Visualization Techniques to Manifest Desired Outcomes – Law of Attraction

So I have a question for you today. Is visualization part of your daily routine? If not here are some tips to help incorporate this awesome success technique into your day.

Close your eyes and take a few minutes to consciously relax your body and your breathing. Begin visualizing an outcome that you want which could be a successful sales call, a new car that you’re lusting after or a luxury vacation. Engage all of your senses and notice what you see, hear, smell, taste and most importantly, what you feel. Focus on the emotions of love and joy and rather than watching yourself as if you’re viewing a scene in a movie, immerse yourself in the experience from the first person.

So for example, rather than watching yourself on the stage speaking to a group of people, imagine that you are on the stage and looking out over the audience, seeing the smiles on their faces, seeing them encouraging you, feeling confident, feeling excited feeling like you’re in the zone or in your element and hearing the applause when your talk is done.

Take just 3 to 5 minutes per day to visualize, preferably first thing in the morning or last thing before bed or both. The reason for this is that first thing in the morning or last thing before bed is when we’re most relaxed and, when we visualize right before going to sleep our unconscious mind goes to work on bringing our desires to us so then, you’re likely to wake up the next morning with some sort of inspiration to write a blog post, make a phone call record a video or some other flash of inspiration.

The inspiration might not make sense to you at the time but it’s likely a step along the path to achieving your goals and it’ll make sense at a later time. But a couple of key reasons why people fail at conscious creation and visualization is a lack of clarity and a lack of consistency. They’re not clear on what they want because they’ve allowed their limiting beliefs to get in the way so for example, they want a new car but can’t decide on a make model and color so maybe one day, they’re out and about and they spot a new Audi a3 in blue and they fall in love.

When they get home, they start doing some research online and discover that the price is just way too high from for them or at least that’s what their belief is and they start telling themselves stories that they can’t afford it, that their friends and family will be jealous, that they’ll be criticized and that stops them from going any further.

So then, they start contemplating other car options. Maybe they start looking at Toyota Corollas or Honda Accords but they can’t decide because the Corolla and the Accord are not really what they want in the first place. What they really want is the Audi a3 but they’ve decided it’s not in the cards for them. All of this sends mixed messages to the universe.

So be really clear on what it is you want. Make a decision and forget about the “how”. Don’t worry about how it’s going to come to you because you’ll block your manifestation. One of the best ways to do that is to work on releasing limiting beliefs you have about your desires. However it can be tricky to even identify them in order to release them.

It takes a lot of self-awareness and oftentimes the help of a coach. But if you can identify your limiting beliefs and work through releasing them then you will be much further ahead in realizing your desires than you would be otherwise.

The other issue is consistency. Be consistent with your visualization practice. It’s not usually a one and done situation.

Although it can be but typically you will need to practice your visualization for a week month or sometimes even years before you achieve your goal. But it’s important to have fun with this and with other law of attraction processes. Make it light and fun, the way you did as a kid. Just play pretend. And you may find it helpful to write out your visualization ahead of time.

Describe the scene in detail and engage all of your senses. What do you see? What are you hear? What do you hear somebody else saying to you? Is someone congratulating you?
Is there music playing? Do you taste or smell anything? And most importantly how do you feel joyful? Accomplished? Peaceful?

Grateful? Relief? Security? If you have trouble accessing the feeling part, recall a past memory where you felt joyful or felt really accomplished and really immerse yourself in that memory and savor the emotions that you felt back then. Practice those feelings and then recall those emotions again when you’re visualizing your goal or desire.

And as you go about your day, remember to act as if your desire is already here. So if you want to get a new car, you can imagine the car sitting in your driveway as you leave the house. And when you get into your current car, look out over the steering wheel and imagine it’s the color of the car you desire and then when you’re driving around, if you spot your dream car just claim it! And you might say something like “hey there’s my new car”. Now I’ve had clients tell me that they have trouble with visualization if that’s you, here’s an exercise that can help you strengthen your visualization muscle.

Go to the fridge and take out some juice or milk or something else that you enjoy drinking. Pay attention to each step as you do this then sit down, close your eyes and run through the scene again in your mind’s eye. Notice the sound of the fridge opening and the sound of the drink pouring into the glass and the sound you make while you’re drinking. Notice the color of the drink and the shape of the glass and notice how the drink feels and tastes as it touches your lips and travels down your throat as well as the relief and satisfaction you feel with quenching your thirst. Do this daily for at least a week and then apply this technique to any other desire that you have.

By then you should be pretty accomplished at visualization. In a future video, I’ll be talking about how you can identify and release limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your desires. I hope you found this video helpful. Thank you very much for watching If you want more content like this, make sure you hit the subscribe button and the bell notification, so you’ll be notified then next time I post a new video.

Thanks again for watching and have an awesome day!


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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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