Understanding South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel, Part 3: The Evidence

Understanding, South Africa,’s, Genocide Case Against Israel, Part Three, The Evidence Now that we’re up to speed on the context. Let me show you what’s in this 84 page document accusing Israel of genocide.

The case starts right away with their main argument that the acts by Israel are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of the Palestinians, And then they list the genocidal acts in question.

They argue that Israeli officials have been publicly calling for genocide There s an entire section with statements from the Israeli president, prime minister, and the military that South Africa is saying proves this.

This is important because, as we talked about in part, two, the definition legally of genocide must include an explicit intent to destroy Palestinians, Page 30 kind of gets to the heart of this case, Killing over 21 000 Palestinians, including 8000 children, Injuring 55 000 Displacing 85 of The population attacking hospitals and pushing Palestinians to the brink of famine There s obviously much more to this case than I can cover here, and I suggest that you read it on your own .

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