10 Simple Restaurant Instagram

Welcome to this week’s episode of the restaurant management series today, we’ll be covering 10 simple restaurant instagram tricks that will help. You grow your following hello, everyone. This is chloe with garnish tv and i’m going to be revealing some of the best ways that you can use. Instagram to grow your restaurant’s clientele, so let’s get started tip number one use canva to create instagram content. Canva is a free, online graphic design tool that allows you to create instagram posts and stories, canvas standardizes, the graphics measurements to ensure the image fits instagram’s, post and story dimensions. This tool also offers free images, fonts designs and templates.

So you can discover your instagram aesthetic tip number two improve photo quality. You don’t need to invest in expensive camera equipment to take photos of your dishes, but you do need to make sure the photo. Quality is good enough to attract customers. If photos are blurry poorly lit or have extreme color contrast, you will not grab the user’s attention when taking photos, consider the lighting, color saturation and food placement and how it fits.

In. With your current theme, you can also use free, photo editing, mobile applications to fine-tune images before uploading tip number three schedule. Future posts with later.com layer.com is a free online tool that allows you to create and schedule instagram posts in advance. This way you can schedule content months in advance and not have to worry about manually publishing posts. It also allows you to see exactly how the post will look on your timeline, so you can determine which layout is most aesthetically. Pleasing tip number four create a link tree. Unfortunately, instagram only allows users to post one link in their bio. This isn’t very helpful for businesses that have multiple websites to showcase.

By building a link tree, you can promote links to your menu blogs. Editorial features.

Social media accounts and any other content you want to share with users. Linktree lists all the links on one single page, so you can share all of your most important information with users. Tip number five run contests running regular contests, and giveaways is a great way to interact with users and generate new customers. For example, you can offer a 25-gift card to your establishment to a random user that follows your Instagram likes a post and tags a friend in the comments.

This not only boosts user engagement but also increases traffic to your Instagram page and physical store. Expanding brand awareness number six conduct hashtag research, while using hashtags, is a great Instagram marketing tool. Using too many can deter users, don’t clutter your caption box with random hashtags to try and draw in consumers instead research. What your target audience follows and use applicable keywords. Only number seven promote user generated content. Studies have shown that consumers prefer user generated content over traditional promotions because they are unbiased.

You can capitalize on this preference by crowdsourcing photos from your loyal customers, just review your tag, page choose the highest quality photos and repost. It be sure to message the creator to show your appreciation and give them credit in the caption tip number eight keep captions to a minimum. Your captions need to be short. Sweet and engaging users are looking for quick content that they can easily digest, not rambling descriptions that require them to stop scrolling. A good rule of thumb to follow is, if you have to expand the post to read the caption.

It’s probably too long. If a post requires more information, simply direct followers to the link in your bio and add the information to your link tree tip number nine collaborate with a food blogger, food bloggers or foodies have huge followings on Instagram simply for reviewing dishes and sharing photos of food by collaborating with the food blogger, you can promote your brand to millions of new users for free.

However, top bloggers may charge you for their services.

Therefore, you’re better off recruiting someone with around 50 000 followers, although you may be able to negotiate a few posts for credit at your restaurant tip, number 10 interact with followers. Customers want to interact with their favorite restaurants and feel appreciated for the patronage thanks to instagram. Businesses can connect directly with customers to answer questions, respond to posts and promote positive user-generated content. Some restaurants even use Instagram to hold fun challenges, host, live streams and collect feedback.

Boosting their customer engagement so get creative with your customer engagement strategies and take time to interact with users, and there are the 10 restaurant Instagram tips to grow. Your business, please be sure to like this video and subscribe to our YouTube channel, because you do not want to miss the next week’s episode where we cover simple, yet effective restaurant marketing strategies to grow your sales. As always, thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time,




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