10 Tips Every Xbox Series X/S Owner NEEDS to Know!

Hello – everyone, it’s Scanpoint and here Aremy top tips and features that I believe every Xbox series X and S user should know about so if you’ve got an Xbox or you know someone who does hopefully these will help. You get the most out of your Xbox in 2024, but before we jump in did you watch the Xbox showcase a few days ago. Thatis. Definitely one of the best shows we’ve Hadin recent years and it’s definitely got me hyped for. The new games – Okay, so this first one is for those of you that, like to play at night or maybe you, found the Xbox icon on your controller orthel console a little too bright while sitting at your setup.

Well, the good news is, you can actually adjust the brightness of the Xbox logos on both the console and the controller. So, if you headcover to settings and then TV and display and then night mode, you’ll see an option in here for both the controller and the power button brightness then, all you need to do is move this slider upon down until you’re, happy with the brightness of the logos or if You’d, rather, you could just turn the lights off completely and go for that full-on stealth mode and the same for the Xbox itself, this light on the front can be adjusted or switched off completely. If you want to go for that, dark mode looks and talking of stealth mode. How many times have you wanted to jump on a quick game at night, but this sound prevents you well. Fortunately, you can switch off the startup sound and even the dashboard sounds when it boots up.

All you need todo is go to settings, accessibility and audio then change the power chime from on to off from now on every time you turn on the Xbox, it will be silent and. No one will know that you’re gaming now if you’ve ever found yourself needing to help out a friend family, member or child, while they game its pain having to pass that controller back and forth while Xbox do have something called co-pilotwhich allows you to use two controllers on the same account. This effectively makes the second controller an assist controller, but they appear to be one single controller. So, all you need to do go to settings, accessibility and controller and then from here.

You’ll see a co-pilot setting. Andou just needs to turn this on the controller that you’re, using from now on every time you turn-on this second controller, both will have control of the same game and the same home screen.

As you can see here both controllers, I’m using are, controlling the car. At the same time – and I Cantell you now personally – I think this is incredibly useful. If you’ve got children as you can allow them to play the game and when they need help where, you can jump on an assistant with that extra controller, rather than taking theirs from them. Nadif. You didn’t know this already: well, the Xbox cane turned on or off and games open just by using your voice. So, although the Xbox doesn’t actually have a mic built in if you’ve got a speaker or a smart home assistant in your room, well, you cause that to control it. Firstly, on the Xbox you need to enable this setting under devices and digital assistant. Now you need to set it up.

On your, Google or Alexa app on your phone and from now on you can say, commands like turn the Xbox on without needing to grab your controller firster. You could say play hypercharge unboxed on the Xbox, and it will jump straight into the game before. You even sit down. I mean it’s, not goingto. Save you a great deal of time, but it’s a coolfeature to have okay. So, when you’re on your home screen, instead of using the d-pad or thumb stick to navigate up and down, if you press the RT orthel LT buttons, it will move up and down the rows one at a time. It just makes things a little bit quicker for scrolling through lists and tiles and then.

If you, if you’re on the quick menu tapping, will take you down to the bottom, where you can access, the notifications and the search bar now have no idea why this is on by default. But you know at the top left of the dashboard, we have our Gamer tag and our gamer score. Well, we also have our email address displayed here as well. Honestly do not understand why anyone would need to see their email every few seconds, but the good news is well. We can hide this. This is useful if you want on stream games or capture your dashboard or just share photos of your setup as there’s always risk that you might accidentally share your email address to others.

Well, all you need to do is go into settings account signing and security. And then untick this box here and that’s it from noon. Your email address will no longer be shown on the home screen, so whether you’re using your Xbox with, a TV or a monitor, you might want to make sure you’re getting the best picture quality from it now by default. This should be set up correctly, butut’s, always worth checking you’re, getting a full resolution and frame rate that your TV can supports. If you head over to General and TV and display options, you can check that both 4K and 120 Hopfions are available.

If you’re not sure what your TV can handle hit the 4K details button and, it will tell you what you’re able to see so for example.

If your TV allows the 4 4K and 120 Hayu’ll want to enable both of these on the console but, while we’re here, if you’ve, never calibrated the HDR for your games, now is the time this screen will take you through the various images allow you to tweak it for your brightness And shadows to match the image on the right and once you’ve done this, you should get a better HDR image, than before helping with those highlights and shadows in game now, if you’ve ever never needed to use your controller on an Xbox and another device you’ll know that you have to press and Hold the sync button on the controller and your Xbox top air them well. Did you know that once you’ve paired the controller to two different devices like, an iPad and an Xbox, you can quickly swap between the two devices by simply double tapping the pair button. On the controller, this will then instantly swap between the two devices that you’ve synced, as it remembers, the last Xbox and the last Bluetooth device.

