3 Secrets to Connect With Influential & Successful People

Want to know the secrets to be able to connect with highly successful people well insider in today’s video. This is what I’m going to be revealing in regards to three ways: I’ve been able to do this since beginning my journey a decade ago, and you know I used to hang on with broke unsuccessful, very negative people when I was younger and today I’ll be able To reinvent that, where I now connect with, for example, world renowned leaders, you probably follow online, I got to connect with the President of Ghana.

Just last year I’ve been invited top prestigious universities, and so I’ve been able to connect with really incredibly successful people, and this is how I’ve been able to do it by utilizing these three steps, so I’m gon na reveal right now now today’s video has been inspired By a fellow insider, so let me just give him a shout out right now cause this is what he asked. So Brian commented this on Facebook Messenger. He asked: how do you find local minded? Growth minded people who have high ambitions and are working towards their dream. A lot of the people around me seem to not have much aspirations and I can’t go out and ask every person about their goals and what they’re doing to achieve them: okay, Brian just wan na, say.

Firstly, thank you so much for submitting that question and insider. If you like to also submit your question and be featured on our show, you can do that by following the link above or going directly to this link here and simply submit your question over on facebook Messenger now Brian before I begin and reveal these steps. What I wan na say is you want to think not local okay, because it sounds like you’re kind of my situation when I was growing up in a small town in in a place called Poole, which is south of England. Nobody around me were familiar about high achievement or personal development or business.

Everybody around me were pretty average in you, know mediocre, and so I began to turn to online, and so you got to not think local think global, think bigger right, because in this day and age were so fortunate to be able to connect with people from all Around the world, and so I’ll say, let’s let go of that belief and think more bigger on a global scale. And now that’s how you can reach out to these huge people as well, because now you’re not just thinking local here and you can join online groups and communities. So you can connect with them closer or maybe you can even fly out to meet them or whatever you wish.

Bearing that in mind, let’s get straight into these three steps and insider be sure to pay close attention, especially to the final one, because that one is definitely the most important. The first step is, you’ve, got ta, get yourself visible, it sounds very obvious, but people who are networking who wan na get great at networking, they don’t realize the golden rule Woody Allen, famously once said 80 %. Success is just showing up. The question is right: now, whoever you’re looking to connect to are you actually visible in their model of the world? Are you actually visible? Are you putting yourself out there? Is your personal brand out there online? Are you actually going to these networking parties?

Are you if they’re speaker are you attending their events? Are you putting your hands up and asking questions? Are you being visible or are you being invisible, because if you’re invisible, no surprise, you may not have the network that you want? You got to get yourself out there. Yes, it’s hard, if you’re an introvert like myself. Yes, it’s hard! Yes, it feels uncomfortable, but don’t let a belief hold you back from greatness, be willing to put yourself out there. You know repetition is, after all, repetition is the mother of skill you’ll get used to it. This video stuff, putting myself down out there on Facebook when I began like a decade ago, was super scary.

If you were to see some of my outtakes that I was posting when I was 17 you’ll, be like Tim, please don’t post any more of those videos, but that was me right. I had to get myself visible. I attended different different events. I basically reached out to coaches, I asked for help and I did everything to become visible to the people. I was looking to connect. That’S the first way. Let’S go into the second way, which is to get great connectors within your network. You want to look to connect with connectors, that’s the biggest leverage you’ll have, especially if you’re, shy and introverted. Where that’s the base frame. I was starting with, so I wasn’t very good at networking because it just felt really awkward and it’s because it’s not something.

You know I’m very comfortable with I don’t energize with people energized when I’m on my own, so I was thinking what’s the shortcut. What’S the way I can expand my network, and the beautiful thing I found was to connect with networkers connect with people who have already got the network around them. These are the speakers. These are the leaders, these are the people who run their communities and what you’ll find is once you get through to them. They already know who they can put you in touch with. They already know, for example, where somebody is in your local town that you could connect with so connect with these people, who are the leaders of the community and even in the online model in Facebook groups, you always see there are admins and moderators get to know Them very well now, don’t just reach out and say: hey.

