Let’s say: we have a plank of wood, which we would like to use to cross a canal. It has a rectangular cross section, and so we could either use it like we have done here or we could rotate it onto its side like this Intuitively. We can tell that the plank will be stiffer if the load is applied to the shorter side of the cross section. Some cross sections are much more efficient at resisting bending than others. The further the material is spread from the bending axis. The stiffer a cross section tends to be The cross section on. The right has more material located far from the bending axis, and so is better at resisting bending, even though both cross sections have the same area. This concept of resistance to bending can be quantified by calculating the area moment of inertia, which is also sometimes called the second moment of area. The area moment of inertia reflects how the area of a cross section is distributed relative to a particular axis, and so is a measure of how much resistance the cross section has to bending The I beam locates the majority of the material as far as possible, from The bending axis, and so is a very efficient cross section. This is why it is so commonly used in construction In this video we’re going to take a detailed look at the area moment of inertia. Let’s start by seeing how it can be calculated for an arbitrary cross section like the one shown here. The first thing to note is that the area moment of inertia is not a unique property of a cross section. It quantifies the resistance to bending about a particular axis and so its value changes, depending on where we place this reference axis. We can approximate the area moment of inertia of a cross section by splitting it into small elements. Each element contributes to the total area moment of inertia by a quantity equal to its area dA multiplied by Y 2, where Y is the distance to the reference axis, which is the X axis. In this case, We can sum up the values for all of the small elements to obtain the area moment of inertia for the entire cross section. It is denoted by the letter I, and because the X axis is our reference axis. We will give it the subscript X. We can define the area moment of inertia more precisely using integration like this, And if the Y axis is our reference axis, we can calculate I Y in the same way. The area moment of inertia has the unit of length to the fourth power and because of the squared term, it is always a positive quantity. Let’s work through an example where we calculate the I X and I Y values for a rectangular cross section using those equations. We can consider that the rectangle is made up of multiple thin strips, which each have a height equal to dy. Each strip has an area equal to b dy, which gives us the following: integral The limits of the integral are from the bottom, to the top of the rectangle, so from negative h over 2 to h over 2. If we solve this definite integral, we end up with I X, being equal to b multiplied by h to the power 3 divided by 12. We can obtain the equation for I Y by switching the height and the width terms. So there you go. We just calculated the area moment of inertia for a rectangular cross section using integration, But calculating integrals can be difficult so to help us out area moment of inertia. Equations are often provided in reference texts for a range of common shapes. A few examples are shown here. Usually, the equations are provided for centroidal axes which are axes that pass through the centroid of the cross. Section. Remember that the centroid is the geometric centre of a cross, section X, C and Y C are called the centroidal axes. So what do we do if we need to obtain an area moment of inertia equation for an axis? That is not a centroidal axis, but it is too difficult to calculate it using integration. Fortunately, there is a method we can use to calculate an adjusted area moment of inertia for any axis. That is parallel to a centroidal axis like this one. The adjusted area moment of inertia I X can be calculated by summing the moment of inertia of the centroidal axis and the product of the cross sectional area A and the square of distance d between both axes. This is called the parallel axis theorem. It’s useful, because we can take the equations found in reference texts for centroidal axes and adjust them to obtain the moments of inertia for any parallel axes. Let’s look at an example. Earlier we determined an equation for the area moment of inertia, of a rectangular cross section about an axis passing through the centroid of the rectangle. We can use the parallel axis theorem to calculate I for an axis shifted to the bottom of the cross section. All we have to do is take the equation, for I, we derived earlier and add the area of the rectangle b, h, multiplied by the distance h over 2. Squared One useful property of area moments of inertia is that they can be added to and subtracted from each other. This means we can calculate the value of I for a shape like this. By taking I for section A and subtracting I for section B, If we are calculating I based on equations, we need to make sure that the equations we are using correspond to the correct reference axis. In the case of this T section, for example, we can’t just add the I values for two rectangles given in a textbook, because these equations are for centroidal axes only and the reference axis doesn’t pass through the centroid of the top rectangle. Fortunately, we can use the parallel axis theorem to overcome this. If h and b are the height and the width of the rectangles, the distance between the reference axis and the centroid of rectangle 2 is h1. H2. 