Video Blog – Chemotherapy 2 (Day 8)

Hello, everybody that’s the second round of my battle against this lukemia, what to say um. I have to say that this time the chemotherapy is adverse effect have not been as strong as last week.

I’ve had nausea, unfortunately uh, but nothing unbearable.

I’ve been laying most of the time on the bed, thinking a lot about my life past and future both living a cancer living, something that is definitely trying to kill.

You definitely gives you definitely changes you living this illness with the eyes of a doctor gives you a different perspective during medle school, I studied many different diseases and, most of the time you need to have a detached approach.

You can’t get involved.

You need to see the heess as itself and consider it as a problem that you have to know and know how to solve.

You can’t have the privilege to consider the patient when you study.

Unfortunately, I realized that many doctors keep considering the illness as an entity on its own totally distant from the patient.

But let me say actually I have to say that this experience in this amazing amazing Hospital surrounded by these amazing people, doctors, nurses and all the other people that are taking so good care of me.

It’s making me realize that the patient has to be at the center of everything, with his feelings, with his fears and definitely with his hopes. I do hope that this experience this illness come on.

Let’s call it as it is.

This cancer will make a better doctor out of me.

I really hope so.

I’ll keep you posted, so see you, my friends very soon, I think, have a great life and live it fully and deeply bye.


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