Can I invite you for coffee, because I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve received a message like that on Instagram or Facebook when I’m visiting different countries, but it’s automatic no. Why?

Because there’s so many requests and if I was to just chuck out my time like that, I would have time for myself and my loved ones, and so it’s always reminding yourself that you cannot approach these people in the same manner as the average people. You got to be different, and this leads perfectly on to the third point, which is to lead with value.

Remember nobody cares what you want the world doesn’t, owe you anything, that’s a mindset. I want you to adopt the belief I want you to adopt, because if you think like the world owes you something you’re networking is goon an, be very hard. Your network and expanding that your goon an struggle. Why? Because think about it? If you’re goon an approach a successful person and you’re like oh, please can I take you out for coffee whatever, maybe or please be my network, they didn’t care, they’re thinking. Why should I have you in my network? If you’re unsuccessful, you just want something from me.

Everybody can tell what the hidden agenda is. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve met somebody who’ve seen me speaking on the stage, and I can tell they just want an pick my brain and go. I mean think about that. Why it’s just for my analogy point of view somebody wants to pick your brain right. This seems terrible. Why would you even let them do that? But secondly, why would I let somebody just pick my brain then just go with that’s just like being abused right.

It’s like a prostitute, so realize everybody else is approaching. People who’ve got communities or who’ve got some sort of impact online in exact same manner and every now and then I meet somebody who comes across totally differently and that’s when I’m more than happy to serve people. Who’ve got no hidden agenda; they just want some help.

I’ve had people reaching out to me just wanted to volunteer to impact the world. People who’ve been sharing my videos and they just shown that impact that they’ve been having I’ve had teachers sharing my videos to them to their class in front of tons of students.

Things like this is beautiful, leading with value not asking for anything in return because a hidden agenda, we can feel it. It’S just like how, when you receive that phone call from a salesperson, no matter how cheerful they are, you know back of their mind what they’re trying to do right. You know exactly what they looking to do back of your mind, and so I want you to realize. Let go of the outcome in regard to what you want focus on what they want: focus on their desires, focus purely on them and add tons of value. In regard to what they want, whatever you do, don’t ever say to them. Hey.

Can I please help you? How can I help you, because that makes us feel guilty? Trust me because we’re just like we didn’t even ask, but we didn’t even ask for people to help us right and people just reaching out and say, hey make yourself. You know what that does is for me when I receive messages like that and alongside my friends, who’ve got great impact.

You know I’ve got really cool friends with huge impact online and we all go through the same situation. People saying can I please help you. If your broad, with the thing, you’re looking to add value with your, making us create like decisions for you, we’re not goon an reply back to those messages be specific. What’s the problem you’ve seen, how can you solve that with your expertise when I was when I was growing up looking to expand my network, I would literally volunteer my time every Saturday I’ll be going over recording videos uploading on to YouTube cause.

I’ve been specializing online market for almost a decade, so I literally the way I reached out was, I said, hey I really want an help. You have YouTube channel, and I just contribute a value after value after value not expecting anything in return. I did it because I believe the right thing to do is always the right thing to do lead with value and I’ll tell you that one connection has actually been very valuable to me in regard to I got to connect with a billionaire from that one connection:

I’ve got to connect with all the other different, influential people all because of this one connection, but when I was providing value to this person, I wasn’t doing it to receive something I was just giving because I believed giving is always the right thing to do so.

These are three ways that you can do this, how you can expand your network? Yes, it may seem difficult. Yes, it may seem hard, but after all, isn’t the things that we really want a little difficult to achieve, of course, because if it was easy, everybody would do it and so always remember lead with value, be visible out there and you want an connect with The connectors to get the leverage that’s the fastest way that you can network with people without having to be constantly networking online and offline. I hope you found this video helpful if you have been sure to click that like button and if you want an, submit your question insider. All you have to do is follow the link.

That’ll show up upper side of me right now or go directly to the link here to submit your question over on Facebook messenger and you have a chance to be featured on our show as well. So, thank you so much for watching and comment below by the way, if you’ve got any feedback whatever may be and as always follow heart and take action and go live the life, you’re truly born to live insider I’ll, see you on the next video soon take Care.



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