Tag Archives: Fitness

🔥 Revamp, Repurpose & Resell This Digital PLR Fitness Planner Product on Etsy

Hello, hello and welcome back to another video.

Basically, it sees me taking you through a product making some changes to it, making it unique and then being able to resell it in your business, whether that be on Etsy Amazon KDP, on your own website, wherever it is that you are selling online. So, if that’s something that you’re interested in then please stick around. We will jump in right now but before we start make sure to click all the different links down in the description below, because I’ve got lots of really lovely freebies that you are free to use in your business. I’ve got a do-good Journal here. There is a groovy baby, shower activity, bundle, got calm, corner signs, um Memorial signs and lots of different things that are already made and ready to sell so make sure you click all those links in the description below so without further Ado, let’s jump in the product. We are going to be revamping repurposing to resell today can be found at creative ad, designs.com click over to premium plr packs, and it is a product that is part of the ultimate Digital Fitness planner pack.

As you’re probably aware, the fitness industry is absolutely huge. It is a multi-billion dollar industry, and people are always looking for different solutions to enable them to reach their fitness goals. This particular bundle. It includes a digital Fitness, platter, Fitness coloring pages stickers, social media post as well. I am actually running a special offer on this particular bundle. It’s offering 60 % off, which brings it down from $ 47 to only about $ 18, which is amazing and you’re going to be getting so much value from this you’ll also be able to follow along. In this video as well, so if you have access to the digital planner, then you can just follow along and make the same changes that I’m making um follow me step by step in order to make this product your very own.

So if you’re interested click, the link in the description use the code, Fitness 60 and then follow along. As I was doing my research, I do a lot of my research on um Etsy, as well as Amazon, um and there’s a really cool tool that I have that I use it’s called Etsy hunt. It’s called Etsy hunt Etsy rant tool. You can usually find it. You should be able to find it in the Google Chrome Store and what it does is when I’m doing my market research background research, for instance, for this Fitness planner, this digital Fitness, planner I’ll type in the keyword and then when this app is installed. It then gives you some background details to how many it gives 7-Day sales of each product on the main page um. It gives you generally um total sales, and sometimes it can give you the number of views been seen. So, as you can see.

Obviously, it’s not 100 % accurate, but when I’ve looked at it compared to some of my own products that I said on Etsy, it does come quite close. So it’s a really good indication for you as to whether you should go into Niche or not. So as I typed in digital Fitness planner here, it’s come up with the most popular ones. For that keyword and as you can see this one, that’s really popular right now. Um has had 26 sales in in the past seven days but 11. I guess 116996 will probably about be about $ 15. So that’s 26 sales. 1196. That’s a fair few fas! Let’s do some calculations here: 26 *. 1196, that’s 310 ums, so that probably be somewhere between 300 and $ 400, and actually in the past week, you can see that um, if we’re looking just at the first page. So, this one’s had 26 sales.

These ones have had no sales at the moment, but they’ve got overall sales here. This one’s had 14 sales in the past 7 Days, 112 sales. Overall, this one’s had seven sales in the past 7even days, 32. Sales, 30, um, 30, 1. Three, so, as you can see on the first page, there are quite a few of these products that are making sales basically daily um. I would be really happy knowing that you know I’m putting out product and I’m making at least a sale a day um because, as you know, with digital products, with printables as soon as you’ve uploaded it it’s there. It’s going to sell itself make sure that you’ve put together a really compelling description ion. You know a real um to the point. Title gives your audience exactly all the information that they need, but once you’ve got it up there and it’s up and running it.

You literally don’t have to look at it again and so to know that this is just the epitome of passive income that dream that we are all striving for and um so yeah. If I know that I’m making a sale a day or a sale every other day, um that’s great for me, because then I’ll just keep uploading more products and compounding that and really you know, building that trickle of passive income into a whole wave, a huge typhoon. Um of income – so I hope um. If you want to check out this uh, Chrome extension, really good, really good to get behind the scenes. It’s called Etsy hunt um, I believe I pay $ 33.99 a month for it and to me time is money and if I can get a really good um insight as to what’s going on and that $ 3.99 is just invaluable to me.

What I want to show you um with regards to this Fitness uh digital Fitness planner, is basically you can use it, as is definitely um. We will. We can do things like change the color scheme change out the fonts. Let’s do that now, so we’ve got open sand because, obviously, with this plr, the prerequisite is that you, you simply must make some changes, do not sell it as it is um because we want to stand out. We want to provide value, we don’t want it all. Look the same so definitely. The first thing that you need to do is definitely change out. The fonts change out the color scheme and if you really want to go with the extra-M, maybe change out some of these illustrations as well so um.

Let’s change the color scheme for now, so what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to choose quite a vibrant, um color palette just so that we can immediately see the difference. So, let’s go with just so that we can see. I mean that’s not particularly pretty looking, but, as you can see, it’s just it’s just a really immediate nice and quick way of of changing out that color scheme, so we’ll just apply that to all all pages. I wouldn’t generally choose this color scheme, but it’s just so that we can just really really immediately see the difference. So it’s applying it to all pages. There are 69 pages in this digital Panner, so it is huge and um.

