Guided Mindfulness Meditation: Being the Boundless – Become Your Best Self (15 minutes)

Allow yourself, this time to find a comforting balance and centeredness within yourself find a comfortable spot where you can bring focus and attention for this time begin by breathing gently in and out, as you start to take notice of your pattern of breathing. Just allow your arms and legs to release any tension. Let gravity pull them gently downward, continue to feel that gentle breath in and outland again bring your focus and attention to it.

Your chest moving up and down slowly and comfortably and on your next breath as you breathe out, just let your limbs relax even further releasing any of that remaining tension.

During this time, you may become especially aware of your senses. The feeling of the surfaces, you’re touching against the amount of light in the room. You may hear detailed sounds that may haveotherwise gone unnoticed, and all of these are fine, just allow yourself to experiencethese and accept them without judgment. Just take that time to find the centered feeling of the present moment.

As you become increasingly aware and increasingly centered, you will become open to contemplate our topic of focus for today, being the boundless finding acceptance and being your best self. What does it mean to become the boundless It means to unlock? What we already have within suit is to find acceptance withindoors and with our surroundings and. Ultimately, it is to make way for our best self to shine through.

We will now do five short affirmations, or short phrases which you can repeat after me either out loud or in your head and then we’ll take a moment of silent contemplation to reflect let’s. Try this now repeating after me and allowing yourself to become more and more present here in this moment as we count Five. I welcome this moment. Four I become present Three.

I open my heart and mind Two becoming my best self-One becoming the boundless. When we talk about being present, it does not meanthat. We cannot actively learn from our past andfuture. It means that we avoid the unconscious clutter and noise that fogs our true path. Looking forward. Actually, means being present but with a purpose, just as when we are walking, we understand that each foot is placed one Infront of the other, with a clarity of purpose of being successful through that clarity of mind cutting through the noise of our unconscious mind.

And so, with these ideas present, we once again count using our affirmations starting now.

Five, I welcome this moment. Four I become present Three.

I open my heart and mind Two Becoming my best self-One Becoming the boundless Great Now, as you go forth, embrace these ideas to anchor yourself in the present, while learning from your past and looking ahead into the future.

With purpose, you understand how failure is a teaching tool and how, we must learn from it yet also let them go.

You understand how to embody success, to clarify your goals and connect deeply both within yourself and others and. You understand what it means to be: the boundless to become your best self and, lastly, going forward we remind us to be grateful, forth earth for good fortune for good deeds. We take all of this with us, as we move forward into the days and weeks to follow and so counting one last time with numbers only.

We prepare to finish this session and continue forward withal powerful new mindset becoming the boundless becoming the boundless counting five. Four three two one

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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