventually we got the set up.
I need it, we used a death potion and boom on.
We go to the deps of the rift. Now I wish I would have picked up the magic lamp or I did miscalculate the amount of Gil to kill Neo X death.
The first time, if I would have brought the lamp or if I would have actually you know, just use any attack besides barehanded attacks with Paris, I probably would have won, but that part’s going to be at the end of this video, Believe It or Not uh, but yeah overall X def goes down.
Eventually, I think I ended up beating him morod in the end.
Uh threee form of XD really do nothing spe.
Ribbons, I did forget to pick up the ribbon in the one town so Lena would have had a ribbon to make it a little easier, so she was literally expendable in this final fight.
So here we go KR with my guardian Knight we leveled up with Samson’s M.
Finally, X death goes down, so we did take out Omega and shinryu uh Omega did go speedrun stret.
We used the G toq this year.
We literally, I had a reflector ring on CI made sure she could guard had them, throw off some mixes right away to avoid that uh melt H the wave Cannon attack to kill us from Omega, so that was pretty simple, threw up some level up mixes on Feris had feris attack, kly and boom down goes aega down goes Omega.
Shen is actually an easier version of Omega, not to mention we would not have to use bless kiss on him, because box line works. Just fine so literally simple night card, theer jeru and we win by Apollo, so that was it.
That was my lowl game.
Experience Final Fantasy 5, retrospect them, and if you like what you’ve seen here in this video, be sure to hit that follow.
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That is at my twitch is twitch tv r985 literally, I cannot tell you what my link is is on YouTube.
So thanks for coming out guys hit that subscribe button.