That’s why it’s taking a while to change the whole colors out? Okay, so, as you can see, it’s changed everything out and it immediately looks very different. It has a very different feel about it. The next thing we would do is just change out the fonts as well. So, let’s again, I’m not going to think too much about the different fonts that I want to use. I’M just going to choose something that um. You can immediately see the difference with, because, obviously you You’ want to do this in your own, with your own kind of style or whatever research you’ve done as to what fonts work really well, but I’m just going to choose something that we can immediately tell. It. Is different, I always take so much time trying to uh choose different fonts, I’m saying I’m not going to take a long time, but I do um. Okay, let’s go for this.

Let me stop okay, there we go and then we’ll change all so that will change everything from Oak Sand’s, uh bold to shtick hand, and then what we’ll do is we’ll also change this kind of calligraphy font, we’ll change that one out to another kind of something Similar but not quite virtual, okay and let’s change all, and so that’s changed everything across the all the different pages um. I think these ones we can keep as is cu. It’s just it’s a nice, bold um font there, or maybe we might want to change it. It really depends on how you feel, but as long as you’ve made a couple of changes, change the color scheme change a couple of fonts um.

You will be fine, so we’ll change that all it’s a bit more of a bold font there. Okay, so we’ve made our initial changes to this uh digital planner. Now my next idea for this would be to change this, so you can sell it, as is um. Obviously, if you’re selling on Etsy, you just upload that as a as a as a PDF or a digital download um, but we can also change this into more of a printable product um that your audience can then print out. As I said before, there are 69 pages in this uh digital planner. So, what I would do um what I’m going to do for this video, because otherwise I don’t want it to go on too long. It will go to long.

If I try and amend all of them, I’m just going to choose um five pages and I’m going to show you how I would change them into a principal version, so not digital. I change it out to a principal. It is a little piddly, but it’s going to provide so many more options for you to be able to sell it as a digital and to sell it as a principal as well also sell it on Amazon, really increase the um amount of bang you’re. Getting for your buck, basically um it’ll just give you so many more options, so I’m just going to choose the first five, I’m just going to we’ll just deal with these first five.

Basically, we’re turning this into a physical principle. So, we don’t need these um. The wire binding – we don’t need this background; we also don’t need these tabs. All we’re basically doing is just um, removing the tabs and the lengths and anything that will denote that it is a digital. So just your G delete them are all so these were locked. So, I need to unlock these before deleting so we’ll just going in and deleting all the additional all the little kind of bits and pieces that show that it’s a digital and then we’re just going to need the foundation of the fitness planner. So, to save you from watching me do lots of deleting.

I think you get the gist of what it is. What it is I’m trying to do here, I’m just going to go ahead, pause this video and I’m going to um. Do the same thing with the next five pages and then I’ll show you how we? What we’ll do then? Okay, I’m back so I’ve deleted all the tabs and all the bits and pieces that would make um this product a digital format, and so all links have been removed. All tabs have been removed and now we’ve got. I said I would just do five pages just to save time. So now we’ve got um The Bare Bones of our principal product um. So so what I do is I just make some mendance pull out the background, so it fills the the screen. Let me zoom out a little bit, see the whole and then I’d just select all do some resizing. You know make sure that they and its centered um again.

It’s like it’s about the right size anyway. I’ll go this and then position it. Do it again for this figure Center and then we’ll do it again, Forest page through increase the sizing and then center it in the middle and then just looking at these five pages, as I as I’ve said before, there are 69 pages in this Fitness um Digital bundle, um and then in in the upgrade there is a meal planner bundle, which is also, I believe, over 60 pages long. So, if you’re, really, you know wanting to make the most of it, you could then combine them all and make a super mega bundle. Um, which covers both Fitness and weight, loss and meal planning, and things like that, so you could, and you could charge probably upwards of, I would say, $ 20 um easily for something of that size, um and as fully comprehensive as that would be um.

You could even sell it for more if you’re selling it on your own website, where there is no other competition, because that’s the thing with Etsy is that there are lots of people selling roughly the same things. It all looks, you know slightly different, but it is the same. So, there’s just people have a lot of options, but if you are selling it solely on your own website, then you can actually sell it for a premium, because there is nothing for your audience to immediately. Compare it pair it too so um yeah.

There’s a lot of scope with this bundle, so, as you can see now, we’ve converted it from being digital to being a physical product um. We would just download it as a PDF upload it as a digital download um that that your audience can then print off. We can also upload the KDP as well just resize. It gets choose what size kind of book you want it to do, whether it’s an 85 by 11 or a 6.9 we just resize um us this put in the relevant Dimensions that we need, and then we are ready to go. Well, that’s it for me today.

I hope you got a lot of value from this video. If you are interested in purchasing that digital Fitness planner with the super special offer that I’ve got running, make sure to use the coupon code, Fitness 60 to get 60 % off of this particular product for a limited time, only um, if you have any questions, leave Them in the comments below like subscribe, do all the things and until the next time, all the very best.