2. We can calculate I for the composite cross section using the parallel axis theorem like this. This is another reason. The parallel axis theorem is really important. It gives us an easy way to calculate area moments of inertia for all sorts of different composite shapes. It’s worth clarifying at this point that the area moment of inertia should not be confused with the mass moment of inertia, which is a parameter used to describe the resistance of a body to changes in rotational velocity. There are similarities in the way the two parameters are calculated, but they have different units and completely different uses. So when might you actually need to use the area moment of inertia? Well, it is a particularly important parameter for the analysis of beams and columns This equation. For example, defines the deflection of a beam for an applied bending moment M. You will notice that the term E I appears in many equations. It is called flexural rigidity. It quantifies the resistance of a beam to bending, As we have just seen. I is the resistance due to the geometry of the beam cross section, But the stiffness of the beam material also contributes to its total resistance to bending and is captured by Young’s. Modulus E Flexural rigidity also appears in the analysis of columns where it can be used to calculate the critical buckling load. Another important parameter related to the area moment of inertia that appears in the analysis of columns is the radius of gyration. It represents the theoretical distance at which we could condense the entire area of a cross section into a narrow strip to get the same moment of inertia as the original cross section. It can be calculated using this equation. So far we have only calculated the area moments of inertia relative to the X and Y axes. We can calculate a third area moment of inertia for a reference axis that is perpendicular to the plane of the cross section. This quantity is called the polar moment of inertia and it is usually denoted using the letter J. It represents the resistance of the cross section to twisting about the reference axis. It is calculated in the same way as I X and I Y, but using the distance Rho to the axis, rather than the perpendicular distance to the X or Y axes. We can calculate J using integration like this Rho squared is equal to X, squared plus Y squared, so we can expand the equation And by doing a little more work, we can figure out that J is equal to I X plus I Y This is known as The perpendicular axis theorem, The polar moment of inertia, is mainly relevant for situations which involve torsion Check out my video on torsion. If you want to learn more about this To fully master the area moment of inertia, there is one last thing we need to cover, which is the rotation of the reference axes. We can use the transformation equations shown here to calculate moments of inertia for rotated axes. The I X Y term in these equations is the product of inertia and it is calculated using this equation. Rotating the reference axes works in a very similar way to transformation of stresses, which I covered in a video on stress transformation. This is because, like stress the area moment of inertia is a tensor quantity. In fact, you can even use Mohr’s circle to determine moments of inertia for rotated axes like you can with stresses It. Has I on the horizontal axis and the product of inertia? I XY on the vertical axis. You can use Mohr’s circle to find the principal moments of inertia which are the maximum and minimum values for any angle of rotation. That’s it for what ended up being quite a detailed review of the area moment of inertia Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe. If you haven,’t already
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Social Media Content Plan: A Winning Strategy in 10 Easy Steps (2/2)
Alrightttt, you ve made it this far on how to create a winning social media content plan. I am happy for you.
Can I have a round of applause, But if you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about head over to the first part of this video and when you re back, I ll give you a round of applause too.
Here are the last 5 steps Step 6 Repurpose and Curate Content Extract and tweak valuable information from your blogs or social media and reshare it with a twist If you ve, created a listicle, for example, share the pointers in list format on Twitter, create a LinkedIn carousel.
Put it in a story, format or a video? Secondly, curate content: This involves sharing trending content to your socials from other sources.
A friendly tip here is that if you re using a social media management tool like ContentStudio, it ll be super easy to find content for yourself, because you won’t have to manually search different websites and social media channels for it.
Saving you a lot of time.