This is incredibly useful if, you’re gaming on, say an Xbox and an iPad at the same time, and it means you don’t need to mess around syncing them up again. Each time you swap, you can jump between them pretty quickly. When it comes to customizing the Xbox dashboard there are. A few things that you can do, the main one OfCourse is the wallpaper. By going to settings and personalization, you can change the background to a solid color like here. I fancy a nice pink background, but there’s also achievement art customized images and screenshots, but the bygone is the dynamic backgrounds which I think look awesome. There are quite a few in here to choose from, including some new games that we’ve seen and when you enable one of these.

It will be displayed regardless of the tile or the game that you hover over, so it supersedes any game art that might been that game. But if, for any reason you just wanton go back to the normal game, art wallpapers well all, you have to do – is Click restore defaults. And you’re back to seeing those wallpapers which tobe honest, I much prefer anyway, as I like to tab through the games and see the different images that. The developers have used and next up is sound. So, in the settings we’ve got various sound options for both speakers and headsets, including stereo, uncompressed and DTS, but if you’re using a Dolby Atmos set up, you might be interested in the Dolby options as well.

Well, firstly, if you’ve got a home theater that supports Dolby, Amuso’ll notice. This is available straight out, of the box, but if you’ve got a compatible, headset you might notice that the Dolby Atmos options doesn’t actually work and that’s because you do need a license from Dolby to enable it for the headsets. Now there is a free trial available. Buti you want to make the most out of your headset would suggest going for the 14 to 15 lifetime access because once you’ve bought it, you will get the option to use Dolby tamas on your headsets in games that support it, and I can tell you NowThis will sound so Much better than the other options now most of the time, you’ll probably use a controller with the Xbox series X or Series S but did.

You know that the Xboxes support mouse and keyboard as well. You can literally plug these into the USB port on your Xbox and use them on games, as well as accessing the browser. So, if you wanted that PC gaming experience, but without an actual PC, this is a cool way of doing it. It’s also far easier to search or type out messages using a physical keyboard, rather than the onscreen options but. Just be aware that both of these needs to bemired as Wireless does not work. Okay, so this NexTone might seem obvious, but you have got to start preloading your games seriously.

Like any game you know, you’re going to play at launch whether it’s a paid for or a Game Pass game head to, the store and pre-install it as soon as you can this means it come launch Day. The game and all of its available updates and downloads are installed and ready to go, and the good thing is you can normally do this week before the game even comes out, and that leads me onto the Xbox app. Every Xbox user should have this installed on their phone already. But it’s incredible: how useful this this little app? Is it’s not just somewhere, you can check your profile or update your details.

But you can message your mates jump into parties or download games straight to your Xbox. For this to work, though, on the Xbox, you need to make sure you go into settings devices and remote features. Then you need to enable remote features in here. This will allow you to install new games and accessit from the app so yeah, if you’re not using the Xbox app, yet definitely get this downloaded as it will make your life so much easier, while playing and installing games. Okay.

Now, if you like me, and prefer to play your games with no ruction’s atoll, you might need this next, one so on the Xbox you can control which notifications and popups that you see, while you’re gaming and it’s always worth having a look through this list and seeing which of these. You definitely do not need seeing popping up. It’s also useful if you plan on screen recording or capturing your gameplay, so these don’t pop up and annoy your viewers or of course you can go ahead and disable every single one for that pretty peaceful session. Next up our games, so if you’ve got an Xbox, my biggest piece of advice, to make sure you have Game Pass seriously.

Thevolume of game and new releases that you get each month is well worth the money, especially if you want to play a huge library of games. I’ve said this before, but you only need to play three to four games a year and it’s already paid for itself like here are some of the new games that we’ve seen added recently to Game Pass. But if you’re notion Game Pass and you want some free games, where you can check out the top three games list Sogo into the store, choose top three and then scroll through the list of games. I also always enable the optimized for sarus x and S to view the newer games.

You can now see the full list which areal currently free on the Xbox are ready to be downloaded. Some of these, of course you will be familiar with like Fortnite and War Zone, but there might be some games in here that you’ve never even seen, and if you find yourself running out of space with all of these new games and updates there’s a slightly better way, you can expand your storage. So, these SSDs are already available. Buthe downside is you’ll, have a drive hanging out the back of your console and they take up a Sport, whereas these expansion cards are designed to slot into the back of the sarus S and x, and take up no physical space at all.

Both Seagate and Western Digital make these and they both offer the same storage options, and it’s just a case of plugging it into the available port on the backend, you’ve immediately doubled or even tripled your storage, and we all know why we need one of these. For that one copy of Call of Duty okays, those were some of my top tips and favorite features on the Xbox series X, and S. Is there atop that you would recommend or something that’ve missed today? Also, if you do like Xbox content make sure you subscribe for more videos like this from me now drop a nice Xbox in the comments.

Anndi’ll gives you a thumbs up for staying right, till the end and if you did enjoy today, video checkout, my top PS5 tips video next, as it covers 10tips for 2024. Well, thanks for watching, please like subscribe and follow me everywhere until next time.

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