6 TIPS to get more VIEWS and SALES to your ETSY SHOP using PINTEREST

Etsy and pinterest are little like one and cheese or wine and chocolate. You know like they really work well together, real winning combination and many Etsy sellers, and I’m going to assume – because you clicked on this video – that it might be you to start looking at Pinterest when they want to increase the Etsy, shop’s views and, of course, sales By driving their own traffic to their shop and not rely entirely on incus kind of a way to not only get more views and sales, but also to make sure not all your eggs are in the same one at cusp basket, which is a really smart move And one I’m always recommending what usually happens, then, is that you get to Pinterest and the whole thing can feel a little overwhelming, there’s, certainly a learning curve with the platform whether you’ve never used it or you have before personal stuff, not like as a business trying To get views and sales from it, so what i want to do with this video is help you with that learning curve.

By sharing with you the six most important things, you must do to get views and sales to your Etsy shop using Pinterest, let’s dive in bonjour, I’m deb founder of Teeko, a community filmmakers and handmade shop owners, just like your fabulous self and today I’d love to Share with you, six Pinterest success tips, so you can boost your Etsy views and sales number one. The first thing you need to do is to set things up properly. There are two things: you’ll want to do here. The first one is creating a business account on Pinterest. It’s, of course, entirely free and all you need really is an email address. If you’ve used Pinterest under a personal account in the past, my recommendation would be to open a second new account as a business profile. So, you can keep the two things separate.

That’s my preference, as it keeps business, Pinterest and personal Pinterest profile, clearly separates. You can do if you prefer switch from a personal account to a business account but remember your business account should be all about getting views and sales to your Etsy store. So, if you like to pin stuff for yourself and your personal life, my preference would be that you make those boards private or that you archive them once you have your Pinterest business profile set up. The next thing you must do is claim your Etsy account with Pinterest. Essentially, all this means is that you’re, linking your Etsy shop to the Pinterest platform, so you can get access to business, features, features sorry and make the most out of Pinterest. This includes things like better Pinterest stats, so you can better track your Pinterest results and see which pins are sending most traffic and views to your Etsy shop, so quite useful and rich pins.

So, when you claim your Etsy account with Pinterest, it will automatically activate something called rich beans for you all. This means is that any pins on pinterest, that’s linked to your etsy shop or etsy listings, will automatically sync with pinterest, showing price availability and things like that. It also means that, when people use pinterest and filter results to show products, your pin will be correctly tagged and show up. This is, for example, if someone types macrame plant hanger on Pinterest, they might be looking for a day tutorial to make their own or to buy a product already made, in which case they can easily filter to products, and only products will show up. This is very useful when you’re using the platform to make sales and want to avoid people looking for diy to click on your pins, for example, again, you don’t need to do anything to get rich beans.

It’s automatically done for you when you claim your Etsy account with Pinterest, claiming your hoc account is super easy. You simply need to go under your Pinterest settings and enter your Etsy shop password and boom you’re done number two. Your tip two is keyword research. It’s the step you most want to skip. I see you, i know you will want to skip this. In fact, most et cells want to skip this step and i insist you do not it’s by far the most important step for one simple reason: Pinterest is a search engine and everything on Pinterest works around keywords and search terms that Pinterest users type in the search Bar that’s how people will find your pins taking the time to do keyword.

Research on the platform is very important because then you’ll use docx keywords in multiple locations to signal to Pinterest what your pins are about, and this is essentially how to show up in search on Pinterest you’ll need them in your profile. Description on your board titles, your board, descriptions, your pin, titles, your pin description and even on your actual pin design. As yes, Pinterest can read what you write on your pin design, so quite an important step. If you already have a list of keywords that you’re using on Etsy, this is going to be a great starting point to do your keyword, research on Pinterest, but please remember that these are two different platforms and that users on each platform use them slightly differently. So, although some Etsy keywords might also do well on Pinterest, and viceversa – that’s not always the case and your keyword.

Strategy on Pinterest and on Etsy might differ a little on the topic of keywords. I also recommend you use the pinterest trends tool to see when keywords on trending on the platform over the course of a year. This is really helpful and important, so you know when to start pinning for christmas or when you start painting for easter or any other event like that people usually search on Pinterest month before the actual season or holiday. So, it’s a great thing to take note of this, so that you can start pinning early enough and really leverage those trends. Tip number three is creating the right pinterest boards for your etsy products. Every pinterest account is organized using what they call boards a board is essentially a group or collection of pins and has a board title or board name and a board description. Every pin, that’s added to the platform, needs to be added to a board.