Trust me Step 7, Create a Plan to Encourage Users to Create Content for You, 60 of people perceive user generated content as the most authentic type of content and 85 of consumers agree that it’s more influential than content.
That brands create themselves.
But how do you get your followers to create content for you That s easy A campaign that s tailored to this goal specifically can help Work out? How you d like to push your audience to create content with your service product, Then create a hashtag and get people involved.
Step 8 Work Out How You d Promote Yourself. There s a variety of ways.
You can distribute your content, You can do it through email, marketing, organic search, social media, blogs, etc.
The best way to do this is to provide value.
You’ll likely repel your followers.
If your captions or posts are salesy, Try creating a buzz reveal the near launch of a product or an upcoming event.
Things like these always capture your audience s attention.
You can also share behind the scenes.
Content of your business and share company milestones and achievements Celebrate with a discount or free gifts with purchases.
An important tip here is that your content should be a healthy mix of valuable content and self promotional content.
Ideally, an 80 20 or 70 30 ratio works Where 70 80 is your valuable original content, including curated content and 20 30 is promotional Step 9 Pick Out a Posting Frequency Work out a social media posting schedule covering when to post and how often to post Check Your analytics to figure out when your audience is most active, That s when your chances of engagement are the highest. I just want to say that ContentStudio studies, your analytics and provides you with the best time to post, so you don’t have to do it.
Step 10 Reflect and Tweak.
This step is crucial for making sure you create content that keeps resonating with your audience Study your month s or quarter s, engagement, metrics, The ones that get the highest number of likes shares.
Retweets and comments are the type of content.
Your audience is loving Figure out why these posts have such high engagement and create more like them.
So those were the 10 steps to create a winning social media content plan, Creating a social media plan.
Isn t tough.
If you take things stepwise So don’t worry a deep breath and follow the steps one by one and let us know how it goes.
Don’t forget the thumbs and subscribe to our channel.
If you haven t already See you in the next video .
10 Nerd-Fakten aus dem Phantasialand (Teil 2) | Frei-Zeit-Blog
The cutlery in the restaurant Uhrwerk was made by Amefa Stahlwaren GmbH from Solingen. The attractions Octowuzy and Das verr ckte Hotel Tart ff were made by the same company.
Cine 2000 1978 to 1995 had three different locations in the park When buying a ticket for the musical Grease.
In 1997 you got a discount of 4 00 DM for visiting Phantasialand Phantasialand’s.
Escape plans were designed by A E Plan from Meckenheim, Although you can see an animatronic of Alfred Hitchcock at Hollywood Tour.
None of the currently staged movies was directed by him.
The company Hotelw sche Erwin M ller from Wertingen produced some textiles for hotel Matamba In the queue line of Colorado Adventure.
You can see a decorative item by the company, Victorian Baking Ovens from Wolverhampton.
There is a shop called Sho Ping in hotel Ling, Bao Das, verr ckte Hotel Tart ff contains German novels such as Aus dem Leben, meiner, alten, Freundin, Wilhelmine, Heimburg and Herzeloide, Georg von Ompteda, as decoration items.
How to Write Content that Ranks #1 on Google
In this video I’m gon na show you a step by step process on how to write content. That is perfectly optimized for search engines.
If you wan na create content that gets to the top of Google, then this video is for you.
My name is Matt Diggity and I’m the owner of multiple search engine, optimization businesses.
I make a full time living from getting content to the top of Google And I’m about to give out the farm on how I get that done.
I’m sure you’re already completely clear on the benefits of getting your content to rank high on search engines.
The obvious one is free traffic.
Once you’re at the top of Google for a given keyword, the traffic starts to rain, like it’s.
No one’s business, But the best thing about search engine traffic is the quality of that traffic, Because your visitors are actively searching for what you’re, offering they’re much more likely to convert And because of this organic search traffic crushes paid traffic.
