Monthly Archives: June 2024

Let’s Talk About Dairy

Let’s talk about dairy. Cows produce milk for the same reason as any other mammal; to feed their babies so we need to get the cow pregnant. First, we have to obtain the bull’s semen. We do this by wanking … Continue reading

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Younger Women CHASE Older Men Who Ask “Trigger” Questions

Chasing a girl equals losing her. Chasing a girl equals losing her If chasing a girl means losing a girl, then the opposite is also true. If you can get a girl to chase you, then she’s yours. And if … Continue reading

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How to Write a Headline

Well, hey everybody! It’s Tom here, just wan na make a quick video here to show you how I create headlines and those of you who have followed me for a while know that copywriting is one above the two … Continue reading

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