Can Ayahuasca Give An Intense Spiritual Experience? Sadhguru Answers

These systems were mainly designed for a complete thorough clean up. Whatever the unpronounceable South American stuff or with an LSD or a drug or whatever else… If you simply sit with your eyes closed, don't mess with your mind, you will become million-fold of Ayahuasca. Now, you need to understand what the tribal societies did, had a multipurpose intention. When… It is not just in South America, there are such things in India also, which are of… maybe not of the same species of plants, but are of a different nature, that a full clean up happens. This was very essential for people who lived in forests. Because if you live in nature, suppose you go out and live in a jungle, the number of parasites which live in your body will multiply, the variety and the number will multiply manifold.

Recently, there is a study which has been published which says, there is a particular kind of parasite, which is mainly present in the cat's excrement. If you played around with the cats and cat's excrement was around you, it is very much possible that this parasite is within you. This is not the only one. If you really put this under the scanner, there are many, many parasites, many of them. So once you live in nature, exposed to natural elements, the number of parasites which will reside in the body will greatly be enhanced. Some parasites could be dangerous to life, some parasites could cause damage to the system, but most others don't. They subsist on you and they also contribute something, so the body doesn't fight them too much, and it goes on, the affair goes on without you knowing about it, that's okay. But over a period of time, as their numbers increase, they have to be cleaned up. So these systems were mainly designed for a complete thorough clean up. In India, we have various methods where… not always with hallucinogenic substances, but there are also concoctions with hallucinogenic things where it's complete purging.

Because in India, we don't believe in bringing it back. We want to pump it down. (Laughs) So, there are systems with which if you drink water, after two hours, just pure water will come out. To that extent your entire alimentary canal is just cleaned up thoroughly. This is something that was regularly done to all of us when we were growing up. Once a month, everybody has to go through total purging. Without that, they never believed there is going to be health. Because this was one way of handling any kind of parasite that may grow. Not all parasites are in the form of worms or tapeworms or round worms or whatever.

There are parasites that you cannot see, they're micro in nature. You cannot see them, but they exist, but to clean them up… and the maximum number of parasites normally reside in your digestive tract. And the blood parasites and the cellular parasites are there, but there is a way to impact them. These are all relatives. The parasites need an ecosystem of their own. If you completely remove the parasite presence in your digestive tract, the other parasites generally cannot subsist, except a few, others cannot subsist, because they need an ecosystem of their own kind. So, to destroy that ecosystem periodically was a part of the tribal life, otherwise people would slowly get sick or dull and die early. All these things used to happen. Along with that, there is also a cleansing of emotional and psychological backlog that is building up within the human being. But once you use outside chemicals or substances to do these things, in some way, you will get addicted to it or in some way you will become limited to that process.

But if anybody believes they will attain to consciousness by purging their digestive tract, they need a different kind of treatment. Okay. (Laughs) Yes, it definitely cleanses the system. It makes certain things possible. People used hallucinogenic ways of accessing certain dimensions, which are largely occult in nature. This is the reason why both in North America and South America, that occult evolved in a big way, because they used other kinds of aids to make themselves available to certain possibilities. I want you to understand, just finding a little space in the chaos of your intellect, either with whatever the unpronounceable South American stuff or with an LSD or a drug or whatever else, is only a temporary access. And most of the time, this may leave you completely debilitated, because one access of a heightened experience and after that back on the ground, you will be broken.

This is just like, you were earning, let's say, $10 million a year, and you are used to spending $10 million a year. Suddenly, next year, you got only $1 million, you will be broken because you have $1 million. A whole lot of people, it's their dream to have that $1 million. So, if you rise without earning it, by breaking the mind with chemicals, somehow you rose to some experience and then you came down, then you will see, you will be far more miserable than ever before. I told them in India, people were complaining, "Sadhguru, you're doing Bhavaspandanas only in America. You're not doing in India. You must do at least one in India." Then I said, "For all of you who already done the BSP, minimum three times, I will give you one super BSP. Only thing is, for every participant we need three volunteers." Because you need to carry a bucket for each one of them.