Any day of the week, So it’s clear why we’d want our content to rank number one, but have you ever really got a clear answer on how to do it? If you search for lists of Google ranking factors, you’ll often see quote unquote quality content to be on these lists like this article from Search Engine Journal, But what the hell does quality even mean.
That word is subjective as hell. Well in this video I’m gon na show you exactly what goes into creating content that ranks consistently in Google, And let me tell you it’s, not what you think Search engines are robots and what they think is.
Quality can be reverse, engineered and used for your benefit In this video.
You’ll learn how to write optimized content that search engines, love which will in turn drive you some crazy traffic, But the same time you’ll be creating content that will be readable and enjoyable for your visitors, which will ultimately get them to convert.
So you can make money And make sure to stick around to the end, because I’m gon na be dropping some SEO tricks in here that’ll give you content the extra push that it needs, But before we do that, can I quickly ask you To push the like button, Unlike website content, YouTube content relies on folks, like you and your generous smashing of the like button in order to generate traffic.
Otherwise, videos like this one will just sit in the graveyard of digital ones and zeros, and my hours creating this video will go to waste.
I appreciate the help.
The first step in getting your content to the top of Google is to choose the right topic and keyword to target in your content from the beginning.
What’s the point? In writing.
A 300 word article on crypto, investing if there’s, no way that your new website will ever rank for it.
It’s a huge waste of time and resources. What you wan na do instead is pick topic, ideas that are in your lane.
They’re topics that you can indeed rank for, and they’re also search for a lot and get nice tasty organic traffic.
Let me show you how to do that.
First, with a tool like Ahrefs, which is a free, seven day trial, which is more than long enough for you to do what I’m about to show you Since we’re on the topic of crypto, let’s say.
I wanted to write an article in the metaverse.
What you do is open, Ahrefs, Content Explorer.
We want the tool to give us content ideas that are easy to rank for on our topic Up here at the top you wan na type in metaverse, Then next to it select In Title That’s gon na only return content ideas that have the worst Metaverse in the title, Then, for the filters select page traffic over 500 and DR up to 25, DR or domain rating sets a limit to the power the websites needed to rank for the articles that it’s gon na spit out 25 is pretty damn easy.
Now down here, I see an interesting article on how to become a digital, real estate investor.
In the metaverse, The domain rating is only 13, which means it’s a baby site.
We can see that it’s generating 1 500 visitors per month and the value of that traffic is 7 000 per month. Perfect Clicking on Details.
We can see all the keywords.
This page ranks for These are the same keywords that you’re gon na target as well.
I’ll use this keyword digital real estate for the rest of this video.
As our example.
Now that was super easy And that’s just one of the keyword, research techniques that I teach in my SEO course the Affiliate Lab.
Next, we get into the preparation phase, Just like you, wouldn’t go on a hike in the woods without having a map of where you’re going.
You want to create a map of your content plan.
Benjamin Franklin wrote By failing to prepare you’re preparing to fail.
This certainly applies when you’re in the process of writing the best content on the internet. The first thing you wan na do in the preparation phase is to determine the search intent for the keyword you’re targeting.
I’ll put it like this.
If you don’t get the search, intent correct, you will not rank There.’s.
Basically, four different types of searches, Informational search, queries represent when people are just looking for information such as how to guides on how to do this or that Our example keyword, digital real estate is informational.
Then we have navigational type queries like Twitter, login or Matt.
Diggity contacts then transactional like buy crypto online or car insurance quotes and, lastly, comparative such as what is the best crypto exchange or Coinbase review.
Let’s take a look at the search result for our informational keyword, digital real estate.
We have a refer up here at the top, with the article on how to become the digital real estate investor in the metaverse.
If we open it up, we can see it’s a basic blog article format.
It’s not a series of images or videos, it’s text, And the important part is that down here towards the middle. We get into a how to section with three steps.
