[MUSIC]. In order to understand where we're going, it helps to take a look back. Many things in HTML can seem counter-intuitive, but walking through some history and foundational knowledge will provide some context for upcoming lessons. HTML is an initialism that stands for hypertext markup language. It was originally designed to easily share scientific research papers, which is why professionals typically use terms like webpage to describe their creations. Hyper text basically just means any kind of text that can be displayed on a computer screen. But often times, the definition includes the notion of linked documents.
This is how the web works. It's a network of information connected via hyperlinks. It's worth noting here that this web of documents is just one part of the Internet. The Internet is the global system of computer networks and hardware on which the web is built. Now, let's talk about the other part of HTML. The term markup language encompasses the idea of computer code that describes the structure of content. Imagine that you're creating a newspaper, and that you need to organize it. First, you need to title the newspaper. Then you need to add a few sections for different topics. Each of those sections needs a large headline, followed by a few smaller headlines. Then, we need to add a few paragraphs and photos. You'll find that building the structure of a webpage is very similar.
When you're creating content, you'll need to use HTML to break it up into sections, headlines, paragraphs and so on. HTML allows us to describe structure but this is actually a separate process from designing its visual presentation with CSS. We'll learn more about that later. By describing the various parts of the document with markup, web browsers can parse the structure and understand its contents. Some popular web browsers you may have heard of include Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer. One thing to keep in mind is that HTML was not originally designed for complex web applications like Facebook or Twitter. Rather, it evolved to serve that purpose. And, it's only recently that HTML has implemented features to serve these more interactive environments. As we continue to learn more, you'll find that web languages are just as flexible as they are powerful..
PAUL LEWIS: A couple of minor updates today– firstly, that you can see on screen, styling is getting underway, which means I've got just a place holder for the actual page content. But I've got a footer in place with a couple of links, the header. You can go around the individual sections. Let me just make that a bit wider. Code of conduct as well, that's in there. Need to do a little bit of tidying up there, I think, on the text positioning. But you can see styling is under way, finally getting somewhere a little bit more visual, which is good for me. And then I've also worked down here, like so, pretty much as we were hoping to see. So that's the good news. Oh, I should mention the other thing, which is the styling, I've actually opted for a slightly different solution in the end. Do you remember how I mentioned about I was going to do inline styles and then like full fat styles, and I wasn't sure if it was going to work.
OK, I've concluded a couple things. Firstly, that I should keep things simple. So let me show you what it's like on a normal, standard issue page. Basically, you can see here– I can get rid of a bunch of that there, can't I? We have just the style sheet, straight in to the style sheet. So that is actually what we're going to do. And that would be render blocking. However, what I'm banking on mostly is that most people will come via the home page to the site. So if somebody comes here, yeah they're going to have a bit of render blocking.
I don't think it's going to be that much, though. At the moment, the styles are 6 and 1/2 K. It's not a big deal. They'll get more. They'll get bigger, obviously. But hopefully, by the time gzip is on, hopefully, not a huge deal. It's not loads and loads and loads of styles, but we can still improve it. And as I say, most people, I think, are going to come to the home page, where I take a slightly different tack, and I do use the inline style. So I have a style tag here with just those inline styles. So it's things like position information and so on– all fine– and a bit of coloring information. And then I load, via the JavaScript that you saw last time, I inject this style sheet by JavaScript. Some people on YouTube were saying, well, what happens if you don't have JavaScript? Fair enough. It's a great question. That's why no script was invented. And inside the no script, we can pop in the link to the style sheet. So we'll get inline styles.
If somebody hasn't got JavaScript, then they'll get the link injected by the no script injected. It's in the no script. That will cause the style sheets to download. And then for everybody else– and in both cases, by the way, if they get it from here or they get it from the injected one, now the cache is kind of primed. So when you then go to schedule or location or code of conduct or whatever, the CSS is already in the cache, and so we'll get s back nice and quickly. There are some file inline styles specific for each individual page. So rather making a separate style sheet for, say, home or schedule or location, if there's specific styles for that page, I'm inlining those as well. So it's a kind of combo of those different approaches. We'll see how that pans out. It could be that I revisit it again. Just to show you, though, by the way, if I disable JavaScript in Dev Tools, hopefully all being well, we still get all the styles.
Because even though we got the style there, with the no script, you can see that that's actually now, instead of a piece of text, that it's actually a link. That's actually become a thing. And you can see here in the network, that while we don't have any JavaScript being downloaded, we do have the style sheet coming in as well. So it seems like a pretty good combination of those two, inlines versus actual links. Good sign is that it's not render blocking pretty much when I do this. So hopefully, that will pan out, but we'll see how we get on. So there you go. Some stars in place– good. So, yeah, the mashing up of all those styles, it's good. Don't forget you subscribe, by the way. "You subscribe? No. Say that again, Paul.