Because they will puke. I hope they won't do the other thing. (Laughs) And they will flip, you have to carry them to their lunch, they won't know how to eat, you have to feed them. You will have… This is what is happening in your South American treatment. Okay. You won't know how to do anything, you're like all over, somebody has to put water in your mouth, somebody has to take you to the toilet, otherwise you will do it everywhere. We can do a super BSP like that without any herb, without any chemical. We can tweak that dimension of you, which is a huge purging on all levels. But don't mistake this for consciousness. Yes, it gives you a certain relief, but it doesn't take you to any place. First of all, it's not a shortcut. It's a very long drawn-out process of endless puking and getting your intestines out, literally.

I'm talking about a shortcut. If you simply sit with your eyes closed, don't mess with your mind, you will become million-fold of Ayahuasca, okay? If you just learn how not to mess with your mind, that's all. So, somebody wants to put a chemical and beat your mind down totally and give you some experience. See, please understand. You're walking on the street. If we take a stick and hit you on the head, that also will give you experiences, do you know? (Laughter) No, no, no. I'm not saying just of pain. People go through various levels of hallucinations when they're unconscious. Some people have pleasant experiences, some people have very unpleasant experiences. The same happens with this South American treatment also – some people have such a bad experience that they never again want to go there, some people like it.

So, even if you bang your head on the wall, it can happen. Because all it needs is that you're out of your memory sphere, that's all. You're still conscious, but you're out of the memory sphere, you will explode. So, how to separate you from your memory? Shall we do it with chemicals or shall we do it with awareness, is the only choice we have. Either we can do it with devotion or intensity of emotion or energy or awareness, we can do this. Now, chemicals if we use also, people have used LSD and felt fantastic. Okay. They vouch by that. You are a bit too late. I come from a time when everybody around me was on it, all right. But I was on something else, which all of them wanted. Because they knew they go up and they go down.

I'm always like this. So, the question is just this – what needs to happen from inside, if you pull it out from outside, do you believe there will be no consequences? Hello. See, we can do one thing – you eat food, it will take time to digest this. So we pull out your stomach bag and do chu, chu, chu, chu, chu, digestion will happen quickly and put it back. It's a good trick. But, you think it'll not have any consequence? This is all you're trying to do.

So, you can… See people are always trying to weave a philosophy around those things about which they are compulsive. You want to promote your compulsiveness as consciousness. That's the whole problem. Everybody has a philosophy. You ask a drunkard and see why he is drinking, he has a very profound philosophy as to why he is a drunkard. Yes or no? (Applause) Even ask a thief, why he's a thief. He has his own philosophy as to why he's a thief.

Everybody when they want to do their nonsense, they have a philosophy. There is a difference between philosophy, there is a difference between physical dimensions of life. Chemistry is just a physical dimension in a certain way. And there is a big difference between all those things and becoming awakened. It's a completely different thing.

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Understanding Awareness – The Staggering Depth Of Your Unawareness Revealed

Hey This is Leo For Actualized org and in this episode I’m gon na be talking about understanding awareness. This is a very important, very foundational topic.

If you care about self actualizing, Just as a quick side note, I’m changing up the video settings again trying to improve the video quality, the lighting quality, the microphone quality.

So you might notice some of that stuff changing in the next couple of weeks, but lets get to our main topic, which is awareness speaking of noticing things Man.

This is such an important topic.

I’ve actually thought about shooting This episode right here and talking about this topic for over a year, and the reason I’ve held back is because, If I don’t communicate this information right now in just the right way, it will not get Through to you, It will just go in one ear and come out the other and you’re gon na fall right back asleep.

So I’ve been very careful about the words I choose and how I present all this stuff, because your brain will just shut me down.

The first thing I want to tell you is right: now you have no idea how important awareness is, No matter how important you think it is it’s woefully underestimated in your mind, even after watching this episode right here, you will only appreciate and understand, perhaps 1 of the importance of awareness that it plays in your life in your fulfillment levels, in your understanding of reality and um in your ability to be successful and in your ability to self actualize, it’s that important It’s incredibly important and my goal Here pretty much the soul.

Role of this episode is to just show you and convince you of how little awareness you have, how much more you could have and how you deceive yourself about your lack of awareness.

The reason it’s so important awareness is because all lasting growth of any kind, whether you’re growing in business or relationships uh or you,’re growing with your emotions.

It all involves increasing awareness in one form or another. So I hope you can start to appreciate how absolutely essential this is, and we have a big challenge here.

We have several big challenges when we discuss awareness.

