Tag Archives: Website Design Tips

The $0 Tool That Skyrockets Website Traffic!

Long tail keywords are, what small business owners should be going after in their. Search engine, optimization strategy So what does that mean I’m a website designer So if.

I were to go after website design, as my main keyword and my main focus for everything I do.

I would be very disappointed in the results That’s, just like the granddaddy of keywords for someone like myself, and I would be competing not only nationally but quite honestly internationally for that keyword, The odds of a small business winning on something like that is really Small, We go after what’s called a long tail keyword.

A long tail keyword by definition is three words or more.

In your keyword phrase and the more words you have the longer the tail is so to speak.

So what does that mean? Instead of going for website design, I might localize my keyword search and go for something like best website designer in Vancouver Washington, which is where I live.

That would be a long tail keyword Now there are lots of tools that you can use to find these long tail keywords, and this post goes over a few of them.

One that I really like is Answer the Public, because it’s free, You get three searches a day for free, and it gives you all sorts of ideas on what people are actually putting into a search engine around a master keyword.

If I put in website design it’s going to give me questions, people are asking which would be the long tail keyword phrase.

I have an example of that in this post. I put that into a word cloud, so you can go ahead and see what some of the ones are for website design.

So don’t panic if you’re not succeeding with your desired keyword, because here’s, the super special thing about long tail.

Keywords generally, people that type them in are ready to buy The people that type in website design, for instance, are in the research phase.

They’re looking for someone they might call they’re.

Looking for differences in different website designers, they’re looking at portfolios and they’re researching their options.

If they’re putting in service based website designer near me, then they’re, often a service based business and they’re looking to buy a website from somebody who specializes in creating service based business websites.

That is a buying keyword.

So if you can win on that keyword odds are whoever is searching for.

That is your ideal customer In my instance, that is Think about your buying keyword phrases.

What would somebody be typing into a search engine when they’re done with research and they’re ready to buy? Those are the keyword phrases you want to go after, and that is why the gold is in the long tail keyword phrases For ideas on how to find those go ahead and read this article. .

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