Daily Archives: June 20, 2024

10 Things I Learned from Studying Millionaire Teachers How to Earn More Money as a Teacher

The national study of millionaires surveyed over 10 000 millionaires. What were the top three professions accountant engineer and you’ll, never believe it schoolteachers. Why? I made a video last week studying the top jobs that six figure and seven … Continue reading

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Conversation Skills in English – Hesitation devices – uh… um…

Hello there. Today, I’m going to teach you something that’s very useful, as always, and important when you are having a conversation with someone. I’ve entitled this “How to Improve Your Communication Skills” or “Your Conversation Skills”, but in general, … Continue reading

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Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

There are two types of mindsets we can cultivate: one that embraces problems as opportunities to learn and one that avoids them often out of fear to fail. People that avoid conflicts can be described as having a fixed mindset. … Continue reading

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