The first one is that this word awareness, you know awareness.

This sounds like such a vague new age.

Word Sounds like something: hippies would talk about rasing consciousness, raising awareness, but what does it really mean and see? Because of this your mind has a tendency to easily dismiss these kinds of topics or, to just say something like Oh yeah Leo.

I already know that I already know that you know I read some Eckart Tolle and I read some stuff about awareness and you know I meditated a few times I went on a retreat.

I know what awareness is Be very careful about that, because actually you don’t know what awareness is It’s a very tricky thing And knowing what it is, is one thing Actually having.

It is a totally different thing, Erm What I wan na start to show you and I will with additional episode.

Future episode is not just that awareness is very important, but awareness is actually very tangible, very concrete thing, its not some new age, wishy, washy language, It’s very important, but it takes some time for you to start to To to like really see it and Get it because it’s not an easy topic to discuss it.’s, a very self deceptive and tricky topic to discuss.

In fact, this leads us to challenge number 2. The second challenge we have for awareness is the catch twenty two problem.

Why do I call it the catch twenty two and it’s this When you’re unaware, when you’re lack awareness By definition, you’re not aware that you’re not aware You get that Er.

This is huge.

This is a huge point, Because this allows for a giant self deception trap to happen.

In your mind, It’s like a huge blind spot in your entire world view right here right now.

Your level of awareness is probably at a 1, maybe a 2.

Maybe a 3! If you’ve done a lot of consciousness, work It’s at Maybe a 3 on a scale of 10 million On a scale of 10 million.

You’re out of 1, maybe a 2, maybe a 3.

If, like you meditate once in a while, and you watch a bunch of my videos, you are probably at a 3 out of 10 million and here’s – the problem not only this but to you, it doesnt feel, like you,’re at a 3 because Of this catch twenty two problem, when you’re unaware, you’re, not aware that you’re unaware.

So what this means is that when you’re at a 1, you feel, like you,’re at 10 million when you’re at a 2. You feel, like you,’re at 10 million and when you’re at a 3, oh man, you feel, like you,’re at a 100 million.

You’re like oh, but look.

I already progress so high up to up to a chain here.

Look how high I am I’m, not a 1 or 2.

I’m a 3.

There’s nothing higher, and this is the catch twenty two problem and it leads to the mother of all bad assumptions, which is the assumption that you are aware when in fact, you’re not aware at all mind tricks you into thinking that you’Re aware and the the last problem I would say that we have is that awareness cannot be taught and it cannot be bought.

You cannot get awareness from reading books or from Buying it from somebody or even from listening to me, or even by sitting there and doing philosophy or doing religion that’s not gon na get you awareness.

So how do you actually get? Awareness was a little tricky we’ll get to that perhaps, and I definitely will cover that in future episodes.

But for now I just wan na focus on this idea of urm, showing you how asleep you actually are.

Have you heard about people talking about how you’re in a dream state, You’re asleep, You’re, not awake! Oh, that is your situation right now and I wan na show you exactly tangibly what that really means. I want to make you feel it in your bones: It’s, one thing to know it, intellectually, it’s a totally other thing when you actually have a true sense of like Oh, My God, I am ASLEEP, and to do that.

I’m gon na be talking mostly about one guy here today.

His name is Peter Respenski and he wrote a brilliant little book.

Call the psychology, the psychology of man’s possible evolution.

He wrote this book nearly a 100 years ago.

It’s a really tiny book.

Look at it.

It’s just a couple hundred pages: it’s really small.

Actually less than a hundred pages erm.

There was like 130 pages erm man, you don’t even need to read the whole thing. Just the first 50 pages are sufficient to really get you a sense and open your mind to just how asleep you really are erm By the way, a little background on Respenski him and his buddy Gurdjieff.

They were really interested in enlightment, but this was 100 years ago before the internet before access to erm many of the resources we have today and they were living in Europe and Russia.

So it was really difficult for them to get access to this kind of information.

So they basically went around the urm kind of like the Afghanistan regions of like southern Russia and like the northern middle east, looking for clues for how to get enlightment, urm and urm.

So they have some interesting urm adventures there.

But what I wan na do is I wan na talk about some of the really important points that Respenski made in his book.

I read this book about 3 or 4 years ago, when I sort of getting really seriously involved with personal development work, and I was immediately struck by the importance of this book.


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