Google thinks that the best answer to the query digital real estate is a how to guide on how to invest in it with actual steps.
We should do the same Going back out here to the search result.
We can see just by looking at the title that the number two business com article does the same thing: It’s a how to guide, But down here in third, we have The New York Times going off topic with a report on digital real estate investment.
It’s, no surprise it’s not rank in higher.
They’re, not giving Google what the searchers wan na see And now that we know that we need to write a how to article what’s next It’s time to do.
Some keyword, research to make sure we write an article that’s better than the existing articles on page one, And to do that, we start to take the best parts from the people that are already ranking in the top positions.
Let’s take a look at the subtopics of the CitySignal article.
In first place They have a heading.
What is the metaverse great Another one on? Why invest on virtual land great? They talk about ROI and then get into how to buy land in the metaverse. Starting with getting a digital wallet and so forth, Write all these subtopics down You,’re gon na cover them all too, but here’s how you do it better Continue this process for the number two business com article They have different subtopics, such as what Is digital, real estate? Add all these unique headings to your list of subtopics Continue doing this for three to five similar articles and you’ll end up with a super set of all the subtopics required to answer the query, But let’s not stop there.
The related searches section at the bottom of the search result will give you even more subtopics to add to the list like how beginners can get started with digital real estate and digital real estate and the blockchain, And the People also ask section, is great for getting Even more questions that can be answered in your content, such as, can you make money from digital real estate? So now you have a basic outline and it’s better than anything that exists because it takes the best of all of them.
But you need a title here: don’t you Here’s the main keywords that we found earlier.
Let’s take note of them as we craft your title.
Let’s describe the benefit of reading the article straight away with how to invest in digital real estate, But the words buy and land and metaverse are important to us.
So let’s toss them in here.
The last step in the planning phase is to determine the target word count for your article.
It used to be the case that you could just write more content than your competition, and you would just brute force smash your way to the top of Google, but that’s just not how it is anymore.
Some searches can be answered with just a few words, and Google knows that They don’t want their users to have to read a 10 000 word article just to find out how damn old Harry Potter is now Always remember.
Google is expecting to see patterns for the results it puts on page one So to determine how many words you wan na make your article. What you need to do is look at who is already ranking for your keyword and taking average of the top three Make sure to only include the articles that match your search intent.
This Ahrefs plugin shows that the first article has about 1 600 words, and this number should factor into your average Still not convinced that hitting the target average word count is important.
I left a link to a video in the description where I actually remove.
000 words from an article and get it to number one on Google All right enough with the planning it’s time to get writing.
Naturally, the first paragraph is your introduction paragraph, which is important to get right for a variety of reasons.
First, your intro needs to hook your reader.
You know that you and everyone else has internet.
Add these days To get people to read.
Your intro needs to really hook the reader. At the same time, introduction content should convey that you know what you’re talking about and demonstrate your expertise on the topic, And here’s a big one, avoid fluff.
If someone searches for how to invest in digital, real estate, don’t start boring them with the historical account of how the internet evolved, They wan na know about investing in digital land.
So get straight to the point.
Also in the description below I,’ve left a link to a video that gives you a full playbook on how to write, introduction paragraphs So make sure to watch it after you finish this video.
Now that your introduction paragraph is done, it’s, time to start working on the body content.
If you wan na write SEO optimized content, I highly suggest you employ a content.
Optimization tool like Surfer Surfer is an incredible tool that will analyze the words, entities and phrases that exist on the top ranking articles for your keyword.
So you can give Google what it already likes to see Their super handy content.
Editor plugin works directly with Google Docs.
As you write your article, you can see that the critical word frequencies that Google expects to see start to match what’s expected on page one. Thus, your content score increases as you approach a perfectly optimized article, Keep plugging a way at writing.
Your content section by section until you end up with a decent content score and you’ve, hit the word count of the article.
Now it’s time to polish things.
Up In your article, you should link out to authority sites and articles that you reference for facts.