You can’t just pin a pin to Pinterest in general, it needs to be added or saved to a Pinterest board. That’s how Pinterest really works. So, of course, this means that boards are very important. You can’t do without them, but they are also key to being found in search on the platform as your pinterest board. Titles and descriptions are sending signals to the pinterest algorithm as to what your pins and what your account in general are about. For this reason, it’s really important to use the keywords you found when you did your keyword, research and use them inside of your board titles or your board names and your board description, something i see, Etsy sellers do a lot here is using the same categories or Sections you have in your Etsy shop as your board titles.

This is not a good strategy, because those shop categories are not necessarily the best keywords on Pinterest, so don’t try and use boards the same way. You would use categories or section in your shop instead create boards based on your Pinterest keyword. Research boards work differently than categories in a shop would, in the sense that you can and will have the same product pin under different boards. So, unlike sharp categories, there can and should be an overlap in your board themes. So, for example, you might have a pin for a pair of earrings that will be saved to your bohemian silver jewelry board and to your boho wedding accessories board.

This sends a signal to Pinterest that that particular product pin is about those two sets of keywords, which is a great thing, because then you show up in search for those. So when creating your boards make sure that one all your board names or your titles are based on keyword, research, two, that your products and product pins would fit nicely into a few of these different boards. So, you can save the same, pin to several of your boards and three that all your boards can be used to save your pins to it. For example, if you sell natural skincare products, don’t go creating a board about, say healthy family recipes. Yes, your customers who are interested in in this case natural skin care, might also be interested in healthy food recipes for their family, but your products aren’t going to fit on that board, so no need for it.

This used to be a useful strategy. It isn’t anymore, if you can’t add any of your products pins to a board because it wouldn’t fit with the board topic, don’t create that board or if you have a few of those boards already on your profile, account simply archive them and move on number four. We need to talk about pinning, so one of the questions i get asked most often is this: should i pin from my Etsy shop to Pinterest or upload the pins directly to Pinterest instead and the answer is you can and should do both? You can share your products from Etsy to Pinterest, but you will also need to upload pins directly to Pinterest after that. So, you can pin your Etsy listing photos to Pinterest as a starting point, but you should also add pins to Pinterest directly.

Why two main reasons your Etsy listings are not going to be the ideal size for Pinterest, meaning that they’ll be horizontal or square when Pinterest is really all about those longer vertical graphics, so you can still pin your Etsy listing images to the platform you’re not going To get penalized because they’re, not you, know long and vertical, but you will want to also create those vertical longer, pin graphics for your products and add them directly to Pinterest, because vertical graphics do work best on Pinterest, so size. I guess is the first reason. There’s another one though, and the second reason is that just adding your Etsy listing images as pins is not going to be enough pins.

What i mean by that is that to be successful on Pinterest, you need to regularly add new graphics to the platform for each of your products. This is because pinterest prioritizes what they call fresh beans. I go into a lot more details about this. What fresh pins are and how to create a lot of them easily in under 20 minutes in another video that I’ll link below so, if you’re interested in learning more about this, make sure to watch it after you finish watching this one tip number five is optimizing. Your pins for Pinterest, not for Etsy, you need to make sure that you use the keywords you found earlier in your pin description and in your pin titles, when you add them to your boards, when you save them too Pinterest.

This is true, if you add them directly to Pinterest, but also, if you pin from Etsy to Pinterest, don’t just leave the info that Pinterest is going to grab from Etsy it’s there, but it’s not going to look pretty. You want to make sure that you rewrite your product description, title with Pinterest keywords in mind instead. Similarly, if you’re pinning an image with text on it, remember that Pinterest can read the words on the image, so if it makes sense to do so, you can also use keywords on your actual pin, graphics, making sure you use keywords in all these places will make A great difference to how well you do on the platform number six is creating a pinning schedule and considering tailwind to automate your strategy you’re going to need to craft your very own, pinning schedule pinning routine to make sure that you’re consistently adding new fresh pins. For your products, which is what the algorithm favors to do, that, i have two recommendations for you.

The first one is a video I’ve done on this exact topic that i will link to below so watch it and the second one is, if you need in-depth, tutorials and a step-by-step system to go from Xero to cells with your Etsy shop using Pinterest. I will also link to your Pinterest and tailwind for Pinterest course below both available over at Tesco and created to help Etsy sellers like yourself, get more views and sales from Pinterest definitely worth taking a look at and in it we really dive deep into how to Create your schedule how to automate thing and simplify using Pinterest for your Etsy shop, thanks for watching and until next time, Auja.



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