Don't forget that you can subscribe. I mean you should subscribe, if you want to. Far be it for me to tell you what you. Anyway, you can subscribe, and hopefully you're enjoying these diary videos. Thank you to everybody who's been popping comments in below and making suggestions and just generally being involved. That's kind of what I was hoping was going to happen. So, yeah, cool. I'll see you next time..
Welcome to YouTube channel, where we talk about tips and tricks for business technology today, we’re going to go through how to set up a forum using douser’s inherent web form designer think of. This, like the big brother to fillable puffin, that instance that requires you to send pad to somebody via email. The person then has to download it fill it out, saved, save a signed, copy on their desktop and then email it back to Youa, published docuseries form can be accessed via the web by anybody. If it’s made public and they cancan be housed on your website or sent us a links today, we’re goon and go through two things: one the demo of it and then two I’ll show you how it was built all right. So, in our demo system we have a number of forms already set up.
I’M going to use the example of a webinar registration form that. We use internally here at james imaging so in order to launch that I’m simply going toys on my forms. Tab clicks this clipboard icon and.
It’s going to pop up in a new browser when. We use this form. We have the link embedded in an html, invite that we sent to our clients as. You can see it’s a simple form that only required a few bits of basic information we’ve got some pictures and some static information that mimicked the information that they’re tier invite the html email had, making it easy for people to register for the webinar. All four fields are required, as you can see by the asterisks when i hit, submit on this – the registrant getas confirmation page. In the background, we Havea workflow that kicked off an email notification to a couple people on our staff, we’re not going togo over how to set up that email. Notification today, that’s going to be in a different video when. We go to our and here, let’s fill this out, really quick. We are going to use my name and then my email address calm if you have any what that’s my actual email.
So, if you have questions, you can totally email me their Um school, let’s say school of hard knocks, is the school or district that ire present for this educational webinar and? I’M going to hit submit now when we go tour docuseries screen. I had a list of three and have a saved search just running because it was a project that we wanted to keep a close eye on so. I wanted to know how many registrants had at any given time if you’ll notice that, three just changed to a four an email notification got, kicked off to my two co-workersapologize to them later and if. I click that uh, quick note if.
You click it when it’s red, it’s going to, to automatically send you to the correct list, a list being a saved search. However, i could have pushed this down error now that it’s yellow if, i click lists it just pops up with that flyout menu and i could have chosen my list from there but quick little tidbit that docusate gives you um cleared out all of our actual registrants so here, you’re only going To see the testones that i sent through um this one the second one right here: if you’ll click it as you would a guess is the one that we just submitted. All right, um now that you’ve seen that – and this is a web form suit’s going to look very similar to how it. Looked when i built the form itself now that you’ve seen what it does, let’s look at the back side and see how it was set. Upson here comes the fun part, we’re going to switch, I’m going to close that just so you got it. Oh, here’s the confirmation page saying that i successfully so we’re going to close out of all of these.
We’re going to do is get the almighty configure page and you get thereby going to the system flyout menu hitting configurations, as always, I’m the admin in this demo system. So, i have a lot of options. If you don’t have this forms tool, it’s because you don’t have permissions so check with your system administrator. They can get you permissions but. If you go to do it was flyout menu configurations. Here’s your configurations page, we’re under capture, because we want to capture information and go to your forms tool. Here’s where it gets really fun, I’ve got a number of forms. You can see thrones that are published and the ones that aren’t published right now i have all of them. Published if i go to my papercut webinar registration form and hit the pencil tool to edit it’s going to pop up with our forms too so right across. The top first thing always make sure you’re using good naming convention, so name it something that you’re going to know what it Isin.
Two months, when you go back and you have to edit forms or look for something specific this, one was pretty simple for us and then across the top.
It’s basically walking you through the entire process. So, if you go tab by tab, it’s pretty intuitive but I’ll show you each step as we goo we’ve got the designer the submission where you state. What happens when you submit the output super simple for this one indexing values and permissions, the designer tool this gets to be a ton of fun in our instance. Here we created this form using images like the header. You can see. That’s all one image we used fixed text so down here. There you Havea selection of fixed elements, i just always wanted to say register for webinar and the information that’s all fixed here’s where we put in the fields. These are four single lines: text fields they’re all required, and you set all those properties over here in the field. Setting son your right hand, side, um and then that waist really just static text, pictures and four fields. Now, of course, you could drag out Um different things.
Let’s say i wanted to resize docusate tries to help you out by keeping things organized and it snaps it to a grid which. Sometimes it’s super helpful and it makes pretty looking form. Sometimes it’s the death of me. I could drag out multiple choice, so if you can tell, by my background, it’s Christmas so. If i wanted to say instead of field choice, I’m going to say favorite, which and our chat options are classic sure, sorry benedict, i don’t know how to spell your name. Okay, so you saw as i typed it changed Um. These are multiple choice, so you’re only going to be able to choose one option if, you need something where you wanton check box a lot of different options that’s when you’re going to do a drop down or I’m sorry, i check buxom all right, so we are going to delete That because, it was pretty, as is oh one thing that want do, want to show you here.