This shows Google that you’re in it for the reader and you’re not just trying to keep everyone stuck on your site.
I’ve inserted a few authoritative reference links here where I mentioned, where to find more information on some data points that I added in my article as well as a couple links to news articles down here.
Next, you wan na spice things up and make Google’s NLP or natural language processing, algorithms happy According to IBM – and I’m.
Paraphrasing here NLP refers to the branch of computer science and AI that gives computers the ability to understand texts in the same way.
Humans can So basically it’s, Google’s way of translating your content into something that it can understand.
The thing is for a computer reading human content is a really beep difficult problem. So what you wan na do is format your text in such a way.
You pitch Google, a softball that they can hit an NLP home run with You wan na make it easy for Google Here’s, how you do it Echo back the main search query then the word is and then give your answer.
If there are any units associated with the answer, then use them here too.
This structure makes it also much easier to grab the featured snippet for a query.
You can see that I’ve done this in my article right here, where I define what is digital? Real estate, To be Frank, Google, doesn,’t actually know what digital real estate is, but they definitely know that I tried to answer the question There.’s, no doubt about that which is more than could be said about the other articles on page one.
At this point, we wan na make sure your article is super readable for your visitors.
We want their experience with your content to be as awesome as possible, Spell and grammar check the hell out of your article.
Google Docs has this built in natively.
If you want a premium tool for grammar and spelling checks, Grammarly is the industry standard? Next, you want your content to be pretty much at an eighth grade.
Reading level You can use this free Flesch, Kincaid readability, tool to plug in your content and see what kind of readability score it gets. The key is using simple words and short sentences.
As you can see, I have some work to do Next.
You wan na avoid this monstrosity.
What is it It’s, a huge wall of text and it sucks.
No one is gon na read this.
Keep your paragraphs one to two sentences: each and they’ll be bite sized and easy to read.
Be much easier on the eyes and less intimidating to your visitors.
You can also use formatting like lists and tables, to break up the content and make it look more interesting And, of course, your gon na wan na decorate your content with images and videos And don’t worry.
I’m gon na show you what that looks like in a bit Just make sure that you,’re presizing your images to make sure they load fast on your website Check up my video on website, speed and Core Web Vitals after you watch this video. You’re almost ready to get this piece of content up on your site, but don’t forget to do this.
Please, please get someone other than yourself to proofread your article.
As you know, you can proofread your own content a hundred times and not find an issue, but as soon as someone new reads it, they’ll find 200 problems.
Ask a friend to give you a hand.
Remember we’re creating content that’s intended for page one of Google.
It at least deserves a solid proofread.
Now, with a little bit of magic.
Let’s get this article up on your website Bam here,’s.
What the article looks like when it’s loaded The images, videos list and short paragraphs really makes a difference, but the content journey. Doesn’t stop here.
First things: first, you wan na put schema on your article schema.
What Schema is code that you put on your webpage? That makes it super easy for Google to figure out exactly what your content is about.
Remember we always wan na make things easy for Google.
That’s, how we roll To get started with schema, use, Merkle’s Schema, Markup, Generator, Open it up and then just start filling this stuff out the title of your article, the author, all of it, You’ll, see your schema code getting generated here On the right, When you’re done copy it to your clipboard, Then you simply paste it into the HTML editor of your WordPress page.
You also want to interlink to your article Find relevant articles on your site and interlink to your new article using descriptive anchor text.
This is useful for telling Google Hey this one article on crypto links to this new article.
Then it must be about crypto too.
Last but not least, you wan na add a meta title and meta description.
These define what your listing will look like in the Google Search results For the title, just copy the same title that you wrote earlier. The description should be descriptive, of course, and include keywords, so they get bolded in the search results.
So now this perfectly optimized article is ready to be published.
You just went through the full journey In a future video we’ll, take a look at how this article did so make sure to subscribe.
So you don’t miss it.