25 Most WTF Newspaper Headlines

You’ve got to hand it to the newspapers. They have barely a few inches of space to cram in their huge attention-grabbing headlines and not that much time to think of them either. As a result, in spite of the editorial process, many times you get some funny headlines slipping past the writers and editors. I’m Mike with List25 and Get ready to laugh because these are 25 Most WTF Newspaper Headlines.

25.Well, at least they got their money’s worth.You had one job! Turns out you did it quite well. 24. Look, I’m no lawyer, but I think…I THINK…he may be guilty. Also, what lawyer is going to take that case!? 23. WHAT? And where exactly do you think the Homeless go HOME to? 22. ¡OH! ¡I KNOW THAT GUY! He’s part of the infamous sunglass ninja gang.

21. In other news, no it doesn’t. 20. Well, I would hope so because if they did, well then, that’s an entire new set of problems. 19. And their job is now done! We did it everyone! Good works! 18. As opposed to…? 17. Well, at least we know they’re truly siblings.

16. The real news is, they were looking for a lovely coffee shop. I’d like to imagine they were all surprised. 15. Those darn 20-25 teens! Always screwing up statistics! Damn Millennials! 14. What? Your sewers don’t smell like sunshine and butterflies?

13. Argh! I HATE when I do that. I need to learn to stop.

12.Two questions…1) Why? and 2) Did it work? Okay, three questions: Where did he “learn” to do this? 11. That would seem like a good start! Oh, so THAT’S why we’ve had so many breakouts! Dammit, Johnson, I told you to order the medium-open locks!

10. I don’t believe you. What proof do you have? 9. Was the write of this article one of them?

8. Just one? That’s not a very good cemetery then.

7. Phrasing!

6. As opposed to sending them to the…closed..school? That’ll teach them! (Or not…get it?) 5. Yeah, hey, or you could not!

This might explain where those funds have been going. 4. That’ll teach those zombies! 3. They sure aren’t.

2. NOOOOOOO! They weren’t prepared! 1. I wonder if this was an intended pun.

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