While we’re here is, if i wanted to collect a signature, can drag this out. I can make this any size. I want uh. Signature is very cool Um because, so many of our forms are now accessed via mobile.
I’M goon and hold up my phone here this field allows us to sign everything with our finger which is becoming more and more acceptable for legal documents.
Um still, maybe not for government documents um, but anything internal we can use that for definitely um and then uh. Let me see here: signature, oh, if you’re if you’re accessing it on a computer, it’s a little bit, more clunky in that you have to sign with amuse. Um still works as an acceptable signature or, a legal, binding signature. However, i like the mobile, especially when it’s something that’s going, to be used on the phone. Okay, so that’s our design tool. Super easy. You saw me drag it. Outi can change the formatting of it very quickly. Can change the information on the page as very important here if i made changes always go up and save early, save often after the design tool, I’m going to switch to the submission tool? This is your when you’re telling the system.
What i want to do with that information once, the registrant or the user hit submit for. Today’s purpose. We’re sticking with that web form it’s going to make outlives a lot easier. Why complicate things although the merge form is so powerful, and cool it basically takes. If you have your own format for a form that everyone’s used to seeing you can turn the form digital, but still the output is going to look exactly like the theft or whatever it is that that your employees, or your co-workers, are used to seeing because you can map the data that They input from all these fields directly on to the formatting that you’re used to seeing, it’s very simple um, but that will beIN a different video and then post submission options.
What is the user going to see?
We wanted to simply show this message after form: submission and, that’s what we chose to write now looking back. Maybe we should have also checked this show a start, a new form button. If multiple people from, the same company wanted to register for the webinar. If we wanted to change that, i just go: upend hit, save and now it’s part of the live form um. You also have an option to automatically redirect them to a new web page but that wasn’t needed for today. Uh next is the output, because we’re choosing web form this one is super simple. You do need to select both options, but so it’s not a flyover tab.
But very simple, all we were doing was selecting the document filing cabinet that was going to, be destined to hold all of the submitted forms. We have one set up for jis, registrations okay um, that’s what denotes the indexing fields you’ll see that in a little bit here and then document format you have a4 or letter. Most people are going to choose, letter again save early, save, often and then moving on to your next tab. Here’s our indexing, soothe indexing fields, I’m going to flip my Tabin, my browser, but we’ll come right back to this so. Our indexing fields are what show up on our results list.
This is our results, list okay, anything that i denote as an indexing field is going to show up here. Now going back to our form indexing the indexing fields as. We talked about in the previous output tab here when i chose the filing cabinet said these are the indexing fields that i want um document type. You have two options for source over here. You can pull from awe form field so something that they input forth document type. I wanted that a fixed value to make sure that i could search within this document type for anybody named anna for anybody named Jim Carrey. You name it um, but that’s what helps me to note that and keep, some consistency to the madness, so a fixed value and i put in my fixed value over hereunder school and, basically all the rest of them.
I just wanted those four fields: that the system or the user. Had input when they submitted that forms the source is a web form field, the values, the field label that we put in under the design tab. That’s where that value resides okay, once we got done with all of that, again save early, save often so hit save once again. The last tab. Very quickly, if you ‘redoing a form like this, where it doesn’t, you’re not doing it, for your internal users, you’re only going, to have one user assigned permissions and, then it’s going to be a public check form if you’re doing something internal where you need specific people to have rights. You click that plus sign and then you can go through and select you know all from all your individual system, users or by roles.
If there were specific, if you ‘retied into your active directory, you can have all department managers have access to it. Youkan, have your executive management team have access to it and then it’ll dynamically changes the roles within your active directory changemakers it easy for administration, but in today’s example super simple. We wanted a public forum here’s the thing about public forums at some point. Everyone is going to create a form that’s beautiful works, just like they. Wanted everything is slick, everything is great, you test it and it looks amazing and then you send it to somebody for to have them testis and they email back what form the links broken chances. Are you forgot to click this little, tiny thing down at the bottom saying public forum, giving everyone else access to it when?
You click it. You also need to configure bandit’s going to ask you for your system credentials to.
Make sure that you do in fact want this information to be turned public. It’s a safety precaution um! So, you just input your document password validate credentials hit okay all right after we’re done with all of that. Adhit saves one last time. It is now time to publish your form, and that is like when you’re absolutely you know like you, can throw the confetti you can break a bottle of champagne. You’re good to go up or just send it off for testing Um, but it’ll show you the link to the document so that’s.
What you can start embedding in web pages you can send links to your html like you’re in this case we sent it to the marketing department you can open in a browser to look at it and there you go there.
Is your web form all right,
so, i believe that covered everything that we could possibly cover maybe with web forms um, congratulations, on that, so use the comment thread below let us know how your first web form turns out, give our channel a follow if you want to be notified, about new business Technology tips and tricks if you would like to schedule a personal demo of, the webinar system that we’re using today.
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